path: root/elpa/org-9.5.2/doc/
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authormattkae <>2022-06-07 08:23:47 -0400
committermattkae <>2022-06-07 08:23:47 -0400
commitbd18a38c2898548a3664a9ddab9f79c84f2caf4a (patch)
tree95b9933376770381bd8859782ae763be81c2d72b /elpa/org-9.5.2/doc/
parentb07628dddf418d4f47b858e6c35fd3520fbaeed2 (diff)
parentef160dea332af4b4fe5e2717b962936c67e5fe9e (diff)
Merge conflict
Diffstat (limited to 'elpa/org-9.5.2/doc/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 171 deletions
diff --git a/elpa/org-9.5.2/doc/ b/elpa/org-9.5.2/doc/
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--- a/elpa/org-9.5.2/doc/
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-#+TITLE: Notes on documenting Org
-#+AUTHOR: Phil Rooke
-#+STARTUP: showall
-#+TEXT: Notes to myself justifying the conventions and standards in my
-#+TEXT: set of recent doc patches.
-#+OPTIONS: H:3 num:t toc:t \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:nil *:t TeX:t
-* Background
-I think it is an express objective of Carsten's that Org should be
-readily accessible to all users of Emacs and not just those who might
-happen to read or hack on the code of this particular package. To
-that end significant effort has been made and continues to be made by
-the Org community to ensure that high quality, user focused,
-documentation is readily available to everyone.
-Org itself contains a comprehensive guide to using all aspects of the
-system, how to extend it yourself, and highlights some of the many
-burgeoning number of add-on packages that others are contributing.
-This guide, [[info:org:Top][The Org Manual]], concentrates on the facts of working with
-the system. Supplementing this, the [[Org web pages]] contain pointers to
-many tutorials and how-to's which capture much of spirit and
-imagination people show when using Org as a basis for building broader
-organizational systems that help them help themselves.
-I use Org, but it is a big system, and so I happen to think that
-improving the consistency, clarity and accuracy of Org documents helps
-both me and all other users of the system. In support of this and by
-way of justification and clarification, this short note attempts to
-capture some of the existing guidelines and standards that have been
-used in the patches I am submitting and, which I hope, may be adopted
-by others when making their own contributions.
-* Referencing systems, packages, modes and much else
-Originally Org was a single mode and there was no ambiguity about what
-Org mode could refer to. Things have changed rapidly though and it
-seems that Carsten now thinks of Org as the system encompassing the
-major mode, some minor modes, and an increasing number of additional
-packages and plug-ins that build on the core Org functionality. It is
-really hard to find a consistent way to refer to all these things, but
-what I am trying to do is follow these guidelines (which are not
-perfect, merely a start):
-- In general write "Org" as much as possible and, in particular, when
- discussing concepts, features and functions that are generally
- applicable to Org as a whole.
-- Be more specific and write, for example, "the Orgtbl minor mode"
- when referring to something unique to that feature. It may be, for
- example, a command is only available when you are actually editing a
- file using just that mode, add-on package or plug-in.
-- Prefer "Org mode" to "Org-mode" or "org-mode". This is simply
- because it reflects an existing convention in [[info:emacs:Top][The Emacs Manual]] which
- consistently documents mode names in this form - "Text mode",
- "Outline mode", "Mail mode", etc.
-- Likewise refer, if at all possible, to "Org file or "Org buffer"
- meaning with, great generality, any file or buffer which requires
- use of some part of Org to edit it properly.
-- Org uses "org-..." to ring fence a name space for itself in the
- Emacs code base. This is obviously retained in code snippets.
-* Other Org specific conventions
-Unless there is a good reason to do otherwise, then try and adopt the
-following conventions. (I think all can be justified by reference to
-Carsten or precedent in other significant Emacs documentation, unless
-I have made them up of course).
-- Org has *lots* of commands and a /lot/ of them take prefix arguments of
- one sort or another. Write in full "prefix argument", "numeric
- prefix argument" or, maybe, "a numeric prefix argument N" when you
- want to refer to the argument again.
-- Org lives in various states of harmony and discord with other Emacs
- packages. Try and write the names of those packages as their
- authors and maintainers write them. So it should be (I think) BBDB,
- MH-E, Rmail, VM, Gnus, CDLaTeX etc.
-- TODO keywords, whether Org or user defined, are written in capitals.
-- Built-in tags with a special meaning (e.g. ARCHIVE) are written in
- uppercase. User defined tags (e.g. boss, home) are written in
- lowercase.
-- Built-in properties (e.g. PRIORITY) are written in uppercase. User
- defined properties (e.g. Release) are written in lowercase.
-- Entries in the concept index are normally all lower case unless some
- other rule dictates otherwise.
-* specific conventions
-Org git repository comes with an .org version of the manual in the
-=doc/= directory. Here are indications that are specific to this
-version of the manual.
-- Five of the standard Texinfo indexes are used in the Org manual:
- + #+cindex: :: concept index, for general concepts
- + #+findex: :: function index, for function and function-like names
- + #+kindex: :: keystroke index, for keyboard commands
- + #+pindex: :: program index, for names of programs
- + #+vindex: :: variable index, for variable names
-- Use fixed-width area for one-line examples.
-- Use example blocks for Org syntax instead of "begin_src org".
-- Internal links to headlines always start with a star.
-- Tags, node properties, are not shown with the surrounding colons.
-- When to use = ... = or ~ ... ~ markup:
- + files or extensions use = ... =,
- + anything that is meant to be written in the Org buffer uses = ... =,
- + any meaningful token in a programming language uses ~ ... ~.
-* Miscellaneous
- - Only two of the standard Texinfo indexes are used; those for
- concepts and keys. This has some implications:
- + The preference is to document commands by key rather than by name
- + Texinfo commands such as @var and @defoption are not used. The
- preference for this type of thing is that the user browses the
- customize groups. If you want or need to refer to, say, a
- variable then document it as "the variable
- @code{org-startup-folded}"
- + Entries in the concept index are normally all lower case unless
- some other rule dictates otherwise.
- - Org documentation is written in American English, which is somewhat
- foreign as far as I am concerned, but live with it anyway.
- - Org uses a number of compound words, words that I wouldn't
- necessarily run together. Instead of worrying about whether these
- should be separate, hyphenated or compound I have simply gone with
- the majority case as originally written and then tried to make sure
- the spell checker knows what this chosen standard should be so that
- I do not worry about it anymore.
- - I have run a spell checker periodically. Aspell works well and has
- a useful Texinfo filter (although, annoyingly, I cannot make this
- work with ispell.el and so I run it from the command line). I have
- an Org specific Aspell configuration file (which sets an American
- dictionary, rules for compound words etc) and which, along with the
- associated word and replacement files, captures some of the more
- detailed and somewhat arbitrary rules I have used.
- - Org has really low entry barriers. Requirements seem simply to be:
- + You can use Text mode or, pretty much, any derivative of it
- + You have some motivation to become slightly better organized.
- Therefore, try and write the documentation so that it is relevant
- to, and can be read by such a diverse audience.
-# Local variables:
-# mode: org
-# ispell-local-dictionary: "en_US-w_accents"
-# ispell-local-pdict: "./"
-# End: