path: root/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'elpa/irony-20220110.849/server')
34 files changed, 3475 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/.clang-format b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/.clang-format
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68e7062
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/.clang-format
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+BasedOnStyle: LLVM
+AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: false
+AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations: true
+BinPackParameters: false
+BreakConstructorInitializersBeforeComma: true
+ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine: true
+ConstructorInitializerIndentWidth: 2
+IndentFunctionDeclarationAfterType: false
diff --git a/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/.clang-tidy b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/.clang-tidy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57e038a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/.clang-tidy
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Checks: '-*,readability-identifier-naming,misc-assert-side-effect,readability-container-size-empty'
+ - key: readability-identifier-naming.TypedefCase
+ value: CamelCase
+ - key: readability-identifier-naming.StructCase
+ value: CamelCase
+ - key: readability-identifier-naming.ClassCase
+ value: CamelCase
+ - key: readability-identifier-naming.VariableCase
+ value: camelBack
+ - key: readability-identifier-naming.ParameterCase
+ value: camelBack
+ - key: readability-identifier-naming.FunctionCase
+ value: camelBack
+ - key: readability-identifier-naming.NamespaceCase
+ value: lower_case
+ - key: readability-identifier-naming.GlobalConstantCase
+ value: UPPER_CASE
+ - key: readability-identifier-naming.PrivateMemberSuffix
+ value: _
+ - key: misc-assert-side-effect.CheckFunctionCalls
+ value: 1
+ - key: misc-assert-side-effect.AssertMacros
+ value: 'assert'
diff --git a/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/CMakeLists.txt b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21f9c9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0.2)
+ ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules
+# Starting from CMake >= 3.1, if a specific standard is required,
+# it can be set from the command line with:
+# cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=[11|14|17]
+function(irony_target_set_cxx_standard target)
+ set(cxx_standard 11)
+ target_compile_options(${target} PRIVATE -std=c++${cxx_standard})
+ endif()
+ set_property(TARGET ${target} PROPERTY CXX_STANDARD ${cxx_standard})
+ else()
+ target_compile_features(${target} PUBLIC cxx_std_${cxx_standard})
+ endif()
+ add_subdirectory(test)
diff --git a/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/build-aux/run-clang-tidy/LICENSE.TXT b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/build-aux/run-clang-tidy/LICENSE.TXT
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7f579f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/build-aux/run-clang-tidy/LICENSE.TXT
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+LLVM Release License
+University of Illinois/NCSA
+Open Source License
+Copyright (c) 2007-2016 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
+All rights reserved.
+Developed by:
+ LLVM Team
+ University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal with
+the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
+use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
+of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
+so, subject to the following conditions:
+ * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+ this list of conditions and the following disclaimers.
+ * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+ this list of conditions and the following disclaimers in the
+ documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * Neither the names of the LLVM Team, University of Illinois at
+ Urbana-Champaign, nor the names of its contributors may be used to
+ endorse or promote products derived from this Software without specific
+ prior written permission.
diff --git a/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/build-aux/run-clang-tidy/README b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/build-aux/run-clang-tidy/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed43509
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/build-aux/run-clang-tidy/README
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+- the python version has been frozen to python2,
+ as the script is not python3-compatible
+- added -warnings-as-errors option
+- the script has been modified
+ to return a sensible exit code when running on Travis CI,
+ i.e. it honors exit code of the underlying processes
+ causing build failures on pull requests
diff --git a/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/build-aux/run-clang-tidy/ b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/build-aux/run-clang-tidy/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..17db708
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/build-aux/run-clang-tidy/
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+#===- - Parallel clang-tidy runner ---------*- python -*--===#
+# The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+# License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+# FIXME: Integrate with
+Parallel clang-tidy runner
+Runs clang-tidy over all files in a compilation database. Requires clang-tidy
+and clang-apply-replacements in $PATH.
+Example invocations.
+- Run clang-tidy on all files in the current working directory with a default
+ set of checks and show warnings in the cpp files and all project headers.
+ $PWD
+- Fix all header guards.
+ -fix -checks=-*,llvm-header-guard
+- Fix all header guards included from clang-tidy and header guards
+ for clang-tidy headers.
+ -fix -checks=-*,llvm-header-guard extra/clang-tidy \
+ -header-filter=extra/clang-tidy
+Compilation database setup:
+import argparse
+import json
+import multiprocessing
+import os
+import Queue
+import re
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import threading
+def find_compilation_database(path):
+ """Adjusts the directory until a compilation database is found."""
+ result = './'
+ while not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(result, path)):
+ if os.path.realpath(result) == '/':
+ print 'Error: could not find compilation database.'
+ sys.exit(1)
+ result += '../'
+ return os.path.realpath(result)
+def get_tidy_invocation(f, clang_tidy_binary, checks, tmpdir, build_path,
+ header_filter, extra_arg, extra_arg_before, quiet,
+ warnings_as_errors):
+ """Gets a command line for clang-tidy."""
+ start = [clang_tidy_binary]
+ if header_filter is not None:
+ start.append('-header-filter=' + header_filter)
+ else:
+ # Show warnings in all in-project headers by default.
+ start.append('-header-filter=^' + build_path + '/.*')
+ if checks:
+ start.append('-checks=' + checks)
+ if tmpdir is not None:
+ start.append('-export-fixes')
+ # Get a temporary file. We immediately close the handle so clang-tidy can
+ # overwrite it.
+ (handle, name) = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.yaml', dir=tmpdir)
+ os.close(handle)
+ start.append(name)
+ for arg in extra_arg:
+ start.append('-extra-arg=%s' % arg)
+ for arg in extra_arg_before:
+ start.append('-extra-arg-before=%s' % arg)
+ start.append('-p=' + build_path)
+ if quiet:
+ start.append('-quiet')
+ if warnings_as_errors is not None:
+ start.append('-warnings-as-errors=%s' % warnings_as_errors)
+ start.append(f)
+ return start
+def apply_fixes(args, tmpdir):
+ """Calls clang-apply-fixes on a given directory. Deletes the dir when done."""
+ invocation = [args.clang_apply_replacements_binary]
+ if args.format:
+ invocation.append('-format')
+ invocation.append(tmpdir)
+ ret =
+ shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
+ return ret
+def run_tidy(args, tmpdir, build_path, queue, results, i):
+ """Takes filenames out of queue and runs clang-tidy on them."""
+ results[i] = 0
+ while True:
+ name = queue.get()
+ invocation = get_tidy_invocation(name, args.clang_tidy_binary, args.checks,
+ tmpdir, build_path, args.header_filter,
+ args.extra_arg, args.extra_arg_before,
+ args.quiet, args.warnings_as_errors)
+ sys.stdout.write(' '.join(invocation) + '\n')
+ if != 0:
+ results[i] = 1
+ queue.task_done()
+def main():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Runs clang-tidy over all files '
+ 'in a compilation database. Requires '
+ 'clang-tidy and clang-apply-replacements in '
+ '$PATH.')
+ parser.add_argument('-clang-tidy-binary', metavar='PATH',
+ default='clang-tidy',
+ help='path to clang-tidy binary')
+ parser.add_argument('-clang-apply-replacements-binary', metavar='PATH',
+ default='clang-apply-replacements',
+ help='path to clang-apply-replacements binary')
+ parser.add_argument('-checks', default=None,
+ help='checks filter, when not specified, use clang-tidy '
+ 'default')
+ parser.add_argument('-header-filter', default=None,
+ help='regular expression matching the names of the '
+ 'headers to output diagnostics from. Diagnostics from '
+ 'the main file of each translation unit are always '
+ 'displayed.')
+ parser.add_argument('-warnings-as-errors', default=None, metavar='STRING',
+ help='Upgrades warnings to errors. '
+ 'Same format as "-checks".'
+ "This option's value is appended to the value of "
+ "the 'WarningsAsErrors' option in .clang-tidy "
+ "file, if any.'")
+ parser.add_argument('-j', type=int, default=0,
+ help='number of tidy instances to be run in parallel.')
+ parser.add_argument('files', nargs='*', default=['.*'],
+ help='files to be processed (regex on path)')
+ parser.add_argument('-fix', action='store_true', help='apply fix-its')
+ parser.add_argument('-format', action='store_true', help='Reformat code '
+ 'after applying fixes')
+ parser.add_argument('-p', dest='build_path',
+ help='Path used to read a compile command database.')
+ parser.add_argument('-extra-arg', dest='extra_arg',
+ action='append', default=[],
+ help='Additional argument to append to the compiler '
+ 'command line.')
+ parser.add_argument('-extra-arg-before', dest='extra_arg_before',
+ action='append', default=[],
+ help='Additional argument to prepend to the compiler '
+ 'command line.')
+ parser.add_argument('-quiet', action='store_true',
+ help='Run clang-tidy in quiet mode')
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ db_path = 'compile_commands.json'
+ if args.build_path is not None:
+ build_path = args.build_path
+ else:
+ # Find our database
+ build_path = find_compilation_database(db_path)
+ try:
+ invocation = [args.clang_tidy_binary, '-list-checks']
+ invocation.append('-p=' + build_path)
+ if args.checks:
+ invocation.append('-checks=' + args.checks)
+ invocation.append('-')
+ print subprocess.check_output(invocation)
+ except:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Unable to run clang-tidy."
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # Load the database and extract all files.
+ database = json.load(open(os.path.join(build_path, db_path)))
+ files = [entry['file'] for entry in database]
+ max_task = args.j
+ if max_task == 0:
+ max_task = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
+ tmpdir = None
+ if args.fix:
+ tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ # Build up a big regexy filter from all command line arguments.
+ file_name_re = re.compile('(' + ')|('.join(args.files) + ')')
+ try:
+ # Spin up a bunch of tidy-launching threads.
+ results = [None] * max_task
+ queue = Queue.Queue(max_task)
+ for i in range(max_task):
+ t = threading.Thread(target=run_tidy,
+ args=(args, tmpdir, build_path, queue, results, i))
+ t.daemon = True
+ t.start()
+ # Fill the queue with files.
+ for name in files:
+ if
+ queue.put(name)
+ # Wait for all threads to be done.
+ queue.join()
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ # This is a sad hack. Unfortunately subprocess goes
+ # bonkers with ctrl-c and we start forking merrily.
+ print '\nCtrl-C detected, goodbye.'
+ if args.fix:
+ shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
+ os.kill(0, 9)
+ for ret in results:
+ if ret != 0:
+ sys.exit(ret)
+ if args.fix:
+ print 'Applying fixes ...'
+ ret = apply_fixes(args, tmpdir)
+ if ret != 0:
+ sys.exit(ret)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/cmake/CheckClangResourceDir.cmake b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/cmake/CheckClangResourceDir.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20bcda9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/cmake/CheckClangResourceDir.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# Get the Clang resource directory.
+# If found the following variable will be set:
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/LibClangDiagnosticsChecker.cpp)
+ return() # already in cache
+ endif()
+ message(STATUS "Detecting Clang resource directory")
+ find_package (LibClang REQUIRED)
+ set(checker_code
+ ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}${CMAKE_FILES_DIRECTORY}/CMakeTmp/LibClangDiagnosticsChecker.cpp)
+ set(checked_file
+ "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}${CMAKE_FILES_DIRECTORY}/CMakeTmp/check-libclang-stddef.cpp")
+ ${checker_code} COPYONLY)
+ file(WRITE "${checked_file}" "#include <stddef.h>\n")
+ # Paths stolen from Rip-Rip/clang_complete#getBuiltinHeaderPath()
+ find_path(CHECK_CLANG_RESOURCE_DIR include/stddef.h
+ # the default path, favor this one over the other, in case a specific
+ # libclang has been chosen.
+ HINTS "${LIBCLANG_LIBRARY_DIR}/../lib/clang"
+ # other, distribution specific, paths
+ "${LIBCLANG_LIBRARY_DIR}/../clang" # Gentoo
+ "${LIBCLANG_LIBRARY_DIR}/clang" # openSUSE, Windows
+ "/usr/lib64/clang" # x86_64 (openSUSE, Fedora)
+ "/usr/lib/clang"
+ # On Windows the paths weren't escaped correctly, similar to:
+ #
+ list(APPEND run_args -resource-dir \"${CHECK_CLANG_RESOURCE_DIR}\")
+ endif()
+ list(APPEND run_args ${checked_file})
+ try_run(
+ ${checker_code}
+ ARGS ${run_args}
+ )
+ endif()
+ message(STATUS "Detecting libclang builtin headers directory -- success")
+ CACHE INTERNAL "Clang resource directory.")
+ endif()
+ else()
+ message(STATUS "Detecting Clang resource directory -- fail")
+ message(WARNING "CheckClangResourceDir: failed to compile checker, please report.
+ Compile output:
+ ${compile_output}
+ else()
+ message(WARNING "CheckClangResourceDir: unsupported configuration, please report.
