diff options
authorMatthew Kosarek <>2023-09-19 10:27:25 -0400
committerMatthew Kosarek <>2023-09-19 10:27:25 -0400
commit8a34cf5a197f7176210cc91b5f26999676ced574 (patch)
parent4cde52d01f0f6f64b4068a5f3ed26e2d669d1c39 (diff)
Kanagawa theme and putting all custom commands in an mk file
6 files changed, 623 insertions, 63 deletions
diff --git a/init.el b/init.el
index d661af3..ea6dadc 100644
--- a/init.el
+++ b/init.el
@@ -36,10 +36,14 @@
;; (doom-themes-org-config)
;; )
-(use-package material-theme
- :ensure t
- :config
- (load-theme 'material-light t))
+(use-package autothemer
+ :ensure t)
+(load-file "~/.emacs.d/lisp/kanagawa-theme.el")
+(load-theme 'kanagawa t)
+;; (use-package material-theme
+;; :ensure t
+;; :config
+;; (load-theme 'material-light t))
(set-frame-parameter (selected-frame) 'alpha '(99 99))
@@ -57,6 +61,7 @@
(require 'python-custom)
;(require 'vc-annotate-lens-mode)
(require 'rust)
+(require 'mk)
(require 'server)
@@ -68,9 +73,9 @@
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
- '("f149d9986497e8877e0bd1981d1bef8c8a6d35be7d82cba193ad7e46f0989f6a" "3c83b3676d796422704082049fc38b6966bcad960f896669dfc21a7a37a748fa" "a27c00821ccfd5a78b01e4f35dc056706dd9ede09a8b90c6955ae6a390eb1c1e" default))
+ '("a6f9dd4844bfbfaf1162f04ae3c52070154ef28d18b5d482566015cf429492b0" "f149d9986497e8877e0bd1981d1bef8c8a6d35be7d82cba193ad7e46f0989f6a" "3c83b3676d796422704082049fc38b6966bcad960f896669dfc21a7a37a748fa" "a27c00821ccfd5a78b01e4f35dc056706dd9ede09a8b90c6955ae6a390eb1c1e" default))
- '(eglot centered-window perfect-margin-mode org-download helm-rg htmlize mood-line org-super-agenda material-theme esup glsl-mode fast-scroll yasnippet-snippets jsdoc helm-slack slack smart-mode-line magit rust-mode xref-js2 web-mode vterm-toggle vscode-dark-plus-theme treemacs-projectile tree-sitter-langs tide tern smartparens rtags req-package rainbow-mode pythonic python-mode perfect-margin org-roam org-notify org-modern org-bullets org-alert minimap markdown-mode json-mode js2-refactor js2-highlight-vars js-doc ido-vertical-mode hl-todo highlight-thing highlight-indent-guides helm-projectile helm-posframe helm-ag good-scroll go-mode git-gutter-fringe git-commit flycheck-irony evil eslint-fix emojify eldoc-box drag-stuff doom-themes dashboard css-eldoc counsel company-quickhelp company-irony cmake-mode cmake-ide auctex all-the-icons ac-js2))
+ '(autothemer pyenv-mode pyvenv plantuml-mode ledger-mode eglot centered-window perfect-margin-mode org-download helm-rg htmlize mood-line org-super-agenda material-theme esup glsl-mode fast-scroll yasnippet-snippets jsdoc helm-slack slack smart-mode-line magit rust-mode xref-js2 web-mode vterm-toggle vscode-dark-plus-theme treemacs-projectile tree-sitter-langs tide tern smartparens rtags req-package rainbow-mode pythonic python-mode perfect-margin org-roam org-notify org-modern org-bullets org-alert minimap markdown-mode json-mode js2-refactor js2-highlight-vars js-doc ido-vertical-mode hl-todo highlight-thing highlight-indent-guides helm-projectile helm-posframe helm-ag good-scroll go-mode git-gutter-fringe git-commit flycheck-irony evil eslint-fix emojify eldoc-box drag-stuff doom-themes dashboard css-eldoc counsel company-quickhelp company-irony cmake-mode cmake-ide auctex all-the-icons ac-js2))
'(safe-local-variable-values '((js-indent-level . 4)))
'(warning-suppress-types '((comp))))
diff --git a/lisp/general.el b/lisp/general.el
index 71156f4..068552e 100644
--- a/lisp/general.el
+++ b/lisp/general.el
@@ -211,53 +211,6 @@
(bind-key* (kbd "C-x k") 'kill-this-buffer)
(bind-key* (kbd "C-;") 'treemacs)
-(defun my-create-file (filename)
- "Create a file and refresh neotree. FILENAME File to create."
- (interactive (list (read-file-name "Enter your file name: " nil nil nil (file-name-nondirectory ""))))
- (make-empty-file filename)
- (find-file filename))
-(bind-key* (kbd "C-c f n") 'my-create-file)
-(defun my-create-directory ()
- "Create a directory and refresh neotree."
- (interactive)
- (call-interactively #'make-directory)
- (other-window -1))
-(bind-key* (kbd "C-c d n") 'my-create-directory)
-(defun my-delete-file ()
- "Delete a file and refresh neotree."
