;;; company-semantic.el --- company-mode completion backend using Semantic ;; Copyright (C) 2009-2011, 2013-2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; Author: Nikolaj Schumacher ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs. ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; ;;; Code: (require 'company) (require 'company-template) (require 'cl-lib) (defvar semantic-idle-summary-function) (declare-function semantic-documentation-for-tag "semantic/doc" ) (declare-function semantic-analyze-current-context "semantic/analyze") (declare-function semantic-analyze-possible-completions "semantic/complete") (declare-function semantic-analyze-find-tags-by-prefix "semantic/analyze/fcn") (declare-function semantic-tag-class "semantic/tag") (declare-function semantic-tag-name "semantic/tag") (declare-function semantic-tag-start "semantic/tag") (declare-function semantic-tag-buffer "semantic/tag") (declare-function semantic-active-p "semantic") (declare-function semantic-format-tag-prototype "semantic/format") (defgroup company-semantic nil "Completion backend using Semantic." :group 'company) (defcustom company-semantic-metadata-function 'company-semantic-summary-and-doc "The function turning a semantic tag into doc information." :type 'function) (defcustom company-semantic-begin-after-member-access t "When non-nil, automatic completion will start whenever the current symbol is preceded by \".\", \"->\" or \"::\", ignoring `company-minimum-prefix-length'. If `company-begin-commands' is a list, it should include `c-electric-lt-gt' and `c-electric-colon', for automatic completion right after \">\" and \":\"." :type 'boolean) (defcustom company-semantic-insert-arguments t "When non-nil, insert function arguments as a template after completion." :type 'boolean :package-version '(company . "0.9.0")) (defvar company-semantic-modes '(c-mode c++-mode jde-mode java-mode)) (defvar-local company-semantic--current-tags nil "Tags for the current context.") (defun company-semantic-documentation-for-tag (tag) (when (semantic-tag-buffer tag) ;; When TAG's buffer is unknown, the function below raises an error. (semantic-documentation-for-tag tag))) (defun company-semantic-doc-or-summary (tag) (or (company-semantic-documentation-for-tag tag) (and (require 'semantic-idle nil t) (require 'semantic/idle nil t) (funcall semantic-idle-summary-function tag nil t)))) (defun company-semantic-summary-and-doc (tag) (let ((doc (company-semantic-documentation-for-tag tag)) (summary (funcall semantic-idle-summary-function tag nil t))) (and (stringp doc) (string-match "\n*\\(.*\\)$" doc) (setq doc (match-string 1 doc))) (concat summary (when doc (if (< (+ (length doc) (length summary) 4) (window-width)) " -- " "\n")) doc))) (defun company-semantic-doc-buffer (tag) (let ((doc (company-semantic-documentation-for-tag tag))) (when doc (company-doc-buffer (concat (funcall semantic-idle-summary-function tag nil t) "\n" doc))))) (defsubst company-semantic-completions (prefix) (ignore-errors (let ((completion-ignore-case nil) (context (semantic-analyze-current-context))) (setq company-semantic--current-tags (semantic-analyze-possible-completions context 'no-unique)) (all-completions prefix company-semantic--current-tags)))) (defun company-semantic-completions-raw (prefix) (setq company-semantic--current-tags nil) (dolist (tag (semantic-analyze-find-tags-by-prefix prefix)) (unless (eq (semantic-tag-class tag) 'include) (push tag company-semantic--current-tags))) (delete "" (mapcar 'semantic-tag-name company-semantic--current-tags))) (defun company-semantic-annotation (argument tags) (let* ((tag (assq argument tags)) (kind (when tag (elt tag 1)))) (cl-case kind (function (let* ((prototype (semantic-format-tag-prototype tag nil nil)) (par-pos (string-match "(" prototype))) (when par-pos (substring prototype par-pos))))))) (defun company-semantic--prefix () (if company-semantic-begin-after-member-access (company-grab-symbol-cons "\\.\\|->\\|::" 2) (company-grab-symbol))) ;;;###autoload (defun company-semantic (command &optional arg &rest ignored) "`company-mode' completion backend using CEDET Semantic." (interactive (list 'interactive)) (cl-case command (interactive (company-begin-backend 'company-semantic)) (prefix (and (featurep 'semantic) (semantic-active-p) (memq major-mode company-semantic-modes) (not (company-in-string-or-comment)) (or (company-semantic--prefix) 'stop))) (candidates (if (and (equal arg "") (not (looking-back "->\\|\\.\\|::" (- (point) 2)))) (company-semantic-completions-raw arg) (company-semantic-completions arg))) (meta (funcall company-semantic-metadata-function (assoc arg company-semantic--current-tags))) (annotation (company-semantic-annotation arg company-semantic--current-tags)) (doc-buffer (company-semantic-doc-buffer (assoc arg company-semantic--current-tags))) ;; Because "" is an empty context and doesn't return local variables. (no-cache (equal arg "")) (duplicates t) (location (let ((tag (assoc arg company-semantic--current-tags))) (when (buffer-live-p (semantic-tag-buffer tag)) (cons (semantic-tag-buffer tag) (semantic-tag-start tag))))) (post-completion (let ((anno (company-semantic-annotation arg company-semantic--current-tags))) (when (and company-semantic-insert-arguments anno) (insert anno) (company-template-c-like-templatify (concat arg anno))) )))) (provide 'company-semantic) ;;; company-semantic.el ends here