path: root/elpa/skewer-mode-20200304.1142/skewer-mode.el
diff options
authormattkae <>2022-06-07 08:23:47 -0400
committermattkae <>2022-06-07 08:23:47 -0400
commitbd18a38c2898548a3664a9ddab9f79c84f2caf4a (patch)
tree95b9933376770381bd8859782ae763be81c2d72b /elpa/skewer-mode-20200304.1142/skewer-mode.el
parentb07628dddf418d4f47b858e6c35fd3520fbaeed2 (diff)
parentef160dea332af4b4fe5e2717b962936c67e5fe9e (diff)
Merge conflict
Diffstat (limited to 'elpa/skewer-mode-20200304.1142/skewer-mode.el')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 620 deletions
diff --git a/elpa/skewer-mode-20200304.1142/skewer-mode.el b/elpa/skewer-mode-20200304.1142/skewer-mode.el
deleted file mode 100644
index a439a9c..0000000
--- a/elpa/skewer-mode-20200304.1142/skewer-mode.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,620 +0,0 @@
-;;; skewer-mode.el --- live browser JavaScript, CSS, and HTML interaction -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
-;; This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
-;; Author: Christopher Wellons <>
-;; URL:
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Quick start (without package.el):
-;; 1. Put this directory in your `load-path'
-;; 2. Load skewer-mode.el
-;; 3. M-x `run-skewer' to attach a browser to Emacs
-;; 4. From a `js2-mode' buffer with `skewer-mode' minor mode enabled,
-;; send forms to the browser to evaluate
-;; The function `skewer-setup' can be used to configure all of mode
-;; hooks (previously this was the default). This can also be done
-;; manually like so,
-;; (add-hook 'js2-mode-hook 'skewer-mode)
-;; (add-hook 'css-mode-hook 'skewer-css-mode)
-;; (add-hook 'html-mode-hook 'skewer-html-mode)
-;; The keybindings for evaluating expressions in the browser are just
-;; like the Lisp modes. These are provided by the minor mode
-;; `skewer-mode'.
-;; * C-x C-e -- `skewer-eval-last-expression'
-;; * C-M-x -- `skewer-eval-defun'
-;; * C-c C-k -- `skewer-load-buffer'
-;; The result of the expression is echoed in the minibuffer.
-;; Additionally, `css-mode' and `html-mode' get a similar set of
-;; bindings for modifying the CSS rules and updating HTML on the
-;; current page.
-;; Note: `run-skewer' uses `browse-url' to launch the browser. This
-;; may require further setup depending on your operating system and
-;; personal preferences.
-;; Multiple browsers and browser tabs can be attached to Emacs at
-;; once. JavaScript forms are sent to all attached clients
-;; simultaneously, and each will echo back the result
-;; individually. Use `list-skewer-clients' to see a list of all
-;; currently attached clients.
-;; Sometimes Skewer's long polls from the browser will timeout after a
-;; number of hours of inactivity. If you find the browser disconnected
-;; from Emacs for any reason, use the browser's console to call
-;; skewer() to reconnect. This avoids a page reload, which would lose
-;; any fragile browser state you might care about.
-;; To skewer your own document rather than the provided blank page,
-;; 1. Load the dependencies
-;; 2. Load skewer-mode.el
-;; 3. Start the HTTP server (`httpd-start')
-;; 4. Include "http://localhost:8080/skewer" as a script
-;; (see `example.html' and check your `httpd-port')
-;; 5. Visit the document from your browser
-;; Skewer fully supports CORS, so the document need not be hosted by
-;; Emacs itself. A Greasemonkey userscript and a bookmarklet are
-;; provided for injecting Skewer into any arbitrary page you're
-;; visiting without needing to modify the page on the host.
-;; With skewer-repl.el loaded, a REPL into the browser can be created
-;; with M-x `skewer-repl', or C-c C-z. This should work like a console
-;; within the browser. Messages can be logged to this REPL with
-;; skewer.log() (just like console.log()).
