path: root/elpa/irony-20220110.849/irony.el
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'elpa/irony-20220110.849/irony.el')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 917 deletions
diff --git a/elpa/irony-20220110.849/irony.el b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/irony.el
deleted file mode 100644
index f70eca3..0000000
--- a/elpa/irony-20220110.849/irony.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,917 +0,0 @@
-;;; irony.el --- C/C++ minor mode powered by libclang
-;; Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Guillaume Papin
-;; Author: Guillaume Papin <>
-;; Version: 1.5.0
-;; URL:
-;; Compatibility: GNU Emacs 24.x
-;; Keywords: c, convenience, tools
-;; Package-Requires: ((cl-lib "0.5") (json "1.2"))
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; This file provides `irony-mode', a minor mode for C, C++ and Objective-C.
-;; Usage:
-;; (add-hook 'c++-mode-hook 'irony-mode)
-;; (add-hook 'c-mode-hook 'irony-mode)
-;; (add-hook 'objc-mode-hook 'irony-mode)
-;; ;; Windows performance tweaks
-;; ;;
-;; (when (boundp 'w32-pipe-read-delay)
-;; (setq w32-pipe-read-delay 0))
-;; ;; Set the buffer size to 64K on Windows (from the original 4K)
-;; (when (boundp 'w32-pipe-buffer-size)
-;; (setq irony-server-w32-pipe-buffer-size (* 64 1024)))
-;; See also:
-;; -
-;; -
-;; -
-;;; Code:
-(require 'irony-iotask)
-(autoload 'irony-completion--enter "irony-completion")
-(autoload 'irony-completion--exit "irony-completion")
-(require 'cl-lib)
-(autoload 'find-library-name "find-func")
-(autoload 'lm-version "lisp-mnt")
-;; Compatibility
- ;; As seen in flycheck/magit
- ;;
- ;; Added in Emacs 24.3 (mirrors/emacs@b335efc3).
- (unless (fboundp 'setq-local)
- (defmacro setq-local (var val)
- "Set variable VAR to value VAL in current buffer."
- (list 'set (list 'make-local-variable (list 'quote var)) val)))
- ;; Added in Emacs 24.3 (mirrors/emacs@b335efc3).
- (unless (fboundp 'defvar-local)
- (defmacro defvar-local (var val &optional docstring)
- "Define VAR as a buffer-local variable with default value VAL.
-Like `defvar' but additionally marks the variable as being
-automatically buffer-local wherever it is set."
- (declare (debug defvar) (doc-string 3))
- (list 'progn (list 'defvar var val docstring)
- (list 'make-variable-buffer-local (list 'quote var)))))
- ) ;; eval-and-compile
-;; Customizable variables
-(defgroup irony nil
- "C/C++ minor mode powered by libclang."
- :group 'c)
-(defcustom irony-lighter " Irony"
- "Text to display in the mode line when irony mode is on."
- :type 'string
- :group 'irony)
-(defcustom irony-extra-cmake-args nil
- "Extra arguments to CMake when compiling the server."
- :type '(repeat string)
- :group 'irony)
-(defcustom irony-user-dir (locate-user-emacs-file "irony/")
- "Directory containing the Irony generated files.
-The slash is expected at the end."
- :type 'directory
- :risky t
- :group 'irony)
-(defcustom irony-supported-major-modes '(c++-mode
- c-mode
- objc-mode)
- "List of modes known to be compatible with Irony."
- :type '(repeat symbol)
- :group 'irony)
-(defcustom irony-additional-clang-options nil
- "Additional command line options to pass down to libclang.
-Please, do NOT use this variable to add header search paths, only
-additional warnings or compiler options.
-These compiler options will be prepended to the command line, in
-order to not override the value coming from a compilation
- :type '(repeat string)
- :options '("-Wdocumentation")
- :group 'irony)
-(defcustom irony-lang-compile-option-alist
- '((c++-mode . "c++")
- (c-mode . "c")
- (objc-mode . "objective-c"))
- "Alist to decide the language option to used based on the `major-mode'."
- :type '(alist :key-type symbol :value-type string)
- :group 'irony)
-(defcustom irony-cmake-executable "cmake"
- "Name or path of the CMake executable."
- :type 'string
- :group 'irony)
-(defcustom irony-server-source-dir nil
- "Points to the irony-server source directory.