+ Check with args: ${run_args}
+ Check output:
+ ${run_output}
+ endif()
+ endif()
diff --git a/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/cmake/LibClangDiagnosticsChecker.cpp b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/cmake/LibClangDiagnosticsChecker.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64ea7aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/cmake/LibClangDiagnosticsChecker.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ This program takes some forward its command line arguments to libclang and
+ returns the number of diagnostics that occured during the parsing.
+ It is used during CMake generation to adjust the default parameters to
+ libclang.
+#include <clang-c/Index.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
+ for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
+ fprintf(stdout, "argv[%d]: %s\n", i, argv[i]);
+ }
+ CXIndex Idx = clang_createIndex(0, 0);
+ CXTranslationUnit TU = clang_parseTranslationUnit(
+ Idx, NULL, &argv[1], argc - 1, 0, 0, CXTranslationUnit_None);
+ int NumDiagnostics;
+ if (TU == NULL) {
+ NumDiagnostics = 1;
+ fprintf(stderr, "failed to create translation unit!\n");
+ } else {
+ int i;
+ NumDiagnostics = clang_getNumDiagnostics(TU);
+ for (i = 0; i < NumDiagnostics; ++i) {
+ CXDiagnostic Diag = clang_getDiagnostic(TU, i);
+ CXString DiagStr =
+ clang_formatDiagnostic(Diag, clang_defaultDiagnosticDisplayOptions());
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", clang_getCString(DiagStr));
+ clang_disposeString(DiagStr);
+ clang_disposeDiagnostic(Diag);
+ }
+ clang_disposeTranslationUnit(TU);
+ }
+ clang_disposeIndex(Idx);
+ return NumDiagnostics;
diff --git a/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/cmake/modules/FindLibClang.cmake b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/cmake/modules/FindLibClang.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edc786d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/cmake/modules/FindLibClang.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# Find libclang.
+# This module defines the following variables:
+# LIBCLANG_FOUND - true if libclang has been found and can be used
+# LIBCLANG_KNOWN_LLVM_VERSIONS - known LLVM release numbers
+# LIBCLANG_INCLUDE_DIRS - the libclang include directories
+# LIBCLANG_LIBRARIES - the libraries needed to use libclang
+# LIBCLANG_LIBRARY_DIR - the path to the directory containing libclang
+# This module defines the following IMPORTED target:
+# - irony_libclang
+# most recent versions come first
+ 8.0.0 8.0 8
+ 7.0.1 7.0.0 7.0 7
+ 6.0.1 6.0.0 6.0 6
+ 5.0.2 5.0.1 5.0.0 5.0 5
+ 4.0.1 4.0.0 4.0 4
+ 3.9.1 3.9.0 3.9
+ 3.8.1 3.8.0 3.8
+ 3.7.1 3.7.0 3.7
+ 3.6.2 3.6.1 3.6.0 3.6
+ 3.5.2 3.5.1 3.5.0 3.5
+ 3.4.2 3.4.1 3.4
+ 3.3
+ 3.2
+ 3.1)
+ # LLVM Fedora
+ /usr/lib/llvm
+ )
+foreach (version ${LIBCLANG_KNOWN_LLVM_VERSIONS})
+ string(REPLACE "." "" undotted_version "${version}")
+ list(APPEND libclang_llvm_header_search_paths
+ # LLVM Debian/Ubuntu nightly packages:
+ "/usr/lib/llvm-${version}/include/"
+ # LLVM MacPorts
+ "/opt/local/libexec/llvm-${version}/include"
+ # LLVM Homebrew
+ "/usr/local/Cellar/llvm/${version}/include"
+ # LLVM Homebrew/versions
+ "/usr/local/lib/llvm-${version}/include"
+ # FreeBSD ports versions
+ "/usr/local/llvm${undotted_version}/include"
+ # Gentoo clang-4
+ "/usr/lib/llvm/${version}/include"
+ )
+ list(APPEND libclang_llvm_lib_search_paths
+ # LLVM Debian/Ubuntu nightly packages:
+ "/usr/lib/llvm-${version}/lib/"
+ # LLVM MacPorts
+ "/opt/local/libexec/llvm-${version}/lib"
+ # LLVM Homebrew
+ "/usr/local/Cellar/llvm/${version}/lib"
+ # LLVM Homebrew/versions
+ "/usr/local/lib/llvm-${version}/lib"
+ # FreeBSD ports versions
+ "/usr/local/llvm${undotted_version}/lib"
+ # Gentoo clang-4
+ "/usr/lib/llvm/${version}/lib"
+ )
+find_path(LIBCLANG_INCLUDE_DIR clang-c/Index.h
+ PATHS ${libclang_llvm_header_search_paths}
+ PATH_SUFFIXES LLVM/include #Windows package from
+ DOC "The path to the directory that contains clang-c/Index.h")
+ # On Windows with MSVC, the import library uses the ".imp" file extension
+ # instead of the comon ".lib"
+ libclang.imp
+ libclang
+ clang
+ PATHS ${libclang_llvm_lib_search_paths}
+ PATH_SUFFIXES LLVM/lib #Windows package from
+ DOC "The file that corresponds to the libclang library.")
+# handle the QUIETLY and REQUIRED arguments and set LIBCLANG_FOUND to TRUE if
+# all listed variables are TRUE
+find_package_handle_standard_args(LibClang DEFAULT_MSG
+if (LIBCLANG_FOUND AND NOT TARGET irony_libclang)
+ add_library(irony_libclang UNKNOWN IMPORTED)
+ set_target_properties(irony_libclang PROPERTIES
+ )
diff --git a/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/CMakeLists.txt b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c516e70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+# XXX: if there are issues
+# due to / SVN Revision 298424
+# then use the fallback when LLVM_VERSION VERSION_LESS 5.0.1
+if (Clang_FOUND)
+ # XXX: at least since Clang 8.0.0
+ # it's looks like the 'libclang' IMPORTED target
+ # does not specify the following target property:
+ # which is confirmed by
+ # so we work around this,
+ # but ideally Clang upstream should export fully usable IMPORTED targets
+ add_library(irony_libclang INTERFACE)
+ target_link_libraries(irony_libclang INTERFACE libclang)
+ target_include_directories(irony_libclang INTERFACE ${CLANG_INCLUDE_DIRS})
+ execute_process(
+ COMMAND "${IRONY_CLANG_EXECUTABLE}" -print-resource-dir
+ )
+ # fallback to historically FindLibClang.cmake
+ # and -resource-dir guess mecanism
+ include(CheckClangResourceDir)
+ find_package(LibClang REQUIRED)
+ check_clang_resource_dir()
+# not to be taken as a module-definition file to link on Windows
+set_source_files_properties(Commands.def PROPERTIES HEADER_FILE_ONLY TRUE)
+ # irony-server uses some code that breaks when iterator debugging is enabled
+ #
+ # The culprit is CommandLineArgumentParser who initialize its member
+ # 'Position', of type 'std::string::const_iterator', to 'Input.begin() - 1'.
+ # With checked iterator the begin() - 1 breaks in debug build.
+ add_definitions(/D_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL=0)
+ support/CommandLineParser.cpp
+ support/CommandLineParser.h
+ support/iomanip_quoted.h
+ support/NonCopyable.h
+ support/CIndex.h
+ support/TemporaryFile.cpp
+ support/TemporaryFile.h
+ Command.cpp
+ Commands.def
+ Command.h
+ CompDBCache.h
+ CompDBCache.cpp
+ Irony.cpp
+ Irony.h
+ TUManager.cpp
+ TUManager.h
+ main.cpp)
+target_include_directories(irony-server PRIVATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})
+# retrieve the package version from irony.el
+function(irony_find_package_version OUTPUT_VAR)
+ # this is a hack that force CMake to reconfigure, it is necessary to see if
+ # the version in irony.el has changed, this is not possible to add the
+ # definitions at build time
+ configure_file(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/../irony.el
+ set(version_header "\;\; Version: ")
+ file(STRINGS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/irony.el version
+ REGEX "^${version_header}*")
+ if (NOT version)
+ message (FATAL_ERROR "couldn't find irony.el's version header!")
+ endif()
+ string(LENGTH ${version_header} version_header_length)
+ string(SUBSTRING ${version} ${version_header_length} -1 package_version)
+ set(${OUTPUT_VAR} ${package_version} PARENT_SCOPE)
+message(STATUS "Irony package version is '${IRONY_PACKAGE_VERSION}'")
+ # look for CLANG_RESOURCE_DIR_DIR usage in the code for an explanation
+ set_source_files_properties(TUManager.cpp
+target_link_libraries(irony-server irony_libclang)
diff --git a/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/Command.cpp b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/Command.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..363b6cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/Command.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+ * \file
+ * \author Guillaume Papin <>
+ *
+ * \brief Command parser definitions.
+ *
+ * This file is distributed under the GNU General Public License. See
+ * COPYING for details.
+ */
+#include "Command.h"
+#include "support/CommandLineParser.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <functional>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <limits>
+#include <map>
+namespace {
+struct StringConverter {
+ StringConverter(std::string *dest) : dest_(dest) {
+ }
+ bool operator()(const std::string &str) {
+ *dest_ = str;
+ return true;
+ }
+ std::string *dest_;
+struct UnsignedIntConverter {
+ UnsignedIntConverter(unsigned *dest) : dest_(dest) {
+ }
+ bool operator()(const std::string &str) {
+ char *end;
+ long num = std::strtol(str.c_str(), &end, 10);
+ if (end != (str.c_str() + str.size()))
+ return false;
+ if (errno == ERANGE)
+ return false;
+ if (num < 0)
+ return false;
+ unsigned long unum = static_cast<unsigned long>(num);
+ if (unum > std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max())
+ return false;
+ *dest_ = unum;
+ return true;
+ }
+ unsigned *dest_;
+/// Convert "on" and "off" to a boolean
+struct OptionConverter {
+ OptionConverter(bool *dest) : dest_(dest) {
+ }
+ bool operator()(const std::string &str) {
+ if (str == "on") {
+ *dest_ = true;
+ } else if (str == "off") {
+ *dest_ = false;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool *dest_;
+const std::map<std::string, PrefixMatchStyle> PREFIX_MATCH_STYLE_MAP = {
+ { "exact", PrefixMatchStyle::Exact },
+ { "case-insensitive", PrefixMatchStyle::CaseInsensitive },
+ { "smart-case", PrefixMatchStyle::SmartCase},
+/// Convert style to a PrefixMatchStyle
+struct PrefixMatchStyleConverter {
+ PrefixMatchStyleConverter(PrefixMatchStyle *dest) : dest_(dest) {
+ }
+ bool operator()(const std::string &str) {
+ auto res = PREFIX_MATCH_STYLE_MAP.find(str);
+ if (res == PREFIX_MATCH_STYLE_MAP.cend()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ *dest_ = res->second;
+ return true;
+ }
+ PrefixMatchStyle *dest_;
+std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, PrefixMatchStyle style) {
+ for (auto it : PREFIX_MATCH_STYLE_MAP) {
+ if (it.second == style) {
+ os << it.first;
+ return os;
+ }
+ }
+ os << "UnknownStyle";
+ return os;
+} // unnamed namespace
+std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Command::Action &action) {
+ os << "Command::";
+ switch (action) {
+#define X(sym, str, help) \
+ case Command::sym: \
+ os << #sym; \
+ break;
+#include "Commands.def"
+ }
+ return os;
+std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Command &command) {
+ os << "Command{action=" << command.action << ", "
+ << "file='" << command.file << "', "
+ << "unsavedFile='" << command.unsavedFile << "', "
+ << "dir='" << command.dir << "', "
+ << "line=" << command.line << ", "
+ << "column=" << command.column << ", "
+ << "prefix='" << command.prefix << "', "
+ << "caseStyle='" << << "', "
+ << "flags=[";
+ bool first = true;
+ for (const std::string &flag : command.flags) {
+ if (!first)
+ os << ", ";
+ os << "'" << flag << "'";
+ first = false;
+ }
+ os << "], "
+ << "opt=" << (command.opt ? "on" : "off");
+ return os << "}";
+static Command::Action actionFromString(const std::string &actionStr) {
+#define X(sym, str, help) \
+ if (actionStr == str) \
+ return Command::sym;
+#include "Commands.def"
+ return Command::Unknown;
+CommandParser::CommandParser() : tempFile_("irony-server") {
+Command *CommandParser::parse(const std::vector<std::string> &argv) {
+ command_.clear();
+ if (argv.begin() == argv.end()) {
+ std::clog << "error: no command specified.\n"
+ "See 'irony-server help' to list available commands\n";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ const std::string &actionStr = argv[0];
+ command_.action = actionFromString(actionStr);
+ bool readCompileOptions = false;
+ std::vector<std::function<bool(const std::string &)>> positionalArgs;
+ switch (command_.action) {
+ case Command::SetDebug:
+ positionalArgs.push_back(OptionConverter(&command_.opt));
+ break;
+ case Command::Parse:
+ positionalArgs.push_back(StringConverter(&command_.file));
+ readCompileOptions = true;
+ break;
+ case Command::Complete:
+ positionalArgs.push_back(StringConverter(&command_.file));
+ positionalArgs.push_back(UnsignedIntConverter(&command_.line));
+ positionalArgs.push_back(UnsignedIntConverter(&command_.column));
+ readCompileOptions = true;
+ break;
+ case Command::GetType:
+ positionalArgs.push_back(UnsignedIntConverter(&command_.line));
+ positionalArgs.push_back(UnsignedIntConverter(&command_.column));
+ break;
+ case Command::SetUnsaved:
+ positionalArgs.push_back(StringConverter(&command_.file));
+ positionalArgs.push_back(StringConverter(&command_.unsavedFile));
+ break;
+ case Command::ResetUnsaved:
+ positionalArgs.push_back(StringConverter(&command_.file));
+ break;
+ case Command::Candidates:
+ positionalArgs.push_back(StringConverter(&command_.prefix));
+ positionalArgs.push_back(PrefixMatchStyleConverter(&;
+ break;
+ case Command::CompletionDiagnostics:
+ case Command::Diagnostics:
+ case Command::Help:
+ case Command::Exit:
+ // no-arguments commands
+ break;
+ case Command::GetCompileOptions:
+ positionalArgs.push_back(StringConverter(&command_.dir));
+ positionalArgs.push_back(StringConverter(&command_.file));
+ break;
+ case Command::Unknown:
+ std::clog << "error: invalid command specified: " << actionStr << "\n";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ auto argsBegin = argv.begin() + 1;
+ const auto argsEnd = std::find(argsBegin, argv.end(), "--");
+ const int argCount = std::distance(argsBegin, argsEnd);
+ // compile options are provided after '--'
+ if (readCompileOptions && argsEnd != argv.end()) {
+ command_.flags.assign(std::next(argsEnd), argv.end());
+ }
+ if (argCount != static_cast<int>(positionalArgs.size())) {
+ std::clog << "error: invalid number of arguments for '" << actionStr
+ << "' (requires " << positionalArgs.size() << " got " << argCount
+ << ")\n";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ for (auto fn : positionalArgs) {
+ if (!fn(*argsBegin)) {
+ std::clog << "error: parsing command '" << actionStr
+ << "': invalid argument '" << *argsBegin << "'\n";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ ++argsBegin;
+ }
+ // '-' is used as a special file to inform that the buffer hasn't been saved
+ // on disk and only the buffer content is available. libclang needs a file, so
+ // this is treated as a special value for irony-server to create a temporary
+ // file for this. note that libclang will gladly accept '-' as a filename but
+ // we don't want to let this happen since irony already reads stdin.