-;; Extending Skewer:
-;; Skewer is flexible and open to extension. The REPL and the CSS and
-;; HTML minor modes are a partial examples of this. You can extend
-;; skewer.js with your own request handlers and talk to them from
-;; Emacs using `skewer-eval' (or `skewer-eval-synchronously') with
-;; your own custom :type. The :type string chooses the dispatch
-;; function under the skewer.fn object. To inject your own JavaScript
-;; into skewer.js, use `skewer-js-hook'.
-;; You can also catch messages sent from the browser not in response
-;; to an explicit request. Use `skewer-response-hook' to see all
-;; incoming objects.
-;;; History:
-;; Version 1.8.0: features
-;; * Work around XMLHttpRequest tampering in userscript
-;; * Add Makefile "run" target for testing
-;; Version 1.7.0: features and fixes
-;; * Support for other major modes (including web-mode) in skewer-html-mode
-;; * Opportunistic support for company-mode completions
-;; * Always serve content as UTF-8
-;; * Improve skewer-everything.js portability
-;; Version 1.6.2: fixes
-;; * skewer.log() takes multiple arguments
-;; * comint and encoding fixes
-;; Version 1.6.1: fixes
-;; * Add `skewer-css-clear-all'
-;; * Better IE8 compatibility
-;; * User interface tweaks
-;; Version 1.6.0: fixes
-;; * Bring up to speed with Emacs 24.3
-;; * Switch to cl-lib from cl
-;; Version 1.5.3: features
-;; * Add `skewer-run-phantomjs'
-;; Version 1.5.2: small cleanup
-;; * Add `skewer-apply' and `skewer-funall'
-;; * Improved safeStringify
-;; Version 1.5.1: features
-;; * No more automatic hook setup (see `skewer-setup')
-;; * Support for HTML interaction
-;; * Support for loading Bower packages
-;; * Drop jQuery dependency
-;; * Many small improvements
-;; Version 1.4: features
-;; * Full CSS interaction
-;; * Greasemonkey userscript for injection
-;; * Full, working CORS support
-;; * Better browser presence detection
-;; Version 1.3: features and fixes
-;; * Full offline support
-;; * No more callback registering
-;; * Fix 64-bit support
-;; * Two new hooks for improved extension support
-;; * More uniform keybindings with other interactive modes
-;; Version 1.2: features
-;; * Add a skewer-eval-print-last-expression
-;; * Display evaluation time when it's long
-;; * Flash the region on eval
-;; * Improve JS stringification
-;; Version 1.1: features and fixes
-;; * Added `list-skewer-clients'
-;; * Reduce the number of HTTP requests needed
-;; * Fix stringification issues
-;; Version 1.0: initial release
-;;; Code:
-(require 'cl-lib)
-(require 'json)
-(require 'url-util)
-(require 'simple-httpd)
-(require 'js2-mode)
-(require 'cache-table)
-(defgroup skewer nil
- "Live browser JavaScript interaction."
- :group 'languages)
-(defvar skewer-mode-map
- (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
- (prog1 map
- (define-key map (kbd "C-x C-e") 'skewer-eval-last-expression)
- (define-key map (kbd "C-M-x") 'skewer-eval-defun)
- (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-k") 'skewer-load-buffer)))
- "Keymap for skewer-mode.")
-(defvar skewer-data-root (file-name-directory load-file-name)
- "Location of data files needed by impatient-mode.")
-(defvar skewer-js-hook ()
- "Hook to run when skewer.js is being served to the browser.
-When hook functions are called, the current buffer is the buffer
-to be served to the client (a defservlet), with skewer.js script
-already inserted. This is the chance for other packages to insert
-their own JavaScript to extend skewer in the browser, such as
-adding a new type handler.")
-(defvar skewer-response-hook ()
- "Hook to run when a response arrives from the browser. Used for
-catching messages from the browser with no associated
-callback. The response object is passed to the hook function.")
-(defvar skewer-timeout 3600
- "Maximum time to wait on the browser to respond, in seconds.")
-(defvar skewer-clients ()
- "Browsers awaiting JavaScript snippets.")
-(defvar skewer-callbacks (cache-table-create skewer-timeout :test 'equal)
- "Maps evaluation IDs to local callbacks.")
-(defvar skewer-queue ()
- "Queued messages for the browser.")
