path: root/elpa/auctex-13.1.3/style/minted.el
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'elpa/auctex-13.1.3/style/minted.el')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 475 deletions
diff --git a/elpa/auctex-13.1.3/style/minted.el b/elpa/auctex-13.1.3/style/minted.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 354213b..0000000
--- a/elpa/auctex-13.1.3/style/minted.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,475 +0,0 @@
-;;; minted.el --- AUCTeX style for `minted.sty' (v2.5) -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2014-2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;; Author: Tassilo Horn <>
-;; Maintainer:
-;; Created: 2014-12-19
-;; Keywords: tex
-;; This file is part of AUCTeX.
-;; AUCTeX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-;; any later version.
-;; AUCTeX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with AUCTeX; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-;; Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
-;; 02110-1301, USA.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; This file adds support for `minted.sty' (v2.5) from 2017/07/19.
-;;; Code:
-(require 'tex)
-(require 'latex)
-;; Silence the compiler:
-(declare-function font-latex-add-keywords
- "font-latex"
- (keywords class))
-(declare-function font-latex-set-syntactic-keywords
- "font-latex")
-(declare-function LaTeX-color-definecolor-list "color" ())
-(declare-function LaTeX-xcolor-definecolor-list "xcolor" ())
-(declare-function LaTeX-add-newfloat-DeclareFloatingEnvironments
- "newfloat" (&rest newfloat-declarefloatingenvironments))
-(defvar font-latex-syntactic-keywords-extra)
-(defvar LaTeX-minted-key-val-options
- '(("autogobble" ("true" "false"))
- ("baselinestretch" ("auto"))
- ("beameroverlays" ("true" "false"))
- ("breakafter")
- ("breakaftergroup" ("true" "false"))
- ("breakaftersymbolpre")
- ("breakaftersymbolpost")
- ("breakanywhere" ("true" "false"))
- ("breakanywheresymbolpre")
- ("breakanywheresymbolpost")
- ("breakautoindent" ("true" "false"))
- ("breakbefore")
- ("breakbeforegroup" ("true" "false"))
- ("breakbeforesymbolpre")
- ("breakbeforesymbolpost")
- ("breakbytoken" ("true" "false"))
- ("breakbytokenanywhere" ("true" "false"))
- ("breakindent")
- ("breakindentnchars")
- ("breaklines" ("true" "false"))
- ("breaksymbol")
- ("breaksymbolleft")
- ("breaksymbolright")
- ("breaksymbolindent")
- ("breaksymbolindentnchars")
- ("breaksymbolindentleft")
- ("breaksymbolindentleftnchars")
- ("breaksymbolindentright")
- ("breaksymbolseprightnchars")
- ("breaksymbolsep")
- ("breaksymbolsepnchars")
- ("breaksymbolsepleft")
- ("breaksymbolsepleftnchars")
- ("breaksymbolsepright")
- ("breaksymbolseprightnchars")
- ("bgcolor")
- ("codetagify")
- ("curlyquotes" ("true" "false"))
- ("encoding")
- ("escapeinside")
- ("firstline")
- ("firstnumber" ("auto" "last" "integer"))
- ("fontfamily" ("tt" "courier" "helvetica"))
- ("fontseries" ("auto"))
- ("fontsize" ("auto" "\\tiny" "\\large" "\\scriptsize" "\\Large"
- "\\footnotesize" "\\LARGE" "\\small" "\\huge"
- "\\normalsize" "\\Huge"))
- ("fontshape" ("auto"))
- ("formatcom")
- ("frame" ("none" "leftline" "topline" "bottomline" "lines" "single"))
- ("framerule")
- ("framesep")
- ("funcnamehighlighting" ("true" "false"))
- ("gobble")
- ("highlightcolor")
- ("highlightlines")
- ("keywordcase" ("lower" "upper" "capitalize"))
- ("label")
- ("labelposition" ("none" "topline" "bottomline" "all"))
- ("lastline")
- ("linenos" ("true" "false"))
- ("numberfirstline" ("true" "false"))
- ("numbers" ("left" "right" "both" "none"))
- ("mathescape" ("true" "false"))
- ("numberblanklines" ("true" "false"))
- ("numbersep")
- ("obeytabs" ("true" "false"))
- ("outencoding")
- ("python3" ("true" "false"))
- ("resetmargins" ("true" "false"))
- ("rulecolor")
- ("samepage" ("true" "false"))
- ("showspaces" ("true" "false"))
- ("showtabs" ("true" "false"))
- ("space")
- ("spacecolor")
- ("startinline" ("true" "false"))
- ;; FIXME: It would be nice to use the function
- ;; `LaTeX-minted-style-list' here, but with a file local var like:
- ;; %%% TeX-command-extra-options: "-shell-escape"
- ;; in a .tex file, Emacs asks to apply a variable which is not
- ;; safe and does not restore the window; the splitted frame
- ;; remains. I couldn't figure out why, so for now, I add the
- ;; styles from Pygments version 2.11 here.