- (interactive)
- (call-interactively #'delete-file))
-(bind-key* (kbd "C-c f d") 'my-delete-file)
-(defun my-delete-directory ()
- "Delete a file and refresh neotree."
- (interactive)
- (call-interactively #'delete-directory))
-(bind-key* (kbd "C-c d d") 'my-delete-directory)
-;; source:
-(defun my-rename-file (new-name)
- "Renames both current buffer and file it's visiting to NEW-NAME."
- (interactive "sNew name: ")
- (let ((name (buffer-name))
- (filename (buffer-file-name)))
- (if (not filename)
- (message "Buffer '%s' is not visiting a file!" name)
- (if (get-buffer new-name)
- (message "A buffer named '%s' already exists!" new-name)
- (progn
- (rename-file filename new-name 1)
- (rename-buffer new-name)
- (set-visited-file-name new-name)
- (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
- ;(neotree-show)
- ;(neotree-refresh)
- (other-window -1))))))
-(bind-key* (kbd "C-c f r") 'my-rename-file)
(use-package company
:ensure t
:defer t
@@ -293,7 +246,7 @@
;; Vterm
-(defun my-vterm-mode-set-colors()
+(defun vterm-mode-set-colors()
"Set the colors of vterm to match my personal taste."
(setq-local global-hl-line-mode nil)
@@ -309,7 +262,7 @@
:ensure t
:defer t
-(add-hook 'vterm-mode-hook 'my-vterm-mode-set-colors)
+(add-hook 'vterm-mode-hook 'vterm-mode-set-colors)
(use-package vterm-toggle
:ensure t
@@ -340,12 +293,6 @@
(define-key drag-stuff-mode-map (drag-stuff--kbd 'down) 'drag-stuff-down)
-;; Copy the entire buffer.
-(defun my-copy-all ()
- "Copy entire buffer to clipboard."
- (interactive)
- (clipboard-kill-ring-save (point-min) (point-max)))
(use-package flycheck
:ensure t
@@ -366,5 +313,8 @@
(use-package yasnippet-snippets
:ensure t)
+(use-package ledger-mode
+ :ensure t)
(provide 'general)
;;; general.el ends here
diff --git a/lisp/kanagawa-theme.el b/lisp/kanagawa-theme.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4e3342
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/kanagawa-theme.el
@@ -0,0 +1,516 @@
+;;; package: --- A theme inspired by the colors of the famous painting by Katsushika Hokusa
+;;; Commentary: Original theme created by rebelot see:
+;;; Code:
+ (require 'cl-lib))
+(require 'autothemer)
+(unless (>= emacs-major-version 24)
+ (error "Requires Emacs 24 or later"))
+ kanagawa "A theme inspired by the colors of the famous painting by Katsushika Hokusa"
+ ((((class color) (min-colors #xFFFFFF)) ; col 1 GUI/24bit
+ ((class color) (min-colors #xFF))) ; col 2 Xterm/256
+ ;; Define our color palette
+ (fujiWhite "#DCD7BA" "#ffffff")
+ (old-white "#C8C093" "#ffffff")
+ (sumiInk-0 "#16161D" "#000000")
+ (sumiInk-1b "#1f1f28" "#000000")
+ (sumiInk-1 "#1F1F28" "#080808")
+ (sumiInk-2 "#2A2A37" "#121212")
+ (sumiInk-3 "#363646" "#303030")
+ (sumiInk-4 "#54546D" "#303030")
+ (waveBlue-1 "#223249" "#4e4e4e")
+ (waveBlue-2 "#2D4F67" "#585858")
+ (waveAqua1 "#6A9589" "#6a9589")
+ (waveAqua2 "#7AA89F" "#717C7C")
+ (winterGreen "#2B3328" "#585858")
+ (winterYellow "#49443C" "#585858")
+ (winterRed "#43242B" "#585858")
+ (winterBlue "#252535" "#585858")
+ (autumnGreen "#76946A" "#585858")
+ (autumnRed "#C34043" "#585858")
+ (autumnYellow "#DCA561" "#585858")
+ (samuraiRed "#E82424" "#585858")
+ (roninYellow "#FF9E3B" "#585858")
+ (dragonBlue "#658594" "#658594")
+ (fujiGray "#727169" "#717C7C")
+ (springViolet1 "#938AA9" "#717C7C")
+ (oniViolet "#957FB8" "#717C7C")
+ (crystalBlue "#7E9CD8" "#717C7C")
+ (springViolet2 "#9CABCA" "#717C7C")
+ (springBlue "#7FB4CA" "#717C7C")
+ (lightBlue "#A3D4D5" "#717C7C")
+ (springGreen "#98BB6C" "#717C7C")
+ (boatYellow1 "#938056" "#717C7C")
+ (boatYellow2 "#C0A36E" "#717C7C")
+ (carpYellow "#E6C384" "#717C7C")
+ (sakuraPink "#D27E99" "#717C7C")
+ (waveRed "#E46876" "#717C7C")
+ (peachRed "#FF5D62" "#717C7C")
+ (surimiOrange "#FFA066" "#717C7C")
+ (katanaGray "#717C7C" "#717C7C")
+ (comet "#54536D" "#4e4e4e"))
+ ;; Customize faces
+ (
+ (default (:background sumiInk-1b :foreground fujiWhite))
+ (border (:background sumiInk-1b :foreground sumiInk-0))
+ (button (:foreground waveAqua2))
+ (child-frame (:background sumiInk-0 :foreground sumiInk-0))
+ (child-frame-border (:background sumiInk-0 :foreground sumiInk-0))
+ (cursor (:background lightBlue :foreground sumiInk-0 :bold t))
+ (error (:foreground samuraiRed))
+ (fringe (:foreground sumiInk-3))
+ (glyph-face (:background sumiInk-4))
+ (glyphless-char (:foreground sumiInk-4))