-(defvar skewer--last-timestamp 0
- "Timestamp of the last browser response. Use
-`skewer-last-seen-seconds' to access this.")
-(cl-defstruct skewer-client
- "A client connection awaiting a response."
- proc agent)
-(defun skewer-process-queue ()
- "Send all queued messages to clients."
- (when (and skewer-queue skewer-clients)
- (let ((message (pop skewer-queue))
- (sent nil))
- (while skewer-clients
- (ignore-errors
- (progn
- (let ((proc (skewer-client-proc (pop skewer-clients))))
- (with-temp-buffer
- (insert (json-encode message))
- (httpd-send-header proc "text/plain" 200
- :Cache-Control "no-cache"
- :Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*")))
- (setq skewer--last-timestamp (float-time))
- (setq sent t))))
- (if (not sent) (push message skewer-queue)))
- (skewer-process-queue)))
-(defun skewer-clients-tabulate ()
- "Prepare client list for tabulated-list-mode."
- (cl-loop for client in skewer-clients collect
- (let ((proc (skewer-client-proc client))
- (agent (skewer-client-agent client)))
- (cl-destructuring-bind (host port) (process-contact proc)
- `(,client [,host ,(format "%d" port) ,agent])))))
-(define-derived-mode skewer-clients-mode tabulated-list-mode "skewer-clients"
- "Mode for listing browsers attached to Emacs for skewer-mode."
- (setq tabulated-list-format [("Host" 12 t)
- ("Port" 5 t)
- ("User Agent" 0 t)])
- (setq tabulated-list-entries #'skewer-clients-tabulate)
- (tabulated-list-init-header))
-(define-key skewer-clients-mode-map (kbd "g")
- (lambda ()
- (interactive)
- (skewer-ping)
- (revert-buffer)))
-(defun skewer-update-list-buffer ()
- "Revert the client list, due to an update."
- (save-window-excursion
- (let ((list-buffer (get-buffer "*skewer-clients*")))
- (when list-buffer
- (with-current-buffer list-buffer
- (revert-buffer))))))
-(defun list-skewer-clients ()
- "List the attached browsers in a buffer."
- (interactive)
- (pop-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*skewer-clients*"))
- (skewer-clients-mode)
- (tabulated-list-print))
-(defun skewer-queue-client (proc req)
- "Add a client to the queue, given the HTTP header."
- (let ((agent (cl-second (assoc "User-Agent" req))))
- (push (make-skewer-client :proc proc :agent agent) skewer-clients))
- (skewer-update-list-buffer)
- (skewer-process-queue))
-;; Servlets
-(defservlet skewer "text/javascript; charset=UTF-8" ()
- (insert-file-contents (expand-file-name "skewer.js" skewer-data-root))
- (goto-char (point-max))
- (run-hooks 'skewer-js-hook))
-(defun httpd/skewer/get (proc _path _query req &rest _args)
- (skewer-queue-client proc req))
-(defun httpd/skewer/post (proc _path _query req &rest _args)
- (let* ((result (json-read-from-string (cadr (assoc "Content" req))))
- (id (cdr (assoc 'id result)))
- (callback (cache-table-get id skewer-callbacks)))
- (setq skewer--last-timestamp (float-time))
- (when callback
- (funcall callback result))
- (if id
- (skewer-queue-client proc req)
- (with-temp-buffer
- (httpd-send-header proc "text/plain" 200
- :Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*")))
- (dolist (hook skewer-response-hook)
- (funcall hook result))))
-(defvar skewer-demo-source
- (expand-file-name "example.html" skewer-data-root)
- "Source file name or buffer for `httpd/skewer/demo' servlet.")
-(defservlet skewer/demo "text/html; charset=UTF-8" ()
- (cl-etypecase skewer-demo-source
- (buffer (insert-buffer-substring skewer-demo-source))
- (string (insert-file-contents skewer-demo-source))))
-;; Minibuffer display
-(defun skewer-success-p (result)
- "Return T if result was a success."
- (equal "success" (cdr (assoc 'status result))))
-(define-derived-mode skewer-error-mode special-mode "skewer-error"
- :group 'skewer
- "Mode for displaying JavaScript errors returned by skewer-mode."
