path: root/elpa/org-9.5.2/etc/ORG-NEWS
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'elpa/org-9.5.2/etc/ORG-NEWS')
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diff --git a/elpa/org-9.5.2/etc/ORG-NEWS b/elpa/org-9.5.2/etc/ORG-NEWS
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--- a/elpa/org-9.5.2/etc/ORG-NEWS
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@@ -1,6327 +0,0 @@
-ORG NEWS -- history of user-visible changes. -*- mode: org; coding: utf-8 -*-
-#+STARTUP: overview
-#+LINK: doc
-#+LINK: msg
-#+LINK: git
-Copyright (C) 2012-2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-See the end of the file for license conditions.
-Please send Org bug reports to
-* Version 9.5
-** Important announcements and breaking changes
-*** The =contrib/= now lives in a separate repository
-Org's repository has been trimmed from the =contrib/= directory.
-The old contents of the =contrib/= directory now lives in a separate
-repository at
-You can install this repository by cloning it and updating your
-~load-path~ accordingly. You can also install =org-contrib= as a
-[[][NonGNU ELPA]] package.
-*** Org ELPA and Org archives won't be available for Org > 9.5
-[[][Org ELPA]] is still available for installing Org 9.5, either with or
-without contributed packages, but future versions won't be available
-via Org ELPA, as we are deprecating this installation method.
-Also, Org 9.5 is available as =tar.gz= and =zip= archives, but this
-installation method is also deprecated.
-If you want to install the latest stable versions of Org, please use
-the GNU ELPA package. If you want to install the contributed files,
-please use the NonGNU ELPA package. If you want to keep up with the
-latest unstable Org, please install from the Git repository.
-See for the details.
-*** =ditaa.jar= is not bundled with Org anymore
-=ditaa.jar= used to be bundled with Org but it is not anymore.
-See [[][the ditaa repository]] on how to install it.
-*** ~org-adapt-indentation~ now defaults to =nil=
-If you want to automatically indent headlines' metadata, set it to
-If you want to automatically indent every line to the headline's
-current indentation, set it to =t=.
-Indent added by =RET= and =C-j= also depends on the value of
-~electric-indent-mode~. Enabling this mode by default in 9.4 revealed
-some bugs caused confusing behavior. If you disabled
-~electric-indent-mode~ for this reason, it is time to try it again.
-Hopefully problems have been fixed. See [[][this FAQ]] for more details.
-*** ~org-speed-commands-user~ is obsolete, use ~org-speed-commands~
-Setting ~org-speed-commands-user~ in your configuration won't have any
-effect. Please set ~org-speed-commands~ instead, which see.
-*** Some =ob-*.el= files have been moved to the org-contrib repo
-These files have been moved to
-- ob-abc.el
-- ob-asymptote.el
-- ob-coq.el
-- ob-ebnf.el
-- ob-hledger.el
-- ob-io.el
-- ob-J.el
-- ob-ledger.el
-- ob-mscgen.el
-- ob-picolisp.el
-- ob-shen.el
-- ob-stan.el
-- ob-vala.el
-See the discussion [[][here]].
-*** Compatibility with Emacs versions
-We made it explicit that we aim at keeping the latest stable version
-of Org compatible with at least Emacs V, V-1 and V-2, where V is the
-stable major version of Emacs.
-For example, if the current major version of Emacs is 28.x, then the
-latest stable version of Org should be compatible with Emacs 28.x,
-27.x and 26.x – but not with Emacs 25.x.
-See [[][this note on Worg]] and [[git::519947e508e081e71bf67db99e27b1c171ba4dfe][this commit]].
-*** The keybinding for ~org-table-blank-field~ has been removed
-If you prefer to keep the keybinding, you can add it back to
-~org-mode-map~ like so:
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp
-(define-key org-mode-map (kbd "C-c SPC") #'org-table-blank-field)
-** New features
-*** New citation engine
-Org 9.5 provides a new library =oc.el= which provides tooling to
-handle citations in Org, e.g., activate, follow, insert, and export
-them, respectively called "activate", "follow", "insert" and "export"
-capabilities. Libraries responsible for providing some, or all, of
-these capabilities are called "citation processors".
-The manual contains a few pointers to let you start and you may want
-to check [[][this blog post]]. If you need help using this new features,
-please ask on the mailing list.
-Thanks to Nicolas Goaziou for implementing this, to Bruce D’Arcus for
-helping him and to John Kitchin for paving the way with =org-ref.el=.
-*** Async session evaluation
-The =:async= header argument can be used for asynchronous evaluation
-in session blocks for certain languages.
-Currently, async evaluation is supported in Python. There is also
-functionality to implement async evaluation in other languages that
-use comint, but this needs to be done on a per-language basis.
-By default, async evaluation is disabled unless the =:async= header
-argument is present. You can also set =:async no= to force it off
-(for example if you've set =:async= in a property drawer).
-Async evaluation is disabled during export.
-*** ~ox-koma-letter.el~ is now part of Org's core
-~ox-koma-letter.el~ provides a KOMA scrlttr2 back-end for the Org
-export engine. It used to be in the =contrib/= directory but it is
-now part of Org's core.
-*** Support exporting DOI links
-Org now supports export for DOI links, through its new =ol-doi.el=
-library. For backward compatibility, it is loaded by default.
-*** Add a new ~:refile-targets~ template option
-When exiting capture mode via ~org-capture-refile~, the variable
-~org-refile-targets~ will be temporarily bound to the value of this
-template option.
-*** New startup options =#+startup: show<n>levels=
-These startup options complement the existing =overview=, =content=,
-=showall=, =showeverything= with a way to start the document with n
-levels shown, where n goes from 2 to 5.
-: #+startup: show3levels
-*** New =u= table formula flag to enable Calc units simplification mode
-A new =u= mode flag for Calc formulas in Org tables has been added to
-enable Calc units simplification mode.
-*** Support fontification of inline export snippets
-See [[][this thread]].
-*** New command =org-refile-reverse= bound to =C-c C-M-w=
-You can now use =C-c C-M-w= to run ~org-refile-reverse~.
-It is almost identical to ~org-refile~, except that it temporarily
-toggles how ~org-reverse-note-order~ applies to the current buffer.
-So if ~org-refile~ would append the entry as the last entry under the
-target heading, ~org-refile-reverse~ will prepend it as the first
-entry, and vice-versa.
-*** LaTeX attribute ~:float~ now passes through arbitrary values
-LaTeX users are able to define arbitrary float types, e.g. with the
-float package. The Org mode LaTeX exporter is now able to process and
-export arbitrary float types. The user is responsible for ensuring
-that Org mode configures LaTeX to process any new float type.
-*** Support verse and quote blocks in LaTeX export
-The LaTeX export back-end accepts four attributes for verse blocks:
-=:lines=, =:center=, =:versewidth= and =:latexcode=. The three first
-require the external LaTeX package =verse.sty=, which is an extension
-of the standard LaTeX environment.
-The LaTeX export back-end accepts two attributes for quote blocks:
-=:environment=, for an arbitrary quoting environment (the default
-value is that of =org-latex-default-quote-environment=: ="quote"=) and
-*** =org-set-tags-command= selects tags from ~org-global-tags-completion-table~
-Let ~org-set-tags-command~ TAB fast tag completion interface complete
-tags including from both buffer local and user defined persistent
-global list (~org-tag-alist~ and ~org-tag-persistent-alist~). Now
-option ~org-complete-tags-always-offer-all-agenda-tags~ is honored.
-*** Clocktable option =:formula %= now shows the per-file time percentages
-This change only has an effect when multiple files are contributing to
-a given clocktable (such as when =:scope agenda= has been specified).
-The existing behavior is that such tables have an extra 'File' column,
-and each individual file that contributes has its own summary line
-with the headline value '*File time*'. Those summary rows also
-produce a rollup time value for the file in the 'Time' column.
-Prior to this change, the built-in =%= formula did not produce a
-calculation for those per-file times in the '%' column (the relevant
-cells in the '%' column were blank). With this change, the percentage
-contribution of each individual file time to the total time is shown.
-The more agenda files you have, the more useful this behavior becomes.
-*** =ob-python.el= improvements to =:return= header argument
-The =:return= header argument in =ob-python= now works for session
-blocks as well as non-session blocks. Also, it now works with the
-=:epilogue= header argument -- previously, setting the =:return=
-header would cause the =:epilogue= to be ignored.
-This change allows more easily moving boilerplate out of the main code
-block and into the header. For example, for plotting, we need to add
-boilerplate to save the figure to a file and return the
-filename. Instead of doing this within the code block, we can now
-handle it through the header arguments as follows:
-#+BEGIN_SRC org
-,#+header: :var fname="/home/jack/tmp/plot.svg"
-,#+header: :epilogue plt.savefig(fname)
-,#+header: :return fname
-,#+begin_src python :results value file
- import matplotlib, numpy
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- fig=plt.figure(figsize=(4,2))
- x=numpy.linspace(-15,15)
- plt.plot(numpy.sin(x)/x)
- fig.tight_layout()
-As another example, we can use =:return= with the external [[][tabulate]]
-package, to convert pandas Dataframes into orgmode tables:
-#+begin_src org
-,#+header: :prologue from tabulate import tabulate
-,#+header: :return tabulate(table, headers=table.columns, tablefmt="orgtbl")
-,#+begin_src python :results value raw :session
- import pandas as pd
- table = pd.DataFrame({
- "a": [1,2,3],
- "b": [4,5,6]
- })
-| | a | b |
-| 0 | 1 | 4 |
-| 1 | 2 | 5 |
-| 2 | 3 | 6 |
-*** Display images with width proportional to the buffer text width
-Previously, if you used a =:width= attribute like =#+attr_html: :width 70%= or
-=#+attr_latex: :width 0.7\linewidth= this would be interpreted as a 70px wide and
-0.7px wide width specification respectively.
-Now, percentages are transformed into floats (i.e. 70% becomes 0.7),
-and float width specifications between 0.0 and 2.0 are now interpreted
-as that portion of the text width in the buffer. For instance, the
-above examples of =70%= and =0.7\linewidth= will result in an image
-with width equal to the pixel-width of the buffer text multiplied by 0.7.
-This functionality is implemented in a new function,
-~org-display-inline-image--width~ which contains the width
-determination logic previously in ~org-display-inline-images~ and the
-new behaviour.
-** New options
-*** Option ~org-hidden-keywords~ now also applies to #+SUBTITLE:
-The option ~org-hidden-keywords~ previously applied
-to #+TITLE:, #+AUTHOR:, #+DATE:, and #+EMAIL:. Now it can also be
-used to hide the #+SUBTITLE: keyword.
-*** New formatting directive ~%L~ for org-capture
-The new ~%L~ formatting directive contains the bare link target, and
-may be used to create links with programmatically generated
-*** New option ~org-id-ts-format~
-Earlier, IDs generated using =ts= method had a hard-coded format (i.e. =20200923T160237.891616=).
-The new option allows user to customise the format.
-Defaults are unchanged.
-*** New argument for ~file-desc~ babel header
-It is now possible to provide the =file-desc= header argument for a
-babel source block but omit the description by passing an empty vector
-as an argument (i.e., :file-desc []). This can be useful because
-providing =file-desc= without an argument results in the result of
-=file= being used in the description. Previously, the only way to
-omit a file description was to omit the header argument entirely,
-which made it difficult/impossible to provide a default value for
-*** New option to set ~org-link-file-path-type~ to a function
-~org-link-file-path-type~ can now be set to a function that takes the
-full filename as an argument and returns the path to link to.
-For example, if you use ~project.el~, you can set this function to use
-relative links within a project as follows:
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp
-(setq (org-link-file-path-type
- (lambda (path)
- (let* ((proj (project-current))
- (root (if proj (project-root proj) default-directory)))
- (if (string-prefix-p (expand-file-name root) path)
- (file-relative-name path)
- (abbreviate-file-name path))))))
-*** New options and new behavior for babel LaTeX SVG image files
-Org babel now uses a two-stage process for converting latex source
-blocks to SVG image files (when the extension of the output file is
-~.svg~). The first stage in the process converts the latex block into
-a PDF file, which is then converted into an SVG file in the second
-stage. The TeX->PDF part uses the existing infrastructure for
-~org-babel-latex-tex-to-pdf~. The PDF->SVG part uses a command
-specified in a new customization,
-~org-babel-latex-pdf-svg-process~. By default, this uses inkscape for
-conversion, but since it is fully customizable, any other command can
-be used in its place. For instance, dvisvgm might be used here. This
-two-part processing replaces the previous use of htlatex to process
-LaTeX directly to SVG (htlatex is still used for HTML conversion).
-Conversion to SVG exposes a number of additional customizations that
-give the user full control over the contents of the latex source
-block. ~org-babel-latex-preamble~, ~org-babel-latex-begin-env~ and
-~org-babel-latex-end-env~ are new customization options added to allow
-the user to specify the preamble and code that preceedes and proceeds
-the contents of the source block.
-*** New option ~org-html-meta-tags~ allows for HTML meta tags customization
-New variable ~org-html-meta-tags~ makes it possible to customize the
-=<meta>= tags used in an HTML export. Accepts either a static list of
-values, or a function that generates such a list (see
-~org-html-meta-tags-default~ as an example of the latter).
-*** Option ~org-agenda-bulk-custom-functions~ now supports collecting bulk arguments
-When specifying a custom agenda bulk option, you can now also specify
-a function which collects the arguments to be used with each call to
-the custom function.
-*** New faces to improve the contextuality of Org agenda views
-Four new faces improve certain styles and offer more flexibility for
-some Org agenda views: ~org-agenda-date-weekend-today~,
-~org-imminent-deadline~, ~org-agenda-structure-secondary~,
-~org-agenda-structure-filter~. They inherit from existing faces in
-order to remain backward-compatible.
-Quoting from [[][this thread]]:
-+ The 'org-imminent-deadline' is useful to disambiguate generic
- warnings from deadlines. For example, a warning could be rendered
- in a yellow colored text and have a bold weight, whereas a deadline
- might be red and styled with italics.
-+ The 'org-agenda-structure-filter' applies to all tag/term filters
- in agenda views that search for keywords or patterns. It is
- designed to inherit from 'org-agenda-structure' in addition to the
- 'org-warning' face that was present before (and removes the
- generic 'warning' face from one place). This offers the benefit
- of consistency, as, say, an increase in font height or a change in
- font family in 'org-agenda-structure' will propagate to the filter
- as well. The whole header line thus looks part of a singular
- design.
-+ The 'org-agenda-structure-secondary' complements the above for those
- same views where a description follows the header. For instance, the
- tags view provides information to "Press N r" to filter by a
- numbered tag. Themes/users may prefer to disambiguate this line
- from the header above it, such as by using a less intense color or by
- reducing its height relative to the 'org-agenda-structure'.
-+ The 'org-agenda-date-weekend-today' provides the option to
- differentiate the current date on a weekend from the current date on
- weekdays.
-*** New option ~org-clock-ask-before-exiting~
-By default, a function is now added to ~kill-emacs-query-functions~
-that asks whether to clock out and save when there's a running clock.
-Customize ~org-clock-ask-before-exiting~~ to nil to disable this new
-*** Option ~org-html-inline-image-rules~ now includes .webp
-By default ox-html now inlines webp images.
-*** ~org-html-head-include-scripts~ is now =nil= by default
-See [[][this thread]].
-*** New option ~org-html-content-class~
-This is the CSS class name to use for the top level content wrapper.
-*** New option ~org-babel-plantuml-svg-text-to-path~
-This option, nil by default, allows to add a SVG-specific post-export
-step that runs inkscape text-to-path replacement over the output file.
-*** You can now configure ~org-html-scripts~ and ~org-html-style-default~
-~org-html-scripts~ and ~org-html-style-default~ used to be constants,
-you can now configure them.
-*** New option ~org-attach-git-dir~
-~org-attach-git-dir~ will decide whether to use ~org-attach-git-dir~
-(the default) or use the attachment directory of the current node, if
-it is correctly configured as a Git repository.
-*** Some faces now use fixed-pitch
-See [[][this thread]].
-*** New option ~org-attach-sync-delete-empty-dir~
-~org-attach-sync-delete-empty-dir~ controls the deletion of an empty
-attachment directory at calls of ~org-attach-sync~. There is
-Never delete, Always delete and Query the user (default).
-*** ~org-babel-default-header-args~ can now be specified as closures or strings
-~org-babel-default-header-args~ now also accepts closures that
-evaluate to a string. Previously, only direct strings were
-supported. These closures are evaluated when point is at the source
-block, which allows them to make use of contextual information at the
-relevant source block. One example that illustrates the usefulness of
-this addition (also given in the documentation for
-~org-babel-default-header-args~) is:
-#+begin_src elisp
-(defun org-src-sha ()
- (let ((elem (org-element-at-point)))
- (concat (sha1 (org-element-property :value elem)) \".svg\")))
-(setq org-babel-default-header-args:latex
- `((:results . \"file link replace\")
- (:file . (lambda () (org-src-sha)))))
-This will set the ~:file~ header argument to the sha1 checksum of the
-contents of the current latex source block.
-Finally, the closures are only evaluated if they're not overridden for
-a source block. This improves efficiency in cases where the result of
-a compute-expensive closure would otherwise be discarded.
-** Miscellaneous
-*** =org-bibtex= includes =doi= and =url= entries when exporting to BiBTeX
-=doi= and =url= entries have been made optional for some publication
-types and will be exported if present for those types.
-*** Missing or empty placeholders in "eval" macros are now =nil=
-They used to be the empty string.
-*** =org-goto-first-child= now works before first heading
-When point is before first heading =org-goto-first-child= will move
-point to the first child heading, or return nil if no heading exist
-in buffer. This is in line with the fact that everything before first
-heading is regarded as outline level 0, i.e. the parent level of all
-headings in the buffer.
-Previously =org-goto-first-child= would do nothing before first
-heading, except return nil.
-*** Faces of all the heading text elements now conform to the headline face
-In the past, faces of todo keywords, emphasised text, tags, and
-priority cookies inherited =default= face. The resulting headline
-fontification was not always consistent, as discussed in [[][this bug
-report]]. Now, the relevant faces adapt to face used to fontify the
-current headline level.
-Users who prefer to keep the old behaviour should change their face
-customisation explicitly stating that =default= face is inherited.
-Example of old face customisation:
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp
-(setq org-todo-keyword-faces '(("TODO"
- :background "chocolate"
- :height 0.75)))
-To preserve the old behaviour the above customisation should be
-changed to
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp
-(setq org-todo-keyword-faces '(("TODO"
- :inherit default
- :background "chocolate"
- :height 0.75)))
-*** Storing ID-links before first heading uses title as description
-Storing links to files using ~org-store-link~ (=<C-c l>=) when
-~org-id-link-to-org-use-id~ is not nil will now store the title as
-description of the link, if available. If no title exists it falls
-back to the filename as before.
-*** Change in =org-tags-expand= signature
-The function does not allow for a third optional parameter anymore.
-*** LaTeX environment =#+results= are now removed
-If a babel src block produces a raw LaTeX environment, it will now be
-recognised as a result, and so replaced when re-evaluated.
-*** Tag completion now uses =completing-read-multiple=
-Tag completion now uses =completing-read-multiple= with a simple
-completion table, which should allow better interoperability with
-custom completion functions.
-*** Providing =directory-empty-p= from Emacs 28 as =org-directory-empty-p=
-*** =org-get-last-sibling= marked as obsolete
-Use =org-get-previous-sibling= instead. This is just a rename to have
-a more consistent naming. E.g. recall the pair of funtctions
-=next-line= / =previous-line=.
-*** Make org-protocol compatible with =URLSearchParams= JavaScript class
-Decoder of query part of org-protocol URI recognizes "+" as an encoded
-space characters now, so it is possible to avoid call to =encodeURIComponent=
-for each parameter and use more readable expression in bookmarklet:
-'org-protocol://store-link?' + new URLSearchParams({
- url: location.href, title: document.title})
-*** Remove obsolete LaTeX packages from ~org-latex-default-packages-alist~
-The LaTeX packages =grffile= and =textcomp= are redundant, with their
-capabilities being merged into =graphicx= and the LaTeX core
-respectively a while ago.
-* Version 9.4
-** Incompatible changes
-*** Possibly broken internal file links: please check and fix
-A bug has been affecting internal links to headlines, like
-: [[*Headline][A link to a headline]]
-Storing a link to a headline may have been broken in your setup and
-those links may appear as
-: [[*TODO Headline][A link to a headline]]
-Following the link above will result in an error: the TODO keyword
-should not be part of internal file links.
-You can use the following command to fix links in an Org buffer:
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp
-(defun org-fix-links ()
- "Fix ill-formatted internal links.
-E.g. replace [[*TODO Headline][headline]] by [[*Headline][headline]].
-Go through the buffer and ask for the replacement."
- (interactive)
- (visible-mode 1)
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (let ((regexp (format "\\[\\[\\*%s\\s-+"
- (regexp-opt org-todo-keywords-1 t))))
- (while (re-search-forward regexp nil t)
- (when (and (save-excursion
- (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
- (looking-at-p org-link-bracket-re))
- (y-or-n-p "Fix link (remove TODO keyword)? "))
- (replace-match "[[*")))))
- (visible-mode -1))
-*** Calling conventions changes when opening or exporting custom links
-This changes affects export back-ends, and libraries providing new
-link types.
-Function used in ~:follow~ link parameter is required to accept a
-second argument. Likewise, function used in ~:export~ parameter needs
-to accept a fourth argument. See ~org-link-set-parameters~ for
-Eventually, the function ~org-export-custom-protocol-maybe~ is now
-called with a fourth argument. Even though the 3-arguments definition
-is still supported, at least for now, we encourage back-end developers
-to switch to the new signature.
-*** Python session return values must be top-level expression statements
-Python blocks with ~:session :results value~ header arguments now only
-return a value if the last line is a top-level expression statement.
-Also, when a None value is returned, "None" will be printed under
-"#+RESULTS:", as it already did with ~:results value~ for non-session
-*** In HTML export, change on how outline-container-* is set
-When the headline has a =CUSTOM_ID=, use this custom id to build the
-div id. For example, if you have =:CUSTOM_ID: my-headline= then the
-resulting <div> will be ~<div id="outline-container-my-headline">~.
-You may want to check whether your HTML files are rendered differently
-after this change.
-*** New keybinding =<C-c C-TAB>= for ~org-force-cycle-archived~
-~org-force-cycle-archived~ used to be associated with =<C-TAB>= but
-this keybinding is used in Emacs for navigating tabs in Emacs. The
-new keybinding is =<C-c C-TAB>=.
-** New default settings for some options
-These options now default to =t=:
-- ~org-loop-over-headlines-in-active-region~
-- ~org-fontify-done-headline~
-- ~org-src-tab-acts-natively~
-You may want to read the docstrings of these options to understand the
-consequences of this change.
-Also, ~org-startup-folded~ now defaults to ~showeverything~.
-** New features
-*** =RET= and =C-j= now obey ~electric-indent-mode~
-Since Emacs 24.4, ~electric-indent-mode~ is enabled by default. In
-most major modes, this causes =RET= to reindent the current line and
-indent the new line, and =C-j= to insert a newline without indenting.
-Org mode now obeys this minor mode: when ~electric-indent-mode~ is
-enabled, and point is neither in a table nor on a timestamp or a link:
-- =RET= (bound to ~org-return~) reindents the current line and indents
- the new line;
-- =C-j= (bound to the new command ~org-return-and-maybe-indent~)
- merely inserts a newline.
-To get the previous behaviour back, disable ~electric-indent-mode~
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp
-(add-hook 'org-mode-hook (lambda () (electric-indent-local-mode -1)))
-Alternatively, if you wish to keep =RET= as the "smart-return" key,
-but dislike Org's default indentation of sections, you may prefer to
-customize ~org-adapt-indentation~ to either nil or =headline-data=.
-*** New allowed value for ~org-adapt-indentation~
-~org-adapt-indentation~ now accepts a new value, =headline-data=.
-When set to this value, Org will only adapt indentation of headline
-data lines, such as planning/clock lines and property/logbook drawers.
-Also, with this setting, =org-indent-mode= will keep these data lines
-correctly aligned with the headline above.
-*** Looping agenda commands over headlines
-~org-agenda-loop-over-headlines-in-active-region~ allows you to loop
-agenda commands over the active region.
-When set to =t= (the default), loop over all headlines. When set to
-='start-level=, loop over headlines with the same level as the first
-headline in the region. When set to a string, loop over lines
-matching this regular expression.
-*** New minor mode ~org-table-header-line-mode~
-Turn on the display of the first data row of the table at point in the
-window header line when this first row is not visible anymore in the
-You can activate this minor mode by default by setting the option
-~org-table-header-line-p~ to =t=. You can also change the face for
-the header line by customizing the ~org-table-header~ face.
-*** New minor mode ~org-list-checkbox-radio-mode~
-When this minor mode is on, checkboxes behave as radio buttons: if a
-checkbox is turned on, other checkboxes at the same level are turned
-If you want to occasionally toggle a checkbox as a radio button
-without turning this minor mode on, you can use =<C-c C-x C-r>= to
-call ~org-toggle-radio-button~.
-You can also add =#+ATTR_ORG: :radio t= right before the list to tell
-Org to use radio buttons for this list only.
-*** Numeric priorities are now allowed (up to 65)
-You can now set ~org-priority-highest/lowest/default~ to integers to
-use numeric priorities globally or set, for example
-#+PRIORITIES: 1 10 5
-to define a buffer-local range and default for priorities. Priority
-commands should work as usual. You cannot use numbers superior to 64
-for numeric priorities, as it would clash with priorities like [#A]
-where the "A" is internally converted to its numeric value of 65.
-*** Property drawers allowed before first headline
-Property drawers are now allowed before the first headline.
-Org mode is moving more towards making things before the first
-headline behave just as if it was at outline level 0. Inheritance for
-properties will work also for this level. In other words: defining
-things in a property drawer before the first headline will make them
-"inheritable" for all headlines.
-*** Refinement in window behavior on exiting Org source buffer
-After editing a source block, Org will restore the window layout when
-~org-src-window-setup~ is set to a value that modifies the layout.
-*** Display remote inline images
-Org now knows how to display remote images inline.
-Whether the images are actually displayed is controlled by the new
-option ~org-display-remote-inline-images~.