+ (header-line (:background sumiInk-0))
+ (highlight (:background comet :foreground springViolet1))
+ (hl-line (:background sumiInk-2))
+ (homoglyph (:foreground lightBlue))
+ (internal-border (:background sumiInk-1b))
+ (line-number (:foreground sumiInk-4))
+ (line-number-current-line (:foreground springViolet2 :background sumiInk-2 :bold t))
+ (lv-separator (:foreground waveBlue-2 :background sumiInk-2))
+ (match (:background carpYellow :foreground sumiInk-0))
+ (menu (:background sumiInk-0 :foreground fujiWhite))
+ (mode-line (:background sumiInk-0))
+ (mode-line-inactive (:background nil :foreground sumiInk-4 :bold nil))
+ (mode-line-active (:background sumiInk-0 :foreground old-white :bold nil))
+ (mode-line-highlight (:foreground boatYellow2))
+ (mode-line-buffer-id (:foreground waveAqua2 :bold t))
+ (numbers (:background sakuraPink))
+ (region (:background waveBlue-2))
+ (separator-line (:background sumiInk-0))
+ (shadow (:background sumiInk-0))
+ (success (:foreground waveAqua2))
+ (vertical-border (:foreground sumiInk-4))
+ (warning (:foreground roninYellow))
+ (window-border (:background sumiInk-1b))
+ (window-divider (:foreground sumiInk-2))
+ (hi-yellow (:background carpYellow :foreground sumiInk-1b))
+ ;; Font lock
+ (font-lock-type-face (:foreground waveAqua2))
+ (font-lock-regexp-grouping-backslash (:foreground boatYellow2))
+ (font-lock-keyword-face (:foreground oniViolet :weight 'semi-bold))
+ (font-lock-warning-face (:foreground roninYellow))
+ (font-lock-string-face (:foreground springGreen :italic t))
+ (font-lock-builtin-face (:foreground springBlue))
+ (font-lock-reference-face (:foreground peachRed))
+ (font-lock-constant-face (:foreground carpYellow))
+ (font-lock-function-name-face (:foreground crystalBlue))
+ (font-lock-variable-name-face (:foreground waveRed))
+ (font-lock-negation-char-face (:foreground peachRed))
+ (font-lock-comment-face (:foreground fujiGray :italic t))
+ (font-lock-comment-delimiter-face (:foreground fujiGray :italic t))
+ (font-lock-doc-face (:foreground comet))
+ (font-lock-doc-markup-face (:foreground comet))
+ (font-lock-preprocessor-face (:foreground boatYellow2))
+ (elisp-shorthand-font-lock-face (:foreground fujiWhite))
+ (info-xref (:foreground carpYellow))
+ (minibuffer-prompt-end (:foreground autumnRed :background winterRed))
+ (minibuffer-prompt (:foreground carpYellow :background winterYellow))
+ (epa-mark (:foreground waveRed))
+ (dired-mark (:foreground waveRed))
+ (trailing-whitespace (:background comet))
+ (mode-line (:background sumiInk-0 :foreground fujiWhite :bold t))
+ ;; Battery colors
+ (doom-modeline-battery-critical (:foreground peachRed))
+ (doom-modeline-battery-warning (:foreground springGreen))
+ (doom-modeline-battery-charging (:foreground fujiGray))
+ (doom-modeline-battery-error (:foreground peachRed))
+ (doom-modeline-battery-normal (:foreground springViolet1))
+ (doom-modeline-battery-full (:foreground waveAqua2))
+ ;; Doom visual state
+ (doom-modeline-evil-motion-state (:foreground lightBlue))
+ (doom-modeline-evil-emacs-state (:foreground crystalBlue))
+ (doom-modeline-evil-insert-state (:foreground peachRed))
+ (doom-modeline-evil-normal-state (:foreground lightBlue))
+ (doom-modeline-evil-visual-state (:foreground springGreen))
+ (doom-modeline-evil-replace-state (:foreground roninYellow))
+ (doom-modeline-evil-operator-state (:foreground crystalBlue))
+ (doom-modeline-project-dir (:bold t :foreground waveAqua2))
+ (doom-modeline-buffer-path (:inherit 'bold :foreground waveAqua2))
+ (doom-modeline-buffer-file (:inherit 'bold :foreground oniViolet))
+ (doom-modeline-buffer-modified (:inherit 'bold :foreground carpYellow))
+ (doom-modeline-error (:background peachRed))
+ (doom-modeline-buffer-major-mode (:foreground waveAqua2 :bold t))
+ (doom-modeline-info (:bold t :foreground lightBlue))
+ (doom-modeline-project-dir (:bold t :foreground surimiOrange))
+ (doom-modeline-bar (:bold t :background springViolet1))
+ (doom-modeline-panel (:inherit 'bold :background boatYellow2 :foreground sumiInk-2))
+ (doom-themes-visual-bell (:background autumnRed))
+ ;; elfeed
+ (elfeed-search-feed-face (:foreground springViolet1))
+ (elfeed-search-tag-face (:foreground waveAqua2))
+ ;; message colors
+ (message-header-name (:foreground sumiInk-4))
+ (message-header-other (:foreground surimiOrange))
