path: root/3d/rigidbody
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-10-23(mkosarek) Cube to better understand the boundsMatthew Kosarek
2021-10-19Working sphere sphere intersectionMatthew Kosarek
2021-10-17Rotating spheres in the 3D sceneMatthew Kosarek
2021-07-25(mkosarek) Fix for wrong timestepMatthew Kosarek
2021-07-20(mkosarek) Decent mathlibMatthew Kosarek
2021-07-18(mkosarek) better mathlib now containing quaternionsMatthew Kosarek
2021-06-17Rotating 3d squareMatthew Kosarek
2021-06-17(WIP) Getting started in 3d landMatthew Kosarek