- (setq truncate-lines t))
-(defface skewer-error-face
- '((((class color) (background light))
- :foreground "red" :underline t)
- (((class color) (background dark))
- :foreground "red" :underline t))
- "Face for JavaScript errors."
- :group 'skewer)
-(defun skewer--error (string)
- "Return STRING propertized as an error message."
- (propertize (or string "<unknown>") 'font-lock-face 'skewer-error-face))
-(defun skewer-post-minibuffer (result)
- "Report results in the minibuffer or the error buffer."
- (if (skewer-success-p result)
- (let ((value (cdr (assoc 'value result)))
- (time (cdr (assoc 'time result))))
- (if (and time (> time 1.0))
- (message "%s (%.3f seconds)" value time)
- (message "%s" value)))
- (with-current-buffer (pop-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*skewer-error*"))
- (let ((inhibit-read-only t)
- (error (cdr (assoc 'error result))))
- (erase-buffer)
- (skewer-error-mode)
- (insert (skewer--error (cdr (assoc 'name error))) ": ")
- (insert (or (cdr (assoc 'message error)) "") "\n\n")
- (insert (or (cdr (assoc 'stack error)) "") "\n\n")
- (insert (format "Expression: %s\n\n"
- (if (cdr (assoc 'strict result)) "(strict)" ""))
- (cdr (assoc 'eval error)))
- (goto-char (point-min))))))
-;; Evaluation functions
-(cl-defun skewer-eval (string &optional callback
- &key verbose strict (type "eval") extra)
- "Evaluate STRING in the waiting browsers, giving the result to CALLBACK.
-:VERBOSE -- if T, the return will try to be JSON encoded
-:STRICT -- if T, expression is evaluated with 'use strict'
-:TYPE -- chooses the JavaScript handler (default: eval)
-:EXTRA -- additional alist keys to append to the request object"
- (let* ((id (format "%x" (random most-positive-fixnum)))
- (request `((type . ,type)
- (eval . ,string)
- (id . ,id)
- (verbose . ,verbose)
- (strict . ,strict)
- ,@extra)))
- (prog1 request
- (setf (cache-table-get id skewer-callbacks) callback)
- (setq skewer-queue (append skewer-queue (list request)))
- (skewer-process-queue))))
-(defun skewer-eval-synchronously (string &rest args)
- "Just like `skewer-eval' but synchronously, so don't provide a
-callback. Use with caution."
- (let ((result nil))
- (apply #'skewer-eval string (lambda (v) (setq result v)) args)
- (cl-loop until result
- do (accept-process-output nil 0.01)
- finally (return result))))
-(defun skewer-apply (function args)
- "Synchronously apply FUNCTION in the browser with the supplied
-arguments, returning the result. All ARGS must be printable by
-`json-encode'. For example,
- (skewer-apply \"Math.atan2\" '(1 -2)) ; => 2.677945044588987
-Uncaught exceptions propagate to Emacs as an error."
- (let ((specials '(("undefined" . nil)
- ("NaN" . 0.0e+NaN)
- ("Infinity" . 1.0e+INF)
- ("-Infinity" . -1.0e+INF))))
- (let* ((expr (concat function "(" (mapconcat #'json-encode args ", ") ")"))
- (result (skewer-eval-synchronously expr :verbose t))
- (value (cdr (assoc 'value result))))
- (if (skewer-success-p result)
- (if (assoc value specials)
- (cdr (assoc value specials))
- (condition-case _
- (json-read-from-string value)
- (json-readtable-error value)))
- (signal 'javascript
- (list (cdr (assoc 'message (cdr (assoc'error result))))))))))
-(defun skewer-funcall (function &rest args)
- "Synchronously call FUNCTION with the supplied ARGS. All ARGS
-must be printable by `json-read-from-string. For example,
- (skewer-funcall \"Math.sin\" 0.5) ; => 0.479425538604203
-Uncaught exceptions propagate to Emacs as an error."
- (skewer-apply function args))
-(defun skewer--save-point (f &rest args)
- "Return a function that calls F with point at the current point."