- ("style" ("abap" "algol" "algol_nu" "arduino" "autumn"
- "borland" "bw" "colorful" "default" "dracula"
- "emacs" "friendly" "friendly_grayscale" "fruity"
- "gruvbox-dark" "gruvbox-light" "igor" "inkpot"
- "lilypond" "lovelace" "manni" "material"
- "monokai" "murphy" "native" "one-dark"
- "paraiso-dark" "paraiso-light" "pastie" "perldoc"
- "rainbow_dash" "rrt" "sas" "solarized-dark"
- "solarized-light" "stata-dark" "stata-light"
- "stata" "tango" "trac" "vim" "vs" "xcode"
- "zenburn"))
- ("stepnumber")
- ("stepnumberfromfirst")
- ("stepnumberoffsetvalues" ("true" "false"))
- ("stripall" ("true" "false"))
- ("stripnl" ("true" "false"))
- ("tab")
- ("tabcolor")
- ("tabsize")
- ("texcl" ("true" "false"))
- ("texcomments" ("true" "false"))
- ("xleftmargin")
- ("xrightmargin"))
- "Key=value options for minted macros and environments.")
-(defun LaTeX-minted-key-val-options ()
- "Return an updated list of key=vals from minted package.
-This function retrieves values of (user) defined colors and
-prepends them to variable `LaTeX-minted-key-val-options'."
- (append
- (when (or (member "xcolor" (TeX-style-list))
- (member "color" TeX-active-styles))
- (let* ((colorcmd (if (member "xcolor" TeX-active-styles)
- #'LaTeX-xcolor-definecolor-list
- #'LaTeX-color-definecolor-list))
- (colors (mapcar #'car (funcall colorcmd)))
- (keys '("bgcolor" "highlightcolor"
- "rulecolor" "spacecolor" "tabcolor"))
- result)
- (dolist (key keys result)
- (push (list key colors) result))))
- LaTeX-minted-key-val-options))
-(defvar LaTeX-minted-pygmentize-program (executable-find "pygmentize"))
-(defvar LaTeX-minted-language-list nil
- "List containing languages provided by pymentize program.")
-(defun LaTeX-minted-language-list (&rest _ignored)
- "Return a list of languages provided by pymentize program.
-Update the variable `LaTeX-minted-language-list' if still nil."
- (or LaTeX-minted-language-list
- (when LaTeX-minted-pygmentize-program
- (with-temp-buffer
- (shell-command (concat LaTeX-minted-pygmentize-program " -L lexers")
- (current-buffer))
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (let (languages)
- (while (re-search-forward "^\\*[[:space:]]\\([^:]+\\):" nil t)
- (dolist (lang (split-string (match-string 1) "[[:space:],]" t))
- (push lang languages)))
- (setq LaTeX-minted-language-list languages))
- LaTeX-minted-language-list))))
-(defun LaTeX-arg-minted-language (optional &optional prompt)
- "Insert a selected pygmentize language as argument for macros from minted.sty.
-If OPTIONAL is non-nil, insert it as optional argument in
-brackets. PROMPT replaces the standard one."
- (TeX-argument-insert
- (completing-read (TeX-argument-prompt optional prompt "Language")
- (LaTeX-minted-language-list))
- optional))
-(defvar LaTeX-minted-style-list nil
- "List containing styles provided by pymentize program.")
-(defun LaTeX-minted-style-list (&rest _ignored)
- "Return a list of styles provided by pymentize program.
-Update the variable `LaTeX-minted-style-list' if still nil."
- (or LaTeX-minted-style-list
- (when LaTeX-minted-pygmentize-program
- (with-temp-buffer
- (shell-command (concat LaTeX-minted-pygmentize-program " -L styles")
- (current-buffer))
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (let (styles)
- (while (re-search-forward "^\\*[[:space:]]\\([^:]+\\):" nil t)
- (dolist (style (split-string (match-string 1) "[[:space:],]" t))
- (push style styles)))
- (setq LaTeX-minted-style-list styles))
- LaTeX-minted-style-list))))
-(defun LaTeX-arg-minted-style (optional &optional prompt)
- "Insert a selected pygmentize style as argument for macros from minted.sty.
-If OPTIONAL is non-nil, insert it as optional argument in
-brackets. PROMPT replaces the standard one."
- (TeX-argument-insert
- (completing-read (TeX-argument-prompt optional prompt "Style")
- (LaTeX-minted-style-list))
- optional))
-(defvar LaTeX-minted-auto-newminted nil)
-(defvar LaTeX-minted-newminted-regexp
- '("\\\\newminted\\(?:\\[\\([^]]+\\)\\]\\)?{\\([^}]+\\)}{[^}]*}"
- (1 2) LaTeX-minted-auto-newminted))
-(defvar LaTeX-minted-auto-newmint nil)
-(defvar LaTeX-minted-newmint-regexp
- '("\\\\newmint\\(?:\\[\\([^]]+\\)\\]\\)?{\\([^}]+\\)}{[^}]*}"
- (1 2) LaTeX-minted-auto-newmint))
-(defvar LaTeX-minted-auto-newmintinline nil)
-(defvar LaTeX-minted-newmintinline-regexp
- '("\\\\newmintinline\\(?:\\[\\([^]]+\\)\\]\\)?{\\([^}]+\\)}{[^}]*}"
- (1 2) LaTeX-minted-auto-newmintinline))
-(defvar LaTeX-minted-auto-newmintedfile nil)
-(defvar LaTeX-minted-newmintedfile-regexp
- '("\\\\newmintedfile\\(?:\\[\\([^]]+\\)\\]\\)?{\\([^}]+\\)}{[^}]*}"
- (1 2) LaTeX-minted-auto-newmintedfile))
-(defun LaTeX-minted-auto-prepare ()
- (setq LaTeX-minted-auto-newminted nil
- LaTeX-minted-auto-newmint nil
- LaTeX-minted-auto-newmintinline nil
- LaTeX-minted-auto-newmintedfile nil
- LaTeX-minted-language-list nil
- LaTeX-minted-style-list nil))
-(defun LaTeX-minted-auto-cleanup ()
- ;; \newminted{lang}{opts} => new langcode and langcode* envs.
- ;; \newminted[envname]{lang}{opts} => new envname/envname* envs.
- (dolist (name-lang LaTeX-minted-auto-newminted)
- (let* ((env (if (> (length (car name-lang)) 0)
- (car name-lang)
- (concat (cadr name-lang) "code")))
- (env* (concat env "*")))
- (add-to-list 'LaTeX-auto-environment (list env))
- (add-to-list 'LaTeX-auto-environment
- (list env* #'LaTeX-env-args
- '(TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-minted-key-val-options))))
- (add-to-list 'LaTeX-indent-environment-list `(,env current-indentation) t)
- (add-to-list 'LaTeX-indent-environment-list `(,env* current-indentation) t)
- (add-to-list 'LaTeX-verbatim-environments-local env)
- (add-to-list 'LaTeX-verbatim-environments-local env*)))
- ;; \newmint{foo}{opts} => \foo[key=vals]|code|
- ;; \newmint[macname]{foo}{opts} => \macname[key=vals]|code|
- (dolist (name-lang LaTeX-minted-auto-newmint)
- (let ((lang (if (> (length (car name-lang)) 0)
- (car name-lang)
- (cadr name-lang))))
- (add-to-list 'TeX-auto-symbol
- `(,lang [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-minted-key-val-options)]
- TeX-arg-verb))
- (add-to-list 'LaTeX-verbatim-macros-with-delims-local lang)
- (when (and (fboundp 'font-latex-add-keywords)
- (eq TeX-install-font-lock 'font-latex-setup))
- (font-latex-add-keywords `((,lang "[")) 'textual))))
- ;; \newmintinline{foo}{opts} => \fooinline[key=vals]|code| or
- ;; \fooinline[key=vals]{code}
- ;; \newmintinline[macname]{foo}{opts} => \macname[key=vals]|code| or
- ;; \macname[key=vals]{code}
- (dolist (name-lang LaTeX-minted-auto-newmintinline)
- (let ((lang (if (> (length (car name-lang)) 0)
- (car name-lang)
- (concat (cadr name-lang) "inline"))))
- (add-to-list 'TeX-auto-symbol
- `(,lang [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-minted-key-val-options)]
- TeX-arg-verb-delim-or-brace))
- (add-to-list 'LaTeX-verbatim-macros-with-delims-local lang)
- (add-to-list 'LaTeX-verbatim-macros-with-braces-local lang)
- (when (and (fboundp 'font-latex-add-keywords)
- (eq TeX-install-font-lock 'font-latex-setup))
- (font-latex-add-keywords `((,lang "[")) 'textual))))
- ;; \newmintedfile{foo}{opts} => \foofile[key=vals]{file-name}
- ;; \newmintedfile[macname]{foo}{opts} => \macname[key=vals]{file-name}
- (dolist (name-lang LaTeX-minted-auto-newmintedfile)
- (let ((lang (if (> (length (car name-lang)) 0)
- (car name-lang)
- (concat (cadr name-lang) "file"))))
- (add-to-list 'TeX-auto-symbol
- `(,lang [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-minted-key-val-options)]
- TeX-arg-file))))
- (when (and (fboundp 'font-latex-set-syntactic-keywords)
- (eq TeX-install-font-lock 'font-latex-setup))
- ;; Refresh font-locking so that the verbatim envs take effect.
- (font-latex-set-syntactic-keywords)))
-(add-hook 'TeX-auto-prepare-hook #'LaTeX-minted-auto-prepare t)
-(add-hook 'TeX-auto-cleanup-hook #'LaTeX-minted-auto-cleanup t)
-(add-hook 'TeX-update-style-hook #'TeX-auto-parse t)
-(defun LaTeX-minted-add-syntactic-keywords-extra (type macro)
- "Add MACRO from minted.sty to `font-latex-syntactic-keywords-extra'.
-TYPE is one of the symbols `brace' or `delim' indicating how
-verbatim text is enclosed after the macro. MACRO is a string or
-a list of strings."
- (let ((syntax (if (eq type 'brace)
- '((1 "|") (2 "|"))
- '((1 "\"") (2 ".") (3 "\""))))
- regexp)
- (when (listp macro)
- (setq macro (regexp-opt macro "\\(?:")))
- (setq regexp `(,(concat
- ;; The backslash
- (regexp-quote TeX-esc)
- ;; Name of the macro(s)
- macro
- ;; The optional argument
- "\\(?:\\[[^][]*\\(?:\\[[^][]*\\][^][]*\\)*\\]\\)?"
- ;; The first mandatory argument
- "\\(?:{[^}]+}\\)"
- ;; With 'brace, allow braced sub-groups otherwise
- ;; we stop matching too early. With 'delim, copy
- ;; font-latex.el:
- (if (eq type 'brace)
- (concat "\\({\\)"
- "\\(?:[^}{]*"
- "\\(?:{[^}{]*"
- "\\(?:{[^}{]*"
- "\\(?:{[^}{]*}[^}{]*\\)*"
- "}[^}{]*\\)*"
- "}[^}{]*\\)*"
- "\\)"
- "\\(}\\)")
- (concat
- ;; Opening delimiter
- "\\([^a-z@*\n\f{]\\).*?"