-This should point to the directory that contains the top-most
-CMakeLists.txt used to build the server.
-By default it will find the directory based on the irony.el directory."
- :type 'directory
- :group 'irony
- :package-version '(irony . "1.2.0"))
-(defcustom irony-server-build-dir nil
- "Build directory for irony-server.
-If set to nil the default is to create a build directory in
- :type 'directory
- :group 'irony)
-(defcustom irony-server-install-prefix irony-user-dir
- "Installation prefix used to install irony-server.
-The irony-server executable is expected to be in
- :type 'directory
- :group 'irony)
-(defcustom irony-server-w32-pipe-buffer-size nil
- "Windows-only setting,
-the buffer size to use for the irony-server process pipe on Windows.
-Larger values can improve performances on large buffers.
-If non-nil, `w32-pipe-buffer-size' will be let-bound to this value
-during the creation of the irony-server process.")
-;; Public/API variables
-;; Non-customizable variables provided by Irony that can be useful to other
-;; packages.
-;; Note that they shouldn't be modified directly by external packages, just
-;; read.
-;; TODO: make this variable public when the CDB API stabilizes.
-(defvar-local irony--compile-options nil
- "Compile options for the current file.
-The compile options used by the compiler to build the current
-buffer file.")
-;; TODO: make this variable public when the CDB API stabilizes.
-(defvar-local irony--working-directory nil
- "The working directory to pass to libclang, if any.")
-;; Internal variables
-;; The prefix `irony--' is used when something can completely change (or
-;; disappear) from one release to the other.
-;; --
-(defconst irony--eot "\n;;EOT\n"
- "String sent by the server to signal the end of a response.")
-;; Error conditions
-;; `define-error' breaks backward compatibility with Emacs < 24.4
-(defun irony--define-error (name message &optional parent)
- "Define NAME as a new error signal.
-MESSAGE is a string that will be output to the echo area if such an error
-is signaled without being caught by a `condition-case'.
-PARENT is either a signal or a list of signals from which it inherits.
-Defaults to `error'."
- (unless parent (setq parent 'error))
- (let ((conditions
- (if (consp parent)
- (apply #'nconc
- (mapcar (lambda (parent)
- (cons parent
- (or (get parent 'error-conditions)
- (error "Unknown signal `%s'" parent))))
- parent))
- (cons parent (get parent 'error-conditions)))))
- (put name 'error-conditions
- (delete-dups (copy-sequence (cons name conditions))))
- (when message (put name 'error-message message))))
-(irony--define-error 'irony-error "Irony-Mode error")
-(irony--define-error 'irony-parse-error "Irony-Mode parsing error" 'irony-error)
-(irony--define-error 'irony-server-error "Irony-Mode server error" 'irony-error)
-;; Utility functions & macros
-;; TODO: remove and use `if-let' when supported version jumps to Emacs 25.1
-(defmacro irony--aif (test if-expr &rest else-body)
- (declare (indent 2))
- `(let ((it ,test))
- (if it
- ,if-expr
- (progn ,@else-body))))
-;; TODO: remove and use `when-let' when supported version jumps to Emacs 25.1
-(defmacro irony--awhen (test &rest body)
- (declare (indent 1))
- `(let ((it ,test))
- (when it
- (progn ,@body))))
-(defun irony--assoc-all (key list)
- (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (c)
- (when (equal (car c) key)
- c))
- list)))
-(defmacro irony--without-narrowing (&rest body)
- "Remove the effect of narrowing for the current buffer.
-Note: If `save-excursion' is needed for BODY, it should be used
-before calling this macro."
- (declare (indent 0) (debug t))
- `(save-restriction
- (widen)
- (progn ,@body)))
-(defun irony--buffer-size-in-bytes ()
- "Return the buffer size, in bytes."
- (1- (position-bytes (point-max))))
-(defun irony--read-char-choice (prompt chars)
- "Wrapper around `read-char-choice', available since Emacs 24."
- (setq prompt (concat prompt " [" chars "]: "))
- (if (fboundp 'read-char-choice)
- (read-char-choice prompt chars)
- (setq prompt (propertize prompt 'face 'minibuffer-prompt))
- (let ((cursor-in-echo-area t)
- k)
- (while (not (member k chars))
- (setq k (read-char-exclusive prompt)))
- k)))
-(defun irony--shorten-path (path)
- "Make PATH as short as possible.