- (let ((saved-point (point)))
- (lambda (&rest more)
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char saved-point)
- (apply f (append args more))))))
-(defun skewer-ping ()
- "Ping the browser to test that it's still alive."
- (unless (null skewer-clients) ; don't queue pings
- (skewer-eval (prin1-to-string (float-time)) nil :type "ping")))
-(defun skewer-last-seen-seconds ()
- "Return the number of seconds since the browser was last seen."
- (skewer-ping) ; make sure it's still alive next request
- (- (float-time) skewer--last-timestamp))
-(defun skewer-mode-strict-p ()
- "Return T if buffer contents indicates strict mode."
- (save-excursion
- (save-restriction
- (widen)
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (js2-forward-sws)
- (forward-char 1)
- (let* ((stricts '("\"use strict\"" "'use strict'"))
- (node (js2-node-at-point))
- (code (buffer-substring-no-properties (js2-node-abs-pos node)
- (js2-node-abs-end node))))
- (and (member code stricts) t)))))
-(defun skewer-flash-region (start end &optional timeout)
- "Temporarily highlight region from START to END."
- (let ((overlay (make-overlay start end)))
- (overlay-put overlay 'face 'secondary-selection)
- (run-with-timer (or timeout 0.2) nil 'delete-overlay overlay)))
-(defun skewer-get-last-expression ()
- "Return the JavaScript expression before the point as a
-list: (string start end)."
- (save-excursion
- (js2-backward-sws)
- (backward-char)
- (let ((node (js2-node-at-point nil t)))
- (when (eq js2-FUNCTION (js2-node-type (js2-node-parent node)))
- (setq node (js2-node-parent node)))
- (when (js2-ast-root-p node)
- (error "no expression found"))
- (let ((start (js2-node-abs-pos node))
- (end (js2-node-abs-end node)))
- (list (buffer-substring-no-properties start end) start end)))))
-(defun skewer-eval-last-expression (&optional prefix)
- "Evaluate the JavaScript expression before the point in the
-waiting browser. If invoked with a prefix argument, insert the
-result into the current buffer."
- (interactive "P")
- (if prefix
- (skewer-eval-print-last-expression)
- (if js2-mode-buffer-dirty-p
- (js2-mode-wait-for-parse
- (skewer--save-point #'skewer-eval-last-expression))
- (cl-destructuring-bind (string start end) (skewer-get-last-expression)
- (skewer-flash-region start end)
- (skewer-eval string #'skewer-post-minibuffer)))))
-(defun skewer-get-defun ()
- "Return the toplevel JavaScript expression around the point as
-a list: (string start end)."
- (save-excursion
- (js2-backward-sws)
- (backward-char)
- (let ((node (js2-node-at-point nil t)))
- (when (js2-ast-root-p node)
- (error "no expression found"))
- (while (and (js2-node-parent node)
- (not (js2-ast-root-p (js2-node-parent node))))
- (setf node (js2-node-parent node)))
- (let ((start (js2-node-abs-pos node))
- (end (js2-node-abs-end node)))
- (list (buffer-substring-no-properties start end) start end)))))
-(defun skewer-eval-defun ()
- "Evaluate the JavaScript expression before the point in the
-waiting browser."
- (interactive)
- (if js2-mode-buffer-dirty-p
- (js2-mode-wait-for-parse (skewer--save-point #'skewer-eval-defun))
- (cl-destructuring-bind (string start end) (skewer-get-defun)
- (skewer-flash-region start end)
- (skewer-eval string #'skewer-post-minibuffer))))
-;; Print last expression
-(defvar skewer-eval-print-map (cache-table-create skewer-timeout :test 'equal)
- "A mapping of evaluation IDs to insertion points.")
-(defun skewer-post-print (result)
- "Insert the result after its source expression."
- (if (not (skewer-success-p result))
- (skewer-post-minibuffer result)
- (let* ((id (cdr (assoc 'id result)))
- (pos (cache-table-get id skewer-eval-print-map)))
- (when pos
- (with-current-buffer (car pos)
- (goto-char (cdr pos))
- (insert (cdr (assoc 'value result)) "\n"))))))
-(defun skewer-eval-print-last-expression ()
- "Evaluate the JavaScript expression before the point in the
-waiting browser and insert the result in the buffer at point."