+ if (command_.file == "-") {
+ command_.file = tempFile_.getPath();
+ }
+ return &command_;
diff --git a/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/Command.h b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/Command.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f36aa4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/Command.h
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+ * \file
+ * \author Guillaume Papin <>
+ *
+ * \brief Command parser declarations.
+ *
+ * This file is distributed under the GNU General Public License. See
+ * COPYING for details.
+ */
+#include "support/CIndex.h"
+#include "support/TemporaryFile.h"
+#include "Style.h"
+#include <iosfwd>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+class TemporaryFile;
+// TODO: a tagged union?
+struct Command {
+ Command() {
+ clear();
+ }
+ void clear() {
+ action = Unknown;
+ flags.clear();
+ file.clear();
+ unsavedFile.clear();
+ dir.clear();
+ prefix.clear();
+ style = PrefixMatchStyle::Exact;
+ line = 0;
+ column = 0;
+ opt = false;
+ }
+#define X(sym, str, desc) sym,
+ enum Action {
+#include "Commands.def"
+ } action;
+ std::vector<std::string> flags;
+ std::string file;
+ std::string unsavedFile;
+ std::string dir;
+ std::string prefix;
+ PrefixMatchStyle style;
+ unsigned line;
+ unsigned column;
+ bool opt;
+std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Command::Action &action);
+std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Command &command);
+class CommandParser {
+ CommandParser();
+ Command *parse(const std::vector<std::string> &argv);
+ Command command_;
+ TemporaryFile tempFile_;
diff --git a/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/Commands.def b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/Commands.def
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f99d8af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/Commands.def
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ * \file
+ * \author Guillaume Papin <>
+ *
+ * \brief Command list.
+ *
+ * This file is distributed under the GNU General Public License. See
+ * COPYING for details.
+ */
+#ifndef X
+#error Please define the 'X(id, command, description)' macro before inclusion!
+X(Candidates, "candidates",
+ "PREFIX STYLE - print completion candidates (require previous complete). "
+ "STYLE is \"exact\", \"case-insensitive\" or \"smart-case\"")
+X(Complete, "complete",
+ "FILE LINE COL [-- [COMPILE_OPTIONS...]] - perform code completion at a given location")
+X(CompletionDiagnostics, "completion-diagnostics",
+ "print the diagnostics generated during complete")
+X(Diagnostics, "diagnostics", "print the diagnostics of the last parse")
+X(Exit, "exit", "exit interactive mode, print nothing")
+X(GetCompileOptions, "get-compile-options", "BUILD_DIR FILE - "
+ "get compile options for FILE from JSON database in BUILD_DIR")
+X(GetType, "get-type", "LINE COL - get type of symbol at a given location")
+X(Help, "help", "show this message")
+X(Parse, "parse", "FILE [-- [COMPILE_OPTIONS...]] - parse the given file")
+X(ResetUnsaved, "reset-unsaved", "FILE - reset FILE, its content is up to date")
+X(SetDebug, "set-debug", "ON|OFF - enable or disable verbose logging")
+ "set-unsaved",
+ "FILE UNSAVED-CONTENT-FILE - tell irony-server that "
+ "UNSAVED-CONTENT-FILE contains the effective content of FILE")
+// sentinel value, should be the last one
+X(Unknown, "<unkown>", "<unspecified>")
+#undef X
diff --git a/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/CompDBCache.cpp b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/CompDBCache.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f79ec8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/CompDBCache.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+#include "CompDBCache.h"
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <cassert>
+ : db_(nullptr), mtime_(0) {
+CompDBCache::~CompDBCache() {
+ clear();
+CXCompilationDatabase CompDBCache::fromDirectory(const std::string &buildDir,
+ CXCompilationDatabase_Error *error) {
+ assert(error != nullptr);
+ const std::string jsonFilename = constructJsonDbFilename(buildDir);
+ const time_t mtime = modificationTime(jsonFilename);
+ if (jsonFilename == filename_ && mtime != 0 && mtime == mtime_) {
+ // Using the cached compilation database.
+ // Just set the provided error code to indicate success.
+ *error = CXCompilationDatabase_NoError;
+ } else {
+ clear();
+ db_ = clang_CompilationDatabase_fromDirectory(buildDir.c_str(), error);
+ if (mtime != 0 && *error == CXCompilationDatabase_NoError) {
+ // Successfully loaded a JSON compilation database.
+ // Cache the result.
+ filename_ = jsonFilename;
+ mtime_ = mtime;
+ }
+ }
+ return db_;
+void CompDBCache::clear() {
+ if (db_) {
+ clang_CompilationDatabase_dispose(db_);
+ db_ = nullptr;
+ filename_.clear();
+ mtime_ = 0;
+ }
+std::string CompDBCache::constructJsonDbFilename(const std::string &buildDir) const {
+ std::string ret = buildDir;
+ if (!buildDir.empty() && buildDir.back() != '/')
+ ret += '/';
+ ret += "compile_commands.json";
+ return ret;
+time_t CompDBCache::modificationTime(const std::string &filename) const {
+ time_t mtime = 0;
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ struct _stat st;
+ const int statRes = _stat(filename.c_str(), &st);
+ struct stat st;
+ const int statRes = stat(filename.c_str(), &st);
+ if (statRes == 0)
+ mtime = st.st_mtime;
+ return mtime;
diff --git a/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/CompDBCache.h b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/CompDBCache.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..568b790
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/CompDBCache.h
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+ * \file
+ * \author Idar Tollefsen <>
+ *
+ * \brief Creates a compilation database and caches it.
+ *
+ * Keeps a cache of the loaded compilation database, only creating a new
+ * one when needed.
+ *
+ * This file is distributed under the GNU General Public License.
+ * See COPYING for details.
+ */
+#include "support/CIndex.h"
+#include "support/NonCopyable.h"
+#include <ctime>
+#include <string>
+class CompDBCache : public util::NonCopyable {
+ CompDBCache();
+ ~CompDBCache();
+ /**
+ * \brief Get a compilation database from a database found in a directory.
+ *
+ * This in essence a wrapper around
+ * \c clang_CompilationDatabase_fromDirectory() with added caching.
+ * It will either create a new compilation database or return the
+ * already loaded one (if any).
+ *
+ * This class owns the resulting compilation database.
+ * Therefore, unlike \c clang_CompilationDatabase_fromDirectory(),
+ * callers must NOT call \c clang_CompilationDatabase_dispose() on the
+ * returned compilation database. This class will handle that internally.
+ *
+ * \param buildDir Directory containing the database (such as
+ * "compile_commands.json") to create a compilation
+ * database from.
+ * \param error Error code from attempting to create a compilation
+ * database (\c CXCompilationDatabase_NoError on success).
+ *
+ * \return The compilation database or nullptr.
+ */
+ CXCompilationDatabase fromDirectory(const std::string &buildDir,
+ CXCompilationDatabase_Error *error);
+ /**
+ * \brief Clear the cache.
+ *
+ * This will dispose the currently loaded compilation database (if any) by
+ * calling \c clang_CompilationDatabase_dispose() on it. And it will reset
+ * other internal housekeeping variables related to the caching of the
+ * compilation database.
+ */
+ void clear();
+ /**
+ * \brief Construct JSON compilation database filename.
+ *
+ * \param buildDir Directory that might contain "compile_commands.json".
+ *
+ * \return Path to "compilation_commands.json" in \c buildDir.
+ */
+ std::string constructJsonDbFilename(const std::string &buildDir) const;
+ /**
+ * \brief Get modification time of a file.
+ *
+ * \param filename The file to get last modification time of.
+ *
+ * \return The modification time of \c filename or 0.
+ */
+ time_t modificationTime(const std::string &filename) const;
+ CXCompilationDatabase db_;
+ std::string filename_;
+ time_t mtime_;
diff --git a/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/Irony.cpp b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/Irony.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2157b32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/Irony.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,638 @@
+ * \file
+ * \author Guillaume Papin <>
+ *
+ * \brief irony-server "API" definitions.
+ *
+ * \sa Irony.h for more information.
+ *
+ * This file is distributed under the GNU General Public License. See
+ * COPYING for details.
+ */
+#include "Irony.h"
+#include "support/iomanip_quoted.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <cctype>
+namespace {
+std::string cxStringToStd(CXString cxString) {
+ std::string stdStr;
+ if (const char *cstr = clang_getCString(cxString)) {
+ stdStr = cstr;
+ }
+ clang_disposeString(cxString);
+ return stdStr;
+const char *diagnosticSeverity(const CXDiagnostic &diagnostic) {
+ switch (clang_getDiagnosticSeverity(diagnostic)) {
+ case CXDiagnostic_Ignored:
+ return "ignored";
+ case CXDiagnostic_Note:
+ return "note";
+ case CXDiagnostic_Warning:
+ return "warning";
+ case CXDiagnostic_Error:
+ return "error";
+ case CXDiagnostic_Fatal:
+ return "fatal";
+ }
+ return "unknown";
+void dumpDiagnostic(const CXDiagnostic &diagnostic) {
+ std::string file;
+ unsigned line = 0, column = 0, offset = 0;
+ CXSourceLocation location = clang_getDiagnosticLocation(diagnostic);
+ if (!clang_equalLocations(location, clang_getNullLocation())) {
+ CXFile cxFile;
+// clang_getInstantiationLocation() has been marked deprecated and
+// is aimed to be replaced by clang_getExpansionLocation().
+ clang_getExpansionLocation(location, &cxFile, &line, &column, &offset);
+ clang_getInstantiationLocation(location, &cxFile, &line, &column, &offset);
+ file = cxStringToStd(clang_getFileName(cxFile));
+ }
+ const char *severity = diagnosticSeverity(diagnostic);
+ std::string message = cxStringToStd(clang_getDiagnosticSpelling(diagnostic));
+ std::cout << '(' << support::quoted(file) //
+ << ' ' << line //
+ << ' ' << column //
+ << ' ' << offset //
+ << ' ' << severity //
+ << ' ' << support::quoted(message) //
+ << ")\n";
+bool readFileContent(const std::string &filename,
+ Irony::UnsavedBuffer &outBuf) {
+ std::ifstream ifs(filename.c_str(),
+ std::ios::in | std::ios::binary | std::ios::ate);
+ if (!ifs.is_open()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // FIXME: it's possible that this method of reading the file is 100% reliable,
+ // I can't confirm that tellg() is guaranteed to return a byte count.