-The given path can be considered understandable by human but not
-necessary a valid path string to use in code. Its only purpose is
-to be displayed to the user."
- (let ((relative (file-relative-name path))
- (abbreviated (abbreviate-file-name path)))
- (if (< (string-width relative) (string-width abbreviated))
- relative
- abbreviated)))
-(defun irony--split-command-line-1 (quoted-str)
- "Remove the escaped quotes and backlash from a QUOTED-STR.
-Return a list of the final characters in the reverse order.
-Only to be consumed by `irony--split-command-line'."
- (let ((len (length quoted-str))
- (i 0)
- ch next-ch
- result)
- (while (< i len)
- (setq ch (aref quoted-str i))
- (when (eq ch ?\\)
- (let ((next-ch (and (< (1+ i) len)
- (aref quoted-str (1+ i)))))
- (when (member next-ch '(?\\ ?\"))
- (setq ch next-ch)
- (cl-incf i))))
- (push ch result)
- (cl-incf i))
- result))
-;; TODO: rewrite the function correctly to handle things like the following:
-;; "/usr/bin/clang++ -Irelative -DSOMEDEF=\"With spaces, quotes and \\-es.\" <args...>"
-(defun irony--split-command-line (cmd-line)
- "Split CMD-LINE into a list of arguments.
-Takes care of double quotes as well as backslash.
-Sadly I had to write this because `split-string-and-unquote'
-breaks with escaped quotes in compile_commands.json, such as in:
- /usr/bin/c++ -DLLVM_VERSION_INFO=\\\\\\\"3.2svn\\\\\\\" <args>"
- ;; everytime I write a function like this one, it makes me feel bad
- (let* ((len (length cmd-line))
- (spaces (string-to-list " \f\t\n\r\v"))
- (first-not-spaces-re (concat "[^" spaces "]"))
- (i 0)
- ch
- args cur-arg)
- (while (< i len)
- (setq ch (aref cmd-line i))
- (cond
- ((member ch spaces) ;spaces
- (when cur-arg
- (setq args (cons (apply 'string (nreverse cur-arg)) args)
- cur-arg nil))
- ;; move to the next char
- (setq i (or (string-match-p first-not-spaces-re cmd-line i)
- len)))
- ((eq ch ?\") ;quoted string
- (let ((endq (string-match-p "[^\\]\"" cmd-line i)))
- (unless endq
- (signal 'irony-parse-error (list "ill formed command line" cmd-line)))
- (let ((quoted-str (substring cmd-line (1+ i) (1+ endq))))
- (setq cur-arg (append (irony--split-command-line-1 quoted-str)
- cur-arg)
- i (+ endq 2)))))
- (t ;a valid char
- ;; if it's an escape of: a backslash, a quote or a space push
- ;; only the following char.
- (when (eq ch ?\\)
- (let ((next-ch (and (< (1+ i) len)
- (aref cmd-line (1+ i)))))
- (when (or (member next-ch '(?\\ ?\"))
- (member next-ch spaces))
- (setq ch next-ch)
- (cl-incf i))))
- (push ch cur-arg)
- (cl-incf i))))
- (when cur-arg
- (setq args (cons (apply 'string (nreverse cur-arg)) args)))
- (nreverse args)))
-(defun irony--get-buffer-path-for-server (&optional buffer)
- "Get the path of the current buffer to send to irony-server.
-If no such file exists on the filesystem the special file '-' is
- returned instead."
- (let ((file (buffer-file-name buffer)))
- (if (and file (file-exists-p file))
- file
- "-")))
-;; Mode
-(defvar irony-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap)
- "Keymap used in `irony-mode' buffers.")
-(define-minor-mode irony-mode
- "Minor mode for C, C++ and Objective-C, powered by libclang."
- nil
- irony-lighter
- irony-mode-map
- :group 'irony
- (if irony-mode
- (irony--mode-enter)
- (irony--mode-exit)))
-(defun irony--mode-enter ()
- ;; warn the user about modes such as php-mode who inherits c-mode
- (when (not (memq major-mode irony-supported-major-modes))
- (display-warning 'irony "Major mode is unknown to Irony,\
- see `irony-supported-major-modes'."))
- ;; warn the user about Windows-specific issues
- (when (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
- (cond
- ((version< emacs-version "24.4")
- (display-warning 'irony "Emacs >= 24.4 expected on Windows."))