+ (message-header-subject (:foreground carpYellow))
+ (message-header-to (:foreground old-white))
+ (message-header-cc (:foreground waveAqua2))
+ (message-header-xheader (:foreground old-white))
+ (custom-link (:foreground crystalBlue))
+ (link (:foreground crystalBlue))
+ ;; org-mode
+ (org-done (:foreground dragonBlue))
+ (org-code (:background sumiInk-0))
+ (org-meta-line (:background winterGreen :foreground springGreen))
+ (org-block (:background sumiInk-0 :foreground sumiInk-4))
+ (org-block-begin-line (:background winterBlue :foreground springBlue))
+ (org-block-end-line (:background winterRed :foreground peachRed))
+ (org-headline-done (:foreground dragonBlue :strike-through t))
+ (org-todo (:foreground surimiOrange :bold t))
+ (org-headline-todo (:foreground sumiInk-2))
+ (org-upcoming-deadline (:foreground peachRed))
+ (org-footnote (:foreground waveAqua2))
+ (org-indent (:background sumiInk-1b :foreground sumiInk-1b))
+ (org-hide (:background sumiInk-1b :foreground sumiInk-1b))
+ (org-date (:foreground waveBlue-2))
+ (org-ellipsis (:foreground waveBlue-2 :bold t))
+ (org-level-1 (:foreground peachRed :height 1.3 :bold t))
+ (org-level-2 (:foreground springViolet2 :height 1.15 :bold t))
+ (org-level-3 (:foreground boatYellow2 :height 1.05))
+ (org-level-4 (:foreground fujiWhite))
+ (org-level-5 (:foreground fujiWhite))
+ (org-level-6 (:foreground carpYellow))
+ (org-level-7 (:foreground surimiOrange))
+ (org-level-8 (:foreground springGreen))
+ ;; which-key
+ (which-key-key-face (:inherit 'font-lock-variable-name-face))
+ (which-func (:inherit 'font-lock-function-name-face :bold t))
+ (which-key-group-description-face (:foreground waveRed))
+ (which-key-command-description-face (:foreground crystalBlue))
+ (which-key-local-map-description-face (:foreground carpYellow))
+ (which-key-posframe (:background waveBlue-1))
+ (which-key-posframe-border (:background waveBlue-1))
+ ;; swiper
+ (swiper-line-face (:foreground carpYellow))
+ (swiper-background-match-face-1 (:background surimiOrange :foreground sumiInk-0))
+ (swiper-background-match-face-2 (:background crystalBlue :foreground sumiInk-0))
+ (swiper-background-match-face-3 (:background boatYellow2 :foreground sumiInk-0))
+ (swiper-background-match-face-4 (:background peachRed :foreground sumiInk-0))
+ (swiper-match-face-1 (:inherit 'swiper-background-match-face-1))
+ (swiper-match-face-2 (:inherit 'swiper-background-match-face-2))
+ (swiper-match-face-3 (:inherit 'swiper-background-match-face-3))
+ (swiper-match-face-4 (:inherit 'swiper-background-match-face-4))
+ (counsel-outline-default (:foreground carpYellow))
+ (info-header-xref (:foreground carpYellow))
+ (xref-file-header (:foreground carpYellow))
+ (xref-match (:foreground carpYellow))
+ ;; rainbow delimiters
+ (rainbow-delimiters-mismatched-face (:foreground peachRed))
+ (rainbow-delimiters-unmatched-face (:foreground waveAqua2))
+ (rainbow-delimiters-base-error-face (:foreground peachRed))
+ (rainbow-delimiters-base-face (:foreground sumiInk-4))
+ (rainbow-delimiters-depth-1-face (:foreground springViolet2))
+ (rainbow-delimiters-depth-2-face (:foreground dragonBlue))
+ (rainbow-delimiters-depth-3-face (:foreground springViolet1))
+ (rainbow-delimiters-depth-4-face (:foreground springGreen))
+ (rainbow-delimiters-depth-5-face (:foreground waveAqua2))
+ (rainbow-delimiters-depth-6-face (:foreground carpYellow))
+ (rainbow-delimiters-depth-7-face (:foreground waveRed))
+ (rainbow-delimiters-depth-8-face (:foreground lightBlue))
+ (rainbow-delimiters-depth-9-face (:foreground springViolet2))
+ ;; show-paren
+ (show-paren-match (:background waveAqua1 :foreground sumiInk-0 :bold t))
+ (show-paren-match-expression (:background waveAqua1 :foreground sumiInk-0 :bold t))
+ (show-paren-mismatch (:background peachRed :foreground old-white))
+ (tooltip (:foreground sumiInk-0 :background carpYellow :bold t))
+ ;; company-box
+ (company-tooltip (:background sumiInk-2))
+ (company-tooltip-common (:foreground autumnYellow))
+ (company-tooltip-quick-access (:foreground springViolet2))
+ (company-tooltip-scrollbar-thumb (:background autumnRed))
+ (company-tooltip-scrollbar-track (:background sumiInk-2))
+ (company-tooltip-search (:background carpYellow :foreground sumiInk-0 :distant-foreground fujiWhite))
+ (company-tooltip-selection (:background peachRed :foreground winterRed :bold t))