- ;; Closing delimiter
- "\\(" (regexp-quote TeX-esc) "*\\)\\(\\1\\)")))))
- (add-to-list 'font-latex-syntactic-keywords-extra (append regexp syntax))))
- "minted"
- (lambda ()
- ;; New symbols
- (TeX-add-symbols
- '("mint"
- [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-minted-key-val-options)]
- LaTeX-arg-minted-language TeX-arg-verb)
- '("mintinline"
- [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-minted-key-val-options)]
- LaTeX-arg-minted-language TeX-arg-verb-delim-or-brace)
- '("newminted" ["Environment Name"] LaTeX-arg-minted-language
- (TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-minted-key-val-options)))
- '("newmint" ["Macro Name"] LaTeX-arg-minted-language
- (TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-minted-key-val-options)))
- '("newmintinline" ["Macro Name"] LaTeX-arg-minted-language
- (TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-minted-key-val-options)))
- '("newmintedfile" ["Macro Name"] LaTeX-arg-minted-language
- (TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-minted-key-val-options)))
- ;; 3.3 Formatting source code
- '("inputminted"
- [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-minted-key-val-options)]
- (LaTeX-arg-minted-language)
- TeX-arg-file)
- ;; 3.4 Using different styles
- '("usemintedstyle"
- [ LaTeX-arg-minted-language ] LaTeX-arg-minted-style)
- ;; 5.2 Macro option usage
- '("setminted"
- [ LaTeX-arg-minted-language ]
- (TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-minted-key-val-options)))
- '("setmintedinline"
- [ LaTeX-arg-minted-language ]
- (TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-minted-key-val-options))))
- ;; New environments
- (LaTeX-add-environments
- '("minted" LaTeX-env-args [TeX-arg-key-val (LaTeX-minted-key-val-options)]
- LaTeX-arg-minted-language))
- ;; 4 Floating listings: If option "newfloat" is given, run the
- ;; style hook and use the interface provided by the style,
- ;; otherwise add "listing" manually
- (if (or (LaTeX-provided-package-options-member "minted" "newfloat")
- (LaTeX-provided-package-options-member "minted" "newfloat=true"))
- (progn
- (TeX-run-style-hooks "newfloat")
- (LaTeX-add-newfloat-DeclareFloatingEnvironments
- '("listing" "verbatim")))
- (LaTeX-add-environments '("listing" ["Float Position"]))
- (TeX-add-symbols '("listoflistings")
- '("listingscaption")
- '("listoflistingscaption"))
- (add-to-list (make-local-variable 'LaTeX-indent-environment-list)
- '("listing" current-indentation) t)
- (add-to-list 'LaTeX-label-alist '("listing" . LaTeX-listing-label) t)
- (when (fboundp 'reftex-add-label-environments)
- (reftex-add-label-environments
- '(("listing" ?l "lst:" "~\\ref{%s}" caption nil nil)))))
- ;; Add to the auto parser
- (TeX-auto-add-regexp LaTeX-minted-newminted-regexp)
- (TeX-auto-add-regexp LaTeX-minted-newmint-regexp)
- (TeX-auto-add-regexp LaTeX-minted-newmintinline-regexp)
- (TeX-auto-add-regexp LaTeX-minted-newmintedfile-regexp)
- ;; Filling
- (add-to-list (make-local-variable 'LaTeX-indent-environment-list)
- '("minted" current-indentation) t)
- (add-to-list 'LaTeX-verbatim-environments-local "minted")
- ;; Fontification
- (when (and (fboundp 'font-latex-add-keywords)
- (eq TeX-install-font-lock 'font-latex-setup))
- (font-latex-add-keywords '(("usemintedstyle" "[{")
- ("setminted" "[{")
- ("setmintedinline" "[{")
- ("newminted" "[{{")
- ("newmint" "[{{")
- ("newmintinline" "[{{")
- ("newmintedfile" "[{{"))
- 'function)
- (font-latex-add-keywords '(("inputminted" "[{{")
- ("mint" "[{")
- ("mintinline" "[{"))
- 'textual)
- ;; Add \mint & \mintinline to
- ;; `font-latex-syntactic-keywords-extra' and cater for their
- ;; special syntax: \mint[optional]{lang}{verbatim} or
- ;; \mint[optional]{lang}|verbatim|
- (LaTeX-minted-add-syntactic-keywords-extra 'brace
- '("mint" "mintinline"))
- (LaTeX-minted-add-syntactic-keywords-extra 'delim
- '("mint" "mintinline"))
- ;; Tell font-lock about the update.
- (font-latex-set-syntactic-keywords)))
- TeX-dialect)
-(defvar LaTeX-minted-package-options '("chapter" "cache"
- "cachedir" "finalizecache"
- "frozencache" "draft"
- "final" "kpsewhich"
- "langlinenos" "newfloat"
- "outputdir" "section")
- "Package options for the minted package.")
-;;; minted.el ends here