- ((and (boundp 'w32-pipe-read-delay) (> w32-pipe-read-delay 0))
- (display-warning 'irony "Performance will be bad because a\
- pipe delay is set for this platform (see variable\
- `w32-pipe-read-delay')."))))
- (irony-completion--enter))
-(defun irony--mode-exit ()
- (irony-completion--exit))
-(defun irony-version (&optional show-version)
- "Return the version number of the file irony.el.
-If called interactively display the version in the echo area."
- (interactive (list t))
- ;; Shamelessly stolen from `company-mode'.
- (with-temp-buffer
- (insert-file-contents (find-library-name "irony"))
- (let ((v (lm-version)))
- (when show-version
- (message "irony version: %s" v))
- v)))
-;; Compile options handling
-(defun irony--lang-compile-option ()
- (irony--awhen (cdr-safe (assq major-mode irony-lang-compile-option-alist))
- (list "-x" it)))
-(defun irony--extract-working-directory-option (flags)
- "Return working directory specified on the command line, if
- (catch 'found
- (while flags
- (let ((flag (car flags)))
- (cond
- ((string= "-working-directory" flag)
- (throw 'found (cadr flags)))
- ((string-prefix-p "-working-directory=" flag)
- (throw 'found (substring flag (length "-working-directory="))))
- (t
- (setq flags (cdr flags))))))))
-(defun irony--adjust-compile-options ()
- "The compile options to send to libclang."
- ;; TODO: if current buffer has no associated file (will be sent as '-') but is
- ;; in an existing directory, we will want to add -I (directory-file-name
- ;; buffer-file-name) to find the relative headers
- (append
- (irony--lang-compile-option)
- (irony--awhen irony--working-directory
- (unless (irony--extract-working-directory-option irony--compile-options)
- (list "-working-directory" it)))
- irony-additional-clang-options
- irony--compile-options))
-(defun irony--extract-user-search-paths (compile-options work-dir)
- "Retrieve the user search paths present in COMPILE-OPTIONS.
-Relative paths are expanded to be relative to WORK-DIR.
-The returned paths are returned as
-directory (`file-name-as-directory').
-Note: WORK-DIR is not used when the compile option
-'-working-directory=<directory>' is detected in COMPILE-OPTIONS."
- (setq work-dir (or (irony--extract-working-directory-option compile-options)
- work-dir))
- (let (include-dirs opt)
- (while (setq opt (car compile-options))
- (cond
- ((string= "-I" opt)
- (add-to-list 'include-dirs (nth 1 compile-options) t)
- (setq compile-options (cddr compile-options)))
- ((string-prefix-p "-I" opt)
- (add-to-list 'include-dirs (substring opt 2) t)
- (setq compile-options (cdr compile-options)))
- (t
- (setq compile-options (cdr compile-options)))))
- (delete-dups (mapcar #'(lambda (path)
- (file-name-as-directory
- (expand-file-name path work-dir)))
- include-dirs))))
-;; Irony-Server setup
-(defvar irony--server-install-command-history nil)
-(defun irony--install-server-read-command (command)
- (read-shell-command
- "Install command: " command
- (if (equal (car irony--server-install-command-history) command)
- '(irony--server-install-command-history . 1)
- 'irony--server-install-command-history)))
-(defun irony-install-server (command)
- "Install or reinstall the Irony server.
-The installation requires CMake and the libclang development package."
- (interactive
- (list (let ((command
- (format
- (concat "%s %s %s %s && %s --build . "
- "--use-stderr --config Release --target install")
- (shell-quote-argument irony-cmake-executable)
- (shell-quote-argument (concat "-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="
- (expand-file-name
- irony-server-install-prefix)))
- (mapconcat 'shell-quote-argument irony-extra-cmake-args " ")
- (shell-quote-argument
- (or irony-server-source-dir
- (expand-file-name "server"
- (file-name-directory
- (find-library-name "irony")))))
- (shell-quote-argument irony-cmake-executable))))
- (irony--install-server-read-command command))))
- (let ((build-dir (or irony-server-build-dir
- (concat
- (file-name-as-directory temporary-file-directory)
- (file-name-as-directory (format "build-irony-server-%s"
- (irony-version)))))))
- (make-directory build-dir t)
- (let ((default-directory build-dir))
- ;; we need to kill the process to be able to install a new one,
- ;; at least on Windows
- (irony-server-kill)
- (with-current-buffer (compilation-start command nil
- #'(lambda (maj-mode)
- "*irony-server build*"))
- (setq-local compilation-finish-functions
- '(irony--server-install-finish-function))))))
-(defun irony--server-install-finish-function (buffer msg)
- (if (string= "finished\n" msg)
- (message "irony-server installed successfully!")