-*** New option to resolve open clock at a provided time
-~org-resolve-clocks~ now has a `t' option, which works just like the
-`k' option, but the user specifies a time of day, not a number of
-*** New step value =semimonth= accepted for clock tables
-*** Allow text rescaling in column view
-You can now use =C-x C-+= in column view: the columns face size will
-increase or decrease, together with the column header size.
-*** New startup option =#+startup: num=
-When this startup option is set, display headings as numerated.
-Use =#+startup: nonum= to turn this off.
-*** New tool for custom links
-Org provides a new tool ~org-link-open-as-file~, useful when defining
-new link types similar to "file"-type links. See docstring for
-*** New optional numeric argument for ~org-return~
-In situations where ~org-return~ calls ~newline~, multiple newlines
-can now be inserted with this prefix argument.
-*** New source code block header argument =:file-mode=
-Source code block header argument =:file-mode= can set file
-permissions if =:file= argument is provided.
-*** =ob-C.el= allows the inclusion of non-system header files
-In C and C++ blocks, ~:includes~ arguments that do not start with a
-~<~ character will now be formatted as double-quoted ~#include~
-*** =ob-clojure.el= supports inf-clojure.el and ClojureScript evaluation
-You can now set ~(setq org-babel-clojure-backend 'inf-clojure)~ and
-evaluate Clojure source blocks using [[][inf-clojure]]. With a header
-argument like =:alias "alias"= the Clojure REPL will boot with
-=clojure -Aalias=. Otherwise Clojure will boot with =lein=, =boot= or
-=tools.deps=, depending on whether the current directory contains a
-=project.clj=, =build.boot= or =deps.edn=, falling back on
-~inf-clojure-generic-cmd~ in case no such file is present.
-Also, when using [[][cider]], you can now use =#+begin_src clojurescript= to
-execute ClojureScript code from Org files. Note that this works only
-if your Org file is associated with a cider session that knows how to
-run ClojureScript code. A bare =lein repl= session outside of a
-directory configured for ClojureScript will /not/ work.
-*** =ob-java.el= supports Java command line arguments
-Babel Java blocks recognize header argument =:cmdargs= and pass its
-value in call to =java=.
-*** =ob-screen.el= now accepts =:screenrc= header argument
-Screen blocks now recognize the =:screenrc= header argument and pass
-its value to the screen command via the "-c" option. The default
-remains =/dev/null= (i.e. a clean screen session)
-*** =ob-plantuml=: now supports using PlantUML executable to generate diagrams
-Set =org-plantuml-exec-mode= to ='plantuml= in order to use the
-executable instead of JAR. When using an executable it is also
-possible to configure executable location as well as arguments via:
-=org-plantuml-executable-path= and =org-plantuml-executable-args=.
-** New commands
-*** ~org-table-header-line-mode~
-Turn on a minor mode to display the first data row of the table at
-point in the header-line when the beginning of the table is invisible.
-*** ~org-agenda-ctrl-c-ctrl-c~
-Hitting =<C-c C-c>= in an agenda view now calls ~org-agenda-set-tags~.
-*** ~org-hide-entry~
-This command is the counterpart of ~org-show-entry~.
-*** ~org-columns-toggle-or-columns-quit~
-=<C-c C-c>= bound to ~org-columns-toggle-or-columns-quit~ replaces the
-recent ~org-columns-set-tags-or-toggle~. Tag setting is still
-possible via column view value edit or with =<C-c C-q>=.
-*** ~org-datetree-find-month-create~
-Find or create a month entry for a date.
-** New options and settings
-*** New option ~org-html-prefer-user-labels~
-When non-nil, use =NAME= affiliated keyword, or raw target values, to
-generate anchor's ID. Otherwise, consistently use internal naming
-=CUSTOM_ID= values are still always used, when available.
-*** New option for using tabs in ~org-agenda-window-setup~
-Choosing ~other-tab~ for ~org-agenda-window-setup~ will open the
-agenda view in a new tab. This will work with versions of Emacs since
-27.1 when ~tab-bar-mode~ was introduced.
-*** New option ~org-table-header-line-p~
-Setting this option to =t= will activate ~org-table-header-line-mode~
-in org-mode buffers.
-*** New option ~org-startup-numerated~
-When this option is =t=, Org files will start using ~(org-num-mode 1)~
-and headings will be visually numerated.
-You can turn this on/off on a per-file basis with =#+startup: num= or
-=#+startup: nonum=.
-*** New option ~org-clock-auto-clockout-timer~
-When this option is set to a number and the user configuration
-contains =(org-clock-auto-clockout-insinuate)=, Org will clock out the
-currently clocked in task after that number of seconds of idle time.
-This is useful when you often forget to clock out before being idle
-and don't want to have to manually set the clocking time to take into
-*** New option to group captured datetime entries by month
-A new `:tree-type month' option was added to org-capture-templates to
-group new datetime entries by month.
-*** New option to show source buffers using "plain" display-buffer
-There is a new option ~plain~ to ~org-src-window-setup~ to show source
-buffers using ~display-buffer~. This allows users to control how
-source buffers are displayed by modifying ~display-buffer-alist~ or
-*** New option ~org-archive-subtree-save-file-p~
-Archiving a subtree used to always save the target archive buffer.
-Commit [[git::b186d1d7][b186d1d7]] changed this behavior by always not saving the target
-buffer, because batch archiving from agenda could take too much time.
-This new option ~org-archive-subtree-save-file-p~ defaults to the
-value =from-org= so that archiving a subtree will save the target
-buffer when done from an org-mode buffer, but not from the agenda.
-You can also set this option to =t= or to =from-agenda=.
-*** New option ~org-show-notification-timeout~
-This option will add a timeout to notifications.
-*** New option ~org-latex-to-html-convert-command~
-This new option allows you to convert a LaTeX fragment directly into
-*** New option ~org-babel-shell-results-defaults-to-output~
-By default, source code blocks are executed in "functional mode": it
-means that the results of executing them are the value of their last
-statement (see [[][the documentation]].)
-The value of a shell script's execution is its exit code. But most
-users expect the results of executing a shell script to be its output,
-not its exit code.
-So we introduced this option, that you can set to nil if you want to
-stick using ~:results value~ as the implicit header.
-In all Babel libraries, the absence of a ~:results~ header should
-produce the same result than setting ~:results value~, unless there is
-an option to explicitly create an exception.
-See [[][this thread]] for more context.
-*** New option in ~org-attach-store-link-p~
-~org-attach-store-link-p~ has a new option to store a file link to the
-*** New option ~org-fontify-todo-headline~
-This feature is the same as ~org-fontify-done-headline~, but for TODO
-headlines instead. This allows you to distinguish TODO headlines from
-normal headlines. The face can be customized via ~org-headline-todo~.
-*** New default value for ~org-file-apps~
-The new value uses Emacs as the application for opening directory.
-*** New hook ~org-agenda-filter-hook~
-Functions in this hook are run after ~org-agenda-filter~ is called.
-** Removed or renamed functions and variables
-*** Deprecated ~org-flag-drawer~ function
-Use ~org-hide-drawer-toggle~ instead.
-*** Deprecated ~org-hide-block-toggle-maybe~ function
-Use ~org-hide-block-toggle~ instead.
-*** Deprecated ~org-hide-block-toggle-all~ function
-This function was not used in the code base, and has no clear use
-either. It has been marked for future removal. Please contact the
-mailing list if you use this function.
-*** Deprecated ~org-return-indent~ function
-In Elisp code, use ~(org-return t)~ instead. Interactively, =C-j= is
-now bound to ~org-return-and-maybe-indent~, which indents the new line
-when ~electric-indent-mode~ is disabled.
-*** Removed ~org-maybe-keyword-time-regexp~
-The variable was not used in the code base.
-*** Removed ~org-export-special-keywords~
-The variable was not used in the code base.
-*** Renamed ~org-at-property-block-p~
-The new name is ~org-at-property-drawer-p~, which is less confusing.
-*** Renamed ~org-columns-set-tags-or-toggle~
-See [[*~org-columns-toggle-or-columns-quit~]].
-*** Renamed priority options
-From ~org-lowest-priority~ to ~org-priority-lowest~.
-From ~org-default-priority~ to ~org-priority-default~.
-From ~org-highest-priority~ to ~org-priority-highest~.
-From ~org-enable-priority-commands~ to ~org-priority-enable-commands~.
-From ~org-show-priority~ to ~org-priority-show~.
-** Miscellaneous
-*** =ob-screen.el= now respects screen =:session= name
-Screen babel session are now named based on the =:session= header
-argument (defaults to ~default~).
-Previously all session names had ~org-babel-session-~ prepended.
-*** Forward/backward paragraph functions in line with the rest of Emacs
-~org-forward-paragraph~ and ~org-backward-paragraph~, bound to
-~<C-UP>~ and ~<C-DOWN>~ functions mimic more closely behaviour of
-~forward-paragraph~ and ~backward-paragraph~ functions when
-They also accept an optional argument for multiple calls.
-See their docstring for details.
-*** ~org-table-to-lisp~ no longer checks if point is at a table
-The caller is now responsible for the check. It can use, e.g.,
-The function is also much more efficient than it used to be, even on
-very large tables.
-*** New function ~org-collect-keywords~
-*** Drawers' folding use an API similar to block's
-Tooling for folding drawers interactively or programmatically is now
-on par with block folding. In particular, ~org-hide-drawer-toggle~,
-a new function, is the central place for drawer folding.
-*** Duration can be read and written in compact form
-~org-duration-to-minutes~ understands =1d3h5min= as a duration,
-whereas ~org-duration-from-minutes~ can output this compact form if
-the duration format contains the symbol ~compact~.
-*** C-n, C-p, SPC and DEL in agenda commands dispatch window
-You can now use =<C-n>=, =<C-p>=, =<SPC>= and =<DEL>= key to scroll up
-and down the agenda and attach dispatch window.
-*** =<C-c C-c>= in agenda calls ~org-agenda-set-tags~
-Both =<C-c C-q>= and =<C-c C-c>= set the tags of the headline in the
-Org buffer. Both keybindings are now available from the agenda too.
-*** Allow to use an empty HTML extension
-Using =(setq org-html-extension "")= or setting the HTML extension in
-any fashion will produce the expected output, with no trailing period
-to the resulting HTML file.
-*** Handle repeated tasks with =.+= type and hours step
-A task using a =.+= repeater and hours step is repeated starting from
-now. E.g.,
-,,** TODO Wash my hands
- DEADLINE: <2019-04-05 08:00 Sun .+1h>
- Marking this DONE shifts the date to exactly one hour from now.
-*** The format of equation reference in HTML export can now be specified
-By default, HTML (via MathJax) and LaTeX export equation references
-using different commands. LaTeX must use ~\ref{%s}~ because it is used
-for all labels; however, HTML (via MathJax) uses ~\eqref{%s}~ for
-equations producing inconsistent output. New option
-~org-html-equation-reference-format~ sets the command used in HTML
-*** =ob-haskell.el= supports compilation with =:compile= header argument
-By default, Haskell blocks are interpreted. By adding =:compile yes=
-to a Haskell source block, it will be compiled, executed and the
-results will be displayed.
-*** Support for ~org-edit-special~ with LaTeX fragments
-Calling ~org-edit-special~ on an inline LaTeX fragment calls a new
-function, ~org-edit-latex-fragment~. This functions in a comparable
-manner to editing inline source blocks, bringing up a minibuffer set
-to LaTeX mode. The math-mode deliminators are read only.
-*** ~org-capture-current-plist~ is now accessible during ~org-capture-mode-hook~
-*** New =org-refile.el= file
-Org refile variables and functions have been moved to a new file.
-*** The end of a 7 years old bug
-This bug [[][originally reported]] by Matt Lundin and investigated by Andrew
-Hyatt has been fixed. Thanks to both of them.
-* Version 9.3
-** Incompatible changes
-*** Change bracket link escaping syntax
-Org used to percent-encode sensitive characters in the URI part of the
-bracket links.
-Now, escaping mechanism uses the usual backslash character, according
-to the following rules:
-1. All =[= and =]= characters in the URI must be escaped;
-2. Every =\= character preceding either =[= or =]= must be escaped;
-3. Every =\= character at the end of the URI must be escaped.
-When in doubt, use the function ~org-link-escape~ in order to turn
-a link string into its properly escaped form.
-The following function will help switching your links to the new
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp
-(defun org-update-link-syntax (&optional no-query)
- "Update syntax for links in current buffer.
-Query before replacing a link, unless optional argument NO-QUERY
-is non-nil."
- (interactive "P")
- (org-with-point-at 1
- (let ((case-fold-search t))
- (while (re-search-forward "\\[\\[[^]]*?%\\(?:2[05]\\|5[BD]\\)" nil t)
- (let ((object (save-match-data (org-element-context))))
- (when (and (eq 'link (org-element-type object))
- (= (match-beginning 0)
- (org-element-property :begin object)))
- (goto-char (org-element-property :end object))
- (let* ((uri-start (+ 2 (match-beginning 0)))
- (uri-end (save-excursion
- (goto-char uri-start)
- (re-search-forward "\\][][]" nil t)
- (match-beginning 0)))
- (uri (buffer-substring-no-properties uri-start uri-end)))
- (when (or no-query
- (y-or-n-p
- (format "Possibly obsolete URI syntax: %S. Fix? "
- uri)))
- (setf (buffer-substring uri-start uri-end)
- (org-link-escape (org-link-decode uri)))))))))))
-The old ~org-link-escape~ and ~org-link-unescape~ functions have been
-renamed into ~org-link-encode~ and ~org-link-decode~.
-*** Change match group number in ~org-link-bracket-re~
-Link description, if any, is located in match group 2 instead of match
-group 3.
-*** ob-clojure does not auto prepend ~(ns ..)~ statement anymore
-When tangling, user usually just wants to tangle literally code instead
-of prepend inserting a ~(ns ..)~ statement before source block
-code. Now, when you have no ~:ns~ header argument specified, this
-behavior will not happen automatically.
-*** Change in behavior on exit from an Org edit buffer
-Org will no longer attempt to restore the window configuration in the
-frame to which the user returns after editing a source block with
-~org-edit-src-code~. Instead, the window configuration will remain as
-it is.
-*** Change default value for ~org-email-link-description-format~
-When linking from a mail buffer, Org used to truncate the subject of
-the message to 30 characters in order to build the description of the
-link. This behavior was considered as too surprising. As
-a consequence, Org no longer truncates subjects.
-You can get the old behavior back with the following:
-: (setq org-email-link-description-format "Email %c: %.30s")
-*** ~:file~ header argument no longer assume "file" ~:results~
-The "file" ~:results~ value is now mandatory for a code block
-returning a link to a file. The ~:file~ or ~:file-ext~ header
-arguments no longer imply a "file" result is expected.
-*** Plain numbers are hours in Column View mode
-See [[git:3367ac9457]] for details.
-*** All LaTeX preview backends use now xcolor
-The dvipng backend was previously relying on fg and bg parameters to
-be passed to the CLI. This didn't work when xcolor was directly or
-indirectly used in the document (e.g. tkiz is a user of xcolor). Since
-every other backend was already using xcolor to set fg and bg, the CLI
-alternative was removed and there is no more a :use-xcolor options
-since now it's implicitly always true.
-*** Org-Attach Git commit
-[[*Org-Attach has been refactored and extended][Refactoring of Org-Attach]] affected the Git commit functionality. Not
-much, but the following changes are required if you still need to
-auto-commit attachments to git:
-- Customization of ~org-attach-annex-auto-get~ needs to be renamed to
- ~org-attach-git-annex-auto-get~.
-- Customization of ~org-attach-commit~ is no longer needed. Instead
- one need to require the =org-attach-git= module in the startup.
-** New features
-*** New option to wrap source code lines in HTML export
-When new option ~html-wrap-src-lines~ (with variable
-~org-html-wrap-src-lines~) is non-nil, HTML export wraps source code
-lines in HTML ~code~ elements.
-*** New option to handle schedules and deadlines in iCalendar export
-Export ignore done tasks with a deadline when
-~org-icalendar-use-deadline~ contains ~event-if-todo-not-done~.
-Likewise, scheduled done tasks are also ignored when
-~org-icalendar-use-scheduled~ contains the same symbol.
-*** Add ~split-window-right~ option for src block edit window placement
-Given the increasing popularity of wide screen monitors, splitting
-horizontally may make more sense than splitting vertically. An
-option, ~split-window-right~, to request horizontal splitting has been
-added to ~org-src-window-setup~.
-*** Org-Attach has been refactored and extended
-Org attach has been refactored and the functionality extended. It
-should now be easier to understand how it works. A few improvements
-and extra options have been added as well.
-From the initial comment in org-attach source-code:
-- Attachments are managed either by using a custom property DIR or by
- using property ID from org-id. When DIR is defined, a location in
- the filesystem is directly attached to the outline node. When
- org-id is used, attachments are stored in a folder named after the
- ID, in a location defined by ~org-attach-id-dir~. DIR has
- precedence over ID when both parameters are defined for the current
- outline node (also when inherited parameters are taken into
- account).
-From now on inheritance requires no extra property and will adhere to
-~org-attach-use-inheritance~ by default. Inheritance can be
-customized to always be activated or never be activated in
-The ATTACH_DIR property is deprecated in favor of the shorter
-property DIR. Links to folders inside the DIR property can now be
-declared as relative links. This is not enabled by default, but can
-be set in ~org-attach-dir-relative~.
-When adding new attachment to the outline node the preferred way of
-doing so can be customized. Take a look at
-~org-attach-preferred-new-method~. It defaults to using ID since that
-was the behavior before this change.
-If both DIR and ID properties are set on the same node, DIR has
-precedence and will be used.
-One can now also choose to build attachment-directory-paths in a
-customized way. This is an advanced topic, but in some case it makes
-sense to parse an ID in a different way than the default one. Create
-your own function and add it to the beginning of
-~org-attach-id-to-path-function~list~ if you want to customize the ID
-based folder structure.
-If you've used ATTACH_DIR properties to manage attachments, use the
-following code to rename that property to DIR which supports the same
-functionality. ATTACH_DIR_INHERIT is no longer supported and is
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp
- (defun org-update-attach-properties ()
- "Change properties for Org-Attach."
- (interactive)
- (org-with-point-at 1
- (while (outline-next-heading)
- (let ((DIR (org--property-local-values "ATTACH_DIR" nil)))
- (when DIR
- (org-set-property "DIR" (car DIR))
- (org-delete-property "ATTACH_DIR"))))
- (org-delete-property-globally "ATTACH_DIR_INHERIT")))
-For those who hate breaking changes, even though the changes are made
-to clean things up; fear not. ATTACH_DIR will still continue to work.
-It's just not documented any longer. When you get the chance, run the
-code above to clean things up anyway!
-**** New hooks
-Two hooks are added to org-attach:
-- org-attach-after-change-hook
-- org-attach-open-hook
-They are added mostly for internal restructuring purposes, but can
-ofc. be used for other things as well.
-*** New link-type: Attachment
-Attachment-links are now first-class citizens. They mimic file-links
-in everything they do but use the existing attachment-folder as a base
-when expanding the links. Both =DIR= and =ID= properties are used to
-try to resolve the links, in exactly the same way as Org-Attach uses
-those properties.
-*** Handle overlay specification for notes in Beamer export
-This aligns Beamer notes with slide overlays.
-*** Add support for lettered lists in Texinfo
-Using =:enum A= or =:enum a= Texinfo attribute switches an otherwise
-numbered list to a lettered list.
-*** Add a dispatcher command to insert dynamic blocks
-You can add new dynamic blocks with function
-~org-dynamic-block-define~. All such dynamic blocks can be used by
-~org-dynamic-block-insert-dblock~ command.
-*** Babel
-**** ob-emacs-lisp sets ~lexical-binding~ in Org edit buffers
-When editing an Elisp src block, the editing buffer's
-~lexical-binding~ is set according to the src block's =:lexical=
-**** Add LaTeX output support in PlantUML
-*** New minor mode to display headline numbering
-Use =<M-x org-num-mode>= to get a visual indication of the numbering
-in the outline. The numbering is also automatically updated upon
-changes in the buffer.
-*** New property =HTML_HEADLINE_CLASS= in HTML export
-The new property =HTML_HEADLINE_CLASS= assigns a class attribute to
-a headline.
-*** Allow LaTeX attributes and captions for "table.el" tables
-Supported LaTeX attributes are ~:float~, ~:center~, ~:font~ and
-*** Attach buffer contents to headline
-With =<b>= key from attachment dispatcher (=<C-c C-a>=), it is now
-possible to write the contents of a buffer to a file in the headline
-attachment directory.
-*** iCalendar export respects a =CLASS= property
-Set the =CLASS= property on an entry to specify a visibility class for
-that entry only during iCalendar export. The property can be set to
-anything the calendar server supports. The iCalendar standard defines
-the values =PUBLIC=, =CONFIDENTIAL=, =PRIVATE=, which can be
-interpreted as publicly visible, accessible to a specific group, and
-private respectively.
-This property can be inherited during iCalendar export, depending on
-the value of ~org-use-property-inheritance~.
-*** New parameter for =INCLUDE= keyword
-Add =:coding CODING-SYSTEM= to include files using a different coding
-system than the main Org document. For example:
-,#+INCLUDE: "myfile.cmd" src cmd :coding cp850-dos
-*** New values in clock tables' step: =month= and =year=
-*** ODT export handles numbers cookies in lists
-*** New cell movement functions in tables
-~S-<UP>~, ~S-<DOWN>~, ~S-<RIGHT>~, and ~S-<LEFT>~ now move cells in
-the corresponding direction by swapping with the adjacent cell.
-*** New option to natively fontify LaTeX snippets and environments
-A 'native option was added to org-highlight-latex-and-related. It
-matches the same structures than 'latex but it calls
-org-src-font-lock-fontify-block instead, thus bringing about full
-LaTeX font locking.
-*** ~org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift~ learned to shift backward in time
-=<C-c C-x c>= (~org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift~) now takes a
-negative value as a valid repeater to shift time stamps in backward
-in cloned subtrees. You can give, for example, ‘-3d’ to shift three
-days in the past.
-*** Toggle display of all vs. undone scheduled habits conveniently
-=<C-u K>= (~org-habit-toggle-display-in-agenda~) in an agenda toggles
-the display of all habits to those which are undone and scheduled.
-This is a function for convenience.
-*** New parameter for SQL Babel blocks: ~:dbconnection~
-The new parameter ~:dbconnection~ allows to specify a connection name
-in a SQL block header: this name is used to look up connection
-parameters in ~sql-connection-alist~.
-*** New =:scale= attribute supported by LaTeX exporters
-The builtin "latex" exporters now accept and use a =:scale= attribute,
-which scales an image by a given factor.
-This attribute is wrapped around the =scale= parameter of LaTeX's
-=\includegraphics= (bitmap images) or a TiKZ's =\scalebox=.
-Therefore, its value should be some string palatable to LaTeX as
-a positive float Its default value is an empty string (i.e. disabled).
-This attribute overrides the =:width= and =:height= attributes.
-,#+name: Beastie
-,#+caption: I think I saw this curious horse already, but where ?
-,#+LATEX_ATTR: :scale 2
-*** Allow specifying the target for a table of contents
-The =+TOC= keyword now accepts a =:target:= attribute that specifies
-the headline to use for making the table of contents.
-,* Target
- :CUSTOM_ID: TargetSection
- :END:
-,** Heading A
-,** Heading B
-,* Another section
-,#+TOC: headlines 1 :target "#TargetSection"
-** New functions
-*** ~org-dynamic-block-insert-dblock~
-Use default keybinding =<C-c C-x x>= to run command
-~org-dynamic-block-insert-dblock~. It will prompt user to select
-dynamic block in ~org-dynamic-block-alist~.
-*** ~org-table-cell-up~
-*** ~org-table-cell-down~
-*** ~org-table-cell-left~
-*** ~org-table-cell-right~
-*** ~org-habit-toggle-display-in-agenda~
-** Removed functions and variables
-*** Removed Org Drill
-You can install it back from MELPA.
-*** ~org-babel-set-current-result-hash~
-*** ~org-capture-insert-template-here~
-*** ~org-attach-directory~
-It has been deprecated in favor of ~org-attach-id-dir~ which is less
-ambiguous given the restructured org-attach.
-*** ~org-enable-fixed-width-editor~
-This variable was not used through the code base.
-** Miscellaneous
-*** Change signature for ~org-list-to-subtree~
-The function now accepts the level of the subtree as an optional
-argument. It no longer deduces it from the current level.
-*** LaTeX preview is simplified
-Function ~org-latex-preview~, formerly known as
-~org-toggle-latex-fragment~, has a hopefully simpler and more
-predictable behavior. See its docstring for details.
-*** ~org-table-copy-down~ supports patterns
-When ~org-table-copy-increment~ is non-nil, it is now possible to
-increment fields like =A1=, or =0A=, i.e., any string prefixed or
-suffixed with a whole number.
-*** No more special indentation for description items
-Descriptions items are indented like regular ones, i.e., text starts
-after the bullet. Special indentation used to introduce bugs when
-inserting sub-items in a description list.
-*** New hook: ~org-todo-repeat-hook~
-This hook was actually introduced in Org 9.2.1, but wasn't advertised.
-*** Org Table reads numbers starting with 0 as strings
-*** Disable fast tag selection interface via prefix arg
-A call of ~org-set-tags-command~ with prefix argument C-u C-u avoids
-the fast tag selection interface and instead offers the plain
-*** ~:mkdirp~ now supports create directory for ~:dir~ path
-The ~:mkdirp~ header argument used to only work for ~:tangle~ tangle
-files. Now ~:mkdirp~ works for ~:dir~ too. This is more convenient for
-specify default directory and with ~:file~ header argument.
-*** New variable: ~org-agenda-breadcrumbs-separator~
-If breadcrumbs are showed in org-agenda with the help of "%b" format
-in ~org-agenda-prefix-format~, user can customize breadcrumbs's
-separator using ~org-agenda-breadcrumbs-separator~.
-*** New variable ~org-attach-commands~
-This variable makes it possible to customize the list of commands for
-the attachment dispatcher.
-*** New ID method based on timestamp
-If one chooses, it is now possible to create ID's based on timestamp
-(ISO8601) instead of UUID by changing org-id-method to ts.