+ // std::streamoff does not mention 'byte'.
+ // In practice it seems to work but this may be just luck.
+ // See also this discussion:
+ // -
+ auto nbytes = ifs.tellg();
+ if (nbytes == std::ifstream::pos_type(-1)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ outBuf.resize(nbytes);
+ ifs.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
+[0], outBuf.size());
+ if (!ifs){
+ outBuf.clear();
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+} // unnamed namespace
+ : activeTu_(nullptr), activeCompletionResults_(nullptr), debug_(false) {
+void Irony::parse(const std::string &file,
+ const std::vector<std::string> &flags) {
+ resetCache();
+ activeTu_ = tuManager_.parse(file, flags, cxUnsavedFiles_);
+ file_ = file;
+ if (activeTu_ == nullptr) {
+ std::cout << "(error . ("
+ << "parse-error"
+ << " \"failed to parse file\""
+ << " " << support::quoted(file) << "))\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ std::cout << "(success . t)\n";
+void Irony::diagnostics() const {
+ unsigned diagnosticCount;
+ if (activeTu_ == nullptr) {
+ diagnosticCount = 0;
+ } else {
+ diagnosticCount = clang_getNumDiagnostics(activeTu_);
+ }
+ std::cout << "(\n";
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < diagnosticCount; ++i) {
+ CXDiagnostic diagnostic = clang_getDiagnostic(activeTu_, i);
+ dumpDiagnostic(diagnostic);
+ clang_disposeDiagnostic(diagnostic);
+ }
+ std::cout << ")\n";
+void Irony::resetCache() {
+ activeTu_ = nullptr;
+ if (activeCompletionResults_ != nullptr) {
+ clang_disposeCodeCompleteResults(activeCompletionResults_);
+ activeCompletionResults_ = nullptr;
+ }
+void Irony::getType(unsigned line, unsigned col) const {
+ if (activeTu_ == nullptr) {
+ std::clog << "W: get-type - parse wasn't called\n";
+ std::cout << "nil\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ CXFile cxFile = clang_getFile(activeTu_, file_.c_str());
+ CXSourceLocation sourceLoc = clang_getLocation(activeTu_, cxFile, line, col);
+ CXCursor cursor = clang_getCursor(activeTu_, sourceLoc);
+ if (clang_Cursor_isNull(cursor)) {
+ // TODO: "error: no type at point"?
+ std::cout << "nil";
+ return;
+ }
+ CXType cxTypes[2];
+ cxTypes[0] = clang_getCursorType(cursor);
+ cxTypes[1] = clang_getCanonicalType(cxTypes[0]);
+ std::cout << "(";
+ for (const CXType &cxType : cxTypes) {
+ CXString typeDescr = clang_getTypeSpelling(cxType);
+ std::string typeStr = clang_getCString(typeDescr);
+ clang_disposeString(typeDescr);
+ if (typeStr.empty())
+ break;
+ std::cout << support::quoted(typeStr) << " ";
+ }
+ std::cout << ")\n";
+namespace {
+class CompletionChunk {
+ explicit CompletionChunk(CXCompletionString completionString)
+ : completionString_(completionString)
+ , numChunks_(clang_getNumCompletionChunks(completionString_))
+ , chunkIdx_(0) {
+ }
+ bool hasNext() const {
+ return chunkIdx_ < numChunks_;
+ }
+ void next() {
+ if (!hasNext()) {
+ assert(0 && "out of range completion chunk");
+ abort();
+ }
+ ++chunkIdx_;
+ }
+ CXCompletionChunkKind kind() const {
+ return clang_getCompletionChunkKind(completionString_, chunkIdx_);
+ }
+ // TODO: operator>> so that one can re-use string allocated buffer
+ std::string text() const {
+ return cxStringToStd(
+ clang_getCompletionChunkText(completionString_, chunkIdx_));
+ }
+ CXCompletionString completionString_;
+ unsigned int numChunks_;
+ unsigned chunkIdx_;
+} // unnamed namespace
+void Irony::complete(const std::string &file,
+ unsigned line,
+ unsigned col,
+ const std::vector<std::string> &flags) {
+ resetCache();
+ if (CXTranslationUnit tu =
+ tuManager_.getOrCreateTU(file, flags, cxUnsavedFiles_)) {
+ activeCompletionResults_ =
+ clang_codeCompleteAt(tu,
+ file.c_str(),
+ line,
+ col,
+ const_cast<CXUnsavedFile *>(,
+ cxUnsavedFiles_.size(),
+ (clang_defaultCodeCompleteOptions() &
+ ~CXCodeComplete_IncludeCodePatterns)
+ |
+ CXCodeComplete_IncludeBriefComments
+ );
+ }
+ if (activeCompletionResults_ == nullptr) {
+ std::cout << "(error . ("
+ << "complete-error"
+ << " \"failed to perform code completion\""
+ << " " << support::quoted(file) << " " << line << " " << col
+ << "))\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ clang_sortCodeCompletionResults(activeCompletionResults_->Results,
+ activeCompletionResults_->NumResults);
+ std::cout << "(success . t)\n";
+namespace {
+bool hasUppercase(const std::string &prefix)
+ for (char c : prefix) {
+ if (std::isupper(c)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+bool isEqual(const bool insensitive, const char a, const char b)
+ if (insensitive) {
+ return std::tolower(a) == std::tolower(b);
+ } else {
+ return a == b;
+ }
+bool startsWith(const std::string& str, const std::string &prefix, bool caseInsensitive)
+ if (str.length() < prefix.length()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const auto charCmp = [&](const char a, const char b) {
+ return isEqual(caseInsensitive, a, b);
+ };
+ auto res = std::mismatch(prefix.begin(), prefix.end(), str.begin(), charCmp);
+ return res.first == prefix.end();
+bool isStyleCaseInsensitive(const std::string &prefix, PrefixMatchStyle style)
+ if (style == PrefixMatchStyle::SmartCase) {
+ // For SmartCase style, do case insensitive matching only there isn't upper
+ // case letter.
+ if (!hasUppercase(prefix)) {
+ style = PrefixMatchStyle::CaseInsensitive;
+ }
+ }
+ return style == PrefixMatchStyle::CaseInsensitive;
+} // unnamed namespace
+void Irony::completionDiagnostics() const {
+ unsigned diagnosticCount;
+ if (activeCompletionResults_ == nullptr) {
+ diagnosticCount = 0;
+ } else {
+ diagnosticCount =
+ clang_codeCompleteGetNumDiagnostics(activeCompletionResults_);
+ }
+ std::cout << "(\n";
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < diagnosticCount; ++i) {
+ CXDiagnostic diagnostic =
+ clang_codeCompleteGetDiagnostic(activeCompletionResults_, i);
+ dumpDiagnostic(diagnostic);
+ clang_disposeDiagnostic(diagnostic);
+ }
+ std::cout << ")\n";
+void Irony::candidates(const std::string &prefix, PrefixMatchStyle style) const {
+ if (activeCompletionResults_ == nullptr) {
+ std::cout << "nil\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ bool caseInsensitive = isStyleCaseInsensitive(prefix, style);
+ CXCodeCompleteResults *completions = activeCompletionResults_;
+ std::cout << "(\n";
+ // re-use the same buffers to avoid unnecessary allocations
+ std::string typedtext, brief, resultType, prototype, postCompCar;
+ std::vector<unsigned> postCompCdr;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < completions->NumResults; ++i) {
+ CXCompletionResult candidate = completions->Results[i];
+ CXAvailabilityKind availability =
+ clang_getCompletionAvailability(candidate.CompletionString);
+ unsigned priority =
+ clang_getCompletionPriority(candidate.CompletionString);
+ unsigned annotationStart = 0;
+ bool typedTextSet = false;
+ bool hasPrefix = true;
+ if (availability == CXAvailability_NotAccessible ||
+ availability == CXAvailability_NotAvailable) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ typedtext.clear();
+ brief.clear();
+ resultType.clear();
+ prototype.clear();
+ postCompCar.clear();
+ postCompCdr.clear();
+ for (CompletionChunk chunk(candidate.CompletionString); chunk.hasNext();
+ {
+ char ch = 0;
+ auto chunkKind = chunk.kind();
+ switch (chunkKind) {
+ case CXCompletionChunk_ResultType:
+ resultType = chunk.text();
+ break;
+ case CXCompletionChunk_TypedText:
+ case CXCompletionChunk_Text:
+ case CXCompletionChunk_Placeholder:
+ case CXCompletionChunk_Informative:
+ case CXCompletionChunk_CurrentParameter:
+ prototype += chunk.text();
+ break;
+ case CXCompletionChunk_LeftParen: ch = '('; break;
+ case CXCompletionChunk_RightParen: ch = ')'; break;
+ case CXCompletionChunk_LeftBracket: ch = '['; break;
+ case CXCompletionChunk_RightBracket: ch = ']'; break;
+ case CXCompletionChunk_LeftBrace: ch = '{'; break;
+ case CXCompletionChunk_RightBrace: ch = '}'; break;
+ case CXCompletionChunk_LeftAngle: ch = '<'; break;
+ case CXCompletionChunk_RightAngle: ch = '>'; break;
+ case CXCompletionChunk_Comma: ch = ','; break;
+ case CXCompletionChunk_Colon: ch = ':'; break;
+ case CXCompletionChunk_SemiColon: ch = ';'; break;
+ case CXCompletionChunk_Equal: ch = '='; break;
+ case CXCompletionChunk_HorizontalSpace: ch = ' '; break;
+ case CXCompletionChunk_VerticalSpace: ch = '\n'; break;
+ case CXCompletionChunk_Optional:
+ // ignored for now
+ break;
+ }
+ if (ch != 0) {
+ prototype += ch;
+ // commas look better followed by a space
+ if (ch == ',') {
+ prototype += ' ';
+ }
+ }
+ if (typedTextSet) {
+ if (ch != 0) {
+ postCompCar += ch;
+ if (ch == ',') {
+ postCompCar += ' ';
+ }
+ } else if (chunkKind == CXCompletionChunk_Text ||
+ chunkKind == CXCompletionChunk_TypedText) {
+ postCompCar += chunk.text();
+ } else if (chunkKind == CXCompletionChunk_Placeholder ||
+ chunkKind == CXCompletionChunk_CurrentParameter) {
+ postCompCdr.push_back(postCompCar.size());
+ postCompCar += chunk.text();
+ postCompCdr.push_back(postCompCar.size());
+ }
+ }
+ // Consider only the first typed text. The CXCompletionChunk_TypedText
+ // doc suggests that exactly one typed text will be given but at least
+ // in Objective-C it seems that more than one can appear, see:
+ //
+ if (chunkKind == CXCompletionChunk_TypedText && !typedTextSet) {
+ typedtext = chunk.text();
+ if (!startsWith(typedtext, prefix, caseInsensitive)) {
+ hasPrefix = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ // annotation is what comes after the typedtext
+ annotationStart = prototype.size();
+ typedTextSet = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!hasPrefix) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!typedTextSet) {
+ // clang may generate candidates without any typedText, and we may
+ // generate some output like:
+ // ("" 1 "bool" "" "hasUppercase(const std::string &prefix)"
+ // 0 ("") available)
+ // That will cause infinite completion in irony.el
+ continue;
+ }
+ brief = cxStringToStd(
+ clang_getCompletionBriefComment(candidate.CompletionString));
+ // see irony-completion.el#irony-completion-candidates
+ std::cout << '(' << support::quoted(typedtext)
+ << ' ' << priority
+ << ' ' << support::quoted(resultType)
+ << ' ' << support::quoted(brief)
+ << ' ' << support::quoted(prototype)
+ << ' ' << annotationStart
+ << " (" << support::quoted(postCompCar);
+ for (unsigned index : postCompCdr)
+ std::cout << ' ' << index;
+ std::cout << ")"
+ << ")\n";
+ }
+ std::cout << ")\n";
+void Irony::computeCxUnsaved() {
+ cxUnsavedFiles_.clear();
+ for (const auto &p : filenameToContent_) {
+ CXUnsavedFile cxUnsavedFile;
+ cxUnsavedFile.Filename = p.first.c_str();
+ cxUnsavedFile.Contents =;
+ cxUnsavedFile.Length = p.second.size();
+ cxUnsavedFiles_.push_back(cxUnsavedFile);
+ }
+void Irony::setUnsaved(const std::string &file,
+ const std::string &unsavedContentFile) {
+ resetCache();
+ UnsavedBuffer content;
+ if (!readFileContent(unsavedContentFile, content)) {
+ filenameToContent_.erase(file);
+ std::cout << "(error . ("
+ << "file-read-error"
+ << " \"failed to read unsaved buffer\""
+ << " " << support::quoted(file) << " "
+ << support::quoted(unsavedContentFile) << ")\n";
+ } else {
+ filenameToContent_[file] = content;
+ std::cout << "(success . t)\n";
+ }
+ computeCxUnsaved();
+void Irony::resetUnsaved(const std::string &file) {
+ resetCache();
+ const auto erasedCount = filenameToContent_.erase(file);
+ if (erasedCount == 0) {
+ std::cout << "(error . ("
+ << "no-such-entry"
+ << " \"failed reset unsaved buffer\""
+ << " " << support::quoted(file) << ")\n";
+ } else {
+ std::cout << "(success . t)\n";
+ }
+ computeCxUnsaved();
+void Irony::getCompileOptions(const std::string &buildDir,
+ const std::string &file) const {
+ (void)buildDir;
+ (void)file;
+ CXString cxVersionString = clang_getClangVersion();
+ std::cout << "(error . ("
+ << "unsupported"
+ << " \"compilation database requires Clang >= 3.2\""
+ << " " << support::quoted(clang_getCString(cxVersionString))
+ << "))\n";
+ clang_disposeString(cxVersionString);
+ return;
+ CXCompilationDatabase_Error error;
+ CXCompilationDatabase db =
+ compDBCache_.fromDirectory(buildDir.c_str(), &error);
+ switch (error) {
+ case CXCompilationDatabase_CanNotLoadDatabase:
+ std::cout << "(error . ("
+ << "cannot-load-database"
+ << " \"failed to load compilation database from directory\""
+ << " " << support::quoted(buildDir) << "))\n";
+ return;
+ case CXCompilationDatabase_NoError:
+ break;
+ }
+ CXCompileCommands compileCommands =
+ clang_CompilationDatabase_getCompileCommands(db, file.c_str());
+ std::cout << "(success . (\n";
+ for (unsigned i = 0, numCompileCommands =
+ clang_CompileCommands_getSize(compileCommands);
+ i < numCompileCommands; ++i) {
+ CXCompileCommand compileCommand =
+ clang_CompileCommands_getCommand(compileCommands, i);
+ std::cout << "("
+ << "(";
+ for (unsigned j = 0,
+ numArgs = clang_CompileCommand_getNumArgs(compileCommand);
+ j < numArgs; ++j) {
+ CXString arg = clang_CompileCommand_getArg(compileCommand, j);
+ std::cout << support::quoted(clang_getCString(arg)) << " ";
+ clang_disposeString(arg);
+ }
+ std::cout << ")"
+ << " . ";
+ CXString directory = clang_CompileCommand_getDirectory(compileCommand);
+ std::cout << support::quoted(clang_getCString(directory));
+ clang_disposeString(directory);
+ std::cout << ")\n";
+ }
+ std::cout << "))\n";
+ clang_CompileCommands_dispose(compileCommands);
diff --git a/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/Irony.h b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/Irony.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66968f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/Irony.h
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+ * \file
+ * \author Guillaume Papin <>
+ *
+ * \brief irony-server "API" declarations.