- (message "Failed to build irony-server, you are on your own buddy!")))
-(defun irony--find-server-executable ()
- "Return the path to the irony-server executable.
-Throw an `irony-server-error' if a proper executable cannot be
- (let* ((exec-path (cons (expand-file-name "bin" irony-server-install-prefix)
- exec-path))
- (exe (executable-find "irony-server")))
- (condition-case err
- (let ((version (car (process-lines exe "--version"))))
- (if (and (string-match "^irony-server version " version)
- (version= (irony-version)
- (substring version
- (length "irony-server version "))))
- ;; irony-server is working and up-to-date!
- exe
- (signal 'irony-server-error
- (list
- (format "irony-server version mismatch: %s"
- (substitute-command-keys
- "type `\\[irony-install-server]' to reinstall"))))))
- (irony-server-error
- (signal (car err) (cdr err)))
- (error
- (signal 'irony-server-error
- (if (and exe
- (file-executable-p exe))
- ;; failed to execute due to a runtime problem, i.e:
- ;; isn't in the ld paths
- (list (format "irony-server is broken! %s"
- (error-message-string err)))
- ;; irony-server doesn't exists, first time irony-mode is used?
- ;; inform the user about how to build the executable
- (list
- (format "irony-server not installed! %s"
- (substitute-command-keys
- "Type `\\[irony-install-server]' to install")))))))))
-;; irony-server process management.
-(defvar irony--server-executable nil)
-(defvar irony--server-process nil)
-(defvar irony--server-buffer " *Irony*"
- "The name of the buffer for the irony process to run in.
-When using a leading space, the buffer is hidden from the buffer
-list (and undo information is not kept).")
-(defun irony--start-server-process ()
- (unless irony--server-executable
- ;; if not found, an `irony-server-error' error is signaled
- (setq irony--server-executable (irony--find-server-executable)))
- (let ((process-connection-type nil)
- (process-adaptive-read-buffering nil)
- (w32-pipe-buffer-size (when (boundp 'w32-pipe-buffer-size)
- (or irony-server-w32-pipe-buffer-size
- w32-pipe-buffer-size)))
- process)
- (setq process
- (start-process-shell-command
- "Irony" ;process name
- irony--server-buffer ;buffer
- (format "%s -i 2> %s" ;command
- (shell-quote-argument irony--server-executable)
- (expand-file-name
- (format-time-string "irony.%Y-%m-%d_%Hh-%Mm-%Ss.log")
- temporary-file-directory))))
- (set-process-query-on-exit-flag process nil)
- (irony-iotask-setup-process process)
- process))
-(defun irony-server-kill ()
- "Kill the running irony-server process, if any."
- (interactive)
- (when (process-live-p irony--server-process)
- (kill-process irony--server-process)
- (setq irony--server-process nil)))
-(defun irony--get-server-process-create ()
- (unless (process-live-p irony--server-process)
- (setq irony--server-process (irony--start-server-process)))
- irony--server-process)
-(defun irony--run-task (task)
- (irony-iotask-run (irony--get-server-process-create) task))
-(defun irony--run-task-asynchronously (task callback)
- (irony-iotask-schedule (irony--get-server-process-create) task callback))
-(defun irony--quote-strings (strings &optional separator)
- "Like `combine-and-quote-strings', but when the string is \"\" or nil,
-`irony--quote-strings' will convert it to \"\" instead of <SPC>.