+ (company-tooltip-mouse (:background sumiInk-2 :foreground sumiInk-0 :distant-foreground fujiWhite))
+ (company-tooltip-annotation (:foreground peachRed :distant-foreground sumiInk-1))
+ (company-scrollbar-bg (:inherit 'tooltip))
+ (company-scrollbar-fg (:background peachRed))
+ (company-preview (:foreground carpYellow))
+ (company-preview-common (:foreground peachRed :bold t))
+ (company-preview-search (:inherit 'company-tooltip-search))
+ (company-template-field (:inherit 'match))
+ ;; flycheck
+ (flycheck-posframe-background-face (:background sumiInk-0))
+ (flycheck-posframe-face (:background sumiInk-0))
+ (flycheck-posframe-info-face (:background sumiInk-0 :foreground autumnGreen))
+ (flycheck-posframe-warning-face (:background sumiInk-0 :foreground lightBlue))
+ (flycheck-posframe-error-face (:background sumiInk-0 :foreground samuraiRed))
+ (flycheck-fringe-warning (:foreground lightBlue))
+ (flycheck-fringe-error (:foreground samuraiRed))
+ (flycheck-fringe-info (:foreground autumnGreen))
+ (flycheck-error-list-warning (:foreground roninYellow :bold t))
+ (flycheck-error-list-error (:foreground samuraiRed :bold t))
+ (flycheck-error-list-info (:foreground waveAqua1 :bold t))
+ (flycheck-inline-error (:foreground samuraiRed :background winterRed :italic t :bold t :height 138))
+ (flycheck-inline-info (:foreground lightBlue :background winterBlue :italic t :bold t :height 138))
+ (flycheck-inline-warning (:foreground winterYellow :background carpYellow :italic t :bold t :height 138))
+ ;; indent dots
+ (highlight-indent-guides-character-face (:foreground sumiInk-3))
+ (highlight-indent-guides-stack-character-face (:foreground sumiInk-3))
+ (highlight-indent-guides-stack-odd-face (:foreground sumiInk-3))
+ (highlight-indent-guides-stack-even-face (:foreground comet))
+ (highlight-indent-guides-stack-character-face (:foreground sumiInk-3))
+ (highlight-indent-guides-even-face (:foreground sumiInk-2))
+ (highlight-indent-guides-odd-face (:foreground comet))
+ (highlight-operators-face (:foreground boatYellow2))
+ (highlight-quoted-symbol (:foreground springGreen))
+ (highlight-numbers-face (:foreground sakuraPink))
+ (highlight-symbol-face (:background waveBlue-1 :foreground lightBlue))
+ ;; ivy
+ (ivy-current-match (:background crystalBlue :foreground sumiInk-0 :bold t))
+ (ivy-action (:background nil :foreground fujiWhite))
+ (ivy-grep-line-number (:background nil :foreground springGreen))
+ (ivy-minibuffer-match-face-1 (:background nil :foreground waveRed))
+ (ivy-minibuffer-match-face-2 (:background nil :foreground springGreen))
+ (ivy-minibuffer-match-highlight (:foreground lightBlue))
+ (ivy-grep-info (:foreground lightBlue))
+ (ivy-grep-line-number (:foreground springViolet2))
+ (ivy-confirm-face (:foreground waveAqua2))
+ ;; posframe's
+ (ivy-posframe (:background sumiInk-2))
+ (ivy-posframe-border (:background sumiInk-3))
+ ;;treemacs
+ (treemacs-directory-collapsed-face (:foreground fujiWhite))
+ (treemacs-directory-face (:foreground fujiWhite))
+ (treemacs-file-face (:foreground fujiWhite))
+ (treemacs-git-added-face (:foreground surimiOrange))
+ (treemacs-git-renamed-face (:foreground fujiWhite))
+ (treemacs-git-ignored-face (:foreground sumiInk-4))
+ (treemacs-git-unmodified-face (:foreground fujiWhite))
+ (treemacs-git-renamed-face (:foreground fujiWhite))
+ (treemacs-git-modified-face (:foreground springGreen))
+ ;; lsp and lsp-ui
+ (lsp-headerline-breadcrumb-path-error-face (:underline (:color springGreen :style 'wave) :foreground sumiInk-4 :background sumiInk-0))
+ (lsp-headerline-breadcrumb-path-face (:background sumiInk-0))
+ (lsp-headerline-breadcrumb-path-hint-face (:background sumiInk-0))
+ (lsp-headerline-breadcrumb-path-info-face (:background sumiInk-0))
+ (lsp-headerline-breadcrumb-separator-face (:background sumiInk-0))
+ (lsp-headerline-breadcrumb-symbols-face (:background sumiInk-0))
+ (lsp-headerline-breadcrumb-project-prefix-face (:background sumiInk-0))
+ (lsp-headerline-breadcrumb-symbols-error-face (:foreground peachRed))
+ (lsp-ui-doc-background (:background sumiInk-0 :foreground peachRed))
+ (lsp-ui-doc-header (:background sumiInk-0 :foreground peachRed))
+ (lsp-ui-doc-border (:background nil :foreground nil))
+ (lsp-ui-peek-filename (:foreground lightBlue))
+ (lsp-ui-sideline-code-action (:foreground carpYellow))
+ (lsp-ui-sideline-current-symbol (:foreground springBlue))
