struct IntersectionResult { bool intersect = false; Vector2 collisionNormal; Vector2 relativeVelocity; Vector2 firstPointOfApplication; Vector2 secondPointOfApplication; }; struct Edge { Vector2 normal; Vector2 start; Vector2 end; }; struct SATResult { Edge* minOverlapEdge = NULL; // Edge that caused the intersection (on the 'first' shape) Vector2 overlapPoint; // Point that caused the intersection (on the 'second' shape) float32 minOverlap = FLT_MAX; // Smallest projection overlap }; struct ProjectionResult { Vector2 minVertex; Vector2 maxVertex; Vector2 projection; }; // Given the vertices in the shape, we find the min and max vertices that project // onto the axis. We also save which vertices were which so that we can resolve // the collision later. ProjectionResult getProjection(Vector2* vertices, int numVertices, Vector2 axis) { ProjectionResult pr; float32 min =[0]); float32 max = min; for (int v = 1; v < numVertices; v++) { float32 d =[v]); if (d < min) { pr.minVertex = vertices[v]; min = d; } else if (d > max) { pr.maxVertex = vertices[v]; max = d; } } pr.projection = Vector2 { min, max }; return pr; } bool projectionsOverlap(Vector2 first, Vector2 second) { return first.x <= second.y && second.x <= first.y; } float32 getProjectionOverlap(Vector2 first, Vector2 second) { float32 e = MIN(first.y, second.y); float32 f = MAX(first.x, second.x); return e - f; } bool runSatForShapesEdges(SATResult* result, ConvexPolygon* first, ConvexPolygon* second) { for (int i = 0; i < first->numVertices; i++) { Vector2 normal = first->edges[i].normal; ProjectionResult firstProj = getProjection(first->transformedVertices, first->numVertices, normal); ProjectionResult secondProj = getProjection(second->transformedVertices, second->numVertices, normal); if (!projectionsOverlap(firstProj.projection, secondProj.projection)) { return false; } float32 overlap = getProjectionOverlap(firstProj.projection, secondProj.projection); if (overlap < result->minOverlap) { result->minOverlap = overlap; result->minOverlapEdge = &first->edges[i]; // The overlapPoint will be the point on the other shape that penetrated the edge. // If we caught the intersection reasonably early, it should be the point on 'second' // that is nearest to the points on 'first'. float32 min1min2 = (firstProj.minVertex - secondProj.minVertex).length(); float32 min1max2 = (firstProj.minVertex - secondProj.maxVertex).length(); float32 max1max2 = (firstProj.maxVertex - secondProj.maxVertex).length(); float32 max1min2 = (firstProj.maxVertex - secondProj.minVertex).length(); float32 closest = MIN(min1min2, MIN(min1max2, MIN(max1max2, max1min2))); if (closest == min1min2 || closest == max1min2) { result->overlapPoint = secondProj.minVertex; } else { result->overlapPoint = secondProj.maxVertex; } } } return true; } const float32 EPSILON = 1.f; IntersectionResult getIntersection(ConvexPolygon* first, ConvexPolygon* second) { IntersectionResult ir; SATResult sat; if (!runSatForShapesEdges(&sat, first, second)) { return ir; } if (!runSatForShapesEdges(&sat, second, first)) { return ir; } ir.intersect = true; ir.relativeVelocity = first->body.velocity - second->body.velocity; ir.collisionNormal = sat.minOverlapEdge->normal; ir.firstPointOfApplication = sat.overlapPoint - first->body.position; ir.secondPointOfApplication = sat.overlapPoint - second->body.position;; return ir; }