-That is:
- (irony--quote-strings \'(\"a\" \"\" \"b\")) => \"a \\\"\\\" b\"
- (combine-and-quote-strings \'(\"a\" \"\" \"b\")) => \"a b\"
- (let* ((sep (or separator " "))
- (re (concat "[\\\"]" "\\|" (regexp-quote sep))))
- (mapconcat
- (lambda (str)
- (cond
- ((or (not str) (string= str ""))
- "\"\"")
- ((string-match re str)
- (concat "\"" (replace-regexp-in-string "[\\\"]" "\\\\\\&" str) "\""))
- (t str)))
- strings sep)))
-(defun irony--server-send-command (command &rest args)
- (let ((command-line (concat (irony--quote-strings
- (mapcar (lambda (arg)
- (if (numberp arg)
- (number-to-string arg)
- arg))
- (cons command args)))
- "\n")))
- (irony-iotask-send-string command-line)))
-;; XXX: this code can run in very tight very sensitive on big inputs,
-;; every change should be measured
-(defun irony--server-command-update (&rest _args)
- (when (and (>= (buffer-size) (length irony--eot))
- (string-equal (buffer-substring-no-properties
- (- (point-max) (length irony--eot)) (point-max))
- irony--eot))
- (condition-case-unless-debug nil
- (let ((result (read (current-buffer))))
- (cl-case (car result)
- (success
- (irony-iotask-set-result (cdr result)))
- (error
- (apply #'irony-iotask-set-error 'irony-server-error
- (cdr result)))))
- (error
- (throw 'invalid-msg t)))))
-;; FIXME: code duplication with `irony--server-command-update'
-;; XXX: this code can run in very tight very sensitive on big inputs,
-;; every change should be measured
-(defun irony--server-query-update (&rest _args)
- (when (and (>= (buffer-size) (length irony--eot))
- (string-equal (buffer-substring-no-properties
- (- (point-max) (length irony--eot)) (point-max))
- irony--eot))
- (condition-case-unless-debug nil
- (irony-iotask-set-result (read (current-buffer)))
- (error
- (throw 'invalid-msg t)))))
-;; Server commands
-(irony-iotask-define-task irony--t-get-compile-options
- "`get-compile-options' server command."
- :start (lambda (build-dir file)
- (irony--server-send-command "get-compile-options" build-dir file))
- :update irony--server-command-update)
-(defun irony--get-compile-options-task (build-dir file)
- (irony-iotask-package-task irony--t-get-compile-options build-dir file))
-(cl-defstruct (irony--buffer-state
- (:constructor irony--buffer-state-create-1))
- file
- exists
- modified
- tick)
-(defun irony--buffer-state-create (buffer)
- (let ((file (buffer-file-name buffer)))
- (irony--buffer-state-create-1 :file file
- :exists (and file (file-exists-p file))
- :modified (buffer-modified-p buffer)
- :tick (buffer-chars-modified-tick buffer))))
-(defun irony--buffer-state-compare (old new)
- (unless (equal old new)
- (cond
- ((irony--buffer-state-modified new) 'set-unsaved)
- ((null old) nil) ;noop
- ((and
- (irony--buffer-state-modified old)
- (irony--buffer-state-exists old)) 'reset-unsaved))))
-(irony-iotask-define-task irony--t-set-unsaved
- "`set-unsaved' server command."
- :start (lambda (process buffer buf-state)
- (let ((elem (assq buffer (process-get process :unsaved-buffers)))
- temp-file)
- (if (eq (cdr elem) buf-state)
- ;; early exit if already cached
- (irony-iotask-set-result t)
- (setq temp-file (make-temp-file "irony-unsaved-"))
- (irony-iotask-put :temp-file temp-file)
- (irony-iotask-put :buffer-state buf-state)
- (process-put process :buffer-state buf-state)
- (with-current-buffer buffer
- (irony--without-narrowing
- (let ((write-region-inhibit-fsync t))
- (write-region nil nil temp-file nil 0)))
- (irony--server-send-command "set-unsaved"
- (irony--get-buffer-path-for-server)
- temp-file)))))
- :update irony--server-command-update
- :finish (lambda (&rest _args)
- (delete-file (irony-iotask-get :temp-file)))
- :on-success
- (lambda (process buffer &rest _args)
- (let* ((unsaved-buffers (process-get process :unsaved-buffers))
- (elem (assq buffer unsaved-buffers))
- (buf-state (irony-iotask-get :buffer-state)))
- (if elem
- (setcdr elem buf-state)
- (process-put process :unsaved-buffers (cons (cons buffer buf-state)
- unsaved-buffers))))))
-(defun irony--set-unsaved-task (process buffer buf-state)
- (irony-iotask-package-task irony--t-set-unsaved process buffer buf-state))
-(irony-iotask-define-task irony--t-reset-unsaved
- "`reset-unsaved' server command."