+ (lsp-ui-sideline-symbol (:foreground dragonBlue))
+ ;; dashboard
+ (dashboard-heading (:foreground springViolet2 :bold t))
+ (dashboard-items-face (:bold nil :foreground fujiWhite))
+ (dashboard-banner-logo-title (:bold t :height 200))
+ (dashboard-no-items-face (:foreground sumiInk-4))
+ ;; all-the-icons
+ (all-the-icons-dgreen (:foreground waveAqua2))
+ (all-the-icons-green (:foreground waveAqua2))
+ (all-the-icons-dpurple (:foreground springViolet2))
+ (all-the-icons-purple (:foreground springViolet2))
+ ;; evil
+ (evil-ex-lazy-highlight (:foreground winterGreen :background autumnGreen :bold t))
+ (evil-ex-substitute-matches (:foreground winterRed :background autumnRed :bold t))
+ (evil-ex-substitute-replacement (:foreground surimiOrange :strike-through nil :inherit 'evil-ex-substitute-matches))
+ (evil-search-highlight-persist-highlight-face (:background carpYellow))
+ ;; term
+ (term (:background sumiInk-0 :foreground fujiWhite))
+ (term-color-blue (:background crystalBlue :foreground crystalBlue))
+ (term-color-bright-blue (:inherit 'term-color-blue))
+ (term-color-green (:background waveAqua2 :foreground waveAqua2))
+ (term-color-bright-green (:inherit 'term-color-green))
+ (term-color-black (:background sumiInk-0 :foreground fujiWhite))
+ (term-color-bright-black (:background sumiInk-1b :foreground sumiInk-1b))
+ (term-color-white (:background fujiWhite :foreground fujiWhite))
+ (term-color-bright-white (:background old-white :foreground old-white))
+ (term-color-red (:background peachRed :foreground peachRed))
+ (term-color-bright-red (:background springGreen :foreground springGreen))
+ (term-color-yellow (:background carpYellow :foreground carpYellow))
+ (term-color-bright-yellow (:background carpYellow :foreground carpYellow))
+ (term-color-cyan (:background springBlue :foreground springBlue))
+ (term-color-bright-cyan (:background springBlue :foreground springBlue))
+ (term-color-magenta (:background springViolet2 :foreground springViolet2))
+ (term-color-bright-magenta (:background springViolet2 :foreground springViolet2))
+ ;; popup
+ (popup-face (:inherit 'tooltip))
+ (popup-selection-face (:inherit 'tooltip))
+ (popup-tip-face (:inherit 'tooltip))
+ ;; anzu
+ (anzu-match-1 (:foreground waveAqua2 :background sumiInk-2))
+ (anzu-match-2 (:foreground carpYellow :background sumiInk-2))
+ (anzu-match-3 (:foreground lightBlue :background sumiInk-2))
+ (anzu-mode-line (:foreground sumiInk-0 :background springViolet2))
+ (anzu-mode-no-match (:foreground fujiWhite :background peachRed))
+ (anzu-replace-to (:foreground springBlue :background winterBlue))
+ (anzu-replace-highlight (:foreground peachRed :background winterRed :strike-through t))
+ ;; ace
+ (ace-jump-face-background (:foreground waveBlue-2))
+ (ace-jump-face-foreground (:foreground peachRed :background sumiInk-0 :bold t))
+ ;; vertico
+ (vertico-multiline (:background samuraiRed))
+ (vertico-group-title (:background winterBlue :foreground lightBlue :bold t))
+ (vertico-group-separator (:background winterBlue :foreground lightBlue :strike-through t))
+ (vertico-current (:foreground carpYellow :bold t :italic t :background waveBlue-1))
+ (vertico-posframe-border (:background sumiInk-3))
+ (vertico-posframe (:background sumiInk-2))
+ (orderless-match-face-0 (:foreground crystalBlue :bold t))
+ (comint-highlight-prompt (:background springViolet2 :foreground sumiInk-1))
+ (completions-annotations (:background nil :foreground dragonBlue :italic t))
+ (marginalia-file-priv-no (:background 'unspecified))
+ ;; hydra
+ (hydra-face-amaranth (:foreground autumnRed))
+ (hydra-face-blue (:foreground springBlue))
+ (hydra-face-pink (:foreground sakuraPink))
+ (hydra-face-red (:foreground peachRed))
+ (hydra-face-teal (:foreground lightBlue))
+ ;; centaur-tabs
+ (centaur-tabs-active-bar-face (:background springBlue :foreground fujiWhite))
+ (centaur-tabs-selected (:background sumiInk-1b :foreground fujiWhite :bold t))
+ (centaur-tabs-selected-modified (:background sumiInk-1b :foreground fujiWhite))
+ (centaur-tabs-modified-marker-selected (:background sumiInk-1b :foreground autumnYellow))
+ (centaur-tabs-close-selected (:inherit 'centaur-tabs-selected))
+ (tab-line (:background sumiInk-0))
+ (centaur-tabs-unselected (:background sumiInk-0 :foreground sumiInk-4))
+ (centaur-tabs-default (:background sumiInk-0 :foreground sumiInk-4))