-For an improved folder structure when using timestamp as ID, make sure
-to promote ~org-attach-id-ts-folder-format~ to the first element of
-~org-attach-id-to-path-function-list~ in your configuration at the
-same time.
-*** New customization: ~org-id-locations-relative~
-New customization to make the persisting of org-id-locations between
-sessions to store links to files as relative instead of absolute. The
-links will be stored as relative to the path of org-id-locations-file.
-*** ~org-ctrl-c-tab~ is functional before the first headline
-I.e. treat the whole file as if it was a subtree.
-Also fold everything below the chosen level. Former behavior was to
-leave unfolded subtrees unfolded.
-*** ~org-kill-note-or-show-branches~ is functional before the first headline
-I.e. treat the whole file as if it was a subtree.
-*** Respect narrowing when agenda command is restricted to buffer
-*** ~org-table-insert-column~ inserts the column at point position
-Before, the new column was inserted to the right of the column at
-point position.
-*** Table column deletion now consistent with row deletion
-Point stays in the column at deletion, except when deleting the
-rightmost column.
-* Version 9.2
-** Incompatible changes
-*** Removal of OrgStruct mode mode and radio lists
-OrgStruct minor mode and radio lists mechanism (~org-list-send-list~
-and ~org-list-radio-lists-templates~) are removed from the code base.
-Note that only radio /lists/ have been removed, not radio tables.
-If you want to manipulate lists like in Org in other modes, we suggest
-to use =orgalist.el=, which you can install from GNU ELPA.
-If you want to use Org folding outside of Org buffers, you can have a
-look at the outshine package in the MELPA repository.
-*** Change in the structure template expansion
-Org 9.2 comes with a new template expansion mechanism, combining
-~org-insert-structure-template~ bound to ~C-c C-,~.
-If you customized the ~org-structure-template-alist~ option manually,
-you probably need to update it, see the docstring for accepted values.
-If you prefer using previous patterns, e.g. =<s=, you can activate
-them again by requiring Org Tempo library:
-: (require 'org-tempo)
-or add it to ~org-modules~.
-If you need complex templates, look at the ~tempo-define-template~
-function or at solutions like Yasnippet.
-*** Change to Noweb expansion
-Expansion check =:noweb-ref= only if no matching named block is found
-in the buffer. As a consequence, any =:noweb-ref= value matching the
-name of a source block in the buffer is ignored. A simple fix is to
-give every concerned source-block, including the named one, a new,
-unique, Noweb reference.
-#+BEGIN_SRC org
- ,#+NAME: foo
- ,#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
- 1
- ,#+END_SRC
- ,#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :noweb-ref foo
- 2
- ,#+END_SRC
- ,#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :noweb yes
- <<foo>>
- ,#+END_SRC
-should become
-#+BEGIN_SRC org
- ,#+NAME: foo
- ,#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :noweb-ref bar
- 1
- ,#+END_SRC
- ,#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :noweb-ref bar
- 2
- ,#+END_SRC
- ,#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :noweb yes
- <<bar>>
- ,#+END_SRC
-*** Default/accepted values of ~org-calendar-to-agenda-key~
-The default value and accepted value of ~org-calendar-to-agenda-key~
-changed. This is an excerpt of the new docstring:
-: When set to ‘default’, bind the function to ‘c’, but only if it is
-: available in the Calendar keymap. This is the default choice because
-: ‘c’ can then be used to switch back and forth between agenda and calendar.
-: When nil, ‘org-calendar-goto-agenda’ is not bound to any key.
-Check the full docstring for more.
-*** Change the signature of the ~org-set-effort~ function
-Here is the new docstring:
-: (org-set-effort &optional INCREMENT VALUE)
-: Set the effort property of the current entry.
-: If INCREMENT is non-nil, set the property to the next allowed
-: value. Otherwise, if optional argument VALUE is provided, use
-: it. Eventually, prompt for the new value if none of the previous
-: variables is set.
-*** Placeholders in =(eval ...)= macros are always strings
-Within =(eval ...)= macros, =$1=-like placeholders are always replaced
-with a string. As a consequence, they must not be enclosed within
-quotes. As an illustration, consider the following, now valid,
- ,#+macro: join (eval (concat $1 $2))
- ,#+macro: sum (eval (+ (string-to-number $1) (string-to-number $2)))
- {{{join(a,b)}}} => ab
- {{{sum(1,2)}}} => 3
-However, there is no change in non-eval macros:
- ,#+macro: disp argument: $1
- {{{disp(text)}}} => argument: text
-*** =align= STARTUP value no longer narrow table columns
-Columns narrowing (or shrinking) is now dynamic. See [[*Dynamically
-narrow table columns]] for details. In particular, it is decoupled from
-If you need to automatically shrink columns upon opening an Org
-document, use =shrink= value instead, or in addition to align:
-,#+STARTUP: align shrink
-*** ~org-get-tags~ meaning change
-Function ~org-get-tags~ used to return local tags to the current
-headline. It now returns all the inherited tags in addition to the
-local tags. In order to get the old behavior back, you can use:
-: (org-get-tags nil t)
-*** Alphabetic sorting in tables and lists
-When sorting alphabetically, ~org-table-sort-lines~ and ~org-sort-list~
-now sort according to the locale’s collation rules instead of by
-*** Change the name of the :tags clocktable option to :match
-The =:match= (renamed from =:tags=) option allows to limit clock entries
-to those matching a todo-tags matcher.
-The old =:tags= option can be set to =t= to display a headline's tags in a
-dedicated column.
-This is consistent with the naming of =org-dblock-write:columnview=
-options, where =:match= is also used as a headlines filter.
-** New features
-*** Add ~:session~ support of ob-clojure for CIDER
-You can initialize source block session with Babel default keybinding
-=[C-c C-v C-z]= to use =sesman= session manager to link current
-project, directory or buffer with specific Clojure session, or
-=cider-jack-in= a new CIDER REPL if no CIDER REPLs available. In older
-CIDER version which has not =sesman= integrated, only has
-=cider-jack-in= without Clojure project is supported.
-#+begin_src clojure :session
-(dissoc Clojure 'JVM)
-(conj clojurists "stardiviner")
-*** Add ~:results link~ support for Babel
-With this output format, create a link to the file specified in
-~:file~ header argument, without actually writing any result to it:
-,#+begin_src shell :dir "data/tmp" :results link :file "crackzor_1.0.c.gz"
-wget -c ""
-*** Add ~:session~ support of ob-js for js-comint
-#+begin_src js :session "*Javascript REPL*"
-*** Add ~:session~ support of ob-js for Indium
-#+begin_src js :session "*JS REPL*"
-*** Add ~:session~ support of ob-js for skewer-mode
-#+begin_src js :session "*skewer-repl*"
-*** Add support for links to LaTeX equations in HTML export
-Use MathJax links when enabled (by ~org-html-with-latex~), otherwise
-add a label to the rendered equation.
-*** Org Tempo may used for snippet expansion of structure template.
-See manual and the commentary section in ~org-tempo.el~ for details.
-*** Exclude unnumbered headlines from table of contents
-Set their =UNNUMBERED= property to the special =notoc= value. See
-manual for details.
-*** ~org-archive~ functions update status cookies
-Archiving headers through ~org-archive-subtree~ and
-~org-archive-to-archive-sibling~ such as the ones listed below:
-#+BEGIN_SRC org
- ,* Top [1/2]
- ,** DONE Completed
- ,** TODO Working
-Will update the status cookie in the top level header.
-*** Disable =org-agenda-overriding-header= by setting to empty string
-The ~org-agenda-overriding-header~ inserted into agenda views can now
-be disabled by setting it to an empty string.
-*** Dynamically narrow table columns
-With ~C-c TAB~, it is now possible to narrow a column to the width
-specified by a width cookie in the column, or to 1 character if there
-is no such cookie. The same keybinding expands a narrowed column to
-its previous state.
-Editing the column automatically expands the whole column to its full
-*** =org-columns-summary-types= entries can take an optional COLLECT function
-You can use this to make collection of a property from an entry
-conditional on another entry. E.g. given this configuration:
-#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
- (defun custom/org-collect-confirmed (property)
- "Return `PROPERTY' for `CONFIRMED' entries"
- (let ((prop (org-entry-get nil property))
- (confirmed (org-entry-get nil "CONFIRMED")))
- (if (and prop (string= "[X]" confirmed))
- prop
- "0")))
- (setq org-columns-summary-types
- '(("X+" org-columns--summary-sum
- custom/org-collect-confirmed)))
-You can have a file containing:
-#+BEGIN_SRC org
- ,#+columns: %ITEM %CONFIRMED %Bananas{+} %Bananas(Confirmed Bananas){X+}
- ,* All shipments
- ,** Shipment 1
- :Bananas: 4
- :END:
- ,** Shipment 2
- :END:
-... and when going to the top of that file and entering column view
-you should expect to see something like:
-| ITEM | CONFIRMED | Bananas | Confirmed Bananas |
-| All shipments | | 11 | 4 |
-| Shipment 1 | [X] | 4 | 4 |
-| Shipment 2 | [ ] | 7 | 7 |
- ,#+STARTUP: shrink
-*** Allow to filter by tags/property when capturing colview
-You can now use =:match= to filter entries using a todo/tags/properties
-*** Add support for Oracle's database alias in Babel blocks
-=ob-sql= library already support running SQL blocks against an Oracle
-database using ~sqlplus~. Now it's possible to use alias names
-defined in =TNSNAMES= file instead of specifying full connection
-parameters. See example below.
-#+BEGIN_SRC org
- you can use the previous full connection parameters
- ,#+BEGIN_SRC sql :engine oracle :dbuser me :dbpassword my_insecure_password :database my_db_name :dbhost my_db_host :dbport 1521
- select sysdate from dual;
- ,#+END_SRC
- or the alias defined in your TNSNAMES file
- ,#+BEGIN_SRC sql :engine oracle :dbuser me :dbpassword my_insecure_password :database my_tns_alias
- select sysdate from dual;
- ,#+END_SRC
-*** ~org-agenda-set-restriction-lock~ toggle agenda restriction at point
-You can set an agenda restriction lock with =C-x C-x <= or with =<= at the
-beginning of a headline when using Org speed commands. Now, if there
-is already a restriction at point, hitting =<= again (or =C-x C-x <=) will
-remove it.
-*** Headlines can now link to themselves in HTML export
-When enabling ~org-html-self-link-headlines~ the headlines exported to
-HTML contain a hyperlink to themselves.
-** New commands and functions
-*** ~org-insert-structure-template~
-This function can be used to wrap existing text of Org elements in
-a #+BEGIN_FOO/#+END_FOO block. Bound to C-c C-x w by default.
-*** ~org-export-excluded-from-toc-p~
-See docstring for details.
-*** ~org-timestamp-to-time~
-*** ~org-timestamp-from-string~
-*** ~org-timestamp-from-time~
-*** ~org-attach-dired-to-subtree~
-See docstring for details.
-*** ~org-toggle-narrow-to-subtree~
-Toggle the narrowing state of the buffer: when in a narrowed state,
-widen, otherwise call ~org-narrow-to-subtree~ to narrow.
-This is attached to the "s" speed command, so that hitting "s" twice
-will go back to the widen state.
-*** ~org-browse-news~
-Browse to let users read information
-about the last major release.
-There is a new menu entry for this in the "Documentation" menu item.
-*** ~org-info-find-node~
-From an Org file or an agenda switch to a suitable info page depending
-on the context.
-The function is bound to =C-c C-x I=.
-** Removed commands and functions
-*** ~org-outline-overlay-data~
-Use ~org-save-outline-visibility~ instead.
-*** ~org-set-outline-overlay-data~
-Use ~org-save-outline-visibility~ instead.
-*** ~org-get-string-indentation~
-It was not used throughout the code base.
-*** ~org-fix-indentation~
-It was not used throughout code base.
-*** ~org-context-p~
-Use ~org-element-at-point~ instead.
-*** ~org-preserve-lc~
-It is no longer used in the code base.
-*** ~org-try-structure-completion~
-Org Tempo may be used as a replacement. See details above.
-** Removed options
-*** org-babel-use-quick-and-dirty-noweb-expansion
-See [[*Change to Noweb expansion][Change to Noweb expansion]] for explanations.
-** Miscellaneous
-*** New default value for ~org-texinfo-table-scientific-notation~
-It is now nil, which means numbers in scientific notation are not
-handled specially by default.
-*** New default value for ~org-latex-table-scientific-notation~
-It is now nil, which means numbers in scientific notation are not
-handled specially by default.
-*** New face: ~org-upcoming-distant-deadline~
-It is meant to be used as the face for distant deadlines, see
-*** ~org-paste-subtree~ no longer breaks sections
-Unless point is at the beginning of a headline, ~org-paste-subtree~
-now pastes the tree before the next visible headline. If you need to
-break the section, use ~org-yank~ instead.
-*** ~org-table-insert-column~ inserts a column to the right
-It used to insert it on the left. With this change,
-~org-table-insert-column~ and ~org-table-delete-column~ are
-*** ~org-publish-resolve-external-link~ accepts a new optional argument.
-*** ~org-irc.el~ now supports exporting =irc:= links properly
-Previously, irc links were exported by ~ox-md~ and ~ox-html~ as normal
-file links, which lead to them being broken in web browsers. Now both
-of these exporters will properly export to =irc:= links, which will
-open properly in irc clients from web browsers.
-*** ~org-comment-dwim~ (bound to =M-;=) now comments headings, if point is on a heading
-*** Add support for open source block in window below
-Set option ~org-src-window-setup~ to ~split-window-below~.
-*** Alphabetic sorting in headings and tags now uses the locale’s sorting rules
-When sorting alphabetically, ~org-sort-entries~ and
-~org-tags-sort-function~ now sort according to the locale’s collation
-rules instead of by code-point.
-*** New speed command "k" to kill (cut) the subtree at point
-* Version 9.1
-** Incompatible changes
-*** Variables relative to clocksum duration are obsolete
-~org-time-clocksum-format~, ~org-time-clocksum-use-fractional~ and
-~org-time-clocksum-fractional-format~ are obsolete. If you changed
-them, consider modifying ~org-duration-format~ instead.
-Variable ~org-time-clocksum-use-effort-durations~ is also obsolete.
-Consider setting ~org-duration-units~ instead.
-*** ~org-at-timestamp-p~ optional argument accepts different values
-See docstrings for the allowed values. For backward compatibility,
-~(org-at-timestamp-p t)~ is still supported, but should be updated
-*** ~org-capture-templates~ no longer accepts S-expressions as file names
-Since functions are allowed there, a straightforward way to migrate
-is to turn, e.g.,
-: (file (sexp))
-: (file (lambda () (sexp)))
-*** Deleted contributed packages
-=org-ebib.el, =org-bullets.el= and =org-mime.el= have been deleted
-from the contrib/ directory.
-You can now find them here :
-*** Change ~org-texinfo-classes~ value
-The value cannot support functions to create sectioning commands
-anymore. Also, the sectioning commands should include commands for
-appendices. See the docstring for more information.
-*** Removal of ~:sitemap-sans-extension~
-The publishing property is no longer recognized, as a consequence of
-changes to site-map generation.
-You can get the same functionality by setting ~:sitemap-format-entry~
-to the following
-#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
-(lambda (entry style project)
- (cond ((not (directory-name-p entry))
- (format "[[file:%s][%s]]"
- (file-name-sans-extension entry)
- (org-publish-find-title entry project)))
- ((eq style 'tree) (file-name-nondirectory (directory-file-name entry)))
- (t entry)))
-*** Change signature for ~:sitemap-function~
-~:sitemap-function~ now expects to be called with two arguments. See
-~org-publish-project-alist~ for details.
-*** Change signature for some properties in ~org-list-to-generic~
-~:istart~, ~:icount~, ~:iend~ and ~:isep~ now expect the type of the
-list as their first argument.
-*** Change signature for ~org-get-repeater~
-The optional argument is now a string to extract the repeater from.
-See docstring for details.
-*** Change signature for ~org-time-string-to-time~
-See docstring for changes.
-*** Change order of items in ~org-agenda-time-grid~
-~org-agenda-time-grid~ gained an extra item to allow users to customize
-the string displayed after times in the agenda. See docstring for
-*** ~tags-todo~ custom searches now include DONE keywords
-Use "/!" markup when filtering TODO keywords to get only not-done TODO
-*** ~org-split-string~ returns ~("")~ when called on an empty string
-It used to return nil.
-*** Removal of =ob-scala.el=
-See [[][this github issue]].
-You can use =ob-scala.el= as packaged in scala-mode, available from the
-MELPA repository.
-** New features
-*** iCalendar export uses inheritance for TIMEZONE and LOCATION properties
-Both these properties can be inherited during iCalendar export,
-depending on the value of ~org-use-property-inheritance~.
-*** iCalendar export respects a TIMEZONE property
-Set the TIMEZONE property on an entry to specify a time zone for that
-entry only during iCalendar export. The property value should be
-specified as in "Europe/London".
-*** ~org-attach~ can move directory contents
-When setting a new directory for an entry, org-attach offers to move
-files over from the old directory. Using a prefix arg will reset the
-directory to old, ID based one.
-*** New Org duration library
-This new library implements tools to read and print time durations in
-various formats (e.g., "H:MM", or "1d 2h 3min"...).
-See ~org-duration-to-minutes~ and ~org-duration-from-minutes~
-*** Agenda
-**** New variable : ~org-agenda-show-future-repeats~
-**** New variable : ~org-agenda-prefer-last-repeat~
-**** New variable : ~org-deadline-past-days~
-See docstring for details.
-**** Binding C-c C-x < for ~org-agenda-set-restriction-lock-from-agenda~
-**** New auto-align default setting for =org-agenda-tags-column=
-=org-agenda-tags-column= can now be set to =auto=, which will
-automatically align tags to the right edge of the window. This is now
-the default setting.
-*** New value for ~org-publish-sitemap-sort-folders~
-The new ~ignore~ value effectively allows toggling inclusion of
-directories in published site-maps.
-*** Babel
-**** Scheme: support for tables
-**** Scheme: new variable: ~org-babel-scheme-null-to~
-This new custom option allows you to use an empty list or null symbol to
-format the table output, initially assigned to ~hlines~.
-**** Scheme: new header ~:prologue~
-A new block code header has been created for Org Babel that enables
-developers to prepend code to the scheme block being processed.
-Multiple ~:prologue~ headers can be added each of them using a string
-with the content to be added.
-The scheme blocks are prepared by surrounding the code in the block
-with a let form. The content of the ~:prologue~ headers are prepended
-before this let form.
-**** Support for hledger accounting reports added
-**** Clojure: new setting ~org-babel-clojure-sync-nrepl-timeout~
-Creation of a new setting to specify the Cider timeout. By setting
-the =org-babel-clojure-sync-nrepl-timeout= setting option. The value
-is in seconds and if set to nil then no timeout will occur.
-**** Clojure: new header ~:show-process~
-A new block code header has been created for Org Babel that enables
-developers to output the process of an ongoing process into a new
-You can tell Org Babel to output the process of a running code block.
-To show that output you only have to specify the =:show-process=
-option in the code block's header like this:
-,#+BEGIN_SRC clojure :results output :show-process t
- (dotimes [n 10]
- (println n ".")
- (Thread/sleep 500))
-If =:show-process= is specified that way, then when you will run the
-code using =C-c C-c= a new window will open in Emacs. Everything that
-is output by the REPL will immediately be added to that new window.
-When the processing of the code is finished, then the window and its
-buffer will be closed and the results will be reported in the
-=#+RESULTS= section.
-Note that the =:results= parameter's behavior is *not* changed. If
-=silent= is specified, then no result will be displayed. If =output=
-is specified then all the output from the window will appears in the
-results section. If =value= is specified, then only the last returned
-value of the code will be displayed in the results section.
-**** Maxima: new headers ~:prologue~ and ~:epilogue~
-Babel options ~:prologue~ and ~:epilogue~ have been implemented for
-Maxima source blocks which prepend and append, respectively, the given
-code strings. This can be useful for specifying formatting settings
-which would add clutter to exported code. For instance, you can use
-this ~:prologue "fpprintprec: 2; linel: 50;"~ for presenting Maxima
-results in a beamer presentation.
-**** PlantUML: add support for header arguments
-[[][Plantuml]] source blocks now support the [[][~:prologue~]], [[][~:epilogue~]] and
-[[][~:var~]] header arguments.
-**** SQL: new engine added ~sqsh~
-A new engine was added to support ~sqsh~ command line utility for use
-against Microsoft SQL Server or Sybase SQL server.
-More information on ~sqsh~ can be found here: [[][sourceforge/sqsh]]
-To use ~sqsh~ in an *sql* =SRC_BLK= set the =:engine= like this:
-,#+BEGIN_SRC sql :engine sqsh :dbhost my_host :dbuser master :dbpassword pass :database support
-Select * From Users
-Where clue > 0
-**** SQL: new engine added =vertica=
-A new engine was added to support vsql command line utility for use
-against HP Vertica.
-More information on =vsql= can be found here: [[][]]
-To use =vertica= in an sql =SRC_BLK= set the =:engine= like this:
- ,#+BEGIN_SRC sql :engine vertica :dbhost my_host :dbuser dbadmin :dbpassword pw :database vmart
- SELECT * FROM nodes;
- ,#+END_SRC
-**** C++: New header ~:namespaces~
-The new ~:namespaces~ export option can be used to specify namespaces
-to be used within a C++ org source block. Its usage is similar to
-~:includes~, in that it can accept multiple, space-separated
-namespaces to use. This header is equivalent to adding ~using
-namespace <name>;~ in the source block. Here is a "Hello World" in C++
-using ~:namespaces~:
- ,#+BEGIN_SRC C++ :results output :namespaces std :includes <iostream>
- cout << "Hello World" << endl;
- ,#+END_SRC
-**** Support for Vala language
-[[][Vala]] language blocks support two special header arguments:
-- ~:flags~ passes arguments to the compiler
-- ~:cmdline~ passes commandline arguments to the generated executable
-Support for [[][~:var~]] does not exist yet, also there is no [[][~:session~]]
-support because Vala is a compiled language.
-The Vala compiler binary can be changed via the ~defcustom~
-*** New ~function~ scope argument for the Clock Table
-Added a nullary function that returns a list of files as a possible
-argument for the scope of the clock table.
-*** Export
-**** Implement vernacular table of contents in Markdown exporter
-Global table of contents are generated using vanilla Markdown syntax
-instead of HTML. Also #+TOC keyword, including local table of
-contents, are now supported.
-**** Add Slovenian translations
-**** Implement ~org-export-insert-image-links~
-This new function is meant to be used in back-ends supporting images
-as descriptions of links, a.k.a. image links. See its docstring for
-**** New macro : ~{{{n}}}~
-This macro creates and increment multiple counters in a document. See
-manual for details.
-**** Add global macros through ~org-export-global-macros~
-With this variable, one can define macros available for all documents.
-**** New keyword ~#+EXPORT_FILE_NAME~
-Similarly to ~:EXPORT_FILE_NAME:~ property, this keyword allows the
-user to specify the name of the output file upon exporting the
-document. This also has an effect on publishing.
-**** Horizontal rules are no longer ignored in LaTeX table math mode
-**** Use ~compilation-mode~ for compilation output
-**** Plain lists accept a new ~:separator~ attribute in Texinfo
-The new ~:separator~ attribute splits a tag from a description list
-item into multiple parts. This allows to have two-column tables with
-multiple entries in the first column. See manual for more details.
-**** ~latex-environment~ elements support ~caption~ keywords for LaTeX export
-*** ~org-edit-special~ can edit LaTeX environments
-Using ~C-c '~ on a LaTeX environment opens a sub-editing buffer. By
-default, major mode in that buffer is ~latex-mode~, but it can be
-changed by configuring ~org-src-lang-modes~.
-*** ~org-list-to-generic~ includes a new property: ~:ifmt~
-~:ifmt~ is a function to be called on the body of each item. See
-~org-list-to-generic~ documentation for details.
-*** New variable : ~org-bibtex-headline-format-function~
-This allow to use a different title than entry title.
-*** ~org-attach~ supports attaching files from URLs
-Using ~C-c C-a u~ prompts for a URL pointing to a file to be attached
-to the document.
-*** New option for ~org-refile-use-outline-path~
-~org-refile-use-outline-path~ now supports the setting ~buffer-name~,
-which causes refile targets to be prefixed with the buffer’s
-name. This is particularly useful when used in conjunction with
-*** ~org-file-contents~ now allows the FILE argument to be a URL.
-This allows ~#+SETUPFILE:~ to accept a URL instead of a local file
-path. The URL contents are auto-downloaded and saved to a temporary
-cache ~org--file-cache~. A new optional argument ~NOCACHE~ is added
-to ~org-file-contents~.
-*** ~org-mode-restart~ now resets the newly added ~org--file-cache~.
-Using ~C-c C-c~ on any keyword (like ~#+SETUPFILE~) will reset the
-that file cache.
-*** New option : ~org-table-duration-hour-zero-padding~
-This variable allow computed durations in tables to be zero-padded.
-*** New mode switch for table formulas : =U=
-This mode omits seconds in durations.
-** Removed functions
-*** Org Timeline
-This feature has been removed. Use a custom agenda view, possibly
-narrowed to current buffer to achieve a similar functionality.
-*** ~org-agenda-skip-entry-when-regexp-matches~ is obsolete
-Use ~org-agenda-skip-if~ instead.
-*** ~org-agenda-skip-subtree-when-regexp-matches~ is obsolete
-Use ~org-agenda-skip-if~ instead.
-*** ~org-agenda-skip-entry-when-regexp-matches-in-subtree~ is obsolete
-Use ~org-agenda-skip-if~ instead.
-*** ~org-minutes-to-clocksum-string~ is obsolete
-Use ~org-duration-from-minutes~ instead.
-*** ~org-hh:mm-string-to-minutes~ is obsolete
-Use ~org-duration-to-minutes~ instead.
-*** ~org-duration-string-to-minutes~ is obsolete
-Use ~org-duration-to-minutes~ instead.
-*** ~org-gnus-nnimap-cached-article-number~ is removed.
-This function relied on ~nnimap-group-overview-filename~, which was
-removed from Gnus circa September 2010.
-** Removed options
-*** ~org-agenda-repeating-timestamp-show-all~ is removed.
-For an equivalent to a nil value, set ~org-agenda-show-future-repeats~
-to nil and ~org-agenda-prefer-last-repeat~ to =t=.
-*** ~org-gnus-nnimap-query-article-no-from-file~ is removed.
-This variable has no effect, as it was relying on a function that was
-removed from Gnus circa September 2010.
-*** ~org-usenet-links-prefer-google~ is obsolete.
-Use ~org-gnus-prefer-web-links~ instead.
-*** ~org-publish-sitemap-file-entry-format~ is deprecated
-One can provide new ~:sitemap-format-entry~ property for a function
-equivalent to the removed format string.
-*** ~org-enable-table-editor~ is removed.
-Setting it to a nil value broke some other features (e.g., speed
-*** ~org-export-use-babel~ cannot be set to ~inline-only~
-The variable is now a boolean.
-*** ~org-texinfo-def-table-markup~ is obsolete
-Use ~org-texinfo-table-default-markup~ instead.
-** New functions
-*** ~org-publish-find-property~
-This function can be used as a tool to format entries in a site-map,
-in addition to ~org-publish-find-title~ and ~org-publish-find-date~.
-*** ~org-list-to-org~
-It is the reciprocal of ~org-list-to-lisp~, which see.
-*** ~org-agenda-set-restriction-lock-from-agenda~
-Call ~org-agenda-set-restriction-lock~ from the agenda.
-** Miscellaneous
-*** The Library of Babel now on Worg
-The used to be accessible from the =doc/=
-directory, distributed with Org’s core. It is now accessible
-from the Worg community-driven documentation [[][here]].
-If you want to contribute to it, please see [[][how to contribute]].
-*** Allow multiple columns view
-Columns view is not limited to a single buffer anymore.
-*** Org Attach obeys ~dired-dwim-target~
-When a Dired buffer is opened next to the Org document being edited,
-the prompt for file to attach can start in the Dired buffer's
-directory if `dired-dwim-target' in non-nil.
-*** ~org-fill-paragraph~ can now fill a whole region
-*** More specific anniversary descriptions
-Anniversary descriptions (used in the agenda view, for instance)
-include the point in time, when the anniversary appears. This is,
-in its most general form, just the date of the anniversary. Or
-more specific terms, like "today", "tomorrow" or "in n days" are
-used to describe the time span.
-This feature allows to automatically change the description of an
-anniversary, depending on if it occurs in the next few days or
-far away in the future.
-*** Computed dates in tables appear as inactive time stamps
-*** Save point before opening a file with an unknown search option
-When following a file link with a search option (e.g., =::#custom-id=)
-that doesn't exist in the target file, save position before raising an
-error. As a consequence, it is possible to jump back to the original
-document with ~org-mark-ring-goto~ (default binding =C-c &=).
-*** ~org-get-heading~ accepts two more optional arguments
-See docstring for details.
-*** New option ~org-babel-uppercase-example-markers~
-This variable is a ~defcustom~ and replaces the variable
-~org-babel-capitalize-example-region-markers~, which is a ~defvar~ and
-is now obsolete.
-*** =INCLUDE= keywords in commented trees are now ignored.
-*** Default value for ~org-texinfo-text-markup-alist~ changed.
-Now ~=...=~ markup uses ~@samp{}~ instead of ~@verb{}~. You can use
-~@verb{}~ again by customizing the variable.
-*** Texinfo exports example blocks as ~@example~
-*** Texinfo exports inline source blocks as ~@code{}~
-*** Texinfo default table markup is ~@asis~
-It used to be ~@samp~ but ~@asis~ is neutral and, therefore, more
-suitable as a default value.
-*** Texinfo default process includes ~--no-split~ option
-*** New entities : ~\dollar~ and ~\USD~
-*** Support for date style URLs in =org-protocol://open-source=
-URLs like = are covered by
-rewrite rules.
-*** Add (C) =COMMENT= support to ~org-structure-template-alist~
-* Version 9.0
-** Incompatible changes
-*** Emacs 23 support has been dropped
-From now on, Org expects at least Emacs 24.3, although Emacs 24.4 or
-above is suggested.
-*** XEmacs support has been dropped
-Incomplete compatibility layer with XEmacs has been removed. If you
-want to take over maintenance of this compatibility, please contact
-our mailing list.
-*** New syntax for export blocks
-Export blocks are explicitly marked as such at the syntax level to
-disambiguate their parsing from special blocks. The new syntax is
-#+BEGIN_SRC org
-,#+BEGIN_EXPORT backend
-instead of
-#+BEGIN_SRC org
-As a consequence, =INCLUDE= keywords syntax is modified, e.g.,
-#+BEGIN_SRC org
-#+BEGIN_SRC org
-,#+INCLUDE: "" export html
-The following function repairs export blocks and =INCLUDE= keywords
-using previous syntax:
-#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
-(defun org-repair-export-blocks ()
- "Repair export blocks and INCLUDE keywords in current buffer."
- (interactive)
- (when (eq major-mode 'org-mode)
- (let ((case-fold-search t)
- (back-end-re (regexp-opt
- t)))
- (org-with-wide-buffer
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (let ((block-re (concat "^[ \t]*#\\+BEGIN_" back-end-re)))
- (save-excursion
- (while (re-search-forward block-re nil t)
- (let ((element (save-match-data (org-element-at-point))))
- (when (eq (org-element-type element) 'special-block)
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char (org-element-property :end element))
- (save-match-data (search-backward "_"))
- (forward-char)
- (insert "EXPORT")
- (delete-region (point) (line-end-position)))
- (replace-match "EXPORT \\1" nil nil nil 1))))))
- (let ((include-re
- (format "^[ \t]*#\\+INCLUDE: .*?%s[ \t]*$" back-end-re)))
- (while (re-search-forward include-re nil t)
- (let ((element (save-match-data (org-element-at-point))))
- (when (and (eq (org-element-type element) 'keyword)
- (string= (org-element-property :key element) "INCLUDE"))
- (replace-match "EXPORT \\1" nil nil nil 1)))))))))
-Moreover, ~:export-block~ keyword used in ~org-export-define-backend~ and
-~org-export-define-derived-backend~ is no longer used and needs to be
-*** Footnotes changes
-**** [1]-like constructs are not valid footnotes
-Using =[1]= as a footnote was already discouraged in the manual, since
-it introduced too many false-positives in many Org documents. These
-constructs are now unsupported.
-If you used =[N]= in some of your documents, consider turning them into
-**** /Org Footnote/ library doesn't handle non-Org buffers
-Commands for footnotes in an Org document no longer try to do
-something in non-Org ones. If you need to have footnotes there,
-consider using the =footnote.el= library, shipped with Emacs.
-In particular, ~org-footnote-tag-for-non-org-mode-files~ no longer
-*** ~org-file-apps~ no longer accepts S-expressions as commands
-The variable now accepts functions of two arguments instead of plain
-S-expressions. Replacing an S-expression with an appropriate function
-is straightforward. For example
-: ("pdf" . (foo))
-: ("pdf" . (lambda (file link) (foo)))
-*** The ~{{{modification-time}}}~ macro can get time via =vc=
-The modification time will be determined via =vc.el= if the second
-argument is non-nil. See the manual for details.
-*** Preparation and completion functions in publishing projects change signature
-Preparation and completion functions are now called with an argument,
-which is the project property list. It used to be dynamically scoped
-through the ~project-plist~ variable.
-*** Old Babel header properties are no longer supported
-Using header arguments as property names is no longer possible. As
-such, the following
-,* Headline
-:exports: code
-:var: a=1 b=2
-:var+: c=3
-should be written instead
-,* Headline
-:header-args: :exports code
-:header-args+: :var a=1 b=2
-:header-args+: :var c=3
-Please note that, however, old properties were defined at the source
-block definition. Current ones are defined where the block is called.
-** New features
-*** ~org-eww~ has been moved into core
-*** New org-protocol key=value syntax
-Org-protocol can now handle query-style parameters such as:
-Old-style links such as
-: org-protocol://store-link:/http:%2F%2Flocalhost%2Findex.html/The%20title
-continue to be supported.
-If you have defined your own handler functions for
-~org-protocol-protocol-alist~, change them to accept either a property
-list (for new-style links) or a string (for old-style links). Use
-~org-protocol-parse-parameters~ to convert old-style links into property
-*** New Org linter library
-~org-lint~ can check syntax and report common issues in Org documents.
-*** New option ~date-tree-last~ for ~org-agenda-insert-diary-strategy~
-When ~org-agenda-insert-diary-strategy~ is set to ~date-tree-last~, diary
-entries are added to last in the date tree.
-*** New ~vbar~ entity
-~\vbar~ or ~\vbar{}~ will be exported unconditionally as a =|=,
-unlike to existing ~\vert~, which is expanded as ~&vert;~ when using
-a HTML derived export back-end.
-*** Export
-**** New =#+latex_compiler= keyword to set LaTeX compiler.
-PDFLaTeX, XeLaTeX, and LuaLaTeX are supported. See the manual for
-**** New option ~org-export-with-broken-links~
-This option tells the export process how to behave when encountering
-a broken internal link. See its docstring for more information.
-**** Attributes support in custom language environments for LaTeX export
-Custom language environments for LaTeX export can now define the
-string to be inserted during export, using attributes to indicate the
-position of the elements. See variable ~org-latex-custom-lang-environments~
-for more details.
-**** New Texinfo ~options~ attribute on special blocks
-Using ~:options~ as a Texinfo attribute, it is possible to add
-information to custom environments. See manual for details.
-**** New HTML ~id~ attributes on special, example and quote blocks
-If the block has a =#+NAME:= attribute assigned, then the HTML element
-will have an ~id~ attribute with that name in the HTML export. This
-enables one to create links to these elements in other places, e.g.,
-~<a href="#name">text</a>~.
-**** Listings with captions are now numbered in HTML export
-The class associated to the numbering is "listing-number". If you
-don't want these blocks to be numbered, as it was the case until now,
-You may want to add ~.listing-number { display: none; }~ to the CSS
-**** Line Numbering in SRC/EXAMPLE blocks support arbitrary start number
-The ~-n~ option to ~SRC~ and ~EXAMPLE~ blocks can now take a numeric
-argument to specify the staring line number for the source or example
-block. The ~+n~ option can now take a numeric argument that will be
-added to the last line number from the previous block as the starting
-point for the SRC/EXAMPLE block.
-#+BEGIN_SRC org
-,#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp -n 20
-;; this will export with line number 20
-(message "This is line 21")
-,#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp +n 10
-;; This will be listed as line 31
-(message "This is line 32")
-**** Allow toggling center for images in LaTeX export
-With the global variable ~org-latex-images-centered~ or the local
-attribute ~:center~ it is now possible to center an image in LaTeX
-**** Default CSS class ~org-svg~ for SVG images in HTML export
-SVG images exported in HTML are now by default assigned a CSS class
-~org-svg~ if no CSS class is specified with the ~:class~ attribute. By
-default, the CSS styling of class ~org-svg~ specifies an image width of
-90\thinsp{}% of the container the image.
-**** Markdown footnote export customization
-Variables ~org-md-footnotes-section~ and ~org-md-footnote-format~
-introduced for =ox-md.el=. Both new variables define template strings
-which can be used to customize the format of the exported footnotes
-section and individual footnotes, respectively.
-*** Babel
-**** Blocks with coderefs labels can now be evaluated
-The labels are removed prior to evaluating the block.
-**** Support for Lua language
-**** Support for SLY in Lisp blocks
-See ~org-babel-lisp-eval-fn~ to activate it.
-**** Support for Stan language
-New ob-stan.el library.
-Evaluating a Stan block can produce two different results.
-1. Dump the source code contents to a file.
- This file can then be used as a variable in other blocks, which
- allows interfaces like RStan to use the model.
-2. Compile the contents to a model file.
- This provides access to the CmdStan interface. To use this, set
- ~org-babel-stan-cmdstan-directory~ and provide a ~:file~ argument
- that does not end in ".stan".
-For more information and usage examples, visit
-**** Support for Oracle databases via ~sqlplus~
-=ob-sql= library supports running SQL blocks against an Oracle
-database using ~sqlplus~. Use with properties like this (all
-:engine oracle
-:dbhost <>
-:dbport <1521>
-:dbuser <username>
-:database <database>
-:dbpassword <secret>
-**** Improved support to Microsoft SQL Server via ~sqlcmd~
-=ob-sql= library removes support to the ~msosql~ engine which uses the
-deprecated ~osql~ command line tool, and replaces it with ~mssql~
-engine which uses the ~sqlcmd~ command line tool. Use with properties
-like this:
-:engine mssql
-:dbhost <>
-:dbuser <username>
-:dbpassword <secret>
-:database <database>
-If you want to use the *trusted connection* feature, omit *both* the
-=dbuser= and =dbpassword= properties and add =cmdline -E= to the properties.
-If your Emacs is running in a Cygwin environment, the =ob-sql= library
-can pass the converted path to the =sqlcmd= tool.
-**** Improved support of header arguments for postgresql
-The postgresql engine in a sql code block supports now ~:dbport~ nd
-~:dbpassword~ as header arguments.
-**** Support for additional plantuml output formats
-The support for output formats of [[][plantuml]] has been extended to now
-All Diagrams:
-- png ::
-- svg ::
-- eps ::
-- pdf ::
-- vdx ::
-- txt :: ASCII art
-- utxt :: ASCII art using unicode characters
-Class Diagrams:
-- xmi ::
-- html ::
-State Diagrams:
-- scxml ::
-The output formats are determined by the file extension specified
-using the :file property, e.g.:
-#+begin_src plantuml :file diagram.png
-Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request
-Bob --> Alice: Authentication Response
-Alice -> Bob: Another authentication Request
-Alice <-- Bob: another authentication Response
-Please note that *pdf* *does not work out of the box* and needs additional
-setup in addition to plantuml. See [[]] for
-details and setup information.
-*** Rewrite of radio lists
-Radio lists, i.e, Org plain lists in foreign buffers, have been
-rewritten to be on par with Radio tables. You can use a large set of
-parameters to control how a given list should be rendered. See manual
-for details.
-*** org-bbdb-anniversaries-future
-Used like ~org-bbdb-anniversaries~, it provides a few days warning for
-upcoming anniversaries (default: 7 days).
-*** Clear non-repeated SCHEDULED upon repeating a task
-If the task is repeated, and therefore done at least one, scheduling
-information is no longer relevant. It is therefore removed.
-See [[git:481719fbd5751aaa9c672b762cb43aea8ee986b0][commit message]] for more information.
-*** Support for ISO week trees
-ISO week trees are an alternative date tree format that orders entries
-by ISO week and not by month.
-For example:
-: * 2015
-: ** 2015-W35
-: ** 2015-W36
-: *** 2015-08-31 Monday
-They are supported in org-capture via ~file+weektree~ and
-~file+weektree+prompt~ target specifications.
-*** Accept ~:indent~ parameter when capturing column view
-When defining a "columnview" dynamic block, it is now possible to add
-an :indent parameter, much like the one in the clock table.
-On the other hand, stars no longer appear in an ITEM field.
-*** Columns view
-**** ~org-columns~ accepts a prefix argument
-When called with a prefix argument, ~org-columns~ apply to the whole
-buffer unconditionally.
-**** New variable : ~org-agenda-view-columns-initially~
-The variable used to be a ~defvar~, it is now a ~defcustom~.
-**** Allow custom summaries
-It is now possible to add new summary types, or override those
-provided by Org by customizing ~org-columns-summary-types~, which see.
-**** Allow multiple summaries for any property
-Columns can now summarize the same property using different summary
-*** Preview LaTeX snippets in buffers not visiting files
-*** New option ~org-attach-commit~
-When non-nil, commit attachments with git, assuming the document is in
-a git repository.
-*** Allow conditional case-fold searches in ~org-occur~
-When set to ~smart~, the new variable ~org-occur-case-fold-search~ allows
-to mimic =isearch.el=: if the regexp searched contains any upper case
-character (or character class), the search is case sensitive.
-Otherwise, it is case insensitive.
-*** More robust repeated =ox-latex= footnote handling
-Repeated footnotes are now numbered by referring to a label in the
-first footnote.
-*** The ~org-block~ face is inherited by ~src-blocks~
-This works also when =org-src-fontify-natively= is non-nil. It is also
-possible to specify per-languages faces. See =org-src-block-faces= and
-the manual for details.
-*** Links are now customizable
-Links can now have custom colors, tooltips, keymaps, display behavior,
-etc. Links are now centralized in ~org-link-parameters~.
-** New functions
-*** ~org-next-line-empty-p~
-It replaces the deprecated ~next~ argument to ~org-previous-line-empty-p~.
-*** ~org-show-children~
-It is a faster implementation of ~outline-show-children~.
-** Removed functions
-*** ~org-agenda-filter-by-tag-refine~ has been removed.
-Use ~org-agenda-filter-by-tag~ instead.
-*** ~org-agenda-todayp~ is deprecated.
-Use ~org-agenda-today-p~ instead.
-*** ~org-babel-get-header~ is removed.
-Use ~org-babel--get-vars~ or ~assq~ instead, as applicable.
-*** ~org-babel-trim~ is deprecated.
-Use ~org-trim~ instead.
-*** ~org-element-remove-indentation~ is deprecated.
-Use ~org-remove-indentation~ instead.
-*** ~org-image-file-name-regexp~ is deprecated
-Use ~image-file-name-regexp~ instead.
-The never-used-in-core ~extensions~ argument has been dropped.
-*** ~org-list-parse-list~ is deprecated
-Use ~org-list-to-lisp~ instead.
-*** ~org-on-heading-p~ is deprecated
-A comment to this effect was in the source code since 7.8.03, but
-now a byte-compiler warning will be generated as well.
-*** ~org-table-p~ is deprecated
-Use ~org-at-table-p~ instead.
-*** ~org-table-recognize-table.el~ is deprecated
-It was not called by any org code since 2010.
-*** Various reimplementations of cl-lib functions are deprecated
-The affected functions are:
-- ~org-count~
-- ~org-remove-if~
-- ~org-remove-if-not~
-- ~org-reduce~
-- ~org-every~
-- ~org-some~
-Additionally, ~org-sublist~ is deprecated in favor of ~cl-subseq~. Note
-the differences in indexing conventions: ~org-sublist~ is 1-based and
-end-inclusive; ~cl-subseq~ is 0-based and end-exclusive.
-** Removed options
-*** Remove all options related to ~ido~ or ~iswitchb~
-This includes ~org-completion-use-iswitchb~ and ~org-completion-use-ido~.
-Instead Org uses regular functions, e.g., ~completion-read~ so as to
-let those libraries operate.
-*** Remove ~org-list-empty-line-terminates-plain-lists~
-Two consecutive blank lines always terminate all levels of current
-plain list.
-*** ~fixltx2e~ is removed from ~org-latex-default-packages-alist~
-fixltx2e is obsolete, see LaTeX News 22.
-** Miscellaneous
-*** Add Icelandic smart quotes
-*** Allow multiple receiver locations in radio tables and lists
-*** Allow angular links within link descriptions
-It is now allowed to write, e.g.,
-~[[][<file:unicorn.png>]]~ as an equivalent to
-~[[][file:unicorn.png]]~. The advantage of the former
-is that spaces are allowed within the path.
-*** Beamer export back-ends uses ~org-latex-prefer-user-labels~
-*** ~:preparation-function~ called earlier during publishing
-Functions in this list are called before any file is associated to the
-current project. Thus, they can be used to generate to be published
-Org files.
-*** Function ~org-remove-indentation~ changes.
-The new algorithm doesn't remove TAB characters not used for
-*** Secure placeholders in capture templates
-Placeholders in capture templates are no longer expanded recursively.
-However, ~%(...)~ constructs are expanded very late, so you can fill
-the contents of the S-exp with the replacement text of non-interactive
-placeholders. As before, interactive ones are still expanded as the
-very last step, so the previous statement doesn't apply to them.
-Note that only ~%(...)~ placeholders initially present in the
-template, or introduced using a file placeholder, i.e., ~%[...]~ are
-expanded. This prevents evaluating potentially malicious code when
-another placeholder, e.g., ~%i~ expands to a S-exp.
-*** Links stored by ~org-gnus-store-link~ in nnir groups
-Since gnus nnir groups are temporary, ~org-gnus-store-link~ now refers
-to the article's original group.
-*** ~org-babel-check-confirm-evaluate~ is now a function instead of a macro
-The calling convention has changed.
-*** HTML export table row customization changes
-Variable ~org-html-table-row-tags~ has been split into
-~org-html-table-row-open-tag~ and ~org-html-table-row-close-tag~.
-Both new variables can be either a string or a function which will be
-called with 6 parameters.
-*** =ITEM= special property returns headline without stars
-*** Rename ~org-insert-columns-dblock~ into ~org-columns-insert-dblock~
-The previous name is, for the time being, kept as an obsolete alias.
-*** ~org-trim~ can preserve leading indentation.
-When setting a new optional argument to a non-nil value, ~org-trim~
-preserves leading indentation while removing blank lines at the
-beginning of the string. The behavior is identical for white space at
-the end of the string.
-*** Function ~org-info-export~ changes.
-HTML links created from certain info links now point to URL's rather
-than just to local files. For example info links such as =info:emacs#List
-Buffers= used to be converted to HTML links like this:
-: <a href="emacs.html#List-Buffers">emacs#List Buffers</a>
-where local file =emacs.html= is referenced.
-For most folks this file does not exist.
-Thus the new behavior is to generate this HTML link instead:
-: <a href="">emacs#List Buffers</a>
-All emacs related info links are similarly translated plus few other manuals.
-*** Repeaters with a ~++~ interval and a time can be shifted to later today
-Previously, if a recurring task had a timestamp of
-~<2016-01-01 Fri 20:00 ++1d>~ and was completed on =2016-01-02= at
-=08:00=, the task would skip =2016-01-02= and would be rescheduled for
-=2016-01-03=. Timestamps with ~++~ cookies and a specific time will
-now shift to the first possible future occurrence, even if the
-occurrence is later the same day the task is completed. (Timestamps
-already in the future are still shifted one time further into the
-*** ~org-mobile-action-alist~ is now a defconst
-It used to be a defcustom, with a warning that it shouldn't be
-modified anyway.
-*** ~file+emacs~ and ~file+sys~ link types are deprecated
-They are still supported in Org 9.0 but will eventually be removed in
-a later release. Use ~file~ link type along with universal arguments
-to force opening it in either Emacs or with system application.
-*** New defcustom ~org-babel-J-command~ stores the j command
-*** New defalias ~org-babel-execute:j~
-Allows J source blocks be indicated by letter j. Previously the
-indication letter was solely J.
-*** ~org-open-line~ ignores tables at the very beginning of the buffer
-When ~org-special-ctrl-o~ is non-nil, it is impractical to create
-a blank line above a table at the beginning of the document. Now, as
-a special case, ~org-open-line~ behaves normally in this situation.
-*** ~org-babel-hash-show-time~ is now customizable
-The experimental variable used to be more or less confidential, as
-a ~defvar~.
-*** New ~:format~ property to parsed links
-It defines the format of the original link. Possible values are:
-~plain~, ~bracket~ and ~angle~.
-* Version 8.3
-** Incompatible changes
-*** Properties drawers syntax changes
-Properties drawers are now required to be located right after a
-headline and its planning line, when applicable.
-It will break some documents as TODO states changes were sometimes
-logged before the property drawer.
-The following function will repair them:
-#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
-(defun org-repair-property-drawers ()
- "Fix properties drawers in current buffer.
-Ignore non Org buffers."
- (when (eq major-mode 'org-mode)
- (org-with-wide-buffer
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (let ((case-fold-search t)
- (inline-re (and (featurep 'org-inlinetask)
- (concat (org-inlinetask-outline-regexp)
- "END[ \t]*$"))))
- (org-map-entries
- (lambda ()
- (unless (and inline-re (org-looking-at-p inline-re))
- (save-excursion
- (let ((end (save-excursion (outline-next-heading) (point))))
- (forward-line)
- (when (org-looking-at-p org-planning-line-re) (forward-line))
- (when (and (< (point) end)
- (not (org-looking-at-p org-property-drawer-re))
- (save-excursion
- (and (re-search-forward org-property-drawer-re end t)
- (eq (org-element-type
- (save-match-data (org-element-at-point)))
- 'drawer))))
- (insert (delete-and-extract-region
- (match-beginning 0)
- (min (1+ (match-end 0)) end)))
- (unless (bolp) (insert "\n"))))))))))))
-*** Using "COMMENT" is now equivalent to commenting with "#"
-If you used "COMMENT" in headlines to prevent a subtree from being
-exported, you can still do it but all information within the subtree
-is now commented out, i.e. no #+OPTIONS line will be parsed or taken
-into account when exporting.
-If you want to exclude a headline from export while using its contents
-for setting options, use =:noexport:= (see =org-export-exclude-tags=.)
-*** =#+CATEGORY= keywords no longer apply partially to document
-It was possible to use several such keywords and have them apply to
-the text below until the next one, but strongly deprecated since Org
-5.14 (2008).
-=#+CATEGORY= keywords are now global to the document. You can use node
-properties to set category for a subtree, e.g.,
-#+BEGIN_SRC org
-,* Headline
- :CATEGORY: some category
- :END:
-*** New variable to control visibility when revealing a location
-~org-show-following-heading~, ~org-show-siblings~, ~org-show-entry-below~
-and ~org-show-hierarchy-above~ no longer exist. Instead, visibility is
-controlled through a single variable: ~org-show-context-detail~, which
-*** Replace disputed keys again when reading a date
-~org-replace-disputed-keys~ has been ignored when reading date since
-version 8.1, but the former behavior is restored again.
-Keybinding for reading date can be customized with a new variable
-*** No default title is provided when =TITLE= keyword is missing
-Skipping =TITLE= keyword no longer provides the current file name, or
-buffer name, as the title. Instead, simply ignore the title.
-*** Default bindings of =C-c C-n= and =C-c C-p= changed
-The key sequences =C-c C-n= and =C-c C-p= are now bound to
-~org-next-visible-heading~ and ~org-previous-visible-heading~
-respectively, rather than the =outline-mode= versions of these
-functions. The Org version of these functions skips over inline tasks
-(and even-level headlines when ~org-odd-levels-only~ is set).
-*** ~org-element-context~ no longer return objects in keywords
-~org-element-context~ used to return objects on some keywords, i.e.,
-=TITLE=, =DATE= and =AUTHOR=. It now returns only the keyword.