+ *
+ * Contains the commands that the Emacs package relies on. These commands are
+ * mostly wrappers around a subset of the features provided by libclang. Command
+ * results are printed to \c std::cout as s-expr, in order to make it easy for
+ * Emacs to consume.
+ *
+ * This file is distributed under the GNU General Public License. See
+ * COPYING for details.
+ */
+#include "TUManager.h"
+#include "CompDBCache.h"
+#include "Style.h"
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+class Irony {
+ // use std::string over std::vector<char> because I have some doubts
+ // that libclang expect unsaved buffers to be a null terminated C strings
+ typedef std::string UnsavedBuffer;
+ Irony();
+ bool isDebugEnabled() const {
+ return debug_;
+ }
+ /// \name Command
+ /// \{
+ /// \brief Set or unset debugging of commands.
+ void setDebug(bool enable) {
+ debug_ = enable;
+ }
+ /// Parse or reparse the given file and compile options.
+ ///
+ /// If the compile options have changed, the translation unit is re-created to
+ /// take this into account.
+ ///
+ /// Output \c nil or \c t, whether or not parsing the translation unit
+ /// succeeded.
+ ///
+ /// \sa diagnostics(), getType()
+ void parse(const std::string &file, const std::vector<std::string> &flags);
+ /// Parse the given file for code completion.
+ ///
+ /// Shares the same semantics and output as \c parse().
+ ///
+ /// \sa candidates(), completionDiagnostics()
+ void complete(const std::string &file,
+ unsigned line,
+ unsigned col,
+ const std::vector<std::string> &flags);
+ void setUnsaved(const std::string &file,
+ const std::string &unsavedContentFile);
+ void resetUnsaved(const std::string &file);
+ /// \}
+ /// \name Queries
+ /// \{
+ /// \brief Retrieve the last parse diagnostics for the given file.
+ ///
+ /// \pre parse() was called.
+ void diagnostics() const;
+ /// \brief Get types of symbol at a given location.
+ ///
+ /// Example:
+ ///
+ /// \code
+ /// typedef int MyType;
+ /// MyType a;
+ /// \endcode
+ ///
+ /// Type of cursor location for 'a' is:
+ ///
+ /// \code{.el}
+ /// ("MyType" "int")
+ /// \endcode
+ ///
+ /// TODO: test with CXString(), seems to be twice the same string
+ ///
+ void getType(unsigned line, unsigned col) const;
+ /// Get all the completion candidates.
+ ///
+ /// \pre complete() was called.
+ void candidates(const std::string &prefix, PrefixMatchStyle style) const;
+ /// Get the diagnostics produced by the last \c complete().
+ ///
+ /// \pre complete() was called.
+ void completionDiagnostics() const;
+ /// \brief Get compile options from JSON database.
+ ///
+ /// \param buildDir Directory containing compile_commands.json
+ /// \param file File to obtain compile commands for.
+ ///
+ /// Example output:
+ ///
+ /// \code{.el}
+ /// (
+ /// (("-Wfoo" "-DBAR" "-Iqux") . "/path/to/working/directory")
+ /// (("-Wfoo-alt" "-DBAR_ALT" "-Iqux/alt") . "/alt/working/directory")
+ /// )
+ /// \endcode
+ ///
+ void getCompileOptions(const std::string &buildDir,
+ const std::string &file) const;
+ /// \}
+ void resetCache();
+ void computeCxUnsaved();
+ mutable CompDBCache compDBCache_;
+ TUManager tuManager_;
+ std::map<std::string, UnsavedBuffer> filenameToContent_;
+ CXTranslationUnit activeTu_;
+ std::string file_;
+ std::vector<CXUnsavedFile> cxUnsavedFiles_;
+ CXCodeCompleteResults *activeCompletionResults_;
+ bool debug_;
diff --git a/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/Style.h b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/Style.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52adb5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/Style.h
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ * \file
+ *
+ * \brief Style definition.
+ *
+ * This file is distributed under the GNU General Public License. See
+ * COPYING for details.
+ */
+enum class PrefixMatchStyle {
+ Exact, CaseInsensitive, SmartCase,
diff --git a/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/TUManager.cpp b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/TUManager.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afbdc82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/TUManager.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+ * \file
+ * \author Guillaume Papin <>
+ *
+ * \brief See TUManager.hh
+ *
+ * This file is distributed under the GNU General Public License. See
+ * COPYING for details.
+ *
+ */
+#include "TUManager.h"
+#include <iostream>
+ : index_(clang_createIndex(0, 0))
+ , translationUnits_()
+ , parseTUOptions_(clang_defaultEditingTranslationUnitOptions()) {
+ // this seems necessary to trigger "correct" reparse (/codeCompleteAt)
+ // clang_reparseTranslationUnit documentation states:
+ //
+ // > * \param TU The translation unit whose contents will be re-parsed. The
+ // > * translation unit must originally have been built with
+ // > * \c clang_createTranslationUnitFromSourceFile().
+ //
+ // clang_createTranslationUnitFromSourceFile() is just a call to
+ // clang_parseTranslationUnit() with
+ // CXTranslationUnit_DetailedPreprocessingRecord enabled but because we want
+ // some other flags to be set we can't just call
+ // clang_createTranslationUnitFromSourceFile()
+ parseTUOptions_ |= CXTranslationUnit_DetailedPreprocessingRecord;
+ parseTUOptions_ |= CXTranslationUnit_IncludeBriefCommentsInCodeCompletion;
+ // XXX: A bug in old version of Clang (at least '3.1-8') caused the completion
+ // to fail on the standard library types when
+ // CXTranslationUnit_PrecompiledPreamble is used. We disable this option for
+ // old versions of libclang. As a result the completion will work but
+ // significantly slower.
+ //
+ // --
+ if (CINDEX_VERSION < 6) {
+ parseTUOptions_ &= ~CXTranslationUnit_PrecompiledPreamble;
+ }
+ // Keep going even after fatal errors, or syntax checking will stop after the
+ // first error. For instance unused variables will not be reported until the
+ // error has been fixed.
+ parseTUOptions_ |= CXTranslationUnit_KeepGoing;
+TUManager::~TUManager() {
+ clang_disposeIndex(index_);
+CXTranslationUnit &TUManager::tuRef(const std::string &filename,
+ const std::vector<std::string> &flags) {
+ CXTranslationUnit &tu = translationUnits_[filename];
+ // if the flags changed since the last time, invalidate the translation unit
+ auto &flagsCache = flagsPerFileCache_[filename];
+ if (flagsCache.size() != flags.size() ||
+ !std::equal(flagsCache.begin(), flagsCache.end(), flags.begin())) {
+ if (tu) {
+ clang_disposeTranslationUnit(tu);
+ tu = nullptr;
+ }
+ // remember the flags for the next parse
+ flagsCache = flags;
+ }
+ return tu;
+TUManager::parse(const std::string &filename,
+ const std::vector<std::string> &flags,
+ const std::vector<CXUnsavedFile> &unsavedFiles) {
+ CXTranslationUnit &tu = tuRef(filename, flags);
+ if (tu == nullptr) {
+ std::vector<const char *> argv;
+ // Make sure libclang find its builtin headers, this is a known issue with
+ // libclang, see:
+ // -
+ //
+ // > Make sure that Clang is using its own . It will be in a directory
+ // > ending in clang/3.2/include/ where 3.2 is the version of clang that you
+ // > are using. You may need to explicitly add it to your header search.
+ // > Usually clang finds this directory relative to the executable with
+ // > CompilerInvocation::GetResourcesPath(Argv0, MainAddr), but using just
+ // > the libraries, it can't automatically find it.
+ argv.push_back("-resource-dir");
+ argv.push_back(CLANG_RESOURCE_DIR);
+ for (auto &flag : flags) {
+ argv.push_back(flag.c_str());
+ }
+ tu = clang_parseTranslationUnit(
+ index_,
+ filename.c_str(),
+ static_cast<int>(argv.size()),
+ const_cast<CXUnsavedFile *>(,
+ unsavedFiles.size(),
+ parseTUOptions_);
+ }
+ if (tu == nullptr) {
+ std::clog << "error: libclang couldn't parse '" << filename << "'\n";
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // Reparsing is necessary to enable optimizations.
+ //
+ // From the clang mailing list (cfe-dev):
+ // From: Douglas Gregor
+ // Subject: Re: Clang indexing library performance
+ // ...
+ // You want to use the "default editing options" when parsing the translation
+ // unit
+ // clang_defaultEditingTranslationUnitOptions()
+ // and then reparse at least once. That will enable the various
+ // code-completion optimizations that should bring this time down
+ // significantly.
+ if (clang_reparseTranslationUnit(
+ tu,
+ unsavedFiles.size(),
+ const_cast<CXUnsavedFile *>(,
+ clang_defaultReparseOptions(tu))) {
+ // a 'fatal' error occured (even a diagnostic is impossible)
+ clang_disposeTranslationUnit(tu);
+ std::clog << "error: libclang couldn't reparse '" << filename << "'\n";
+ tu = 0;
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return tu;
+TUManager::getOrCreateTU(const std::string &filename,
+ const std::vector<std::string> &flags,
+ const std::vector<CXUnsavedFile> &unsavedFiles) {
+ if (auto tu = tuRef(filename, flags))
+ return tu;
+ return parse(filename, flags, unsavedFiles);
+void TUManager::invalidateCachedTU(const std::string &filename) {
+ TranslationUnitsMap::iterator it = translationUnits_.find(filename);
+ if (it != translationUnits_.end()) {
+ if (CXTranslationUnit &tu = it->second)
+ clang_disposeTranslationUnit(tu);
+ translationUnits_.erase(it);
+ }
+void TUManager::invalidateAllCachedTUs() {
+ TranslationUnitsMap::iterator it = translationUnits_.begin();
+ while (it != translationUnits_.end()) {
+ if (CXTranslationUnit &tu = it->second) {
+ clang_disposeTranslationUnit(tu);
+ translationUnits_.erase(it++); // post-increment keeps the iterator valid
+ } else {
+ ++it;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/TUManager.h b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/TUManager.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd7730d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/TUManager.h
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+ * \file
+ * \author Guillaume Papin <>
+ *
+ * \brief Translation Unit manager.
+ *
+ * Keeps a cache of translation units, reparsing or recreating them as
+ * necessary.