- (interactive)
- (if js2-mode-buffer-dirty-p
- (js2-mode-wait-for-parse
- (skewer--save-point #'skewer-eval-print-last-expression))
- (cl-destructuring-bind (string start end) (skewer-get-defun)
- (skewer-flash-region start end)
- (insert "\n")
- (let* ((request (skewer-eval string #'skewer-post-print :verbose t))
- (id (cdr (assoc 'id request)))
- (pos (cons (current-buffer) (point))))
- (setf (cache-table-get id skewer-eval-print-map) pos)))))
-;; Script loading
-(defvar skewer-hosted-scripts (cache-table-create skewer-timeout)
- "Map of hosted scripts to IDs.")
-(defun skewer-host-script (string)
- "Host script STRING from the script servlet, returning the script ID."
- (let ((id (random most-positive-fixnum)))
- (prog1 id
- (setf (cache-table-get id skewer-hosted-scripts) string))))
-(defun skewer-load-buffer ()
- "Load the entire current buffer into the browser. A snapshot of
-the buffer is hosted so that browsers visiting late won't see an
-inconsistent buffer."
- (interactive)
- (let ((id (skewer-host-script (buffer-string)))
- (buffer-name (buffer-name)))
- (skewer-eval (format "/skewer/script/%d/%s"
- id (url-hexify-string buffer-name))
- (lambda (_) (message "%s loaded" buffer-name))
- :type "script")))
-(defservlet skewer/script "text/javascript; charset=UTF-8" (path)
- (let ((id (string-to-number (nth 3 (split-string path "/")))))
- (insert (cache-table-get id skewer-hosted-scripts ""))))
-;; Define the minor mode
-(define-minor-mode skewer-mode
- "Minor mode for interacting with a browser."
- :lighter " skewer"
- :keymap skewer-mode-map
- :group 'skewer)
-(defun run-skewer (&optional arg)
- "Attach a browser to Emacs for a skewer JavaScript REPL. Uses
-`browse-url' to launch a browser.
-With a prefix arugment (C-u), it will ask the filename of the
-root document. With two prefix arguments (C-u C-u), it will use
-the contents of the current buffer as the root document."
- (interactive "p")
- (cl-case arg
- (4 (setf skewer-demo-source (read-file-name "Skewer filename: ")))
- (16 (setf skewer-demo-source (current-buffer))))
- (httpd-start)
- (browse-url (format "" httpd-port)))
-;; PhantomJS
-(defvar phantomjs-program-name "/usr/bin/phantomjs"
- "Path to the phantomjs executable.")
-(defvar skewer-phantomjs-processes ()
- "List of phantomjs processes connected to Skewer.")
-(defun skewer-phantomjs-sentinel (proc event)
- "Cleanup after phantomjs exits."
- (when (cl-some (lambda (s) (string-match-p s event))
- '("finished" "abnormal" "killed"))
- (delete-file (process-get proc 'tempfile))))
-(defun skewer-run-phantomjs ()
- "Connect an inferior PhantomJS process to Skewer, returning the process."
- (interactive)
- (httpd-start)
- (let ((script (make-temp-file "phantomjs-"))
- (url (format "http://0:%d/skewer/demo" httpd-port)))
- (with-temp-buffer
- (insert (format "require('webpage').create().open('%s')" url))
- (write-region nil nil script nil 0)
- (let ((proc (start-process "phantomjs" nil
- phantomjs-program-name script)))
- (prog1 proc
- (push proc skewer-phantomjs-processes)
- (process-put proc 'tempfile script)
- (set-process-sentinel proc 'skewer-phantomjs-sentinel))))))
-(defun skewer-phantomjs-kill ()
- "Kill all inferior phantomjs processes connected to Skewer."
- (interactive)
- (mapc #'delete-process skewer-phantomjs-processes)
- (setf skewer-phantomjs-processes nil))
-(provide 'skewer-mode)
-;;; skewer-mode.el ends here