-*** ~org-timer-default-timer~ type changed from number to string
-If you have, in your configuration, something like =(setq
-org-timer-default-timer 10)= replace it with =(setq
-org-timer-default-timer "10")=.
-*** Functions signature changes
-The following functions require an additional argument. See their
-docstring for more information.
-- ~org-export-collect-footnote-definitions~
-- ~org-html-format-headline-function~
-- ~org-html-format-inlinetask-function~
-- ~org-latex-format-headline-function~
-- ~org-latex-format-inlinetask-function~
-- ~org-link-search~
-** New features
-*** Default lexical evaluation of emacs-lisp source blocks
-Emacs-lisp source blocks in Babel are now evaluated using lexical
-scoping. There is a new header to control this behavior.
-The default results in an eval with lexical scoping.
-:lexical yes
-This turns lexical scoping off in the eval (the former behavior).
-:lexical no
-This uses the lexical environment with x=42 in the eval.
-:lexical '((x . 42))
-*** Behavior of ~org-return~ changed
-If point is before or after the headline title, insert a new line
-without changing the headline.
-*** Hierarchies of tags
-The functionality of nesting tags in hierarchies is added to Org mode.
-This is the generalization of what was previously called "Tag groups"
-in the manual. That term is now changed to "Tag hierarchy".
-The following in-buffer definition:
-#+BEGIN_SRC org
- ,#+TAGS: [ Group : SubOne SubTwo ]
- ,#+TAGS: [ SubOne : SubOne1 SubOne2 ]
- ,#+TAGS: [ SubTwo : SubTwo1 SubTwo2 ]
-Should be seen as the following tree of tags:
-- Group
- - SubOne
- - SubOne1
- - SubOne2
- - SubTwo
- - SubTwo1
- - SubTwo2
-Searching for "Group" should return all tags defined above. Filtering
-on SubOne filters also it's sub-tags. Etc.
-There is no limit on the depth for the tag hierarchy.
-*** Additional syntax for non-unique grouptags
-Additional syntax is defined for grouptags if the tags in the group
-don't have to be distinct on a heading.
-Grouptags had to previously be defined with { }. This syntax is
-already used for exclusive tags and Grouptags need their own,
-non-exclusive syntax. This behavior is achieved with [ ]. Note: { }
-can still be used also for Grouptags but then only one of the given
-tags can be used on the headline at the same time. Example:
-[ group : sub1 sub2 ]
-#+BEGIN_SRC org
-,* Test :sub1:sub2:
-This is a more general case than the already existing syntax for
-grouptags; { }.
-*** Define regular expression patterns as tags
-Tags can be defined as grouptags with regular expressions as
-The regular expressions in the group must be marked up within { }.
-Example use:
-: #+TAGS: [ Project : {P@.+} ]
-Searching for the tag Project will now list all tags also including
-regular expression matches for P@.+. This is good for example for
-projects tagged with a common identifier, i.e. P@2014_OrgTags.
-*** Filtering in the agenda on grouptags (Tag hierarchies)
-Filtering in the agenda on grouptags filters all of the related tags.
-Except if a filter is applied with a (double) prefix-argument.
-Filtering in the agenda on subcategories does not filter the "above"
-levels anymore.
-If a grouptag contains a regular expression the regular expression
-is also used as a filter.
-*** Minor refactoring of ~org-agenda-filter-by-tag~
-Now uses the argument ARG and optional argument exclude instead of
-strip and narrow. ARG because the argument has multiple purposes and
-makes more sense than strip now. The term "narrowing" is changed to
-The main purpose is for the function to make more logical sense when
-filtering on tags now when tags can be structured in hierarchies.
-*** Babel: support for sed scripts
-Thanks to Bjarte Johansen for this feature.
-*** Babel: support for Processing language
-New ob-processing.el library.
-This library implements necessary functions for implementing editing
-of Processing code blocks, viewing the resulting sketches in an
-external viewer, and HTML export of the sketches.
-Check the documentation for more details.
-Thanks to Jarmo Hurri for this feature.
-*** New behavior for ~org-toggle-latex-fragment~
-The new behavior is the following:
-- With a double prefix argument or with a single prefix argument when
- point is before the first headline, toggle overlays in the whole
- buffer;
-- With a single prefix argument, toggle overlays in the current
- subtree;
-- On latex code, toggle overlay at point;
-- Otherwise, toggle overlays in the current section.
-*** Additional markup with =#+INCLUDE= keyword
-The content of the included file can now be optionally marked up, for
-instance as HTML. See the documentation for details.
-*** File links with =#+INCLUDE= keyword
-Objects can be extracted via =#+INCLUDE= using file links. It is
-possible to include only the contents of the object. See manual for
-more information.
-*** Drawers do not need anymore to be referenced in =#+DRAWERS=
-One can use a drawer without listing it in the =#+DRAWERS= keyword,
-which is now obsolete. As a consequence, this change also deprecates
-~org-drawers~ variable.
-*** ~org-edit-special~ can edit export blocks
-Using C-c ' on an export block now opens a sub-editing buffer. Major
-mode in that buffer is determined by export backend name (e.g.,
-"latex" \to "latex-mode"). You can define exceptions to this rule by
-configuring ~org-src-lang-modes~, which see.
-*** Additional =:hline= processing to ob-shell
-If the argument =:hlines yes= is present in a babel call, an optional
-argument =:hlines-string= can be used to define a string to use as a
-representation for the lisp symbol ='hline= in the shell program. The
-default is =hline=.
-*** Markdown export supports switches in source blocks
-For example, it is now possible to number lines using the =-n= switch in
-a source block.
-*** New option in ASCII export
-Plain lists can have an extra margin by setting ~org-ascii-list-margin~
-variable to an appropriate integer.
-*** New blocks in ASCII export
-blocks. See documentation for details.
-*** More back-end specific publishing options
-The number of publishing options specific to each back-end has been
-increased. See manual for details.
-*** Export inline source blocks
-Inline source code was used to be removed upon exporting. They are
-now handled as standard code blocks, i.e., the source code can appear
-in the output, depending on the parameters.
-*** Extend ~org-export-first-sibling-p~ and ~org-export-last-sibling-p~
-These functions now support any element or object, not only headlines.
-*** New function: ~org-export-table-row-in-header-p~
-*** New function: ~org-export-get-reference~
-*** New function: ~org-element-lineage~
-This function deprecates ~org-export-get-genealogy~. It also provides
-more features. See docstring for details.
-*** New function: ~org-element-copy~
-*** New filter: ~org-export-filter-body-functions~
-Functions in this filter are applied on the body of the exported
-document, before wrapping it within the template.
-*** New :environment parameter when exporting example blocks to LaTeX
-: #+ATTR_LATEX: :environment myverbatim
-: This sentence is false.
-will be exported using =@samp(myverbatim)= instead of =@samp(verbatim)=.
-*** Various improvements on radio tables
-Radio tables feature now relies on Org's export framework ("ox.el").
-~:no-escape~ parameter no longer exists, but additional global
-parameters are now supported: ~:raw~, ~:backend~. Moreover, there are new
-parameters specific to some pre-defined translators, e.g.,
-~:environment~ and ~:booktabs~ for ~orgtbl-to-latex~. See translators
-docstrings (including ~orgtbl-to-generic~) for details.
-*** Non-floating minted listings in Latex export
-It is not possible to specify =#+attr_latex: :float nil= in conjunction
-with source blocks exported by the minted package.
-*** Field formulas can now create columns as needed
-Previously, evaluating formulas that referenced out-of-bounds columns
-would throw an error. A new variable ~org-table-formula-create-columns~
-was added to adjust this behavior. It is now possible to silently add
-new columns, to do so with a warning or to explicitly ask the user
-each time.
-*** ASCII plot
-Ability to plot values in a column through ASCII-art bars. See manual
-for details.
-*** New hook: ~org-archive-hook~
-This hook is called after successfully archiving a subtree, with point
-on the original subtree, not yet deleted.
-*** New option: ~org-attach-archive-delete~
-When non-nil, attachments from archived subtrees are removed.
-*** New option: ~org-latex-caption-above~
-This variable generalizes ~org-latex-table-caption-above~, which is now
-deprecated. In addition to tables, it applies to source blocks,
-special blocks and images. See docstring for more information.
-*** New option: ~org-latex-prefer-user-labels~
-See the docstring for more information.
-*** Export unnumbered headlines
-Headlines, for which the property ~UNNUMBERED~ is non-nil, are now
-exported without section numbers irrespective of their levels. The
-property is inherited by children.
-*** Tables can be sorted with an arbitrary function
-It is now possible to specify a function, both programmatically,
-through a new optional argument, and interactively with ~f~ or ~F~ keys,
-to sort a table.
-*** Table of contents can be local to a section
-The ~TOC~ keywords now accepts an optional ~local~ parameter. See manual
-for details.
-*** Countdown timers can now be paused
-~org-timer-pause-time~ now pauses and restarts both relative and
-countdown timers.
-*** New option ~only-window~ for ~org-agenda-window-setup~
-When ~org-agenda-window-setup~ is set to ~only-window~, the agenda is
-displayed as the sole window of the current frame.
-*** ~{{{date}}}~ macro supports optional formatting argument
-It is now possible to supply and optional formatting argument to
-~{{{date}}}~. See manual for details.
-*** ~{{{property}}}~ macro supports optional search argument
-It is now possible to supply an optional search option to
-~{{{property}}}~ in order to retrieve remote properties optional. See
-manual for details.
-*** New option ~org-export-with-title~
-It is possible to suppress the title insertion with ~#+OPTIONS:
-title:nil~ or globally using the variable ~org-export-with-title~.
-*** New entities family: "\_ "
-"\_ " are used to insert up to 20 contiguous spaces in various
-back-ends. In particular, this family can be used to introduce
-leading spaces within table cells.
-*** New MathJax configuration options
-Org uses the MathJax CDN by default. See the manual and the docstring
-of ~org-html-mathjax-options~ for details.
-*** New behavior in `org-export-options-alist'
-When defining a back-end, it is now possible to specify to give
-`parse' behavior on a keyword. It is equivalent to call
-`org-element-parse-secondary-string' on the value.
-However, parsed =KEYWORD= is automatically associated to an
-=:EXPORT_KEYWORD:= property, which can be used to override the keyword
-value during a subtree export. Moreover, macros are expanded in such
-keywords and properties.
-*** Viewport support in html export
-Viewport for mobile-optimized website is now automatically inserted
-when exporting to html. See ~org-html-viewport~ for details.
-*** New ~#+SUBTITLE~ export keyword
-Org can typeset a subtitle in some export backends. See the manual
-for details.
-*** Remotely edit a footnote definition
-Calling ~org-edit-footnote-reference~ (C-c ') on a footnote reference
-allows to edit its definition, as long as it is not anonymous, in a
-dedicated buffer. It works even if buffer is currently narrowed.
-*** New function ~org-delete-indentation~ bound to ~M-^~
-Work as ~delete-indentation~ unless at heading, in which case text is
-added to headline text.
-*** Support for images in Texinfo export
-~Texinfo~ back-end now handles images. See the manual for details.
-*** Support for captions in Texinfo export
-Tables and source blocks can now have captions. Additionally, lists
-of tables and lists of listings can be inserted in the document with
-=#+TOC= keyword.
-*** Countdown timer support hh:mm:ss format
-In addition to setting countdown timers in minutes, they can also be
-set using the hh:mm:ss format.
-*** Extend ~org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift~
-~org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift~ now accepts 0 as an argument for the
-number of clones, which removes the repeater from the original subtree
-and creates one shifted, repeating clone.
-*** New time block for clock tables: ~untilnow~
-It encompasses all past closed clocks.
-*** Support for the ~polyglossia~ LaTeX package
-See the docstring of ~org-latex-classes~ and
-~org-latex-guess-polyglossia-language~ for details.
-*** None-floating tables, graphics and blocks can have captions
-*** `org-insert-heading' can be forced to insert top-level headline
-** Removed functions
-*** Removed function ~org-translate-time~
-Use ~org-timestamp-translate~ instead.
-*** Removed function ~org-beamer-insert-options-template~
-This function inserted a Beamer specific template at point or in
-current subtree. Use ~org-export-insert-default-template~ instead, as
-it provides more features and covers all export back-ends. It is also
-accessible from the export dispatcher.
-*** Removed function ~org-timer-cancel-timer~
-~org-timer-stop~ now stops both relative and countdown timers.
-*** Removed function ~org-export-solidify-link-text~
-This function, being non-bijective, introduced bug in internal
-references. Use ~org-export-get-reference~ instead.
-*** Removed function ~org-end-of-meta-data-and-drawers~
-The function is superseded by ~org-end-of-meta-data~, called with an
-optional argument.
-*** Removed functions ~org-table-colgroup-line-p~, ~org-table-cookie-line-p~
-These functions were left-over from pre 8.0 era. They are not correct
-anymore. Since they are not needed, they have no replacement.
-** Removed options
-*** ~org-list-empty-line-terminates-plain-lists~ is deprecated
-It will be kept in code base until next release, for backward
-If you need to separate consecutive lists with blank lines, always use
-two of them, as if this option was nil (default value).
-*** ~org-export-with-creator~ is a boolean
-Special ~comment~ value is no longer allowed. It is possible to use a
-body filter to add comments about the creator at the end of the
-document instead.
-*** Removed option =org-html-use-unicode-chars=
-Setting this to non-nil was problematic as it converted characters
-everywhere in the buffer, possibly corrupting URLs.
-*** Removed option =org-babel-sh-command=
-This undocumented option defaulted to the value of =shell-file-name= at
-the time of loading =ob-shell=. The new behavior is to use the value
-of =shell-file-name= directly when the shell language is =shell=. To chose
-a different shell, either customize =shell-file-name= or bind this
-variable locally.
-*** Removed option =org-babel-sh-var-quote-fmt=
-This undocumented option was supposed to provide different quoting
-styles when changing the shell type. Changing the shell type can now
-be done directly from the source block and the quoting style has to be
-compatible across all shells, so a customization doesn't make sense
-anymore. The chosen hard coded quoting style conforms to POSIX.
-*** Removed option ~org-insert-labeled-timestamps-at-point~
-Setting this option to anything else that the default value (nil)
-would create invalid planning info. This dangerous option is now
-*** Removed option ~org-koma-letter-use-title~
-Use org-export-with-title instead. See also below.
-*** Removed option ~org-entities-ascii-explanatory~
-This variable has no effect since Org 8.0.
-*** Removed option ~org-table-error-on-row-ref-crossing-hline~
-This variable has no effect since August 2009.
-*** Removed MathML-related options from ~org-html-mathjax-options~
-MathJax automatically chooses the best display technology based on the
-end-users browser. You may force initial usage of MathML via
-~org-html-mathjax-template~ or by setting the ~path~ property of
-*** Removed comment-related filters
-~org-export-filter-comment-functions~ and
-~org-export-filter-comment-block-functions~ variables do not exist
-** Miscellaneous
-*** Strip all meta data from ITEM special property
-ITEM special property does not contain TODO, priority or tags anymore.
-*** File names in links accept are now compatible with URI syntax
-Absolute file names can now start with =///= in addition to =/=. E.g.,
-*** Footnotes in included files are now local to the file
-As a consequence, it is possible to include multiple Org files with
-footnotes in a master document without being concerned about footnote
-labels colliding.
-*** Mailto links now use regular URI syntax
-This change deprecates old Org syntax for mailto links:
-*** =QUOTE= keywords do not exist anymore
-=QUOTE= keywords have been deprecated since Org 8.2.
-*** Select tests to perform with the build system
-The build system has been enhanced to allow test selection with a
-regular expression by defining =BTEST_RE= during the test invocation.
-This is especially useful during bisection to find just when a
-particular test failure was introduced.
-*** Exact heading search for external links ignore spaces and cookies
-Exact heading search for links now ignore spaces and cookies. This is
-the case for links of the form*task title~, as well
-as links of the form words~ when
-~org-link-search-must-match-exact-headline~ is not nil.
-*** ~org-latex-hyperref-template~, ~org-latex-title-command~ formatting
-New formatting keys are supported. See the respective docstrings.
-Note, ~org-latex-hyperref-template~ has a new default value.
-*** ~float, wasysym, marvosym~ are removed from ~org-latex-default-packages-alist~
-If you require any of these package add them to your preamble via
-~org-latex-packages-alist~. Org also uses default LaTeX ~\tolerance~ now.
-*** When exporting, throw an error on unresolved id/fuzzy links and code refs
-This helps spotting wrong links.
-* Version 8.2
-** Incompatible changes
-*** =ob-sh.el= renamed to =ob-shell=
-This may require two changes in user config.
-1. In =org-babel-do-load-languages=, change =(sh . t)= to =(shell . t)=.
-2. Edit files to change the value of =BTEST_OB_LANGUAGES=
- to remove "sh" and include "shell".
-*** Combine org-mac-message.el and org-mac-link-grabber into org-mac-link.el
-Please remove calls to =(require 'org-mac-message)= and =(require
-'org-mac-link-grabber)= in your =.emacs= initialization file. All you
-need now is =(require 'org-mac-link)=.
-Additionally, replace any calls to =ogml-grab-link= to
-=org-mac-grab-link=. For example, replace this line:
-: (define-key org-mode-map (kbd "C-c g") 'omgl-grab-link)
-with this:
-: (define-key org-mode-map (kbd "C-c g") 'org-mac-grab-link)
-*** HTML export: Replace =HTML_HTML5_FANCY= by =:html-html5-fancy= (...)
-Some of the HTML specific export options in Org <8.1 are either nil or
-t, like =#+HTML_INCLUDE_STYLE=. We replaced these binary options with
-option keywords like :html-include-style.
-So you need to replace
-: #+OPTIONS: :html-include-style t
-Options affected by this change: =HTML5_FANCY=, =HTML_INCLUDE_SCRIPTS=
-*** Add an argument to ~org-export-to-file~ and ~org-export-to-buffer~
-~org-export-to-file~ and ~org-export-to-file~ can run in a different
-process when provided a non-nil =ASYNC= optional argument, without
-relying on ~org-export-async-start~ macro.
-Since =ASYNC= is the first of optional arguments, you have to shift
-the other optional arguments accordingly.
-*** Export back-ends are now structures
-Export back-ends are now structures, and stored as such in the
-communication channel during an export process. In other words, from
-now on, ~(plist-get info :back-end)~ will return a structure instead
-of a symbol.
-Arguments in hooks and in filters are still symbols, though.
-** Important bugfixes
-*** [[doc:org-insert-heading][org-insert-heading]] has been rewritten and bugs are now fixed
-*** The replacement of disputed keys is now turned of when reading a date
-*** Match string for sparse trees can now contain a slash in a property value
- You can now have searches like SOMEPROP="aaa/bbb". Until now,
- this would break because the slash would be interpreted as the
- separator starting a TOTO match string.
-** New features
-*** =C-c ^ x= will now sort checklist items by their checked status
-See [[doc:org-sort-list][org-sort-list]]: hitting =C-c ^ x= will put checked items at the end
-of the list.
-*** Various LaTeX export enhancements
-- Support SVG images
-- Support for .pgf files
-- LaTeX Babel blocks can now be exported as =.tikz= files
-- Allow =latexmk= as an option for [[doc:org-latex-pdf-process][org-latex-pdf-process]]
-- When using =\usepackage[AUTO]{babel}=, AUTO will automatically be
- replaced with a value compatible with ~org-export-default-language~
- or ~LANGUAGE~ keyword.
-- The dependency on the =latexsym= LaTeX package has been removed, we
- now use =amssymb= symbols by default instead.
-*** New functions for paragraph motion
- The commands =C-down= and =C-up= now invoke special commands
- that use knowledge from the org-elements parser to move the cursor
- in a paragraph-like way.
-*** New entities in =org-entities.el=
-Add support for ell, imath, jmath, varphi, varpi, aleph, gimel, beth,
-dalet, cdots, S (§), dag, ddag, colon, therefore, because, triangleq,
-leq, geq, lessgtr, lesseqgtr, ll, lll, gg, ggg, prec, preceq,
-preccurlyeq, succ, succeq, succurlyeq, setminus, nexist(s), mho,
-check, frown, diamond. Changes loz, vert, checkmark, smile and tilde.
-*** Anonymous export back-ends
-~org-export-create-backend~ can create anonymous export back-ends,
-which can then be passed to export functions like
-~org-export-to-file~, ~org-export-to-buffer~ or ~org-export-as~.
-It allows for quick translation of Org syntax without the overhead of
-registering a new back-end.
-*** New agenda fortnight view
- The agenda has not, in addition to day, week, month, and year
- views, also a fortnight view covering 14 days.
-** New options
-*** New option [[doc:org-bookmark-names-plist][org-bookmark-names-plist]]
-This allows to specify the names of automatic bookmarks.
-*** New option [[doc:org-agenda-ignore-drawer-properties][org-agenda-ignore-drawer-properties]]
-This allows more flexibility when optimizing the agenda generation.
-See for details.
-*** New option: [[doc:org-html-link-use-abs-url][org-html-link-use-abs-url]] to force using absolute URLs
-This is an export/publishing option, and should be used either within
-the =#+OPTIONS= line(s) or within a [[doc:org-publish-project-alist][org-publish-project-alist]].
-Setting this option to =t= is needed when the HTML output does not
-allow relative URLs. For example, the =contrib/lisp/ox-rss.el=
-library produces a RSS feed, and RSS feeds need to use absolute URLs,
-so a combination of =:html-link-home "..." and :html-link-use-abs-url
-t= is required---see the configuration example in the comment section
-of =ox-rss.el=.
-*** New option [[doc:org-babel-ditaa-java-cmd][org-babel-ditaa-java-cmd]]
-This makes java executable configurable for ditaa blocks.
-*** New options [[doc:org-babel-latex-htlatex][org-babel-latex-htlatex]] and [[doc:org-babel-latex-htlatex-packages][org-babel-latex-htlatex-packages]]
-This enables SVG generation from latex code blocks.
-*** New option: [[doc:org-habit-show-done-always-green][org-habit-show-done-always-green]]
-See [[][this message]] from Max Mikhanosha.
-*** New option: [[doc:org-babel-inline-result-wrap][org-babel-inline-result-wrap]]
-If you set this to the following
-: (setq org-babel-inline-result-wrap "$%s$")
-then inline code snippets will be wrapped into the formatting string.
-*** New option: [[doc:org-special-ctrl-o][org-special-ctrl-o]]
- This variable can be used to turn off the special behavior of
- =C-o= in tables.
-** New contributed packages
-- =ox-bibtex.el= by Nicolas Goaziou :: an utility to handle BibTeX
- export to both LaTeX and HTML exports. It uses the [[][bibtex2html]]
- software.
-- =org-screenshot.el= by Max Mikhanosha :: an utility to handle
- screenshots easily from Org, using the external tool [[][scrot]].
-** Miscellaneous
-*** "QUOTE" keywords in headlines are deprecated
-"QUOTE" keywords are an undocumented feature in Org. When a headline
-starts with the keyword "QUOTE", its contents are parsed as
-a ~quote-section~ and treated as an example block. You can achieve
-the same with example blocks.
-This feature is deprecated and will be removed in the next Org
-* Version 8.0.1
-** Installation
-Installation instructions have been updated and simplified.
-If you have troubles installing or updating Org, focus on these
-- when updating via a file, you only need to set the
- =load-path= in your =.emacs=. Set it before any other Org
- customization that would call autoloaded Org functions.
-- when updating by pulling Org's Git repository, make sure to create the
- correct autoloads. You can do this by running =~$ make autoloads= (to
- only create the autoloads) or by running =~$ make= (to also compile
- the Emacs lisp files.) =~$ make help= and =~$ make helpall= gives you
- detailed explanations.
-- when updating through ELPA (either from GNU ELPA or from Org ELPA),
- you have to install Org's ELPA package in a session where no Org
- function has been called already.
-When in doubt, run =M-x org-version RET= and see if you have a mixed-up
-See for details.
-** Incompatible changes
-Org 8.0 is the most disruptive major version of Org.
-If you configured export options, you will have to update some of them.
-If you used =#+ATTR_*= keywords, the syntax of the attributes changed and
-you will have to update them.
-Below is a list of changes for which you need to take action.
-See for the most recent version of
-this list and for detailed instructions on how to migrate.
-**** New export engine
-Org 8.0 comes with a new export engine written by Nicolas Goaziou. This
-export engine relies on ~org-element.el~ (Org's syntax parser), which was
-already in Org's core. This new export engine triggered the rewriting of
-/all/ export back-ends.
-The most visible change is the export dispatcher, accessible through the
-keybinding =C-c C-e=. By default, this menu only shows some of the
-built-in export formats, but you can add more formats by loading them
-directly (e.g., =(require 'ox-texinfo)= or by configuring the option
-More contributed back-ends are available from the =contrib/= directory, the
-corresponding files start with the =ox-= prefix.
-If you customized an export back-end (like HTML or LaTeX), you will need to
-rename some options so that your customization is not lost. Typically, an
-option starting with =org-export-html-= is now named =org-html-=. See the
-manual for details and check [[][this Worg page]] for directions.
-**** New syntax for #+ATTR_HTML/LaTeX/... options
- : #+ATTR_HTML width="200px"
- should now be written
- : #+ATTR_HTML :width 200px
- Keywords like =#+ATTR_HTML= and =#+ATTR_LaTeX= are defined in their
- respective back-ends, and the list of supported parameters depends on
- each backend. See Org's manual for details.
-**** ~org-remember.el~ has been removed
- You cannot use =remember.el= anymore to capture notes.
- Support for remember templates has been obsoleted since long, it is
- now fully removed.
- Use =M-x org-capture-import-remember-templates RET= to import your
- remember templates into capture templates.
-**** ~org-jsinfo.el~ has been merged into ~ox-html.el~
- If you were requiring ~ox-jsinfo.el~ in your ~.emacs.el~ file, you
- will have to remove this requirement from your initialization file.
-**** Note for third-party developers
- The name of the files for export back-end have changed: we now use the
- prefix =ox-= for those files (like we use the =ob-= prefix for Babel
- files.) For example ~org-html.el~ is now ~ox-html.el~.
- If your code relies on these files, please update the names in your
- code.
-**** Packages moved from core to contrib
- Since packages in Org's core are meant to be part of GNU Emacs, we try
- to be minimalist when it comes to adding files into core. For 8.0, we
- moved some contributions into the =contrib/= directory.
- The rationale for deciding that these files should live in =contrib/=
- is either because they rely on third-party software that is not
- included in Emacs, or because they are not targeting a significant
- user-base.
- - org-colview-xemacs.el
- - org-mac-message.el
- - org-mew.el
- - org-wl.el
- - ox-freedmind.el
- - ox-taskjuggler.el
- Note that ~ox-freedmind.el~ has been rewritten by Jambunathan,
- ~org-mew.el~ has been enhanced by Tokuya Kameshima and
- ~ox-taskjuggler.el~ by Nicolas Goaziou and others.
- Also, the Taskjuggler exporter now uses TJ3 by default. John Hendy
- wrote [[][a tutorial on Worg]] for the TJ3 export.
-** New packages in core
-*** ~ob-makefile.el~ by Eric Schulte and Thomas S. Dye
- =ob-makefile.el= implements Org Babel support for Makefile tangling.
-*** ~ox-man.el~ by Luis Anaya
- =ox-man.el= allows you to export Org files to =man= pages.
-*** ~ox-md.el~ by Nicolas Goaziou
- =ox-md.el= allows you to export Org files to Markdown files, using the
- vanilla [[][Markdown syntax]].
-*** ~ox-texinfo.el~ by Jonathan Leech-Pepin
- =ox-texinfo.el= allows you to export Org files to [[][Texinfo]] files.
-** New packages in contrib
-*** ~ob-julia.el~ by G. Jay Kerns
- [[][Julia]] is a new programming language.
- =ob-julia.el= provides Org Babel support for evaluating Julia source
- code.
-*** ~ob-mathomatic.el~ by Luis Anaya
- [[][mathomatic]] a portable, command-line, educational CAS and calculator
- software, written entirely in the C programming language.
- ~ob-mathomatic.el~ provides Org Babel support for evaluating mathomatic
- entries.
-*** ~ob-tcl.el~ by Luis Anaya
- ~ob-tcl.el~ provides Org Babel support for evaluating [[][Tcl]] source code.
-*** ~org-bullets.el~ by Evgeni Sabof
- Display bullets instead of stars for headlines.
- Also see [[][this updated FAQ]] on how to display another character than "*"
- for starting headlines.
-*** ~org-favtable.el~ by Marc-Oliver Ihm
- ~org-favtable.el~ helps you to create and update a table of favorite
- locations in org, keeping the most frequently visited lines right at
- the top. This table is called "favtable". See the documentation on
- [[][Worg]].
-*** ~ox-confluence.el~ by Sébastien Delafond
- ~ox-confluence.el~ lets you convert Org files to [[][Confluence Wiki]] files.
-*** ~ox-deck.el~ and ~ox-s5.el~ by Rick Frankel
- [[][deck.js]] is a javascript library for displaying HTML ages as
- presentations. ~ox-deck.el~ exports Org files to HTML presentations
- using =deck.js=.
- [[][s5]] is a set of scripts which also allows to display HTML pages as
- presentations. ~ox-s5.el~ exports Org files to HTML presentations
- using =s5=.
-*** ~ox-groff.el~ by Luis Anaya and Nicolas Goaziou
- The [[][groff]] (GNU troff) software is a typesetting package which reads
- plain text mixed with formatting commands and produces formatted
- output.
- Luis Anaya and Nicolas Goaziou implemented ~ox-groff.el~ to allow
- conversion from Org files to groff.
-*** ~ox-koma-letter.el~ by Nicolas Goaziou and Alan Schmitt
- This back-end allow to export Org pages to the =KOMA Scrlttr2= format.
-*** ~ox-rss.el~ by Bastien
- This back-end lets you export Org pages to RSS 2.0 feeds. Combined
- with the HTML publishing feature, this allows you to build a blog
- entirely with Org.
-** New features
-*** Export
-**** New export generic options
-If you use Org exporter, we advise you to re-read [[][the manual section about
-it]]. It has been updated and includes new options.
-Among the new/updated export options, three are of particular importance:
-- [[doc:org-export-allow-bind-keywords][org-export-allow-bind-keywords]] :: This option replaces the old option
- =org-export-allow-BIND= and the default value is =nil=, not =confirm=.
- You will need to explicitly set this to =t= in your initialization
- file if you want to allow =#+BIND= keywords.
-- [[doc:org-export-with-planning][org-export-with-planning]] :: This new option controls the export of
- =SCHEDULED:, DEADLINE:, CLOSED:= lines, and planning information is
- now skipped by default during export. This use to be the job of
- [[doc:org-export-with-timestamps][org-export-with-timestamps]], but this latter option has been given a
- new role: it controls the export of /standalone time-stamps/. When
- set to =nil=, Org will not export active and inactive time-stamps
- standing on a line by themselves or within a paragraph that only
- contains time-stamps.
-To check if an option has been introduced or its default value changed in
-Org 8.0, do =C-h v [option] RET= and check if the documentation says that
-the variable has been introduced (or changed) in version 24.4 of Emacs.
-**** Enhanced default stylesheet for the HTML exporter
-See the new default value of [[doc:org-html-style-default][org-html-style-default]].
-**** New tags, classes and ids for the HTML exporter
-See the new default value of [[doc:org-html-divs][org-html-divs]].
-**** Support for tikz pictures in LaTeX export
-**** ~org-man.el~: New export function for "man" links
-**** ~org-docview.el~: New export function for docview links
-*** Structure editing
-**** =C-u C-u M-RET= inserts a heading at the end of the parent subtree
-**** Cycling to the =CONTENTS= view keeps inline tasks folded
-[[doc:org-cycle-hook][org-cycle-hook]] as a new function [[doc:org-cycle-hide-inline-tasks][org-cycle-hide-inline-tasks]] which
-prevents the display of inline tasks when showing the content of a subtree.
-**** =C-c -= in a region makes a list item for each line
-This is the opposite of the previous behavior, where =C-c -= on a region
-would create one item for the whole region, and where =C-u C-c -= would
-create an item for each line. Now =C-c -= on the selected region creates
-an item per line, and =C-u C-c -= creates a single item for the whole
-**** When transposing words, markup characters are now part of the words
-In Emacs, you can transpose words with =M-t=. Transposing =*these*
-_words__= will preserve markup.
-**** New command [[doc:org-set-property-and-value][org-set-property-and-value]] bound to =C-c C-x P=
-This command allows you to quickly add both the property and its value. It
-is useful in buffers where there are many properties and where =C-c C-x p=
-can slow down the flow of editing too much.
-**** New commands [[doc:org-next-block][org-next-block]] and [[doc:org-previous-block][org-previous-block]]
-These commands allow you to go to the previous block (=C-c M-b= or the
-speedy key =B=) or to the next block (=C-c M-f= or the speedy key =F=.)
-**** New commands [[doc:org-drag-line-forward][org-drag-line-forward]] and [[doc:org-drag-line-backward][org-drag-line-backward]]
-These commands emulate the old behavior of =M-<down>= and =M-<up>= but are
-now bound to =S-M-<down>= and =S-M-<up>= respectively, since =M-<down>= and
-=M-<up>= now drag the whole element at point (a paragraph, a table, etc.)
-forward and backward.
-**** When a list item has a checkbox, inserting a new item uses a checkbox too
-**** When sorting entries/items, only the description of links is considered
-Now Org will sort this list
-: - [[][B]]
-: - [[][A]]
-like this:
-: - [[][A]]
-: - [[][B]]
-by comparing the descriptions, not the links.
-Same when sorting headlines instead of list items.
-**** New option =orgstruct-heading-prefix-regexp=
-For example, setting this option to "^;;; " in Emacs lisp files and using
-=orgstruct-mode= in those files will allow you to cycle through visibility
-states as if lines starting with ";;; *..." where headlines.
-In general, you want to set =orgstruct-heading-prefix-regexp= as a file
-local variable.
-**** New behavior of [[doc:org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift][org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift]]
-The default is now to ask for a time-shift only when there is a time-stamp.
-When called with a universal prefix argument =C-u=, it will not ask for a
-time-shift even if there is a time-stamp.
-**** New option [[doc:org-agenda-restriction-lock-highlight-subtree][org-agenda-restriction-lock-highlight-subtree]]
-This defaults to =t= so that the whole subtree is highlighted when you
-restrict the agenda view to it with =C-c C-x <= (or the speed command =<=).
-The default setting helps ensuring that you are not adding tasks after the
-restricted region. If you find this highlighting too intrusive, set this
-option to =nil=.
-**** New option [[doc:org-closed-keep-when-no-todo][org-closed-keep-when-no-todo]]
-When switching back from a =DONE= keyword to a =TODO= keyword, Org now
-removes the =CLOSED= planning information, if any. It also removes this
-information when going back to a non-TODO state (e.g., with =C-c C-t SPC=).
-If you want to keep the =CLOSED= planning information when removing the
-TODO keyword, set [[doc:org-closed-keep-when-no-todo][org-closed-keep-when-no-todo]] to =t=.
-**** New option [[doc:org-image-actual-width][org-image-actual-width]]
-This option allows you to change the width of in-buffer displayed images.
-The default is to use the actual width of the image, but you can use a
-fixed value for all images, or fall back on an attribute like
-: #+attr_html: :width 300px
-*** Scheduled/deadline
-**** Implement "delay" cookies for scheduled items
-If you want to delay the display of a scheduled task in the agenda, you can
-now use a delay cookie like this: =SCHEDULED: <2004-12-25 Sat -2d>=. The
-task is still scheduled on the 25th but will appear in your agenda starting
-from two days later (i.e. from March 27th.)
-Imagine for example that your co-workers are not done in due time and tell
-you "we need two more days". In that case, you may want to delay the
-display of the task in your agenda by two days, but you still want the task
-to appear as scheduled on March 25th.
-In case the task contains a repeater, the delay is considered to affect all
-occurrences; if you want the delay to only affect the first scheduled
-occurrence of the task, use =--2d= instead. See [[doc:org-scheduled-delay-days][org-scheduled-delay-days]]
-and [[doc:org-agenda-skip-scheduled-delay-if-deadline][org-agenda-skip-scheduled-delay-if-deadline]] for details on how to
-control this globally or per agenda.
-**** Use =C-u C-u C-c C-s= will insert a delay cookie for scheduled tasks
-See the previous section for why delay cookies may be useful.
-**** Use =C-u C-u C-c C-d= will insert a warning delay for deadline tasks
-=C-u C-u C-c C-d= now inserts a warning delay to deadlines.
-*** Calendar, diary and appts
-**** New variable [[doc:org-read-date-minibuffer-local-map][org-read-date-minibuffer-local-map]]
-By default, this new local map uses "." to go to today's date, like in the
-normal =M-x calendar RET=. If you want to deactivate this and to reassign
-the "@" key to =calendar-goto-today=, use this:
-#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
- ;; Unbind "." in Org's calendar:
- (define-key org-read-date-minibuffer-local-map (kbd ".") nil)
- ;; Bind "@" to `calendar-goto-today':
- (define-key org-read-date-minibuffer-local-map
- (kbd "@")
- (lambda () (interactive) (org-eval-in-calendar '(calendar-goto-today))))
-**** In Org's calendar, =!= displays diary entries of the date at point
-This is useful when you want to check if you don't already have an
-appointment when setting new ones with =C-c .= or =C-c s=. =!= will
-call =diary-view-entries= and display the diary in a separate buffer.
-**** [[doc:org-diary][org-diary]]: only keep the descriptions of links
-[[doc:org-diary][org-diary]] returns diary information from Org files, but it returns it
-in a diary buffer, not in an Org mode buffer. When links are displayed,
-only show their description, not the full links.
-*** Agenda
-**** New agenda type =agenda*= and entry types =:scheduled* :deadline*=
-When defining agenda custom commands, you can now use =agenda*=: this will
-list entries that have both a date and a time. This is useful when you
-want to build a list of appointments.
-You can also set [[doc:org-agenda-entry-types][org-agenda-entry-types]] either globally or locally in
-each agenda custom command and use =:timestamp*= and/or =:deadline*= there.
-Another place where this is useful is your =.diary= file:
-: %%(org-diary :scheduled*) ~/org/
-This will list only entries from =~/org/ that are scheduled with a
-time value (i.e. appointments).
-**** New agenda sorting strategies
-[[doc:org-agenda-sorting-strategy][org-agenda-sorting-strategy]] allows these new sorting strategies:
-| Strategy | Explanations |
-| timestamp-up | Sort by any timestamp, early first |
-| timestamp-down | Sort by any timestamp, late first |
-| scheduled-up | Sort by scheduled timestamp, early first |
-| scheduled-down | Sort by scheduled timestamp, late first |
-| deadline-up | Sort by deadline timestamp, early first |
-| deadline-down | Sort by deadline timestamp, late first |
-| ts-up | Sort by active timestamp, early first |
-| ts-down | Sort by active timestamp, late first |
-| tsia-up | Sort by inactive timestamp, early first |
-| tsia-down | Sort by inactive timestamp, late first |
-**** New options to limit the number of agenda entries
-You can now limit the number of entries in an agenda view. This is
-different from filters: filters only /hide/ the entries in the agenda,
-while limits are set while generating the list of agenda entries.
-These new options are available:
-- [[doc:org-agenda-max-entries][org-agenda-max-entries]] :: limit by number of entries.
-- [[doc:org-agenda-max-todos][org-agenda-max-todos]] :: limit by number of TODOs.
-- [[doc:org-agenda-max-tags][org-agenda-max-tags]] :: limit by number of tagged entries.
-- [[doc:org-agenda-max-effort][org-agenda-max-effort]] :: limit by effort (minutes).
-For example, if you locally set [[doc:org-agenda-max-todos][org-agenda-max-todos]] to 3 in an agenda
-view, the agenda will be limited to the first three todos. Other entries
-without a TODO keyword or beyond the third TODO headline will be ignored.
-When setting a limit (e.g. about an effort's sum), the default behavior is
-to exclude entries that cannot be checked against (e.g. entries that have
-no effort property.) To include other entries too, you can set the limit
-to a negative number. For example =(setq org-agenda-max-tags -3)= will not
-show the fourth tagged headline (and beyond), but it will also show
-non-tagged headlines.
-**** =~= in agenda view sets temporary limits
-You can hit =~= in the agenda to temporarily set limits: this will
-regenerate the agenda as if the limits were set. This is useful for
-example when you want to only see a list of =N= tasks, or a list of tasks
-that take only =N= minutes.
-**** "=" in agenda view filters by regular expressions
-You can now filter agenda entries by regular expressions using ~=~. =C-u
-== will filter entries out. Regexp filters are cumulative. You can set
-[[doc:org-agenda-regexp-filter-preset][org-agenda-regexp-filter-preset]] to suit your needs in each agenda view.
-**** =|= in agenda view resets all filters
-Since it's common to combine tag filters, category filters, and now regexp
-filters, there is a new command =|= to reset all filters at once.
-**** Allow writing an agenda to an file
-You can now write an agenda view to an file. It copies the
-headlines and their content (but not subheadings) into the new file.
-This is useful when you want to quickly share an agenda containing the full
-list of notes.
-**** New commands to drag an agenda line forward (=M-<down>=) or backward (=M-<up>=)
-It sometimes handy to move agenda lines around, just to quickly reorganize
-your tasks, or maybe before saving the agenda to a file. Now you can use
-=M-<down>= and =M-<up>= to move the line forward or backward.
-This does not persist after a refresh of the agenda, and this does not
-change the files who contribute to the agenda.
-**** Use =%b= for displaying "breadcrumbs" in the agenda view
-[[doc:org-agenda-prefix-format][org-agenda-prefix-format]] now allows to use a =%b= formatter to tell Org
-to display "breadcrumbs" in the agenda view.
-This is useful when you want to display the task hierarchy in your agenda.
-**** Use =%l= for displaying the headline's level in the agenda view
-[[doc:org-agenda-prefix-format][org-agenda-prefix-format]] allows to use a =%l= formatter to tell Org to
-display entries with additional spaces corresponding to their level in the
-outline tree.
-**** [[doc:org-agenda-write][org-agenda-write]] will ask before overwriting an existing file
-=M-x org-agenda-write RET= (or =C-c C-w= from an agenda buffer) used to
-overwrite preexisting file with the same name without confirmation. It now
-asks for a confirmation.
-**** New commands =M-m= and =M-*= to toggle (all) mark(s) for bulk action
-- [[doc:org-agenda-bulk-toggle][org-agenda-bulk-toggle]] :: this command is bound to =M-m= and toggles
- the mark of the entry at point.
-- [[doc:org-agenda-bulk-toggle-all][org-agenda-bulk-toggle-all]] :: this command is bound to =M-*= and
- toggles all the marks in the current agenda.
-**** New option [[doc:org-agenda-search-view-max-outline-level][org-agenda-search-view-max-outline-level]]
-This option sets the maximum outline level to display in search view.
-E.g. when this is set to 1, the search view will only show headlines of
-level 1.
-**** New option [[doc:org-agenda-todo-ignore-time-comparison-use-seconds][org-agenda-todo-ignore-time-comparison-use-seconds]]
-This allows to compare times using seconds instead of days when honoring
-options like =org-agenda-todo-ignore-*= in the agenda display.
-**** New option [[doc:org-agenda-entry-text-leaders][org-agenda-entry-text-leaders]]
-This allows you to get rid of the ">" character that gets added in front of
-entries excerpts when hitting =E= in the agenda view.
-**** New formatting string for past deadlines in [[doc:org-agenda-deadline-leaders][org-agenda-deadline-leaders]]
-The default formatting for past deadlines is ="%2d d. ago: "=, which makes
-it explicit that the deadline is in the past. You can configure this via
-[[doc:org-agenda-deadline-leaders][org-agenda-deadline-leaders]]. Note that the width of the formatting
-string is important to keep the agenda alignment clean.
-**** New allowed value =repeated-after-deadline= for [[doc:org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-deadline-is-shown][org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-deadline-is-shown]]
-When [[doc:org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-deadline-is-shown][org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-deadline-is-shown]] is set to
-=repeated-after-deadline=, the agenda will skip scheduled items if they are
-repeated beyond the current deadline.
-**** New option for [[doc:org-agenda-skip-deadline-prewarning-if-scheduled][org-agenda-skip-deadline-prewarning-if-scheduled]]
-This variable may be set to nil, t, the symbol `pre-scheduled', or a number
-which will then give the number of days before the actual deadline when the
-prewarnings should resume. The symbol `pre-scheduled' eliminates the
-deadline prewarning only prior to the scheduled date.
-Read the full docstring for details.
-**** [[doc:org-class][org-class]] now supports holiday strings in the skip-weeks parameter
-For example, this task will now be skipped only on new year's day:
- : * Task
- : <%%(org-class 2012 1 1 2013 12 12 2 "New Year's Day")>
-*** Capture
-**** Allow =C-1= as a prefix for [[doc:org-agenda-capture][org-agenda-capture]] and [[doc:org-capture][org-capture]]
-With a =C-1= prefix, the capture mechanism will use the =HH:MM= value at
-point (if any) or the current =HH:MM= time as the default time for the
-capture template.
-**** Expand keywords within %(sexp) placeholder in capture templates
-If you use a =%:keyword= construct within a =%(sexp)= construct, Org will
-expand the keywords before expanding the =%(sexp)=.
-**** Allow to contextualize capture (and agenda) commands by checking the name of the buffer
-[[doc:org-capture-templates-contexts][org-capture-templates-contexts]] and [[doc:org-agenda-custom-commands-contexts][org-agenda-custom-commands-contexts]]
-allow you to define what capture templates and what agenda commands should
-be available in various contexts. It is now possible for the context to
-check against the name of the buffer.
-*** Tag groups
-Using =#+TAGS: { Tag1 : Tag2 Tag3 }= will define =Tag1= as a /group tag/
-(note the colon after =Tag1=). If you search for =Tag1=, it will return
-headlines containing either =Tag1=, =Tag2= or =Tag3= (or any combination
-of those tags.)
-You can use group tags for sparse tree in an Org buffer, for creating
-agenda views, and for filtering.
-See for details.
-*** Links
-**** =C-u C-u M-x org-store-link RET= will ignore non-core link functions
-Org knows how to store links from Org buffers, from info files and from
-other Emacs buffers. Org can be taught how to store links from any buffer
-through new link protocols (see [[]["Adding hyperlink types"]] in the manual.)
-Sometimes you want Org to ignore added link protocols and store the link
-as if the protocol was not known.
-You can now do this with =C-u C-u M-x org-store-link RET=.
-**** =C-u C-u C-u M-x org-store-link RET= on an active region will store links for each lines
-Imagine for example that you want to store a link for every message in a
-Gnus summary buffer. In that case =C-x h C-u C-u C-u M-x org-store-link
-RET= will store a link for every line (i.e. message) if the region is
-**** =C-c C-M-l= will add a default description for links which don't have one
-=C-c C-M-l= inserts all stored links. If a link does not have a
-description, this command now adds a default one, so that we are not mixing
-with-description and without-description links when inserting them.
-**** No curly braces to bracket links within internal links
-When storing a link to a headline like
-: * See [[][Org website]]
-[[doc:org-store-link][org-store-link]] used to convert the square brackets into curly brackets.
-It does not anymore, taking the link description or the link path, when
-there is no description.
-*** Table
-**** Switching between #+TBLFM lines
-If you have several =#+TBLFM= lines below a table, =C-c C-c= on a line will
-apply the formulas from this line, and =C-c C-c= on another line will apply
-those other formulas.
-**** You now use "nan" for empty fields in Calc formulas
-If empty fields are of interest, it is recommended to reread the section
-[[][3.5.2 Formula syntax for Calc]] of the manual because the description for the
-mode strings has been clarified and new examples have been added towards
-the end.
-**** Handle localized time-stamps in formulas evaluation
-If your =LOCALE= is set so that Org time-stamps use another language than
-english, and if you make time computations in Org's table, it now works by
-internally converting the time-stamps with a temporary =LOCALE=C= before
-doing computation.
-**** New lookup functions
-There are now three lookup functions:
-- [[doc:org-loopup-first][org-loopup-first]]
-- [[doc:org-loopup-last][org-loopup-last]]
-- [[doc:org-loopup-all][org-loopup-all]]
-See [[][the manual]] for details.
-*** Startup keywords
-These new startup keywords are now available:
-| Startup keyword | Option |
-| =#+STARTUP: logdrawer= | =(setq org-log-into-drawer t)= |
-| =#+STARTUP: nologdrawer= | =(setq org-log-into-drawer nil)= |
-| =#+STARTUP: logstatesreversed= | =(setq org-log-states-order-reversed t)= |
-| =#+STARTUP: nologstatesreversed= | =(setq org-log-states-order-reversed nil)= |
-| =#+STARTUP: latexpreview= | =(setq org-startup-with-latex-preview t)= |
-| =#+STARTUP: nolatexpreview= | =(setq org-startup-with-latex-preview nil)= |
-*** Clocking
-**** New option [[doc:org-clock-rounding-minutes][org-clock-rounding-minutes]]
-E.g. if [[doc:org-clock-rounding-minutes][org-clock-rounding-minutes]] is set to 5, time is 14:47 and you
-clock in: then the clock starts at 14:45. If you clock out within the next
-5 minutes, the clock line will be removed; if you clock out 8 minutes after
-your clocked in, the clock out time will be 14:50.
-**** New option [[doc:org-time-clocksum-use-effort-durations][org-time-clocksum-use-effort-durations]]
-When non-nil, =C-c C-x C-d= uses effort durations. E.g., by default, one
-day is considered to be a 8 hours effort, so a task that has been clocked
-for 16 hours will be displayed as during 2 days in the clock display or in
-the clocktable.
-See [[doc:org-effort-durations][org-effort-durations]] on how to set effort durations and
-[[doc:org-time-clocksum-format][org-time-clocksum-format]] for more on time clock formats.
-**** New option [[doc:org-clock-x11idle-program-name][org-clock-x11idle-program-name]]
-This allows to set the name of the program which prints X11 idle time in
-milliseconds. The default is to use =x11idle=.
-**** New option [[doc:org-use-last-clock-out-time-as-effective-time][org-use-last-clock-out-time-as-effective-time]]
-When non-nil, use the last clock out time for [[doc:org-todo][org-todo]]. Note that this
-option has precedence over the combined use of [[doc:org-use-effective-time][org-use-effective-time]] and
-**** =S-<left/right>= on a clocksum column will update the sum by updating the last clock
-**** =C-u 3 C-S-<up/down>= will update clock timestamps synchronously by 3 units
-**** New parameter =:wstart= for clocktables to define the week start day
-**** New parameter =:mstart= to state the starting day of the month
-**** Allow relative times in clocktable tstart and tend options
-**** The clocktable summary is now a caption
-**** =:tstart= and =:tend= and friends allow relative times like "<-1w>" or "<now>"
-*** Babel
-**** You can now use =C-c C-k= for [[doc:org-edit-src-abort][org-edit-src-abort]]
-This allows you to quickly cancel editing a source block.
-**** =C-u C-u M-x org-babel-tangle RET= tangles by the target file of the block at point
-This is handy if you want to tangle all source code blocks that have the
-same target than the block at point.
-**** New options for auto-saving the base buffer or the source block editing buffer
-When [[doc:org-edit-src-turn-on-auto-save][org-edit-src-turn-on-auto-save]] is set to =t=, editing a source block
-in a new window will turn on =auto-save-mode= and save the code in a new
-file under the same directory than the base Org file.
-When [[doc:org-edit-src-auto-save-idle-delay][org-edit-src-auto-save-idle-delay]] is set to a number of minutes =N=,
-the base Org buffer will be saved after this number of minutes of idle
-**** New =:post= header argument post-processes results
- This header argument may be used to pass the results of the current
- code block through another code block for post-processing. See the
- manual for a usage example.
-**** Commented out heading are ignored when collecting blocks for tangling
-If you comment out a heading (with =C-c ;= anywhere on the heading or in
-the subtree), code blocks from within this heading are now ignored when
-collecting blocks for tangling.
-**** New option [[doc:org-babel-hash-show-time][org-babel-hash-show-time]] to show a time-stamp in the result hash
-**** Do not ask for confirmation if cached value is current
-Do not run [[doc:org-babel-confirm-evaluate][org-babel-confirm-evaluate]] if source block has a cache and the
-cache value is current as there is no evaluation involved in this case.
-**** =ob-sql.el= and =ob-python.el= have been improved.
-**** New Babel files only need to =(require 'ob)=
-When writing a new Babel file, you now only need to use =(require 'ob)=
-instead of requiring each Babel library one by one.
-*** Faces
-- Org now fontifies radio link targets by default
-- In the agenda, use [[doc:org-todo-keyword-faces][org-todo-keyword-faces]] to highlight selected TODO keywords
-- New face [[doc:org-priority][org-priority]], enhanced fontification of priority cookies in agenda
-- New face [[doc:org-tag-group][org-tag-group]] for group tags
-** Miscellaneous
-- New speedy key =s= pour [[doc:org-narrow-to-subtree][org-narrow-to-subtree]]
-- Handling of [[doc:org-html-table-row][org-html-table-row]] has been updated (incompatible change)
-- [[doc:org-export-html-table-tag][org-export-html-table-tag]] is replaced by [[doc:org-html-table-default-attributes][org-html-table-default-attributes]]
-- Support using =git-annex= with Org attachments
-- org-protocol: Pass optional value using query in url to capture from protocol
-- When the refile history is empty, use the current filename as default
-- When you cannot change the TODO state of a task, Org displays the blocking task
-- New option [[doc:org-mobile-allpriorities][org-mobile-allpriorities]]
-- org-bibtex.el now use =visual-line-mode= instead of the deprecated =longlines-mode=
-- [[doc:org-format-latex-options][org-format-latex-options]] allows to set the foreground/background colors automatically
-- New option [[doc:org-archive-file-header-format][org-archive-file-header-format]]
-- New "neg" entity in [[doc:org-entities][org-entities]]
-- New function [[doc:org-docview-export][org-docview-export]] to export docview links
-- New =:eps= header argument for ditaa code blocks
-- New option [[doc:org-gnus-no-server][org-gnus-no-server]] to start Gnus with =gnus-no-server=
-- Org is now distributed with =htmlize.el= version 1.43
-- ~org-drill.el~ has been updated to version 2.3.7
-- ~org-mac-iCal.el~ now supports OS X versions up to 10.8
-- Various improvements to ~org-contacts.el~ and =orgpan.el=
-** Outside Org
-*** Spanish translation of the Org guide by David Arroyo Menéndez
-David (and others) translated the Org compact guide in spanish:
-You can read the [[][PDF guide]].
-*** ~poporg.el~ and ~outorg.el~
-Two new libraries (~poporg.el~ by François Pinard and ~outorg.el~ by
-Thorsten Jolitz) now enable editing of comment-sections from source-code
-buffers in temporary Org-mode buffers, making the full editing power of
-Org-mode available. ~outorg.el~ comes together with ~outshine.el~ and
-~navi-mode.el~, two more libraries by Thorsten Jolitz with the goal to give
-source-code buffers the /look & feel/ of Org-mode buffers while greatly
-improving navigation and structure editing. A detailed description can be
-found here:
-Here are two screencasts demonstrating Thorsten's tools:
-- [[]["Modern conventions for Emacs Lisp files"]]
-- [[][Exploring Bernt Hansen's Org-mode tutorial with 'navi-mode']]
-*** MobileOrg for iOS
-MobileOrg for iOS back in the App Store The 1.6.0 release was focused on
-the new Dropbox API and minor bug fixes but also includes a new ability to
-launch in Capture mode. Track development and contribute [[][on github]].
-* Version 7.9.3
-** New option [[doc::org-agenda-use-tag-inheritance][org-agenda-use-tag-inheritance]]
-[[doc::org-use-tag-inheritance][org-use-tag-inheritance]] controls whether tags are inherited when
-org-tags-view is called (either in =tags=, =tags-tree= or =tags-todo=
-agenda views.)
-When generating other agenda types such as =agenda=, =todo= and
-=todo-tree=, tags inheritance is not used when selecting the entries
-to display. Still, you might want to have all tag information correct
-in the agenda buffer, e.g. for tag filtering. In that case, add the
-agenda type to this variable.
-Setting this variable to nil should considerably speeds up the agenda
-Note that the default was to display inherited tags in the agenda
-lines even if `org-use-tag-inheritance' was nil. The default is now
-to *never* display inherited tags in agenda lines, but to /know/ about
-them when the agenda type is listed in [[doc::org-agenda-use-tag-inheritance][org-agenda-use-tag-inheritance]].
-** New default value =nil= for [[doc::org-agenda-dim-blocked-tasks][org-agenda-dim-blocked-tasks]]
-Using `nil' as the default value speeds up the agenda generation. You
-can hit `#' (or `C-u #') in agenda buffers to temporarily dim (or turn
-invisible) blocked tasks.
-** New speedy keys for [[doc::org-speed-commands-default][org-speed-commands-default]]
-You can now use `:' (instead of `;') for setting tags---this is
-consistent with using the `:' key in agenda view.
-You can now use `=' for [[doc::org-columns][org-columns]].
-** =org-float= is now obsolete, use =diary-float= instead
-** No GPL manual anymore
-There used to be a GPL version of the Org manual, but this is not the
-case anymore, the Free Software Foundation does not permit this.
-The GNU FDL license is now included in the manual directly.
-** Enhanced compatibility with Emacs 22 and XEmacs
-Thanks to Achim for his work on enhancing Org's compatibility with
-various Emacsen. Things may not be perfect, but Org should work okay
-in most environments.
-* Version 7.9.2
-** New ELPA repository for Org packages
-You can now add the Org ELPA repository like this:
-#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
-(add-to-list 'package-archives '("org" . "") t)
-It contains both the =org-*.tar= package (the core Org distribution, also
-available through and the =org-plus*.tar= package (the
-extended Org distribution, with non-GNU packages from the =contrib/=
-** Overview of the new keybindings
- | Keybinding | Speedy | Command |
- |-----------------+--------+-----------------------------|
- | =C-c C-x C-z= | | [[doc::org-clock-resolve][org-clock-resolve]] |
- | =C-c C-x C-q= | | [[doc::org-clock-cancel][org-clock-cancel]] |
- | =C-c C-x C-x= | | [[doc::org-clock-in-last][org-clock-in-last]] |
- | =M-h= | | [[doc::org-mark-element][org-mark-element]] |
- | =*= | | [[doc::org-agenda-bulk-mark-all][org-agenda-bulk-mark-all]] |
- | =C-c C-M-l= | | [[doc::org-insert-all-links][org-insert-all-links]] |
- | =C-c C-x C-M-v= | | [[doc::org-redisplay-inline-images][org-redisplay-inline-images]] |
- | =C-c C-x E= | =E= | [[doc::org-inc-effort][org-inc-effort]] |
- | | =#= | [[doc::org-toggle-comment][org-toggle-comment]] |
- | | =:= | [[doc::org-columns][org-columns]] |
- | | =W= | Set =APPT_WARNTIME= |
- | =k= | | [[doc::org-agenda-capture][org-agenda-capture]] |
- | C-c , | , | [[doc::org-priority][org-priority]] |
-** New package and Babel language
-*** =org-eshell.el= by Konrad Hinsen is now in Org
- =org-eshell.el= allows you to create links from [[][Eshell]].
-*** Support for execution of Scala code blocks (see ob-scala.el)
-*** Support for execution of IO code blocks (see ob-io.el)
-** Incompatible changes
- - If your code relies on =org-write-agenda=, please use
- [[doc::org-agenda-write][org-agenda-write]] from now on.
- - If your code relies on =org-make-link=, please use =concat=
- instead.
- - =org-link-to-org-use-id= has been renamed to
- =org-id-link-to-org-use-id= and its default value is nil. The
- previous default was =create-if-interactive-and-no-custom-id=.
-** New features and user-visible changes
-*** Org Element
- =org-element.el= is a toolbox for parsing and analyzing "elements"
- in an Org-mode buffer. This has been written by Nicolas Goaziou
- and has been tested for quite some time. It is now part of Org's
- core and many core functions rely on this package.
- Two functions might be particularly handy for users:
- =org-element-at-point= and =org-element-context=.
- See the docstrings for more details.
- Below is a list of editing and navigating commands that now rely
- on =org-element.el=.
-**** [[doc::org-fill-paragraph][org-fill-paragraph]] has been completely rewritten
- The filling mechanisms now rely on org-element, trying to do the
- right thing on each element in various contexts. E.g. filling in
- a list item will preserve indentation; filling in message-mode
- will fall back on the relevant filling functions; etc.
-**** [[doc::org-metaup][org-metaup]] and [[doc::org-metadown][org-metadown]] will drag the element backward/forward
- If you want to get the old behavior (i.e. moving a line up and
- down), you can first select the line as an active region, then
- =org-metaup= or =org-metadown= to move the region backward or
- forward. This also works with regions bigger than just one line.
-**** [[doc::org-up-element][org-up-element]] and [[doc::org-down-element][org-down-element]] (respectively =C-c C-^= and =C-c C-_=)
- This will move the point up/down in the hierarchy of elements.
-**** [[doc::org-backward-element][org-backward-element]] and [[doc::org-forward-element][org-forward-element]] (respectively =M-{= and =M-}=)
- This will move the point backward/forward in the hierarchy of
- elements.
-**** [[doc::org-narrow-to-element][org-narrow-to-element]] will narrow to the element at point
-**** [[doc::org-mark-element][org-mark-element]] will mark the element at point
- This command is bound to =M-h= and will mark the element at
- point. If the point is at a paragraph, it will mark the
- paragraph. If the point is at a list item, it will mark the list
- item. Etc.
- Note that if point is at the beginning of a list, it will mark
- the whole list.
- To mark a subtree, you can either use =M-h= on the headline
- (since there is no ambiguity about the element you're at) or
- [[doc::org-mark-subtree][org-mark-subtree]] (=C-c @=) anywhere in the subtree.
- Invoking [[doc::org-mark-element][org-mark-element]] repeatedly will try to mark the next
- element on top of the previous one(s). E.g. hitting =M-h= twice
- on a headline will mark the current subtree and the next one on
- the same level.
-*** Org Agenda
-**** New option [[doc::org-agenda-sticky][org-agenda-sticky]]
- There is a new option =org-agenda-sticky= which enables "sticky"
- agendas. Sticky agendas remain opened in the background so that
- you don't need to regenerate them each time you hit the
- corresponding keystroke. This is a big time saver.
- When [[doc::org-agenda-sticky][org-agenda-sticky]] is =non-nil=, the agenda buffer will be
- named using the agenda key and its description. In sticky
- agendas, the =q= key will just bury the agenda buffers and
- further agenda commands will show existing buffer instead of
- generating new ones.
- If [[doc::org-agenda-sticky][org-agenda-sticky]] is set to =nil=, =q= will kill the single
- agenda buffer.
-**** New option [[doc::org-agenda-custom-commands-contexts][org-agenda-custom-commands-contexts]]
- Setting this option allows you to define specific context where
- agenda commands should be available from. For example, when set
- to this value
- #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
- (setq org-agenda-custom-commands-contexts
- '(("p" (in-file . "\\.txt"))))
- then the =p= agenda command will only be available from buffers
- visiting *.txt files. See the docstring and the manual for more
- details on how to use this.
-**** Changes in bulk actions
- The set of commands starting with =k ...= as been deleted and the
- features have been merged into the "bulk action" feature.
- After you marked some entries in the agenda, if you call =B s=,
- the agenda entries will be rescheduled using the date at point if
- on a date header. If you are on an entry with a timestamp, you
- will be prompted for a date to reschedule your marked entries to,
- using the timestamp at point as the default prompt.
- You can now use =k= to capture the marked entry and use the date
- at point as an overriding date for the capture template.
- To bind this behavior to =M-x org-capture RET= (or its
- keybinding), set the new option [[doc::org-capture-use-agenda-date][org-capture-use-agenda-date]] to
- =t=.
-**** =N= and =P= in the agenda will move to the next/previous item
-**** New command [[doc::org-agenda-bulk-mark-all][org-agenda-bulk-mark-all]] to mark all items
- This new command is bound to =*= in agenda mode.
- There is also a new option [[doc::org-agenda-bulk-mark-char][org-agenda-bulk-mark-char]] to set the
- character to use as a mark for bulk actions.
-**** New option [[doc::org-agenda-persistent-marks][org-agenda-persistent-marks]]
- When set to =non-nil=, marks will remain visible after a bulk
- action. You can temporarily toggle this by pressing =p= when
- invoking [[doc::org-agenda-bulk-action][org-agenda-bulk-action]]. Marks are deleted if your
- rebuild the agenda buffer or move to another date/span (e.g. with
- =f= or =w=).
-**** New option [[doc::org-agenda-skip-timestamp-if-deadline-is-shown][org-agenda-skip-timestamp-if-deadline-is-shown]]
- =Non-nil= means skip timestamp line if same entry shows because
- of deadline.
- In the agenda of today, an entry can show up multiple times
- because it has both a plain timestamp and has a nearby deadline.
- When this variable is t, then only the deadline is shown and the
- fact that the entry has a timestamp for or including today is not
- shown. When this variable is =nil=, the entry will be shown
- several times.
-**** New =todo-unblocked= and =nottodo-unblocked= skip conditions
- See the [[][git commit]] for more explanations.
-**** Allow category filtering in the agenda
- You can now filter the agenda by category. Pressing "<" will
- filter by the category of the item on the current line, and
- pressing "<" again will remove the filter. You can combine tag
- filters and category filters.
- You can use =org-agenda-category-filter= in your custom agenda
- views and =org-agenda-category-filter-preset= in your main
- configuration.
- See also the new command [[doc::org-agenda-filter-by-top-category][org-agenda-filter-by-top-category]]:
- hitting =^= will filter by "Top" category: only show entries that
- are of the same category than the Top category of the entry at
- point.
-*** Org Links
-**** Inserting links
- When inserting links through [[doc::org-insert-link][org-insert-link]], the description is
- now displayed first, followed by the literal link, as the
- description is often more useful when you look for the link you
- want to insert.
- Completion now complete both literal links and description. If
- you complete a description, the literal link and its description
- will be inserted directly, whereas when you complete the literal
- link, you will be prompted for a description (as with Org 7.8.)
- In the completion buffer, links to the current buffer are now
- highlighted.
-**** New templates =%h= and =%(sexp)= for abbreviated links
- On top of =%s= template, which is replaced by the link tag in
- abbreviated links, you can now use =%h= (which does the same than =%s=
- but does not hexify the tag) and =%(sexp)= (which can run a function
- that takes the tag as its own argument.)
-**** New link type =help=
- You can now create links from =help= buffers.
- For example, if you request help for the command [[doc::org-agenda][org-agenda]] with
- =C-h f org-agenda RET=, creating a link from this buffer will let
- you go back to the same buffer.
-**** New command [[doc::org-insert-all-links][org-insert-all-links]]
- This will insert all links as list items. With a universal
- prefix argument, links will not be deleted from the variable
- =org-stored-links=.
- This new command is bound to =C-c C-M-l=.
-**** New option [[doc::org-url-hexify-p][org-url-hexify-p]]
- When set to =nil=, the =URL= part of a link will not be hexified.
-**** Org can now open multiple shell links
-**** New option [[doc::org-doi-server-url][org-doi-server-url]] to specify an alternate DOI server
-**** RET now follows time stamps links
-*** Org Editing
-**** [[doc::org-todo][org-todo]] and =org-archive-*= can now loop in the active region
- When [[doc::org-loop-over-headlines-in-active-region][org-loop-over-headlines-in-active-region]] is =non-nil=, using
- [[doc::org-todo][org-todo]] or =org-archive-*= commands in the active region will
- loop over headlines. This is handy if you want to set the TODO
- keyword for several items, or archive them quickly.
-**** You can now set tags for headlines in a region
- If [[doc::org-loop-over-headlines-in-active-region][org-loop-over-headlines-in-active-region]] is =non-nil=, then
- selecting the region and hitting =C-c C-q= will set the tags for
- all headlines in the region.
-**** New command [[doc::org-insert-drawer][org-insert-drawer]] to insert a drawer interactively
-**** Comments start with "^[ \t]*# " anywhere on a line
- Note that the space after the hashtag is mandatory. Comments
- with "^#+" are not supported anymore.
-**** New speed key =#= to toggle the COMMENT cookie on a headline
-**** =indent-region-function= is now set to [[doc::org-indent-region][org-indent-region]]
- =C-M-\= should now produce useful results.
- You can unindent the buffer with [[doc::org-unindent-buffer][org-unindent-buffer]].
-**** New option [[doc::org-allow-promoting-top-level-subtree][org-allow-promoting-top-level-subtree]]
- When =non-nil=, =S-M-<left>= will promote level-1 subtrees
- containing other subtrees. The level-1 headline will be
- commented out. You can revert to the previous state with =M-x
- undo RET=.
-*** Org Clock
-**** New keybinding =C-c C-x C-z= for [[doc::org-clock-resolve][org-clock-resolve]]
-**** New keybinding =C-c C-x C-q= for [[doc::org-clock-cancel][org-clock-cancel]]
-**** New command [[doc::org-clock-in-last][org-clock-in-last]] to clock in the last clocked item
- This command is bound to =C-c C-x C-x= and will clock in the last
- clocked entry, if any.
-**** =C-u M-x= [[doc::org-clock-out][org-clock-out]] =RET= now prompts for a state to switch to
-**** =S-M-<up/down>= on a clock timestamps adjusts the previous/next clock
-**** New option [[doc::org-clock-continuously][org-clock-continuously]]
- When set to =nil=, clocking in a task will first try to find the
- last clocked out task and restart from when that task was clocked
- out.
- You can temporarily activate continuous clocking with =C-u C-u
- C-u M-x= [[doc::org-clock-in][org-clock-in]] =RET= (three universal prefix arguments)
- and =C-u C-u M-x= [[doc::org-clock-in-last][org-clock-in-last]] =RET= (two universal prefix
- arguments).
-**** New option [[doc::org-clock-frame-title-format][org-clock-frame-title-format]]
- This option sets the value of =frame-title-format= when clocking
- in.
-**** New options for controlling the clockreport display
- [[doc::org-clock-file-time-cell-format][org-clock-file-time-cell-format]]: Format string for the file time
- cells in clockreport.
- [[doc::org-clock-total-time-cell-format][org-clock-total-time-cell-format]]: Format string for the total
- time cells in clockreport.
-**** New options for controlling the clock/timer display
- [[doc::org-clock-clocked-in-display][org-clock-clocked-in-display]]: control whether the current clock
- is displayed in the mode line and/or frame title.
- [[doc::org-timer-display][org-timer-display]]: control whether the current timer is displayed
- in the mode line and/or frame title.
- This allows the clock and timer to be displayed in the frame
- title instead of, or as well as, the mode line. This is useful
- for people with limited space in the mode line but with ample
- space in the frame title.
-*** Org Appearance
-**** New option [[doc::org-custom-properties][org-custom-properties]]
- The visibility of properties listed in this options can be turn
- on/off with [[doc::org-toggle-custom-properties-visibility][org-toggle-custom-properties-visibility]]. This might
- be useful for properties used by third-part tools or that you
- don't want to see temporarily.
-**** New command [[doc::org-redisplay-inline-images][org-redisplay-inline-images]]
- This will redisplay all images. It is bound to =C-c C-x C-M-v=.
-**** New entities in =org-entities.el=
- There are these new entities:
- : ("tilde" "\\~{}" nil "&tilde;" "~" "~" "~")
- : ("slash" "/" nil "/" "/" "/" "/")
- : ("plus" "+" nil "+" "+" "+" "+")
- : ("under" "\\_" nil "_" "_" "_" "_")
- : ("equal" "=" nil "=" "=" "=" "=")
- : ("asciicirc" "\\textasciicircum{}" nil "^" "^" "^" "^")
-**** New face =org-list-dt= for definition terms
-**** New face =org-date-selected= for the selected calendar day
-**** New face value for =org-document-title=
- The face is back to a normal height.
-*** Org Columns
-**** New speed command =:= to activate the column view
-**** New special property =CLOCKSUM_T= to display today's clocked time
- You can use =CLOCKSUM_T= the same way you use =CLOCKSUM=. It
- will display the time spent on tasks for today only.
-**** Use the =:COLUMNS:= property in columnview dynamic blocks
- If the =:COLUMNS:= is set in a subtree, the columnview dynamic
- block will use its value as the column format.
-**** Consider inline tasks when computing a sum
-*** Org Dates and Time Stamps
-**** Enhanced [[doc::org-sparse-tree][org-sparse-tree]]
- =C-c /= can now check for time ranges.
- When checking for dates with =C-c /= it is useful to change the
- type of dates that you are interested in. You can now do this
- interactively with =c= after =C-c /= and/or by setting
- [[doc::org-sparse-tree-default-date-type][org-sparse-tree-default-date-type]] to the default value you want.
-**** Support for hourly repeat cookies
- You can now use
- : SCHEDULED: <2012-08-20 lun. 08:00 +1h>
- if you want to add an hourly repeater to an entry.
-**** =C-u C-u C-c .= inserts a time-stamp with no prompt
-**** When (setq [[doc::org-read-date-prefer-future][org-read-date-prefer-future]] 'time), accept days in the prompt
- "8am Wed" and "Wed 8am" are now acceptable values when entering a
- date from the prompt. If [[doc::org-read-date-prefer-future][org-read-date-prefer-future]] is set to
- =time=, this will produce the expected prompt indication.
-**** New option [[doc::org-datetree-add-timestamp][org-datetree-add-timestamp]]
- When set to =non-nil=, datetree entries will also have a
- timestamp. This is useful if you want to see these entries in a
- sparse tree with =C-c /=.
-*** Org Capture
-**** New command [[doc::org-capture-string][org-capture-string]]
- M-x [[doc::org-capture-string][org-capture-string]] RET will prompt for a string and a capture
- template. The string will be used as an annotation for the
- template. This is useful when capturing in batch mode as it lets
- you define the content of the template without being in Emacs.
-**** New option [[doc::org-capture-templates-contexts][org-capture-templates-contexts]]
- Setting this option allows you to define specific context where
- capture templates should be available from. For example, when
- set to this value
- #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
- (setq org-capture-templates-contexts
- '(("c" (in-mode . "message-mode"))))
- then the =c= capture template will only be available from
- =message-mode= buffers. See the docstring and the manual for
- more details on how to use this.
-**** New =%l= template to insert the literal link
-**** New option [[doc::org-capture-bookmark][org-capture-bookmark]]
- Org used to automatically add a bookmark with capture a note.
- You can now turn this on by setting [[doc::org-capture-bookmark][org-capture-bookmark]] to
- =nil=.
-**** Expand =%<num>= escape sequences into text entered for <num>'th =%^{PROMPT}= escape
- See the manual for more explanations.
-**** More control over empty lines
- You can use =:empty-lines-before= and =:empty-lines-after= to
- control the insertion of empty lines. Check the manual for more
- explanations.
-**** New hook [[doc::org-capture-prepare-finalize-hook][org-capture-prepare-finalize-hook]]
- This new hook runs before the finalization process starts.
-*** Org Export
-**** New functions =orgtbl-to-table.el= and =orgtbl-to-unicode=
- =orgtbl-to-table.el= convert the table to a =table.el= table, and
- =orgtbl-to-unicode= will use =ascii-art-to-unicode.el= (when
- available) to print beautiful tables.
-**** [[doc::org-table-export][org-table-export]] now a bit clever about the target format
- When you specify a file name like =table.csv=, [[doc::org-table-export][org-table-export]]
- will now suggest =orgtbl-to-csv= the default method for exporting
- the table.
-**** New option [[doc::org-export-date-timestamp-format][org-export-date-timestamp-format]]
- The option allows to set a time string format for Org timestamps
- in the #+DATE option.
-**** LaTeX: New options for exporting table rules :tstart, :hline and :tend
- See [[doc::org-export-latex-tables-hline][org-export-latex-tables-hline]] and [[doc::org-export-latex-tables-tend][org-export-latex-tables-tend]].
-**** LaTeX: You can now set =:hfmt= from =#+ATTR_LaTeX=
-**** Beamer: Add support and keybinding for the =exampleblock= environment
- Add support for these languages in [[doc::org-export-language-setup][org-export-language-setup]].
- More languages are always welcome.
-**** Beamer: New option [[doc::org-beamer-inherited-properties][org-beamer-inherited-properties]]
- This option allows Beamer export to inherit some properties.
- Thanks to Carsten for implementing this.
-**** ODT: Add support for ODT export in org-bbdb.el
-**** ODT: Add support for indented tables (see [[][this commit]] for details)
-**** ODT: Improve the conversion from ODT to other formats
-**** ASCII: Swap the level-1/level-2 characters to underline the headlines
-**** Support for Chinese, simplified Chinese, Russian, Ukrainian and Japanese
-**** HTML: New option [[doc::org-export-html-date-format-string][org-export-html-date-format-string]]
- Format string to format the date and time in HTML export. Thanks
- to Sébastien Vauban for this patch.
-*** Org Babel
-**** New =:results drawer= parameter
-=:results drawer= replaces =:results wrap=, which is deprecated but still
-**** =:results org= now put results in a =#+BEGIN_SRC org= block
-=:results org= used to put results in a =#+BEGIN_ORG= block but it now puts
-results in a =#+BEGIN_SRC org= block, with comma-escaped lines.
-=#+BEGIN_ORG= blocks are obsolete.
-**** Exporting =#+BEGIN_SRC org= blocks exports the code
-It used to exports the results of the code.
-*** Miscellaneous
-**** New menu entry for [[doc::org-refile][org-refile]]
-**** Allow capturing to encrypted entries
-If you capture to an encrypted entry, it will be decrypted before
-inserting the template then re-encrypted after finalizing the capture.
-**** Inactive timestamps are now handled in tables
-Calc can do computation on active time-stamps like <2012-09-29 sat.>.
-Inactive time-stamps in a table's cell are now internally deactivated so
-that Calc formulas can operate on them.
-**** [[doc::org-table-number-regexp][org-table-number-regexp]] can now accept comma as decimal mark
-**** Org allows a new property =APPT_WARNTIME=
- You can set it with the =W= speedy key or set it manually. When
- set, exporting to iCalendar and [[doc::org-agenda-to-appt][org-agenda-to-appt]] will use the
- value of this property as the number of minutes for the warning
- alarm.
