;;; add-node-modules-path.el --- Add node_modules to your exec-path ;; Copyright (C) 2016 Neri Marschik ;; This package uses the MIT License. ;; See the LICENSE file. ;; Author: Neri Marschik ;; Version: 1.0 ;; Package-Requires: ((s "1.12.0")) ;; Keywords: javascript, node, node_modules, eslint ;; URL: https://github.com/codesuki/add-node-modules-path ;;; Commentary: ;; ;; This file provides `add-node-modules-path', which runs `npm bin` and ;; and adds the path to the buffer local `exec-path'. ;; This allows Emacs to find project based installs of e.g. eslint. ;; ;; Usage: ;; M-x add-node-modules-path ;; ;; To automatically run it when opening a new buffer: ;; (Choose depending on your favorite mode.) ;; ;; (eval-after-load 'js-mode ;; '(add-hook 'js-mode-hook #'add-node-modules-path)) ;; ;; (eval-after-load 'js2-mode ;; '(add-hook 'js2-mode-hook #'add-node-modules-path)) ;;; Code: (require 's) (defgroup add-node-modules-path nil "Put node_modules binaries into `exec-path'." :prefix "add-node-modules-path-" :group 'environment) ;;;###autoload (defcustom add-node-modules-path-command "npm bin" "Command to find the bin path." :type 'string) ;;;###autoload (defcustom add-node-modules-path-debug nil "Enable verbose output when non nil." :type 'boolean :group 'add-node-modules-path) ;;;###autoload (defun add-node-modules-path () "Run `npm bin` command and add the path to the `exec-path`. If `npm` command fails, it does nothing." (interactive) (let* ((res (s-chomp (shell-command-to-string add-node-modules-path-command))) (exists (file-exists-p res)) ) (cond (exists (make-local-variable 'exec-path) (add-to-list 'exec-path res) (when add-node-modules-path-debug (message "Added to `exec-path`: %s" res)) ) (t (when add-node-modules-path-debug (message "Failed to run `%s':\n %s" add-node-modules-path-command res)) )) ) ) (provide 'add-node-modules-path) ;;; add-node-modules-path.el ends here