path: root/lisp
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
14 daysMinor bugfixes + better highlightingMatthew Kosarek
2025-02-19org: include the previous day in the journal:Matthew Kosarek
2025-01-09Adding ultra scroll mode and loving itMatthew Kosarek
2024-11-22Minor updates and making vertico longer by defaultMatthew Kosarek
2024-11-15update: minor updates all around for org mode, dracula theme, and companyMatthew Kosarek
2024-08-06Merge branch 'master' of Kosarek
2024-08-06bugfixes: new theme + fill column for markdownMatthew Kosarek
2024-07-23minor: revert eglot ensure for dart and c + re-adding companyMatthew Kosarek
2024-06-13minor: disable eglot by default + minor C++ improvements + no theme by defaultMatthew Kosarek
2024-05-27bugfix: cpp had incorrect formattingMatthew Kosarek
2024-05-10General updatesMatthew Kosarek
2024-04-04theme update + minor fixesMatthew Kosarek
2024-02-02feature: dart modeMatthew Kosarek
2024-01-31disable: treemacsMatthew Kosarek
2024-01-31housekeeping: various fixesMatthew Kosarek
2024-01-01oodles of improvements, I don't even know anymore!Matthew Kosarek
2023-10-18Functionalitiy for removing unused imports in python and small c++ stylesMatthew Kosarek
2023-09-25Inhibiting Ctrl + Z and adding plantumlMatthew Kosarek
2023-09-25Fix for CPP styling and adding a book note to orgMatthew Kosarek
2023-09-20Toggling region with Ctrl + TabMatthew Kosarek
2023-09-20Making Ctrl + C, Ctrl + C cancel vtermMatthew Kosarek
2023-09-19Merge branch 'master' of Kosarek
2023-09-19Kanagawa theme and putting all custom commands in an mk fileMatthew Kosarek
2023-09-08C/C++ styles, iterating flymake errorsMatthew Kosarek
2023-08-14Moving eglot to one central location and no longer centering windowsMatthew Kosarek
2023-07-19Org roam template for issuesMatthew Kosarek
2023-07-17Shortcut for org roam refileMatthew Kosarek
2023-07-17Even more org improvementsMatthew Kosarek
2023-07-16Updates for org modemattkae
2023-07-11Some minor updates to org modeMatthew Kosarek
2023-07-09Finishing off some silly things that I didmattkae
2023-07-09Perfet margin modemattkae
2023-07-09Ability to paste images into org buffersmattkae
2023-07-09Various teeny tiny improvementsmattkae
2023-07-07Merge branch 'master' of
2023-07-07Using a light theme with some other minor improvements to web specificallymattkae
2023-07-05Properly using Jetbrains MonoMatthew Kosarek
2023-07-04Using a smaller font size for JetBrainsMatthew Kosarek
2023-06-28Updating some keybindings around projectile to be more platform agnosticMatthew Kosarek
2023-06-23Fix for invalid escape character in latest workmattkae
2023-06-22Using vertico isntead of helm now; created a way to archive all tasks in an o...mattkae
2023-06-19Using ripgrep for searchmattkae
2023-06-16Improved the look an feel of org modemattkae
2023-05-28Using mood lie instead of doom mode line because of a bad eglot dependencymattkae
2023-05-24Font upgrades to user jetbrains mono nerdmattkae
2023-05-16Decustomizing orgMatthew Kosarek
2023-05-12Doom modeline, cause its cuteMatthew Kosarek
2023-05-12Projectile greps now ignore git ignored filesMatthew Kosarek
2023-05-12Fix for bad background on company quickhelpMatthew Kosarek
2023-05-11Using material theme, lowering opacity, and fixing how we highlight linesmattkae