-**** New command [[doc::org-inc-effort][org-inc-effort]]
- This will increment the effort value.
- It is bound to =C-c C-x E= and to =E= as a speedy command.
-**** Attach: Add support for creating symbolic links
- =org-attach-method= now supports a new method =lns=, allowing to
- attach symbolic links.
-**** Archive: you can now archive to a datetree
-**** New option [[doc::org-inlinetask-show-first-star][org-inlinetask-show-first-star]]
- =Non-nil= means display the first star of an inline task as
- additional marker. When =nil=, the first star is not shown.
-**** New option [[doc::org-latex-preview-ltxpng-directory][org-latex-preview-ltxpng-directory]]
- This lets you define the path for the =ltxpng/= directory.
-**** You can now use imagemagick instead of dvipng to preview LaTeX fragments
-**** You can now turn off [[doc::orgstruct++-mode][orgstruct++-mode]] safely
-**** =C-u C-c C-c= on list items to add check boxes
- =C-u C-c C-c= will add an empty check box on a list item.
- When hit from the top of the list, it will add check boxes for
- all top level list items.
-**** =org-list-ending-method= and =org-list-end-regexp= are now obsolete
- Fall back on using =org-list-end-re= only, which see.
-**** org-feed.el now expands =%(sexp)= templates
-**** New option [[doc::org-protocol-data-separator][org-protocol-data-separator]]
-**** New option [[doc::org-ditaa-jar-option][org-ditaa-jar-option]] to specify the ditaa jar file
-**** New possible value for [[doc::org-loop-over-headlines-in-active-region][org-loop-over-headlines-in-active-region]]
- When [[doc::org-loop-over-headlines-in-active-region][org-loop-over-headlines-in-active-region]] is set to
- =start-level=, the command will loop over the active region but
- will only act upon entries that are of the same level than the
- first headline in the region.
-**** New option [[doc::org-habit-show-all-today][org-habit-show-all-today]]
- When set to =t=, show all (even unscheduled) habits on today's
- agenda.
-** Important bug fixes
-*** M-TAB on options keywords perform completion correctly again
- If you hit =M-TAB= on keywords like =#+TITLE=, Org will try to
- perform completion with meaningful values.
-*** Add licenses to javascript embedded and external code snippets
- Embedded javascript code produced when exporting an Org file to
- HTML is now licensed under GPLv3 (or later), and the copyright is
- owned by the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- The javascript code for embedding MathJax in the browser mentions
- the MathJax copyright and the Apache 2.0 license.
- The javascript code for embedding =org-injo.js= in the browser
- mentions the copyright of Sebastian Rose and the GPLv3 (or later)
- license.
- =org-export-html-scripts= is now a variable, so that you can adapt
- the code and the license to your needs.
- See for
- explanations on why these changes were necessary.
-* Version 7.8.11
-** Incompatible changes
-*** Emacs 21 support has been dropped
- Do not use Org mode 7.xx with Emacs 21, use [[][version 6.36c]] instead.
-*** XEmacs support requires the XEmacs development version
- To use Org mode 7.xx with XEmacs, you need to run the developer
- version of XEmacs. We were about to drop XEmacs support entirely,
- but Michael Sperber stepped in and made changes to XEmacs that
- made it easier to keep the support. Thanks to Michael for this
- last-minute save.
-*** New keys for TODO sparse trees
- The key =C-c C-v= is now reserved for Org Babel action. TODO
- sparse trees can still be made with =C-c / t= (all not-done
- states) and =C-c / T= (specific states).
-*** The Agenda =org-agenda-ndays= is now obsolete
- The variable =org-agenda-ndays= is obsolete - please use
- =org-agenda-span= instead.
- Thanks to Julien Danjou for this.
-*** Changes to the intended use of =org-export-latex-classes=
- So far this variable has been used to specify the complete header
- of the LaTeX document, including all the =\usepackage= calls
- necessary for the document. This setup makes it difficult to
- maintain the list of packages that Org itself would like to call,
- for example for the special symbol support it needs.
- First of all, you can *opt out of this change* in the following
- way: You can say: /I want to have full control over headers, and I
- will take responsibility to include the packages Org needs/. If
- that is what you want, add this to your configuration and skip the
- rest of this section (except maybe for the description of the
- =[EXTRA]= place holder):
- #+begin_src emacs-lisp
- (setq org-export-latex-default-packages-alist nil
- org-export-latex-packages-alist nil)
- #+end_src
- /Continue to read here if you want to go along with the modified
- setup./
- There are now two variables that should be used to list the LaTeX
- packages that need to be included in all classes. The header
- definition in =org-export-latex-classes= should then not contain
- the corresponding =\usepackage= calls (see below).
- The two new variables are:
- 1. =org-export-latex-default-packages-alist= :: This is the
- variable where Org-mode itself puts the packages it needs.
- Normally you should not change this variable. The only
- reason to change it anyway is when one of these packages
- causes a conflict with another package you want to use. Then
- you can remove that packages and hope that you are not using
- Org-mode functionality that needs it.
- 2. =org-export-latex-packages-alist= :: This is the variable where
- you can put the packages that you'd like to use across all
- classes.
- The sequence how these customizations will show up in the LaTeX
- document are:
- 1. Header from =org-export-latex-classes=
- 2. =org-export-latex-default-packages-alist=
- 3. =org-export-latex-packages-alist=
- 4. Buffer-specific things set with =#+LaTeX_HEADER:=
- If you want more control about which segment is placed where, or
- if you want, for a specific class, have full control over the
- header and exclude some of the automatic building blocks, you can
- put the following macro-like place holders into the header:
- #+begin_example
- [DEFAULT-PACKAGES] \usepackage statements for default packages
- [NO-DEFAULT-PACKAGES] do not include any of the default packages
- [PACKAGES] \usepackage statements for packages
- [NO-PACKAGES] do not include the packages
- [EXTRA] the stuff from #+LaTeX_HEADER
- [NO-EXTRA] do not include #+LaTeX_HEADER stuff
- #+end_example
- If you have currently customized =org-export-latex-classes=, you
- should revise that customization and remove any package calls that
- are covered by =org-export-latex-default-packages-alist=. This
- applies to the following packages:
- - inputenc
- - fontenc
- - fixltx2e
- - graphicx
- - longtable
- - float
- - wrapfig
- - soul
- - t1enc
- - textcomp
- - marvosym
- - wasysym
- - latexsym
- - amssymb
- - hyperref
- If one of these packages creates a conflict with another package
- you are using, you can remove it from
- =org-export-latex-default-packages-alist=. But then you risk that
- some of the advertised export features of Org will not work
- properly.
- You can also consider moving packages that you use in all classes
- to =org-export-latex-packages-alist=. If necessary, put the place
- holders so that the packages get loaded in the right sequence. As
- said above, for backward compatibility, if you omit the place
- holders, all the variables will dump their content at the end of
- the header.
-*** The constant =org-html-entities= is obsolete
- Its content is now part of the new constant =org-entities=, which
- is defined in the file org-entities.el. =org-html-entities= was
- an internal variable, but it is possible that some users did write
- code using it.
-*** =org-bbdb-anniversary-format-alist= has changed
- Please check the docstring and update your settings accordingly.
-*** Deleted =org-mode-p=
- This function has been deleted: please update your code.
-** Important new features
-*** New Org to ODT exporter
- Jambunathan's Org to ODT exporter is now part of Org.
- To use it, it `C-c C-e o' in an Org file. See the documentation
- for more information on how to customize it.
-*** org-capture.el is now the default capture system
- This replaces the earlier system org-remember. The manual only
- describes org-capture, but for people who prefer to continue to
- use org-remember, we keep a static copy of the former manual
- section [[][chapter about remember]].
- The new system has a technically cleaner implementation and more
- possibilities for capturing different types of data. See
- [[][Carsten's announcement]] for more details.
- To switch over to the new system:
- 1. Run
- : M-x org-capture-import-remember-templates RET
- to get a translated version of your remember templates into the
- new variable =org-capture-templates=. This will "mostly" work,
- but maybe not for all cases. At least it will give you a good
- place to modify your templates. After running this command,
- enter the customize buffer for this variable with
- : M-x customize-variable RET org-capture-templates RET
- and convince yourself that everything is OK. Then save the
- customization.
- 2. Bind the command =org-capture= to a key, similar to what you did
- with org-remember:
- : (define-key global-map "\C-cc" 'org-capture)
- If your fingers prefer =C-c r=, you can also use this key once
- you have decided to move over completely to the new
- implementation. During a test time, there is nothing wrong
- with using both system in parallel.
-** New libraries
-*** New Org libraries
-**** org-eshell.el (Konrad Hinsen)
- Implement links to eshell buffers.
-**** org-special-blocks (Carsten Dominik)
- This package generalizes the #+begin_foo and #+end_foo tokens.
- To use, put the following in your init file:
-(require 'org-special-blocks)
- The tokens #+begin_center, #+begin_verse, etc. existed
- previously. This package generalizes them (at least for the
- LaTeX and html exporters). When a #+begin_foo token is
- encountered by the LaTeX exporter, it is expanded
- into \begin{foo}. The text inside the environment is not
- protected, as text inside environments generally is.
- When #+begin_foo is encountered by the html exporter, a div with
- class foo is inserted into the HTML file. It is up to the user
- to add this class to his or her stylesheet if this div is to mean
- anything.
-**** org-taskjuggler.el (Christian Egli)
- Christian Egli's /org-taskjuggler.el/ module is now part of Org.
- He also wrote a [[][tutorial]] for it.
-**** org-ctags.el (Paul Sexton)
- Targets like =<<my target>>= can now be found by Emacs' etag
- functionality, and Org-mode links can be used to to link to
- etags, also in non-Org-mode files. For details, see the file
- /org-ctags.el/.
- This feature uses a new hook =org-open-link-functions= which will
- call function to do something special with text links.
- Thanks to Paul Sexton for this contribution.
-**** org-docview.el (Jan Böcker)
- This new module allows links to various file types using docview, where
- Emacs displays images of document pages. Docview link types can point
- to a specific page in a document, for example to page 131 of the
- Org-mode manual:
- : [[docview:~/.elisp/org/doc/org.pdf::131][Org-Mode Manual]]
- Thanks to Jan Böcker for this contribution.
-*** New Babel libraries
-- ob-picolisp.el (Thorsten Jolitz)
-- ob-fortran.el (Sergey Litvinov)
-- ob-shen.el (Eric Schulte)
-- ob-maxima.el (Eric S Fraga)
-- ob-java.el (Eric Schulte)
-- ob-lilypond.el (Martyn Jago)
-- ob-awk.el (Eric Schulte)
-** Other new features and various enhancements
-*** Hyperlinks
-**** Org-Bibtex -- major improvements
- Provides support for managing bibtex bibliographical references
- data in headline properties. Each headline corresponds to a
- single reference and the relevant bibliographic meta-data is
- stored in headline properties, leaving the body of the headline
- free to hold notes and comments. Org-bibtex is aware of all
- standard bibtex reference types and fields.
- The key new functions are
- - org-bibtex-check :: queries the user to flesh out all required
- (and with prefix argument optional) bibtex fields available
- for the specific reference =type= of the current headline.
- - org-bibtex-create :: Create a new entry at the given level,
- using org-bibtex-check to flesh out the relevant fields.
- - org-bibtex-yank :: Yank a bibtex entry on the kill ring as a
- formatted Org-mode headline into the current buffer
- - org-bibtex-export-to-kill-ring :: Export the current headline
- to the kill ring as a formatted bibtex entry.
-**** org-gnus.el now allows link creation from messages
- You can now create links from messages. This is particularly
- useful when the user wants to stored messages that he sends, for
- later check. Thanks to Ulf Stegemann for the patch.
-**** Modified link escaping
- David Maus worked on `org-link-escape'. See [[][his message]]:
- : Percent escaping is used in Org mode to escape certain characters
- : in links that would either break the parser (e.g. square brackets
- : in link target or description) or are not allowed to appear in
- : a particular link type (e.g. non-ascii characters in a http:
- : link).
- :
- : With this change in place Org will apply percent escaping and
- : unescaping more consistently especially for non-ascii characters.
- : Additionally some of the outstanding bugs or glitches concerning
- : percent escaped links are solved.
- Thanks a lot to David for this work.
-**** Make =org-store-link= point to directory in a dired buffer
- When, in a dired buffer, the cursor is not in a line listing a
- file, `org-store-link' will store a link to the directory.
- Patch by Stephen Eglen.
-**** Allow regexps in =org-file-apps= to capture link parameters
- The way extension regexps in =org-file-apps= are handled has
- changed. Instead of matching against the file name, the regexps
- are now matched against the whole link, and you can use grouping
- to extract link parameters which you can then use in a command
- string to be executed.
- For example, to allow linking to PDF files using the syntax
- =file:/doc.pdf::<page number>=, you can add the following entry
- to org-file-apps:
- #+begin_example
- Extension: \.pdf::\([0-9]+\)\'
- Command: evince "%s" -p %1
- #+end_example
- Thanks to Jan Böcker for a patch to this effect.
-*** Dates and time
-**** Allow relative time when scheduling/adding a deadline
- You can now use relative duration strings like "-2d" or "++3w"
- when calling =org-schedule= or =org-deadline=: it will schedule
- (or set the deadline for) the item respectively two days before
- today and three weeks after the current timestamp, if any.
- You can use this programmatically: =(org-schedule nil "+2d")=
- will work on the current entry.
- You can also use this while (bulk-)rescheduling and
- (bulk-)resetting the deadline of (several) items from the agenda.
- Thanks to Memnon Anon for a heads up about this!
-**** American-style dates are now understood by =org-read-date=
- So when you are prompted for a date, you can now answer like this
- #+begin_example
- 2/5/3 --> 2003-02-05
- 2/5 --> <CURRENT-YEAR>-02-05
- #+end_example
-*** Agenda
-**** =org-agenda-custom-commands= has a default value
- This option used to be `nil' by default. This now has a default
- value, displaying an agenda and all TODOs. See the docstring for
- details. Thanks to Carsten for this.
-**** Improved filtering through =org-agenda-to-appt=
- The new function allows the user to refine the scope of entries
- to pass to =org-agenda-get-day-entries= and allows to filter out
- entries using a function.
- Thanks to Peter Münster for raising a related issue and to
- Tassilo Horn for this idea. Also thanks to Peter Münster for
- [[git:68ffb7a7][fixing a small bug]] in the final implementation.
-**** Allow ap/pm times in agenda time grid
- Times in the agenda can now be displayed in am/pm format. See
- the new variable =org-agenda-timegrid-use-ampm=. Thanks to
- C. A. Webber for a patch to this effect.
-**** Agenda: Added a bulk "scattering" command
- =B S= in the agenda buffer will cause tasks to be rescheduled a
- random number of days into the future, with 7 as the default.
- This is useful if you've got a ton of tasks scheduled for today,
- you realize you'll never deal with them all, and you just want
- them to be distributed across the next N days. When called with
- a prefix arg, rescheduling will avoid weekend days.
- Thanks to John Wiegley for this.
-*** Exporting
-**** Simplification of org-export-html-preamble/postamble
- When set to `t', export the preamble/postamble as usual, honoring
- the =org-export-email/author/creator-info= variables.
- When set to a formatting string, insert this string. See the
- docstring of these variable for details about available
- %-sequences.
- You can set =:html-preamble= in publishing project in the same
- way: `t' means to honor =:email/creator/author-info=, and a
- formatting string will insert a string.
-**** New exporters to Latin-1 and UTF-8
- While Ulf Stegemann was going through the entities list to
- improve the LaTeX export, he had the great idea to provide
- representations for many of the entities in Latin-1, and for all
- of them in UTF-8. This means that we can now export files rich
- in special symbols to Latin-1 and to UTF-8 files. These new
- exporters can be reached with the commands =C-c C-e n= and =C-c
- C-e u=, respectively.
- When there is no representation for a given symbol in the
- targeted coding system, you can choose to keep the TeX-macro-like
- representation, or to get an "explanatory" representation. For
- example, =\simeq= could be represented as "[approx. equal to]".
- Please use the variable =org-entities-ascii-explanatory= to state
- your preference.
-**** HTML export: Add class to outline containers using property
- The =HTML_CONTAINER_CLASS= property can now be used to add a
- class name to the outline container of a node in HTML export.
-**** Throw an error when creating an image from a LaTeX snippet fails
- This behavior can be configured with the new option variable
- =org-format-latex-signal-error=.
-**** Support for creating BEAMER presentations from Org-mode documents
- Org-mode documents or subtrees can now be converted directly in
- to BEAMER presentation. Turning a tree into a simple
- presentations is straight forward, and there is also quite some
- support to make richer presentations as well. See the [[][BEAMER
- section]] in the manual for more details.
- Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the discussion about
- BEAMER support and how it should work. This was a great example
- for how this community can achieve a much better result than any
- individual could.
-*** Refiling
-**** Refile targets can now be cached
- You can turn on caching of refile targets by setting the variable
- =org-refile-use-cache=. This should speed up refiling if you
- have many eligible targets in many files. If you need to update
- the cache because Org misses a newly created entry or still
- offers a deleted one, press =C-0 C-c C-w=.
-**** New logging support for refiling
- Whenever you refile an item, a time stamp and even a note can be
- added to this entry. For details, see the new option
- =org-log-refile=.
- Thanks to Charles Cave for this idea.
-*** Completion
-**** In-buffer completion is now done using John Wiegley's pcomplete.el
- Thanks to John Wiegley for much of this code.
-*** Tables
-**** New command =org-table-transpose-table-at-point=
- See the docstring. This hack from Juan Pechiar is now part of
- Org's core. Thanks to Juan!
-**** Display field's coordinates when editing it with =C-c `=
- When editing a field with =C-c `=, the field's coordinate will
- the displayed in the buffer.
- Thanks to Michael Brand for a patch to this effect.
-**** Spreadsheet computation of durations and time values
- If you want to compute time values use the =T= flag, either in
- Calc formulas or Elisp formulas:
- | Task 1 | Task 2 | Total |
- |--------+--------+---------|
- | 35:00 | 35:00 | 1:10:00 |
- #+TBLFM: @2$3=$1+$2;T
- Values must be of the form =[HH:]MM:SS=, where hours are
- optional.
- Thanks to Martin Halder, Eric Schulte and Carsten for code and
- feedback on this.
-**** Implement formulas applying to field ranges
- Carsten implemented this field-ranges formulas.
- : A frequently requested feature for tables has been to be able to define
- : row formulas in a way similar to column formulas. The patch below allows
- : things like
- :
- : @3=
- : @2$2..@5$7=
- : @I$2..@II$4=
- :
- : as the left hand side for table formulas in order to write a formula that
- : is valid for an entire column or for a rectangular section in a
- : table.
- Thanks a lot to Carsten for this.
-**** Sending radio tables from org buffers is now allowed
- Org radio tables can no also be sent inside Org buffers. Also,
- there is a new hook which get called after a table has been sent.
- Thanks to Seweryn Kokot.
-*** Lists
-**** Improved handling of lists
- Nicolas Goaziou extended and improved the way Org handles lists.
- 1. Indentation of text determines again end of items in
- lists. So, some text less indented than the previous item
- doesn't close the whole list anymore, only all items more
- indented than it.
- 2. Alphabetical bullets are implemented, through the use of the
- variable `org-alphabetical-lists'. This also adds alphabetical
- counters like [@c] or [@W].
- 3. Lists can now safely contain drawers, inline tasks, or various
- blocks, themselves containing lists. Two variables are
- controlling this: `org-list-forbidden-blocks', and
- `org-list-export-context'.
- 4. Improve `newline-and-indent' (C-j): used in an item, it will
- keep text from moving at column 0. This allows to split text
- and make paragraphs and still not break the list.
- 5. Improve `org-toggle-item' (C-c -): used on a region with
- standard text, it will change the region into one item. With a
- prefix argument, it will fallback to the previous behavior and
- make every line in region an item. It permits to easily
- integrate paragraphs inside a list.
- 6. `fill-paragraph' (M-q) now understands lists. It can freely be
- used inside items, or on text just after a list, even with no
- blank line around, without breaking list structure.
- Thanks a lot to Nicolas for all this!
-*** Inline display of linked images
- Images can now be displayed inline. The key C-c C-x C-v does
- toggle the display of such images. Note that only image links
- that have no description part will be inlined.
-*** Implement offsets for ordered lists
- If you want to start an ordered plain list with a number different
- from 1, you can now do it like this:
- : 1. [@start:12] will star a lit a number 12
-*** Babel: code block body expansion for table and preview
- In org-babel, code is "expanded" prior to evaluation. I.e. the
- code that is actually evaluated comprises the code block contents,
- augmented with the extra code which assigns the referenced data to
- variables. It is now possible to preview expanded contents, and
- also to expand code during during tangling. This expansion takes
- into account all header arguments, and variables.
- A new keybinding `C-c M-b p' bound to `org-babel-expand-src-block'
- can be used from inside of a source code block to preview its
- expanded contents (which can be very useful for debugging).
- tangling
- The expanded body can now be tangled, this includes variable
- values which may be the results of other source-code blocks, or
- stored in headline properties or tables. One possible use for this
- is to allow those using org-babel for their emacs initialization
- to store values (e.g. usernames, passwords, etc...) in headline
- properties or in tables.
- Org-babel now supports three new header arguments, and new default
- behavior for handling horizontal lines in tables (hlines), column
- names, and rownames across all languages.
-*** Editing Convenience and Appearance
-**** New command =org-copy-visible= (=C-c C-x v=)
- This command will copy the visible text in the region into the
- kill ring. Thanks to Florian Beck for this function and to
- Carsten for adding it to org.el and documenting it!
-**** Make it possible to protect hidden subtrees from being killed by =C-k=
- See the new variable =org-ctrl-k-protect-subtree=. This was a
- request by Scott Otterson.
-**** Implement pretty display of entities, sub-, and superscripts.
- The command =C-c C-x \= toggles the display of Org's special
- entities like =\alpha= as pretty unicode characters. Also, sub
- and superscripts are displayed in a pretty way (raised/lower
- display, in a smaller font). If you want to exclude sub- and
- superscripts, see the variable
- =org-pretty-entities-include-sub-superscripts=.
- Thanks to Eric Schulte and Ulf Stegeman for making this possible.
-**** New faces for title, date, author and email address lines
- The keywords in these lines are now dimmed out, and the title is
- displayed in a larger font, and a special font is also used for
- author, date, and email information. This is implemented by the
- following new faces:
- =org-document-title=
- =org-document-info=
- =org-document-info-keyword=
- In addition, the variable =org-hidden-keywords= can be used to
- make the corresponding keywords disappear.
- Thanks to Dan Davison for this feature.
-**** Simpler way to specify faces for tags and todo keywords
- The variables =org-todo-keyword-faces=, =org-tag-faces=, and
- =org-priority-faces= now accept simple color names as
- specifications. The colors will be used as either foreground or
- background color for the corresponding keyword. See also the
- variable =org-faces-easy-properties=, which governs which face
- property is affected by this setting.
- This is really a great simplification for setting keyword faces.
- The change is based on an idea and patch by Ryan Thompson.
-**** <N> in tables now means fixed width, not maximum width
- Requested by Michael Brand.
-**** Better level cycling function
- =TAB= in an empty headline cycles the level of that headline
- through likely states. Ryan Thompson implemented an improved
- version of this function, which does not depend upon when exactly
- this command is used. Thanks to Ryan for this improvement.
-**** Adaptive filling
- For paragraph text, =org-adaptive-fill-function= did not handle
- the base case of regular text which needed to be filled. This is
- now fixed. Among other things, it allows email-style ">"
- comments to be filled correctly.
- Thanks to Dan Hackney for this patch.
-**** `org-reveal' (=C-c C-r=) also decrypts encrypted entries (org-crypt.el)
- Thanks to Richard Riley for triggering this change.
-**** Better automatic letter selection for TODO keywords
- When all first letters of keywords have been used, Org now
- assigns more meaningful characters based on the keywords.
- Thanks to Mikael Fornius for this patch.
-*** Clocking
-**** Clock: Allow synchronous update of timestamps in CLOCK log
- Using =S-M-<up/down>= on CLOCK log timestamps will
- increase/decrease the two timestamps on this line so that
- duration will keep the same. Note that duration can still be
- slightly modified in case a timestamp needs some rounding.
- Thanks to Rainer Stengele for this idea.
-**** Localized clock tables
- Clock tables now support a new new =:lang= parameter, allowing
- the user to customize the localization of the table headers. See
- the variable =org-clock-clocktable-language-setup= which controls
- available translated strings.
-**** Show clock overruns in mode line
- When clocking an item with a planned effort, overrunning the
- planned time is now made visible in the mode line, for example
- using the new face =org-mode-line-clock-overrun=, or by adding an
- extra string given by =org-task-overrun-text=.
- Thanks to Richard Riley for a patch to this effect.
-**** Clock reports can now include the running, incomplete clock
- If you have a clock running, and the entry being clocked falls
- into the scope when creating a clock table, the time so far spent
- can be added to the total. This behavior depends on the setting
- of =org-clock-report-include-clocking-task=. The default is
- =nil=.
- Thanks to Bernt Hansen for this useful addition.
-*** Misc
-**** Improvements with inline tasks and indentation
- There is now a configurable way on how to export inline tasks.
- See the new variable =org-inlinetask-export-templates=.
- Thanks to Nicolas Goaziou for coding these changes.
-**** A property value of =nil= now means to unset a property
- This can be useful in particular with property inheritance, if
- some upper level has the property, and some grandchild of it
- would like to have the default settings (i.e. not overruled by a
- property) back.
- Thanks to Robert Goldman and Bernt Hansen for suggesting this
- change.
-**** New helper functions in org-table.el
- There are new functions to access and write to a specific table field.
- This is for hackers, and maybe for the org-babel people.
- #+begin_example
- org-table-get
- org-table-put
- org-table-current-line
- org-table-goto-line
- #+end_example
-**** Archiving: Allow to reverse order in target node
- The new option =org-archive-reversed-order= allows to have
- archived entries inserted in a last-on-top fashion in the target
- node.
- This was requested by Tom.
-**** Org-reveal: Double prefix arg shows the entire subtree of the parent
- This can help to get out of an inconsistent state produced for
- example by viewing from the agenda.
- This was a request by Matt Lundin.
-* License
- This file is part of GNU Emacs.
- GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <>.