+ *
+ * This file is distributed under the GNU General Public License. See
+ * COPYING for details.
+ */
+#include "support/CIndex.h"
+#include "support/NonCopyable.h"
+#include <map>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+class TUManager : public util::NonCopyable {
+ TUManager();
+ ~TUManager();
+ /**
+ * \brief Parse \p filename with flag \p flags.
+ *
+ * The first time call \c clang_parseTranslationUnit() and save the TU in the
+ * member \c translationUnits_, The next call with the same \p filename will
+ * call \c clang_reparseTranslationUnit().
+ *
+ * usage:
+ * \code
+ * std::vector<std::string> flags;
+ * flags.push_back("-I../utils");
+ * CXTranslationUnit tu = tuManager.parse("file.cpp", flags);
+ *
+ * if (! tu)
+ * std::cerr << "parsing translation unit failed\n";
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * \return The translation unit, if the parsing failed the translation unit
+ * will be \c NULL.
+ */
+ CXTranslationUnit parse(const std::string &filename,
+ const std::vector<std::string> &flags,
+ const std::vector<CXUnsavedFile> &unsavedFiles);
+ /**
+ * \brief Retrieve, creating it if necessary the TU associated to filename.
+ *
+ * \return The translation unit. Will be NULL if the translation unit couldn't
+ * be created.
+ */
+ CXTranslationUnit getOrCreateTU(const std::string &filename,
+ const std::vector<std::string> &flags,
+ const std::vector<CXUnsavedFile> &unsavedFiles);
+ /**
+ * \brief Invalidate a given cached TU, the next use of a TU will require
+ * reparsing.
+ *
+ * This can be useful for example: when the flags used to compile a file have
+ * changed.
+ *
+ * \param filename The filename for which the associated
+ * translation unit flags need to be invalidated.
+ *
+ * \sa invalidateAllCachedTUs()
+ */
+ void invalidateCachedTU(const std::string &filename);
+ /**
+ * \brief Invalidate all cached TU, the next use of a TU will require
+ * reparsing.
+ *
+ * \sa invalidateCachedTU()
+ */
+ void invalidateAllCachedTUs();
+ /**
+ * \brief Get a reference to the translation unit that matches \p filename
+ * with the given set of flags.
+ *
+ * The TU will be null if it has never been parsed or if the flags have
+ * changed.
+ *
+ * \todo Find a proper name.
+ */
+ CXTranslationUnit &tuRef(const std::string &filename,
+ const std::vector<std::string> &flags);
+ typedef std::map<const std::string, CXTranslationUnit> TranslationUnitsMap;
+ typedef std::map<const std::string, std::vector<std::string>> FilenameFlagsMap;
+ CXIndex index_;
+ TranslationUnitsMap translationUnits_; // cache variable
+ FilenameFlagsMap flagsPerFileCache_;
+ unsigned parseTUOptions_;
diff --git a/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/main.cpp b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7797528
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+ * \file
+ * \author Guillaume Papin <>
+ *
+ * This file is distributed under the GNU General Public License. See
+ * COPYING for details.
+ */
+#include "Irony.h"
+#include "Command.h"
+#include "support/CIndex.h"
+#include "support/CommandLineParser.h"
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <memory>
+#include <vector>
+static void printHelp() {
+ std::cout << "usage: irony-server [OPTIONS...] [COMMAND] [ARGS...]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Options:\n"
+ " -v, --version\n"
+ " -h, --help\n"
+ " -i, --interactive\n"
+ " -d, --debug\n"
+ " --log-file PATH\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Commands:\n";
+#define X(sym, str, desc) \
+ if (Command::sym != Command::Unknown) \
+ std::cout << std::left << std::setw(25) << " " str << desc << "\n";
+#include "Commands.def"
+static void printVersion() {
+ // do not change the format for the first line, external programs should be
+ // able to rely on it
+ std::cout << "irony-server version " IRONY_PACKAGE_VERSION "\n";
+ CXString cxVersionString = clang_getClangVersion();
+ std::cout << clang_getCString(cxVersionString) << "\n";
+ clang_disposeString(cxVersionString);
+struct CommandProviderInterface {
+ virtual ~CommandProviderInterface() { }
+ virtual std::vector<std::string> nextCommand() = 0;
+struct CommandLineCommandProvider : CommandProviderInterface {
+ CommandLineCommandProvider(const std::vector<std::string> &argv)
+ : argv_(argv), firstCall_(true) {
+ }
+ std::vector<std::string> nextCommand() {
+ if (firstCall_) {
+ firstCall_ = false;
+ return argv_;
+ }
+ return std::vector<std::string>(1, "exit");
+ }
+ std::vector<std::string> argv_;
+ bool firstCall_;
+struct InteractiveCommandProvider : CommandProviderInterface {
+ std::vector<std::string> nextCommand() {
+ std::string line;
+ if (std::getline(std::cin, line)) {
+ return unescapeCommandLine(line);
+ }
+ return std::vector<std::string>(1, "exit");
+ }
+struct RestoreClogOnExit {
+ RestoreClogOnExit() : rdbuf_(std::clog.rdbuf()) {
+ }
+ ~RestoreClogOnExit() {
+ std::clog.rdbuf(rdbuf_);
+ }
+ RestoreClogOnExit(const RestoreClogOnExit &);
+ RestoreClogOnExit &operator=(const RestoreClogOnExit &);
+ std::streambuf *rdbuf_;
+int main(int ac, const char *av[]) {
+ std::vector<std::string> argv(&av[1], &av[ac]);
+ // stick to STL streams, no mix of C and C++ for IO operations
+ std::ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false);
+ bool interactiveMode = false;
+ Irony irony;
+ if (ac == 1) {
+ printHelp();
+ return 1;
+ }
+ std::ofstream logFile;
+ // When logging to a specific file, std::clog.rdbuf() is replaced by the log
+ // file's one. When we return from the main, this buffer is deleted (at the
+ // same time as logFile) but std::clog is still active, and will try to
+ // release the rdbuf() which has already been released in logFile's
+ // destructor. To avoid this we restore std::clog()'s original rdbuf on exit.
+ RestoreClogOnExit clogBufferRestorer;
+ unsigned optCount = 0;
+ while (optCount < argv.size()) {
+ const std::string &opt = argv[optCount];
+ if (opt.c_str()[0] != '-')
+ break;
+ if (opt == "--help" || opt == "-h") {
+ printHelp();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (opt == "--version" || opt == "-v") {
+ printVersion();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (opt == "--interactive" || opt == "-i") {
+ interactiveMode = true;
+ } else if (opt == "--debug" || opt == "-d") {
+ irony.setDebug(true);
+ } else if (opt == "--log-file" && (optCount + 1) < argv.size()) {
+ ++optCount;
+ std::clog.rdbuf(logFile.rdbuf());
+ } else {
+ std::cerr << "error: invalid option '" << opt << "'\n";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ ++optCount;
+ }
+ argv.erase(argv.begin(), argv.begin() + optCount);
+ CommandParser commandParser;
+ std::unique_ptr<CommandProviderInterface> commandProvider;
+ if (interactiveMode) {
+ commandProvider.reset(new InteractiveCommandProvider());
+ } else {
+ commandProvider.reset(new CommandLineCommandProvider(argv));
+ }
+ while (Command *c = commandParser.parse(commandProvider->nextCommand())) {
+ if (c->action != Command::Exit) {
+ std::clog << "execute: " << *c << std::endl;
+ }
+ switch (c->action) {
+ case Command::Help:
+ printHelp();
+ break;
+ case Command::Candidates:
+ irony.candidates(c->prefix, c->style);
+ break;
+ case Command::CompletionDiagnostics:
+ irony.completionDiagnostics();
+ break;
+ case Command::Complete:
+ irony.complete(c->file, c->line, c->column, c->flags);
+ break;
+ case Command::Diagnostics:
+ irony.diagnostics();
+ break;
+ case Command::Exit:
+ return 0;
+ case Command::GetCompileOptions:
+ irony.getCompileOptions(c->dir, c->file);
+ break;
+ case Command::GetType:
+ irony.getType(c->line, c->column);
+ break;
+ case Command::Parse:
+ irony.parse(c->file, c->flags);
+ break;
+ case Command::SetDebug:
+ irony.setDebug(c->opt);
+ break;
+ case Command::SetUnsaved:
+ irony.setUnsaved(c->file, c->unsavedFile);
+ break;
+ case Command::ResetUnsaved:
+ irony.resetUnsaved(c->file);
+ break;
+ case Command::Unknown:
+ assert(0 && "unreacheable code...reached!");
+ break;
+ }
+ std::cout << "\n;;EOT\n" << std::flush;
+ }
+ return 1;
diff --git a/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/support/CIndex.h b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/support/CIndex.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89d3f62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/support/CIndex.h
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ * \file
+ * \brief Wrapper around Clang Indexing Public C Interface header.
+ *
+ * This file is distributed under the GNU General Public License. See
+ * COPYING for details.
+ */
+#include <clang-c/Index.h>
+/// Use <tt>\#if CINDEX_VERSION_VERSION > 10047</tt> to test for
+#define CINDEX_VERSION 0 // pre-clang 3.2 support
+#include <clang-c/CXCompilationDatabase.h>
diff --git a/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/support/CommandLineParser.cpp b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/support/CommandLineParser.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a838092
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/support/CommandLineParser.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+ * \file
+ * \author Guillaume Papin <>
+ *
+ * This file is distributed under the GNU General Public License. See
+ * COPYING for details.
+ */
+#include "CommandLineParser.h"
+namespace {
+/// \brief A parser for escaped strings of command line arguments.
+/// Assumes \-escaping for quoted arguments (see the documentation of
+/// unescapeCommandLine(...)).
+class CommandLineArgumentParser {
+ CommandLineArgumentParser(const std::string &commandLine)
+ : input_(commandLine), position_(input_.begin() - 1) {
+ }
+ std::vector<std::string> parse() {
+ bool hasMoreInput = true;
+ while (hasMoreInput && nextNonWhitespace()) {
+ std::string argument;
+ hasMoreInput = parseStringInto(argument);
+ commandLine_.push_back(argument);
+ }
+ return commandLine_;
+ }
+ // All private methods return true if there is more input available.
+ bool parseStringInto(std::string &string) {
+ do {
+ if (*position_ == '"') {
+ if (!parseDoubleQuotedStringInto(string))
+ return false;
+ } else if (*position_ == '\'') {
+ if (!parseSingleQuotedStringInto(string))
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ if (!parseFreeStringInto(string))
+ return false;
+ }
+ } while (*position_ != ' ');
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool parseDoubleQuotedStringInto(std::string &string) {
+ if (!next())
+ return false;
+ while (*position_ != '"') {
+ if (!skipEscapeCharacter())
+ return false;
+ string.push_back(*position_);
+ if (!next())
+ return false;
+ }
+ return next();
+ }
+ bool parseSingleQuotedStringInto(std::string &string) {
+ if (!next())
+ return false;
+ while (*position_ != '\'') {
+ string.push_back(*position_);
+ if (!next())
+ return false;
+ }
+ return next();
+ }
+ bool parseFreeStringInto(std::string &string) {
+ do {
+ if (!skipEscapeCharacter())
+ return false;
+ string.push_back(*position_);
+ if (!next())
+ return false;
+ } while (*position_ != ' ' && *position_ != '"' && *position_ != '\'');
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool skipEscapeCharacter() {
+ if (*position_ == '\\') {
+ return next();
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool nextNonWhitespace() {
+ do {
+ if (!next())
+ return false;
+ } while (*position_ == ' ');
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool next() {
+ ++position_;
+ return position_ != input_.end();
+ }
+ const std::string input_;
+ std::string::const_iterator position_;
+ std::vector<std::string> commandLine_;
+} // unnamed namespace
+unescapeCommandLine(const std::string &escapedCommandLine) {
+ CommandLineArgumentParser parser(escapedCommandLine);
+ return parser.parse();
diff --git a/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/support/CommandLineParser.h b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/support/CommandLineParser.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b764797
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/support/CommandLineParser.h
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ * \file
+ * \brief Facility to parse a command line into a string array.
+ *
+ * \note Please note that the code borrowed from the Clang,
+ * lib/Tooling/JSONCompilationDatabase.cpp.
+ *
+ * This file is distributed under the GNU General Public License. See
+ * COPYING for details.
+ */
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+unescapeCommandLine(const std::string &escapedCommandLine);
diff --git a/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/support/NonCopyable.h b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/support/NonCopyable.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d30a5b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/support/NonCopyable.h
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ * \file
+ * \author Guillaume Papin <>
+ *
+ * \brief NonCopyable class like in Boost.
+ *
+ * \see
+ *
+ * This file is distributed under the GNU General Public License. See
+ * COPYING for details.