- :start (lambda (process buffer)
- (if (assq buffer (process-get process :unsaved-buffers))
- (irony--server-send-command "reset-unsaved"
- (irony--get-buffer-path-for-server
- buffer))
- ;; exit early if already reset
- (irony-iotask-set-result t)))
- :update irony--server-command-update
- :finish (lambda (process buffer)
- (process-put
- process
- :unsaved-buffers
- (assq-delete-all buffer (process-get process :unsaved-buffers)))))
-(defun irony--reset-unsaved-task (process buffer)
- (irony-iotask-package-task irony--t-reset-unsaved process buffer))
-(defun irony--list-unsaved-irony-mode-buffers (&optional ignore-list)
- (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (buf)
- (unless (memq buf ignore-list)
- (when (buffer-modified-p buf)
- (with-current-buffer buf
- (and irony-mode buf)))))
- (buffer-list))))
-(defun irony--get-buffer-change-alist (process)
- "Return a list of (buffer . old-state).
-old-state can be nil if the old state isn't known."
- (let ((unsaved-list (process-get process :unsaved-buffers)))
- (append unsaved-list
- (mapcar (lambda (buf)
- (cons buf nil))
- (irony--list-unsaved-irony-mode-buffers
- (mapcar #'car unsaved-list))))))
-(defun irony--unsaved-buffers-tasks ()
- (let ((process (irony--get-server-process-create))
- result)
- (dolist (buffer-old-state-cons (irony--get-buffer-change-alist process)
- result)
- (let* ((buffer (car buffer-old-state-cons))
- (old-state (cdr buffer-old-state-cons))
- (new-state (irony--buffer-state-create buffer))
- (task
- (cl-case (irony--buffer-state-compare old-state new-state)
- (set-unsaved
- (irony--set-unsaved-task process buffer new-state))
- (reset-unsaved
- (irony--reset-unsaved-task process buffer)))))
- (when task
- (setq result (if result
- (irony-iotask-chain result task)
- task)))))))
-(irony-iotask-define-task irony--t-parse
- "`parse' server command."
- :start (lambda (file compile-options)
- (apply #'irony--server-send-command "parse" file "--"
- compile-options))
- :update irony--server-command-update)
-(defun irony--parse-task-1 (&optional buffer)
- (with-current-buffer (or buffer (current-buffer))
- (irony-iotask-package-task irony--t-parse
- (irony--get-buffer-path-for-server)
- (irony--adjust-compile-options))))
-(defun irony--parse-task (&optional buffer)
- (let ((unsaved-tasks (irony--unsaved-buffers-tasks))
- (parse-task (irony--parse-task-1 buffer)))
- (if unsaved-tasks
- (irony-iotask-chain unsaved-tasks parse-task)
- parse-task)))
-(irony-iotask-define-task irony--t-diagnostics
- "`parse' server command."
- :start (lambda ()
- (irony--server-send-command "diagnostics"))
- :update irony--server-query-update)
-(defun irony--diagnostics-task (&optional buffer)
- (irony-iotask-chain
- (irony--parse-task buffer)
- (irony-iotask-package-task irony--t-diagnostics)))
-(irony-iotask-define-task irony--t-get-type
- "`get-type' server command."
- :start (lambda (line col)
- (irony--server-send-command "get-type" line col))
- :update irony--server-query-update)
-(defun irony--get-type-task (&optional buffer pos)
- (let ((line-column (irony--completion-line-column pos)))
- (irony-iotask-chain
- (irony--parse-task buffer)
- (irony-iotask-package-task irony--t-get-type
- (car line-column) (cdr line-column)))))
-(defun irony-get-type ()
- "Get the type of symbol under cursor."
- (interactive)
- (let ((types (irony--run-task (irony--get-type-task))))
- (unless types
- (user-error "Type not found"))
- (if (and (cdr types) (not (string= (car types) (cadr types))))
- (message "%s (aka '%s')" (car types) (cadr types))
- (message "%s" (car types)))))
-(defun irony-parse-buffer-async (&optional callback)
- "Parse the current buffer sending results to an optional
- CALLBACK function."
- (irony--run-task-asynchronously (irony--parse-task)
- (or callback #'ignore)))
-(provide 'irony)
-;; Local Variables:
-;; byte-compile-warnings: (not cl-functions)
-;; End:
-;;; irony.el ends here