path: root/.gitignore
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
12 daysMinor bugfixes + better highlightingHEADmasterMatthew Kosarek
2024-01-31housekeeping: various fixesMatthew Kosarek
2024-01-01oodles of improvements, I don't even know anymore!Matthew Kosarek
2023-07-17Even more org improvementsMatthew Kosarek
2023-06-28Updating some keybindings around projectile to be more platform agnosticMatthew Kosarek
2023-06-16Improved the look an feel of org modemattkae
2023-04-01Various improvements for performanceMatthew Kosarek
2023-03-27Fix for mistaken org directory and cpp stylesmattkae
2023-03-11Using use-package everywhere, upgrade to org roammattkae
2023-01-15Using treemacs instead of neotreemattkae
2022-12-23Fix for exceptionsmattkae
2022-12-05Added projects to the dashboardmattkae
2022-10-20Git gutter modeMatthew Kosarek
2022-09-06Better padding and file searchMatthew Kosarek
2022-08-12Projectile updatemattkae
2022-08-12Removing minimap modemattkae
2022-07-28Merge branch 'master' of Kosarek
2022-07-28A handful of useful fixesmattkae
2022-07-28Save mode and cmake-ideMatthew Kosarek
2022-06-21Merge branch 'master' of Kosarek
2022-06-21C++ specific thingsMatthew Kosarek
2022-06-20Remove leftover filemattkae
2022-06-20Ignore tilda filesmattkae
2022-06-20Removing auto-save-listmattkae
2022-06-07Merge conflictmattkae
2022-05-11initial commitmattkae