+ */
+namespace util {
+class NonCopyable {
+ NonCopyable() {
+ }
+ // Protected non-virtual destructor
+ ~NonCopyable() {
+ }
+ NonCopyable(const NonCopyable &);
+ NonCopyable &operator=(const NonCopyable &);
+} // ! namespace util
diff --git a/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/support/TemporaryFile.cpp b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/support/TemporaryFile.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7393e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/support/TemporaryFile.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ * \file
+ * \author Guillaume Papin <>
+ *
+ * This file is distributed under the GNU General Public License. See
+ * COPYING for details.
+ */
+#include "TemporaryFile.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <random>
+static std::string getTemporaryFileDirectory() {
+ const char *temporaryDirEnvVars[] = {"TMPDIR", "TMP", "TEMP", "TEMPDIR"};
+ for (const char *envVar : temporaryDirEnvVars) {
+ if (const char *dir = std::getenv(envVar))
+ return dir;
+ }
+ return "/tmp";
+TemporaryFile::TemporaryFile(const std::string &prefix,
+ const std::string &suffix)
+ : pathOrPattern_(prefix + "-%%%%%%" + suffix) {
+TemporaryFile::~TemporaryFile() {
+ if (openedFile_) {
+ openedFile_.reset();
+ std::remove(pathOrPattern_.c_str());
+ }
+const std::string &TemporaryFile::getPath() {
+ if (!openedFile_) {
+ openedFile_.reset(new std::fstream);
+ std::random_device rd;
+ std::default_random_engine e(rd());
+ std::uniform_int_distribution<int> dist(0, 15);
+ std::string pattern = pathOrPattern_;
+ std::string tmpDir = getTemporaryFileDirectory() + "/";
+ int i = 0;
+ do {
+ // exiting is better than infinite loop
+ if (++i > TemporaryFile::MAX_ATTEMPS) {
+ std::cerr << "error: couldn't create temporary file, please check your "
+ "temporary file directory (" << tmpDir << ")\n";
+ }
+ // make the filename based on the pattern
+ std::transform(pattern.begin(),
+ pattern.end(),
+ pathOrPattern_.begin(),
+ [&e, &dist](char ch) {
+ return ch == '%' ? "0123456789abcdef"[dist(e)] : ch;
+ });
+ // create the file
+ openedFile_->open(tmpDir + pathOrPattern_, std::ios_base::out);
+ } while (!openedFile_->is_open());
+ pathOrPattern_ = tmpDir + pathOrPattern_;
+ }
+ return pathOrPattern_;
diff --git a/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/support/TemporaryFile.h b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/support/TemporaryFile.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bf77f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/support/TemporaryFile.h
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ * \file
+ * \author Guillaume Papin <>
+ *
+ * \brief Not the best piece of code out there.
+ *
+ * This file is distributed under the GNU General Public License. See
+ * COPYING for details.
+ */
+#include <iosfwd>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+class TemporaryFile {
+ enum {
+ // if we can't create the temp file, exits.
+ };
+ TemporaryFile(const std::string &prefix, const std::string &suffix = "");
+ ~TemporaryFile();
+ /// Returns the path of this temporary filename
+ const std::string &getPath();
+ std::string pathOrPattern_;
+ std::unique_ptr<std::fstream> openedFile_;
diff --git a/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/support/iomanip_quoted.h b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/support/iomanip_quoted.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8ca38b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/src/support/iomanip_quoted.h
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ * \file
+ * \brief Dumb implementation of something that might look like C++14
+ * std::quoted.
+ *
+ * This file is distributed under the GNU General Public License. See
+ * COPYING for details.
+ */
+#include <ostream>
+#include <string>
+namespace support {
+namespace detail {
+struct QuotedStringProxy {
+ QuotedStringProxy(const std::string &s) : s(s) {
+ }
+ std::string s;
+std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const QuotedStringProxy &q) {
+ const std::string &s = q.s;
+ os << '"';
+ if (s.find_first_of("\"\\") == std::string::npos) {
+ os << s;
+ } else {
+ for (auto ch : s) {
+ if (ch == '\\' || ch == '"')
+ os << '\\';
+ os << ch;
+ }
+ }
+ os << '"';
+ return os;
+} // namespace detail
+detail::QuotedStringProxy quoted(const std::string &s) {
+ return detail::QuotedStringProxy(s);
+} // namespace support
diff --git a/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/test/CMakeLists.txt b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/test/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..078b69a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/test/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+add_custom_target(check COMMAND ${CMAKE_CTEST_COMMAND} --output-on-failure)
+add_subdirectory (elisp)
diff --git a/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/test/elisp/CMakeLists.txt b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/test/elisp/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8877a89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/test/elisp/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# On MS-Windows, emacs_dir is a special environment variable, which
+# indicates the full path of the directory in which Emacs is
+# installed.
+# There is no standard location that I know of for Emacs on Windows so
+# using this special environment variable will at least help people
+# who build the server from inside Emacs.
+if(DEFINED ENV{emacs_dir})
+find_program(EMACS_EXECUTABLE emacs
+ message(STATUS "Found emacs: ${EMACS_EXECUTABLE}")
+ message(WARNING "emacs not found: elisp tests will be skipped!")
+ return()
+# add_ert_test(<FileName>)
+# Create a test which run the given Elisp script using the Emacs ERT testing
+# framework.
+# The target is deduced from the ``FileName`` argument, e.g: the file foo.el
+# will be the target 'check-foo-el'.
+# FIXME: assumes MELPA is configured...
+function(add_ert_test test_file)
+ get_filename_component(name ${test_file} NAME_WE)
+ add_test(check-${name}-el
+ ${EMACS_EXECUTABLE} -Q --batch
+ -l package
+ --eval "(package-initialize)"
+ --eval "(unless (require 'cl-lib nil t) (package-refresh-contents) (package-install 'cl-lib))"
+ -l ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${test_file}
+ -f ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit)
+ set_tests_properties(check-${name}-el PROPERTIES TIMEOUT 15)
diff --git a/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/test/elisp/irony-cdb-json.el b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/test/elisp/irony-cdb-json.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a810dae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/test/elisp/irony-cdb-json.el
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+;; -*-no-byte-compile: t; -*-
+ (concat (file-name-directory (or load-file-name buffer-file-name))
+ "test-config"))
+(require 'irony-cdb-json)
+(require 'cl-lib)
+(defconst irony-cdb/compile-command
+ '((file . "../src/")
+ (directory . "/home/user/project/build")
+ (command . "/usr/bin/clang++ -DSOMEDEF=1 -c -o file.o /home/user/project/src/")))
+(ert-deftest cdb/parse/simple/path-is-absolute ()
+ (should
+ (equal "/home/user/project/src/"
+ (nth 0 (irony-cdb-json--transform-compile-command
+ irony-cdb/compile-command)))))
+(ert-deftest cdb/parse/simple/compile-options ()
+ (should
+ (equal '("-DSOMEDEF=1")
+ (nth 1 (irony-cdb-json--transform-compile-command
+ irony-cdb/compile-command)))))
+(ert-deftest cdb/parse/simple/invocation-directory ()
+ (should
+ (equal "/home/user/project/build"
+ (nth 2 (irony-cdb-json--transform-compile-command
+ irony-cdb/compile-command)))))
+(ert-deftest cdb/choose-closest-path/chooses-closest ()
+ (should
+ (equal "/tmp/a/cdb"
+ (irony-cdb--choose-closest-path "/tmp/a/1"
+ '("/tmp/a/cdb" "/tmp/cdb")))))
+(ert-deftest cdb/choose-closest-path/chooses-closest2 ()
+ (should
+ (equal "/tmp/a/cdb"
+ (irony-cdb--choose-closest-path "/tmp/a/1"
+ '("/tmp/cdb" "/tmp/a/cdb")))))
+(ert-deftest cdb/choose-closest-path/prefers-deeper ()
+ (should
+ (equal "/tmp/a/build/cdb"
+ (irony-cdb--choose-closest-path "/tmp/a/1"
+ '("/tmp/a/build/cdb" "/tmp/cdb")))))
+(ert-deftest cdb/choose-closest-path/prefers-deeper2 ()
+ (should
+ (equal "/tmp/a/build/cdb"
+ (irony-cdb--choose-closest-path "/tmp/a/1"
+ '("/tmp/cdb" "/tmp/a/build/cdb")))))
+(ert-deftest cdb/choose-closest-path/will-survive-garbage ()
+ (should
+ (equal nil
+ (irony-cdb--choose-closest-path "/tmp/a/1"
+ 'ordures))))
+(ert-deftest cdb/locate-db/choose-among-candidates ()
+ (should
+ (equal "/foo/build/cdb"
+ (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'locate-dominating-file)
+ (lambda (file name)
+ (cond
+ ((string= name "./cdb") "/") ; found /cdb
+ ((string= name "build/cdb") "/foo/") ; found /foo/build/cdb
+ ))))
+ (irony-cdb--locate-dominating-file-with-dirs "/foo/bar/qux.cpp"
+ "cdb"
+ '("." "build" "out/x86_64"))))))
+(ert-deftest cdb/locate-dominating-file-with-dirs/children-first ()
+ (should
+ (equal "/tmp/foo/bar/out/x86_64/cdb"
+ (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'locate-dominating-file)
+ (lambda (file name)
+ (cond
+ ((string= name "./cdb") "/tmp/foo/") ; found /tmp/foo/cdb
+ ((string= name "out/x86_64/cdb") "/tmp/foo/bar/") ;found /tmp/foo/bar/out/x86_64/cdb
+ ))))
+ (irony-cdb--locate-dominating-file-with-dirs "/tmp/foo/bar/qux.cpp"
+ "cdb"
+ '("." "out/x86_64" ))))))
diff --git a/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/test/elisp/irony-iotask.el b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/test/elisp/irony-iotask.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ef213b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/test/elisp/irony-iotask.el
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+;; -*-no-byte-compile: t; -*-
+(load (concat (file-name-directory (or load-file-name
+ buffer-file-name))
+ "test-config"))
+;; load irony-iotask
+;; XXX: No idea why this is necessary, test-config already adds the directory to
+;; the load-path so irony is found...
+(unless (require 'irony-iotask nil t)
+ (let ((irony-iotask-dir (expand-file-name "../../.." test-dir)))
+ (add-to-list 'load-path irony-iotask-dir)
+ (require 'irony-iotask)))
+(defun irony-iotask-echo-process-exit-filter (process output)
+ (when (buffer-live-p (process-buffer process))
+ (with-current-buffer (process-buffer process)
+ (goto-char (process-mark process))
+ (insert output)
+ (set-marker (process-mark process) (point))
+ (when (>= (buffer-size) (length "exit\n"))
+ (should (string= (buffer-string) "exit\n"))
+ (erase-buffer)))))
+;; Note: these tests use process communication with the standard I/O streams.
+;; The subprocess used for this communication is Emacs.
+;; The following article provides useful information for using Elisp as a
+;; scripting language, Emacs as an interpreter, it details how the standard I/O
+;; streams works in Elisp scripts:
+;; -
+(defmacro irony-iotask/with-echo-process (&rest body)
+ "Start an Emacs process that runs the given PROCESS-SCRIPT.
+The process is setup with `irony-iotask-setup-process'.
+It's possible to schedule some iotasks in the BODY for testing.
+There is an exposed variable named `process' available for use in
+Elisp is used as a scripting language because it should be
+available on all OSes irony-iotask support."