+ (centaur-tabs-unselected-modified (:background sumiInk-0 :foreground peachRed))
+ (centaur-tabs-modified-marker-unselected (:background sumiInk-0 :foreground sumiInk-4))
+ (centaur-tabs-close-unselected (:background sumiInk-0 :foreground sumiInk-4))
+ (centaur-tabs-close-mouse-face (:background nil :foreground peachRed))
+ (centaur-tabs-default (:background roninYellow ))
+ (centaur-tabs-name-mouse-face (:foreground springBlue :bold t))
+ (git-gutter:added (:foreground autumnGreen))
+ (git-gutter:deleted (:foreground waveRed))
+ (git-gutter:modified (:foreground springBlue))
+ (diff-hl-margin-change (:foreground springBlue :background winterBlue))
+ (diff-hl-margin-delete (:foreground peachRed :background winterRed))
+ (diff-hl-margin-insert (:foreground comet :background winterBlue))
+ (bm-fringe-face (:background peachRed :foreground sumiInk-3))
+ (bm-fringe-persistent-face (:background peachRed :foreground sumiInk-3))
+ (ansi-color-green (:foreground springGreen))
+ (ansi-color-black (:background sumiInk-0))
+ (ansi-color-cyan (:foreground waveAqua2))
+ (ansi-color-magenta (:foreground sakuraPink))
+ (ansi-color-blue (:foreground crystalBlue))
+ (ansi-color-red (:foreground peachRed))
+ (ansi-color-white (:foreground fujiWhite))
+ (ansi-color-yellow (:foreground autumnYellow))
+ (ansi-color-bright-white (:foreground old-white))
+ (ansi-color-bright-white (:foreground old-white))
+ (tree-sitter-hl-face:attribute (:foreground surimiOrange))
+ (tree-sitter-hl-face:escape (:foreground waveRed))
+ (tree-sitter-hl-face:constructor (:foreground waveRed :weight 'semi-bold))
+ (tree-sitter-hl-face:constant (:foreground surimiOrange))
+ (tree-sitter-hl-face:constant.builtin (:foreground carpYellow :weight 'semi-bold))
+ (tree-sitter-hl-face:embedded (:foreground boatYellow2))
+ (tree-sitter-hl-face:function (:foreground crystalBlue))
+ (tree-sitter-hl-face:function.builtin (:foreground peachRed :italic t :background winterRed))
+ ( (:foreground springViolet2))
+ (tree-sitter-hl-face:function.macro (:foreground samuraiRed))
+ (tree-sitter-hl-face:function.special (:foreground sakuraPink))
+ (tree-sitter-hl-face:function.label (:foreground surimiOrange))
+ (tree-sitter-hl-face:method (:foreground lightBlue))
+ ( (:foreground lightBlue))
+ (tree-sitter-hl-face:property (:foreground carpYellow))
+ (tree-sitter-hl-face:property.definition (:foreground old-white :italic t))
+ (tree-sitter-hl-face:tag (:foreground peachRed))
+ (tree-sitter-hl-face:type (:foreground waveAqua2 :weight 'semi-bold))
+ (tree-sitter-hl-face:type.argument (:foreground surimiOrange))
+ (tree-sitter-hl-face:type.builtin (:foreground autumnRed))
+ (tree-sitter-hl-face:type.parameter (:foreground surimiOrange))
+ (tree-sitter-hl-face:type.super (:foreground samuraiRed :bold t))
+ (tree-sitter-hl-face:variable (:foreground springBlue :italic t))
+ (tree-sitter-hl-face:variable.builtin (:foreground waveRed))
+ (tree-sitter-hl-face:variable.parameter (:foreground springViolet2 :italic t))
+ (tree-sitter-hl-face:variable.special (:foreground surimiOrange))
+ (tree-sitter-hl-face:variable.synthesized (:foreground lightBlue))
+ (tree-sitter-hl-face:number (:foreground sakuraPink))
+ (tree-sitter-hl-face:operator (:foreground sakuraPink :bold t))
+ (tree-sitter-hl-face:punctuation (:foreground lightBlue))
+ (tree-sitter-hl-face:punctuation.bracket (:foreground springViolet2 :bold t))
+ (tree-sitter-hl-face:punctuation.delimiter (:foreground springViolet2 :bold t))
+ (tree-sitter-hl-face:punctuation.special (:foreground peachRed))
+ (tree-sitter-hl-face:case-pattern (:foreground waveRed))
+ (tree-sitter-hl-face:variable.synthesized (:foreground waveRed))
+ (tree-sitter-hl-face:keyword.compiler (:foreground peachRed :bold t :italic t))
+ (focus-unfocused (:foreground sumiInk-4))
+ ))
+(and load-file-name
+ (boundp 'custom-theme-load-path)
+ (add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path
+ (file-name-as-directory
+ (file-name-directory load-file-name))))
+(provide-theme 'kanagawa)
+;;; kanagawa-theme.el ends here
diff --git a/lisp/mk.el b/lisp/mk.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..634f09a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lisp/mk.el
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+;;; Code:
+(defun mk/kill-other-buffers ()
+ "Kill all other buffers."
