var $ = window.$, rows = 3, columns = 3, currentLhs = [], // rows x columns matrix currentRhs = []; // rows x 1 matrix solutionContainer = $('#solution_container'); function main() { $('#reset_button').on('click', onResetClicked); $('#solve_button').on('click', onSolveClicked); resetView(); } function resetView() { renderLHS(); renderUnknowns(); renderRHS(); currentLhs = []; currentRhs = []; for (var r = 0; r < rows; r++) { for (var c = 0; c < columns; c++) { currentLhs.push(0); } } for (var otherR = 0; otherR < rows; otherR++) { currentRhs.push(0); } solutionContainer.empty(); } // Renders for the input container. function renderLHS() { var lhs = $('#matrix_lhs').empty(), addCell = function(index) { $('').type('number').val(0).on('change', function(event) { currentLhs[index] = Number(; }).appendTo(lhs); }; for (var r = 0; r < rows; r++) { for (var c = 0; c < columns; c++) { addCell((r * rows) + c); } } } function renderUnknowns() { var unknownsContainer = $('#unknown_variables').empty(); for (var r = 0; r < columns; r++) { var cell = $('').disabled(true).val(String.fromCharCode('x'.charCodeAt(0) + r).toUpperCase()); unknownsContainer.append(cell); } } function renderRHS() { var rhs = $('#matrix_rhs').empty(), addCell = function(index) { $('').type('number').val(0).on('change', function(event) { currentRhs[index] = Number(; }).appendTo(rhs); }; for (var r = 0; r < rows; r++) { addCell(r); } } // Renders for the solution container function renderAugmentedMatrix(lhs, rhs) { var container = $('
').addClass('augmented_matrix_container'), lhsContainer = $('
').appendTo(container), rhsContainer = $('
').appendTo(container), addLhsCell = function(index) { $('').type('number').val(lhs[index]).disabled(true).appendTo(lhsContainer); }, addRhsCell = function(index) { $('').type('number').val(rhs[index]).disabled(true).appendTo(rhsContainer); }; for (var r = 0; r < rows; r++) { for (var c = 0; c < columns; c++) { addLhsCell(r * rows + c); } } for (var otherR = 0; otherR < rows; otherR++) { addRhsCell(otherR); } return container; } // Callbacks for actions function onResetClicked() { resetView(); } function onSolveClicked() { solutionContainer.append(renderAugmentedMatrix(currentLhs, currentRhs)); } main();