+ (declare (indent 1))
+ `(let ((process-connection-type nil)
+ (process-adaptive-read-buffering nil)
+ process)
+ (setq process
+ (start-process "emacs-irony-test"
+ "*emacs-irony-test*"
+ (expand-file-name invocation-name
+ invocation-directory)
+ "-Q"
+ "--batch"
+ "--eval"
+ (prin1-to-string
+ '(let ((msg))
+ (while (not (equal msg "exit"))
+ (setq msg (read-from-minibuffer ""))
+ (message msg))))))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn
+ (irony-iotask-setup-process process)
+ ,@body)
+ ;; the iotask process filter does not clean the process buffer
+ ;; at the end of a request, but at the begining of a new one
+ (with-current-buffer (process-buffer process)
+ (erase-buffer))
+ (set-process-filter process #'irony-iotask-echo-process-exit-filter)
+ (process-send-string process "exit\n")
+ ;; wait for the process to finish normally, or kill it if it doesn't
+ (with-timeout (1 (kill-process process))
+ (while (process-live-p process)
+ (sit-for 0.05)))
+ ;; start with a clean buffer,
+ ;; Emacs 24.3 seems to keep some
+ (kill-buffer (process-buffer process))
+ (delete-process process))))
+;; irony-iotask-result
+(ert-deftest irony-iotask-result/ready-p-value ()
+ (let ((result (irony-iotask-result-create)))
+ (should-not (irony-iotask-result-valid-p result))
+ (irony-iotask-result-set-value result 1)
+ (should (irony-iotask-result-valid-p result))))
+(ert-deftest irony-iotask-result/ready-p-error ()
+ (let ((result (irony-iotask-result-create)))
+ (should-not (irony-iotask-result-valid-p result))
+ (irony-iotask-result-set-error result 'irony-iotask-error (list "blah"))
+ (should (irony-iotask-result-valid-p result))))
+(ert-deftest irony-iotask-result/set-value ()
+ (let ((result (irony-iotask-result-create)))
+ (irony-iotask-result-set-value result 'blah)
+ (should (eq (irony-iotask-result-get result) 'blah))))
+(irony--define-error 'irony-iotask-result/test-error
+ "Irony I/O task sample error")
+(ert-deftest irony-iotask-result/set-error ()
+ (let ((result (irony-iotask-result-create)))
+ (irony-iotask-result-set-error result 'irony-iotask-result/test-error)
+ (should-error (irony-iotask-result-get result)
+ :type 'irony-iotask-result/test-error)))
+(ert-deftest irony-iotask-result/set-error-data ()
+ (let ((result (irony-iotask-result-create)))
+ (irony-iotask-result-set-error result
+ 'irony-iotask-result/test-error
+ 'foo 'bar 'baz 'qux)
+ (condition-case err
+ (irony-iotask-result-get result)
+ (irony-iotask-result/test-error
+ (should (equal (cdr err) '(foo bar baz qux)))))))
+(ert-deftest irony-iotask-result/get-empty ()
+ (let ((result (irony-iotask-result-create)))
+ (should-error (irony-iotask-result-get result)
+ :type 'irony-iotask-result-get-error)))
+;; task
+(irony-iotask-define-task irony-iotask/task-start-t
+ "doc"
+ :start (lambda (&optional value)
+ (irony-iotask-set-result (or value 42))))
+(ert-deftest irony-iotask/task-start/simple ()
+ (let ((task (irony-iotask-package-task irony-iotask/task-start-t)))
+ (irony-iotask/with-echo-process
+ (should (equal 42 (irony-iotask-run process task))))))
+(ert-deftest irony-iotask/task-start/with-arguments ()
+ (let ((task (irony-iotask-package-task irony-iotask/task-start-t 43)))
+ (irony-iotask/with-echo-process
+ (should (equal 43 (irony-iotask-run process task))))))
+(irony-iotask-define-task irony-iotask/task-update-t
+ "doc"
+ :start (lambda (&optional hello)
+ (irony-iotask-send-string (format "%s\n" (or hello "hello"))))
+ :update (lambda (&optional hello)
+ (setq hello (or hello "hello"))
+ (when (string= (buffer-string) (format "%s\n" hello))
+ (irony-iotask-set-result (format "%s ok" hello)))))
+(ert-deftest irony-iotask-schedule/task-update/simple ()
+ (let ((task (irony-iotask-package-task irony-iotask/task-update-t)))
+ (irony-iotask/with-echo-process
+ (should (string= "hello ok" (irony-iotask-run process task))))))
+(ert-deftest irony-iotask-schedule/task-update/with-arguments ()
+ (let ((task (irony-iotask-package-task irony-iotask/task-update-t "bonjour")))
+ (irony-iotask/with-echo-process
+ (should (string= "bonjour ok" (irony-iotask-run process task))))))
+(irony-iotask-define-task irony-iotask/task-invalid-msg-t
+ "doc"
+ :start (lambda ()
+ (irony-iotask-send-string "ping\n"))
+ :update (lambda ()
+ (when (string= (buffer-string) "ping\n")
+ (throw 'invalid-msg t))))
+(ert-deftest irony-iotask-schedule/task-update/invalid-msg ()
+ (let ((task (irony-iotask-package-task irony-iotask/task-invalid-msg-t)))
+ (irony-iotask/with-echo-process
+ (should-error (irony-iotask-run process task)
+ :type 'irony-iotask-bad-data))))
+(ert-deftest irony-iotask-chain/simple ()
+ (let ((task (irony-iotask-chain
+ (irony-iotask-package-task irony-iotask/task-update-t "hi")
+ (irony-iotask-package-task irony-iotask/task-update-t "hej"))))
+ (irony-iotask/with-echo-process
+ (should (equal "hej ok" (irony-iotask-run process task))))))
+(defvar irony-iotask/task-finish-var nil)
+(defvar irony-iotask/task-on-var nil)
+(irony-iotask-define-task irony-iotask/task-finish-t
+ "doc"
+ :start (lambda ()
+ (irony-iotask-put :text "how")
+ (irony-iotask-send-string "hello\n"))
+ :update (lambda ()
+ (cond
+ ((string= (buffer-string) "hello\n")
+ (irony-iotask-put :text (concat (irony-iotask-get :text) " are"))
+ (irony-iotask-set-result t))
+ ((>= (buffer-size) (1+ (length "hello\n")))
+ (throw 'invalid-msg t))))
+ :on-success (lambda ()
+ (setq irony-iotask/task-on-var "success"))
+ :finish (lambda ()
+ (setq irony-iotask/task-finish-var (concat (irony-iotask-get :text)
+ " you?"))))
+(ert-deftest irony-iotask-schedule/task-finish/simple ()
+ (let ((task (irony-iotask-package-task irony-iotask/task-finish-t)))
+ (irony-iotask/with-echo-process
+ (setq irony-iotask/task-finish-var nil)
+ (irony-iotask-run process task)
+ (should (equal "how are you?" irony-iotask/task-finish-var)))))
+(ert-deftest irony-iotask-schedule/task-on-success/simple ()
+ (let ((task (irony-iotask-package-task irony-iotask/task-finish-t)))
+ (irony-iotask/with-echo-process
+ (setq irony-iotask/task-on-var nil)
+ (irony-iotask-run process task)
+ (should (equal "success" irony-iotask/task-on-var)))))
+(irony-iotask-define-task irony-iotask/task-on-error-t
+ "doc"
+ :start (lambda ()
+ (irony-iotask-set-error 'irony-iotask-error))
+ :on-error (lambda ()
+ (setq irony-iotask/task-on-var "error")))
+(ert-deftest irony-iotask-schedule/task-on-error/simple ()
+ (let ((task (irony-iotask-package-task irony-iotask/task-on-error-t)))
+ (irony-iotask/with-echo-process
+ (setq irony-iotask/task-on-var nil)
+ (ignore-errors
+ (irony-iotask-run process task))
+ (should (equal "error" irony-iotask/task-on-var)))))
+(ert-deftest irony-iotask-schedule/callback/recalls-schedule ()
+ (let ((task (irony-iotask-package-task irony-iotask/task-update-t "a")))
+ (irony-iotask/with-echo-process
+ (lexical-let ((run-process process)
+ results)
+ (irony-iotask-schedule process task
+ (lambda (result)
+ (setq results (list result))
+ (irony-iotask-schedule
+ run-process
+ (irony-iotask-package-task
+ irony-iotask/task-update-t "b")
+ (lambda (result)
+ (setq results (append results (list result)))))))
+ (should (with-local-quit
+ (while (< (length results) 2)
+ (accept-process-output process 0.05))
+ t))
+ (should (string= "a ok" (irony-iotask-result-get (nth 0 results))))
+ (should (string= "b ok" (irony-iotask-result-get (nth 1 results))))))))
diff --git a/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/test/elisp/irony.el b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/test/elisp/irony.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe2378b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/test/elisp/irony.el
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+;; -*-no-byte-compile: t; -*-
+(load (concat (file-name-directory (or load-file-name
+ buffer-file-name))
+ "test-config"))
+(ert-deftest irony/buffer-size-in-bytes ()
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ ;; this smiley takes 3 bytes apparently
+ (insert "☺")
+ (should (equal 3 (irony--buffer-size-in-bytes)))
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (insert "☺\n")
+ (should (equal 4 (irony--buffer-size-in-bytes)))
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (insert "\t")
+ (should (equal 1 (irony--buffer-size-in-bytes)))))
+(ert-deftest irony/find-server-executable/does-not-exists ()
+ (let ((irony-server-install-prefix "/does/not/exists")
+ (exec-path nil))
+ (should-error (irony--find-server-executable)
+ :type 'irony-server-error)))
+(ert-deftest irony/split-command-line/just-spaces ()
+ (let ((cmd-line "clang -Wall -Wextra"))
+ (should (equal
+ '("clang" "-Wall" "-Wextra")
+ (irony--split-command-line cmd-line)))))
+(ert-deftest irony/split-command-line/start-with-space ()
+ (let ((cmd-line " clang -Wall -Wextra"))
+ (should (equal
+ '("clang" "-Wall" "-Wextra")
+ (irony--split-command-line cmd-line)))))
+(ert-deftest irony/split-command-line/end-with-space ()
+ (let ((cmd-line "clang -Wall -Wextra "))
+ (should (equal
+ '("clang" "-Wall" "-Wextra")
+ (irony--split-command-line cmd-line)))))
+(ert-deftest irony/split-command-line/space-everywhere ()
+ (let ((cmd-line " \t clang \t -Wall \t -Wextra\t"))
+ (should (equal
+ '("clang" "-Wall" "-Wextra")
+ (irony--split-command-line cmd-line)))))
+(ert-deftest irony/split-command-line/with-quotes ()
+ (let ((cmd-line "clang -Wall -Wextra \"-I/tmp/dir with spaces\""))
+ (should (equal
+ '("clang" "-Wall" "-Wextra" "-I/tmp/dir with spaces")
+ (irony--split-command-line cmd-line)))))
+(ert-deftest irony/split-command-line/with-quotes ()
+ "Test if files are removed from the arguments list.
+ (let ((cmd-line "g++ -DFOO=\\\"\\\""))
+ (should (equal
+ '("g++" "-DFOO=\"\"")
+ (irony--split-command-line cmd-line)))))
+(ert-deftest irony/split-command-line/start-with-quotes ()
+ (let ((cmd-line "\"cl ang\" -Wall -Wextra \"-I/tmp/dir with spaces\""))
+ (should (equal
+ '("cl ang" "-Wall" "-Wextra" "-I/tmp/dir with spaces")
+ (irony--split-command-line cmd-line)))))
+(ert-deftest irony/split-command-line/quotes-in-word ()
+ (let ((cmd-line "clang -Wall -Wextra -I\"/tmp/dir with spaces\""))
+ (should (equal
+ '("clang" "-Wall" "-Wextra" "-I/tmp/dir with spaces")
+ (irony--split-command-line cmd-line)))))
+(ert-deftest irony/split-command-line/ill-end-quote ()
+ (let ((cmd-line "clang -Wall -Wextra\""))
+ (should-error (irony--split-command-line cmd-line)
+ :type 'irony-parse-error)))
+(ert-deftest irony/split-command-line/backslash-1 ()
+ (let ((cmd-line "clang\\ -Wall"))
+ (should (equal
+ '("clang -Wall")
+ (irony--split-command-line cmd-line)))))
+(ert-deftest irony/split-command-line/backslash-2 ()
+ (let ((cmd-line "\\\\\\ clang\\ -Wall\\"))
+ (should (equal
+ '("\\ clang -Wall\\")
+ (irony--split-command-line cmd-line)))))
+(ert-deftest irony/extract-working-directory-option/not-specified ()
+ (let ((compile-flags '("-Wall")))
+ (should
+ (not (irony--extract-working-directory-option compile-flags)))))
+(ert-deftest irony/extract-working-directory-option/specified-1 ()
+ (let ((compile-flags '("-working-directory" "/tmp/lol")))
+ (should (equal "/tmp/lol"
+ (irony--extract-working-directory-option compile-flags)))))
+(ert-deftest irony/extract-working-directory-option/specified-2 ()
+ (let ((compile-flags '("-Wall" "-working-directory=/tmp/lol" "-Wshadow")))
+ (should (equal "/tmp/lol"
+ (irony--extract-working-directory-option compile-flags)))))
+;; TODO: restore functionality
+;; (ert-deftest irony/include-directories-1 ()
+;; (let ((irony-compile-flags '("-Iinclude" "-I/tmp/foo"))
+;; (irony-compile-flags-work-dir "/tmp/blah/"))
+;; (should (equal
+;; '("/tmp/blah/include" "/tmp/foo")
+;; (irony-user-search-paths)))))
+;; (ert-deftest irony/include-directories-2 ()
+;; (let ((irony-compile-flags '("-Wextra" "-Iinclude" "-I" "foo" "-Wall"))
+;; (irony-compile-flags-work-dir "/tmp/blah/"))
+;; (should (equal
+;; '("/tmp/blah/include"
+;; "/tmp/blah/foo")
+;; (irony-user-search-paths)))))
diff --git a/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/test/elisp/test-config.el b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/test/elisp/test-config.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..224cdd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/irony-20220110.849/server/test/elisp/test-config.el
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+;; -*-no-byte-compile: t; -*-
+(defvar test-dir (if load-file-name
+ (file-name-as-directory
+ (expand-file-name (concat (file-name-directory
+ load-file-name)))))
+ "Elisp test directory path.")
+;; load irony
+(unless (require 'irony nil t)
+ (let ((irony-dir (expand-file-name "../../.." test-dir)))
+ (add-to-list 'load-path irony-dir)
+ (require 'irony)))
+(require 'ert)