#include "SpringTheme.hpp" #include "../Renderer3d.h" #include "../shader_fetcher.hpp" #include #include void onBunnySuccess(emscripten_fetch_t *fetch) { SpringTheme* springTheme = (SpringTheme*)fetch->userData; springTheme->state = SpringThemeState::LoadedBunny; printf("Finished downloading %llu bytes from URL %s.\n", fetch->numBytes, fetch->url); const i32 len = fetch->numBytes; springTheme->bunnyMesh = Mesh3d_fromObj(&springTheme->renderer, fetch->data, len); // The data is now available at fetch->data[0] through fetch->data[fetch->numBytes-1]; emscripten_fetch_close(fetch); // Free data associated with the fetch. } void onBunnyFail(emscripten_fetch_t *fetch) { printf("Downloading %s failed, HTTP failure status code: %d.\n", fetch->url, fetch->status); emscripten_fetch_close(fetch); // Also free data on failure. } inline void fetch_bunny(SpringTheme* theme) { emscripten_fetch_attr_t attr; emscripten_fetch_attr_init(&attr); strcpy(attr.requestMethod, "GET"); attr.attributes = EMSCRIPTEN_FETCH_LOAD_TO_MEMORY; attr.onsuccess = onBunnySuccess; attr.onerror = onBunnyFail; auto* bunny_fetch = emscripten_fetch(&attr, "themes/resources/bunny.obj"); bunny_fetch->userData = theme; } inline void on_shaders_loader(ShaderFetchResult* result) { SpringTheme* theme = (SpringTheme*)result->user_data; theme->renderer.load(theme->renderer.context, result->vertex.c_str(), result->fragment.c_str()); theme->state = SpringThemeState::LoadedShader; fetch_bunny(theme); } SpringTheme::SpringTheme(WebglContext* context) { load(context); } SpringTheme::~SpringTheme() { unload(); } void SpringTheme::load(WebglContext* context) { state = SpringThemeState::Loading; renderer.context = context; renderer.clearColor = Vector4(160, 231, 160, 255.f).toNormalizedColor(); fetch_shader( { "themes/src/_shaders/renderer3d.vert", "themes/src/_shaders/renderer3d.frag" }, on_shaders_loader, this ); } inline Vector3 bunnyLerp(Vector3& start, Vector3& target, f32 t) { t = 3 * t *t - 2 * t * t * t; return start + ((target - start) * t); } inline f32 verticalHopLerp(f32 start, f32 target, f32 t) { f32 ogt = t; t = 3 * t *t - 2 * t * t * t; if (ogt >= 0.5f) t = 1.f - t; return start + ((target - start) * t); } inline f32 rotationLerp(f32 start, f32 target, f32 t) { return start + ((target - start) * t); } void SpringTheme::update(f32 dtSeconds) { switch (state) { case SpringThemeState::Loading: return; case SpringThemeState::LoadedShader: return; case SpringThemeState::LoadedBunny: state = SpringThemeState::Idle; stateTimer = 0.f; bunnyHopAnimationTimer = 0.f; break; case SpringThemeState::Idle: { bunnyHopAnimationTimer += dtSeconds; const f32 HOP_FREQUENCY = 6.f; if (bunnyHopAnimationTimer > stateTimer) { state = SpringThemeState::PreHop; f32 xDir = 1; f32 yDir = 1; if (bunnyTarget.x > 0) xDir = -1; if (bunnyTarget.z > 0) yDir = -1; bunnyTarget = bunnyPosition + Vector3(randomFloatBetween(0, xDir * 25), 0, randomFloatBetween(0, yDir * 25)); auto direction = (bunnyTarget - bunnyPosition); auto distance = direction.length(); direction = direction.normalize(); numHops = ceil(distance / HOP_FREQUENCY); hopCount = 0; targetRotation = PI - atan2(direction.y, direction.x); stateTimer = ((bunnyTarget - bunnyPosition).length() / bunnySpeed) / numHops; bunnyHopAnimationTimer = 0.f; hopIncrement = (bunnyTarget - bunnyPosition) / numHops; } break; } case SpringThemeState::PreHop: { const f32 ROTATION_TIME = 0.5f; bunnyHopAnimationTimer += dtSeconds; f32 current = bunnyRotation + (targetRotation - bunnyRotation) * (bunnyHopAnimationTimer / ROTATION_TIME); bunnyMesh.model = Mat4x4().rotate(0, current, 0).translate(bunnyPosition); if (bunnyHopAnimationTimer > ROTATION_TIME) { bunnyRotation = targetRotation; bunnyHopAnimationTimer = 0; state = SpringThemeState::Hopping; } break; } case SpringThemeState::Hopping: { bunnyHopAnimationTimer += dtSeconds; f32 t = bunnyHopAnimationTimer / stateTimer; Vector3 nextPosition = bunnyPosition + hopIncrement; auto renderPos = bunnyLerp(bunnyPosition, nextPosition, t); if ((renderPos - nextPosition).length() < 0.01f) { hopCount += 1; bunnyHopAnimationTimer = 0.f; bunnyPosition = nextPosition; } renderPos.y = verticalHopLerp(0.f, 4.f, t); const f32 RMAX = PI / 16.f; f32 zRotation = 0; f32 start = 0.f; f32 end = PI / 8.f; f32 startTime = 0.f; f32 endTime = 0.f; bool disableRot = false; if (t >= 0.9f) { disableRot = true; } else if (t >= 0.7f) { start = -RMAX; end = 0.f; startTime = 0.7f; endTime = 0.9f; } else if (t >= 0.50f) { start = 0.f; end = -RMAX; startTime = 0.50f; endTime = 0.70f; } else if (t >= 0.40f) { disableRot = true; } else if (t >= 0.20f) { start = RMAX; end = 0.f; startTime = 0.20f; endTime = 0.40f; } else { start = 0.f; end = RMAX; startTime = 0.f; endTime = 0.20f; } if (!disableRot) { f32 totalTime = endTime - startTime; zRotation = rotationLerp(start, end, (totalTime - (endTime - t)) / totalTime); } bunnyMesh.model = Mat4x4().getZRotationMatrix(zRotation).rotate(0, bunnyRotation, 0).translate(renderPos); if (hopCount == numHops) { bunnyPosition = bunnyTarget; bunnyHopAnimationTimer = 0.f; state = SpringThemeState::Idle; stateTimer = randomFloatBetween(0.5f, 1.f); } break; } } } void SpringTheme::render() { renderer.render(); if (state != SpringThemeState::Loading) { bunnyMesh.render(&renderer); } } void SpringTheme::unload() { renderer.unload(); bunnyMesh.unload(); }