+ (interactive)
+ (mapc (lambda (buffer)
+ (when (and (buffer-file-name buffer) (not (eq buffer (current-buffer))))
+ (kill-buffer buffer)))
+ (buffer-list)))
+(defun mk/format-xml ()
+ (interactive)
+ (shell-command-on-region 1 (point-max) "xmllint --format -" (current-buffer) t)
+ )
+;; Copy the entire buffer.
+(defun mk/copy-all ()
+ "Copy entire buffer to clipboard."
+ (interactive)
+ (clipboard-kill-ring-save (point-min) (point-max)))
+(defun mk/create-directory ()
+ "Create a directory and refresh neotree."
+ (interactive)
+ (call-interactively #'make-directory)
+ (other-window -1))
+(bind-key* (kbd "C-c d n") 'mk/create-directory)
+(defun mk/delete-file ()
+ "Delete a file and refresh neotree."
+ (interactive)
+ (call-interactively #'delete-file))
+(bind-key* (kbd "C-c f d") 'mk/delete-file)
+(defun mk/create-file (filename)
+ "Create a file and refresh neotree. FILENAME File to create."
+ (interactive (list (read-file-name "Enter your file name: " nil nil nil (file-name-nondirectory ""))))
+ (make-empty-file filename)
+ (find-file filename))
+(bind-key* (kbd "C-c f n") 'mk/create-file)
+(defun mk/delete-directory ()
+ "Delete a file and refresh neotree."
+ (interactive)
+ (call-interactively #'delete-directory))
+(bind-key* (kbd "C-c d d") 'mk/delete-directory)
+;; source:
+(defun mk/rename-file (new-name)
+ "Renames both current buffer and file it's visiting to NEW-NAME."
+ (interactive "sNew name: ")
+ (let ((name (buffer-name))
+ (filename (buffer-file-name)))
+ (if (not filename)
+ (message "Buffer '%s' is not visiting a file!" name)
+ (if (get-buffer new-name)
+ (message "A buffer named '%s' already exists!" new-name)
+ (progn
+ (rename-file filename new-name 1)
+ (rename-buffer new-name)
+ (set-visited-file-name new-name)
+ (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
+ ;(neotree-show)
+ ;(neotree-refresh)
+ (other-window -1))))))
+(bind-key* (kbd "C-c f r") 'mk/rename-file)
+(provide 'mk)
+;;; mk.el ends here
diff --git a/lisp/org-custom.el b/lisp/org-custom.el
index df0a8aa..2125dc3 100644
--- a/lisp/org-custom.el
+++ b/lisp/org-custom.el
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
'(("d" "default" entry
"* %?"
:target (file+head "%<%Y-%m-%d>.org"
- "#+title: %<%Y-%m-%d> 📰 \n#+filetags: :dailies:\n\n* Timeline\n\n* Notes\n\n* Questions\n\n"))))
+ "#+title: %<%Y-%m-%d> 📰 \n#+filetags: :dailies:\n\n* Plan 🛫 \n\n* Timeline 🍞\n\n* Notes 📁\n\n* Questions ❓\n\n"))))
(setq org-roam-capture-templates
'(("d" "default" plain
diff --git a/lisp/python-custom.el b/lisp/python-custom.el
index 2c602a5..3d076cb 100644
--- a/lisp/python-custom.el
+++ b/lisp/python-custom.el
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
;;; Code:
(use-package python
:ensure t)
@@ -9,6 +9,19 @@
((python-mode . eglot-ensure)))
+(use-package pyvenv
+ :ensure t
+ :config
+ (pyvenv-mode t)
+ ;; Set correct Python interpreter
+ (setq pyvenv-post-activate-hooks
+ (list (lambda ()
+ (setq python-shell-interpreter (concat pyvenv-virtual-env "bin/python3")))))
+ (setq pyvenv-post-deactivate-hooks
+ (list (lambda ()
+ (setq python-shell-interpreter "python3")))))
(defun python-args-to-google-docstring (text &optional make-fields)
"Return a reST docstring format for the python arguments in yas-text."
(let* ((indent (concat "\n" (make-string (current-column) 32)))
@@ -29,5 +42,7 @@
+(setq python-indent-guess-indent-offset nil)
(provide 'python-custom)
;;; python-custom.el ends here